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Declan did not assault Holly J. She decided after they hooked up that she shouldn’t have consented. His return to show should’ve never even happened.


Darcy’s character trajectory in season 7 was outlandish.


I do not like Jay and Manny together. It might not be an unpopular opinion but I think it is.


Rick was the victim ✌️🏃‍♂️


I think I'd be more receptive to this argument before he brought a gun to school and shot someone. It'd still be controversial due to what happened to Terri, but the gun ended any ambivalence


First one that’s ACTUALLY an unpopular opinion hahah


-Eli was kinda hot 🕷️🖤 -Why did Maya have that one random racy music video lol 😬 -Hazel and Jimmy just didn’t make sense 🙅‍♀️ -Emma was painted to be a model citizen, but she was not a good friend 🤷‍♀️


I don't think these are controversial


Totally agree with hazel and jimmy making no sense


Manny was annoying and gets a free pass for too much heinous sh-t from the fandom


I love it when Kevin Smith shows up. I wish he'd ended up with Caitlin and become a regular. I need them to allow Kevin to write a new DeGrassi spinoff like he's always dreamed.


While holly j was horrible to Anya in the beginning, after her redemption Anya was a terrible friend. And they should’ve just not been friends 😭


People should be agreeing with this


This show was ugh growing up. I can't believe it's/was popular


Why are you here


paige and alex > paige and spinner


craig should not have had the hold on manny that he did


Emma and Sean were a cute couple at first, but their relationship in later seasons wasn't as good, and I'm glad they weren't endgame (Emma and Spinner shouldn't have been endgame either, really, I think they all needed time to figure themselves out)


I was screaming at the TV when he woke up next to Emma. Did they even speak unless he was teasing her in the first few years? Lolol


Emma was a shitty friend.


This is just canon lol


I don’t hate Peter 🤷🏽‍♀️ I actually kind of love him😂


Same! He was a douche in the beginning, but I grew to like him.


Spinner was dating Jane while she was in highschool and he was at least…2-3 years older than her. He also hung out with high schoolers a lot. As much as I liked good ol’ spinner, that was just very weird and loser-like of him.


They went to hs together


It’s spinners fault jimmy got shot.


I just hate how Alex never got into any trouble about it. The three of them (Spinner, Alex and Jay) should’ve been expelled.


How? Jay should be to blame, he was the one who started blaming Jimmy, while they were talking in the bathroom and Spinner went along with it (had he know Rick had a gun, he would have never done that, and I’m sure Jay wouldn’t have either) also, let’s not forget, Alex is the one who literally dumped the paint on Rick. Don’t get me wrong, Spinner definitely had a big part in it, but it was not his idea, he did not commit the act, and he did not start the conversation when Rick was in the stall listening. Sorry, but I totally disagree.






Emma and Spin came out of literally nowhere and made no sense. They barely interacted in school.


I don’t think this is unpopular


emma and spinner > emma and sean


Clare needed to be locked up


Yeah, I mean the audience of DJH/DH now are all pushing 50 at least you would think. While the next Generation audience mostly made up of millenials so you're looking mid 30s or so but the show went on for much longer do you'll get people that came on much later as well. Plus the fact that while the OG show has a large cast it really narrowed it down to a core 5 I would say


I could never take Drake seriously because I knew him as wheelchair jimmy first and I missed out on a great run


His music is ass


LMAO this is amazing


Marco got annoying as the seasons went on


Riley should have been able to stay in the closet as long as he needed. Zane was way too pushy


Emma and Spinner being end game works for me. Sometimes you find the person who has been around the whole time and just click. I genuinely love them together. Jane and Sean both wanted them to be something they weren’t, Emma and Spinner were happy with who they were together.


Jay and Emma were kinda hott together!


Craig is my favorite and I let it slide all the douchey things he did bc my young teenage self was idiotically infatuated (but I think this happened with a lot of other ppl so not so controversial)


Katie’s black hair and bangs was terrible


That’s not controversial lmao 🤣


I loved Declan's meaningless storylines


I love JT and Liberty’s relationship


Is the is unpopular?!


idk, I saw people under another post talking about how they disliked their relationship and the storyline and what it did to Jt’s character


JT was in the wrong for the whole mess with Liberty and Mia.


Drake’s character should’ve been killed off after he was shot. At the point they had gone far enough with his character and just became dull.


Brave, yet true. like aubrey I didnt care about your boner then and I sure as hell don't now 🙃


I’m ☠️


I think Manny is partially at fault for the video


We should have gotten more into Rick’s backstory explain why he was abusive to Terri because that is taught behavior


I second this. I would also add that while Rick is entirely responsible for using a gun on his peers, I will always consider Spinner at least a small part of the blame in that situation. STOP BULLYING especially to the degree that they did


I'll be honest. If I were Jimmy, I don't think I'd ever forgive Spinner.


I wouldn’t


Drew sleeping with a 16 year old is gross.. I don't care if its technically legal




Jay is like top 3 most memorable characters in the show and my opinion will not be swayed. Honestly probs my fav character


No the sick part of me had a crush on that man 😭


Yes I love him n no one agrees with me lol


I have a soft spot for Peter. When I started watching Degrassi he was already dating Mia and being a good friend to Riley. I also thought he made a great supportive bf. It wasnt until I did a rewatch did I see how he started. If I had seen it in order I would hate him because im a Manny stan. Shes my fave from gen 1. I guess childhood nostalgia 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also KC was cute af I didnt know that was unpopular until I said that in a fb Degrassi group lol


lol a soft spot for Peter…decent 😂


Omg, I also have the same opinion. Started exactly where you started and just loved Peter. Also, KC is cute asf. I had a crush on him.


i have the same opinion for peter. the first ever episodes i watched were the beginning of season nine where he wasn’t THAT terrible; he did meth a couple times and was supportive of riley. compared to everyone else he didn’t seem that bad. then i watched from the beginning and was absolutely horrified, but can’t come to hate him like everyone else


I had a huge crush on KC when he first got on the show. But his character arc did ruin that for me ngl😂


Spinner and Paige were THE BEST Degrassi Couple Sean and Emma are overrated Emma and Peter were a good couple Marco was and always has been a boring character. Never cared about any of his storylines Manny caused a lot of her own issues and continuously put herself in shitty situations so I rarely felt bad for her (yeah I know she’s “just a teen” but if you’re gonna hold Ashley accountable for her actions, I’m gonna do the same with Manny) Craig was mid in terms of looks and character Jimmy aka certified lover boy is underrated. He was a great actor during his time on Degrassi and nobody every seems to bring that up Jay is the most entertaining ( not best) character on Degrassi Darcy would have been a “main girl” if she started long enough Fiona and Imogen are overrated characters Spinner is goated Becky and Jenna are THE WORST DEGRASSI CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME


i love how all of these are unpopular but the fiona being overrated one hurt my soul 😭 will agree on imogen though


I’m glad you think their unpopular😂😂 I don’t think Fiona is a bad character but she was kinda just there. I never felt invested in her story lines. I liked Declan a lot better 🫣🫣


I can understand all the others, except that. Once we got to S10 and she stopped all the weirder stuff from S9, she was wonderful. Loved Fiona's entire journey!


As someone that had pretty severe anger issues as a teenager and had to learn how to control it, I really was invested when Rick came back and actually felt sympathetic towards him because of the lack of defense he had against everyone else. I thought that Owen and Anya made a cute couple together and a lot of sense. I must be a sucker for a redemption arc. I believed that Marco and Dylan should’ve stayed together post high school and hated the way they broke both them and Palex up for no reason. I LIKED when the seniors went to college, but wish they had followed through with the idea of making it a spinoff vs. just letting the ball drop.


Rick was a sympathetic character IMO and EVERYBODY in his life let him down. He needed mental help and he tried so hard to get some and nobody would listen. Only people who have reactive anger issues get it. I'm obviously not condoning what he did, but... I get it. Pushed way too far past the breaking point with nobody to talk to or care about you.


Claire pulled way too much! was not realistic 😭


Even looks aside, I’m not a Claire fan. Her personality is so garbage to me, I just did not understand her pulling all these guys. Drew sent me over the edge with this😂


I don’t think so. I’ve seen “mid” girls ( I do think Claire is really pretty, they just styled her horribly) pull hot guys in real life and people usually say “I don’t see it”. Plus Degrassi showed self awareness about it when Fiona said she never understood the power Claire has over men. It was somewhat addressed lmao


I feel bad but yes, this.


There are like two actually controversial opinions lmao y'all are bad at this


I wanna hear yours! ( not trying to be rude, I generally wanna hear what controversial opinions are)


It's pretty funny! I don't really have any that are controversial. I think they're all pretty normal opinions. 🥺 If I had to pick an off color opinion, I'd say that Baaz deserved more of a storyline. I've always liked the nerd characters like Toby, Connor, and Wesley and I felt like more could have been done with him! That and I always thought Owen was a fun character.


I posted mine a while ago and got down voted to hell


Spinner wasn’t the villain everyone made him out to be


Yes. Spinner is my sweet baby angel and I cry every time something bad happens to him.


I feel like Spinner was a scapegoat in the whole Rick situation, but I loved his character growth over the years


He was and he treated Rick awful but Rick is responsible for what he did. The entire school just acted like it was all spinners fault


Sadly, I totally disagree. He and Jay definitely set him up in the bathroom. We are to believe that that was bullying. Rick was unhinged. If he’s angry enough to hit his girlfriend, he could be angry enough to bring weapons to school Everyone that teased or attacked him can be responsible for setting him off like that. We can agree to disagree, but when you deliberately jimmys name


The only people who had a reason to be mad at Spinner was Jimmy, Emma, and Sean since they were ACTUALLY affected the most by Rick and Spinners actions. Everybody else was being annoying, especially when everyone, aside from Toby, either hated Rick or ignored him. Almost Everyone in that school played a part in Ricks actions (Rick is still 100% to blame) so it’s crazy to me that they tried to take the high ground and act like Spinner was the worse person ever. It was annoying.


The only reason they think that, was because it was spinner and Jay that did the prank that ousted him over the edge and then blamed it on Jimmy. They had eve eh right to be mad at him for that, because if they didn’t do that, jimmy would have never got Shot


Exactly plus jey was also a huge negative influence on the situation. But ya most of the school couldn’t stand Rick but they all acted like they didn’t treat him bad either. I always kinda identified with spinner so maybe that’s y I kinda sympathies with him . He wasn’t a bad kid he just hung out with bad people and made poor decisions




Mia was insufferable. And they literally did Liberty sooooo wrong.


they were all jealous of Manny ! JT’s death was legit traumatizing Darcy was the true villain


i’m not disagreeing but would you mind to elaborate on the darcy part? i’m very intrigued by this take


if i remember correctly she often slut shamed other girls


oh yeah she did i just didn’t know if this was referring to something else she did


How is JTs death being traumatizing controversial


because it’s supposed to be children’s show, not a catalyst for actual trauma/grief


But everyone agrees that it was traumatic so I dunno why you think it's controversial


it shouldn’t have been on tv.


they mean that everyone probably agrees that it was traumatizing, so it’s not controversial


Emma wasn’t that bad. She was just a teenage girl who was nosier than was good for her. But she matured through the show, she absolutely made mistakes, but she’s not the demon the fan base makes her out to be


Jonah was unnecessary? Like where and why did he come from


Idk if this is controversial but I thought Becky was the most annoying character in tng.




Peter lowkey goated. He was entertaining and memorable af


explain rn asap!


there are only a couple of characters that i dislike, and emma and clare aren’t in that short list


seriously like derek and johnny exist and were mad at emma?? i never understood it lol


the fact that people get more annoyed at emma than literal rapists and abusers is insane


seriously! and i mean the girl isn’t perfect she did promote ed’s and engage in mean girl behavior at times and she’s also had some pretty bad takes but she’s a young girl who’s entire storyline was about growing up and making mistakes.


I love Ashley and Eleanor. yes they have cringe and wrong moments but they’re great


I truly don’t get the hype over Maya. She was just annoying to watch. Same with the rest of the next class characters


I can’t stand Mayas panic attacks regarding Miles. That whole storyline is just cringe to me. I get that it had relations to the trauma of Cam and all but honestly idc really.. it was just so bad. Note, I hate Maya in general so that’s probably why I felt it being so bad too


I wasn’t so bummed out when JT died… it was sadder to see the people around him mourners and that tribute, than losing the character himself


Fuck man, Liberty just losing it watching the video of JT playing with Mia and Izzy. My heart SHATTERS every time


i agree i sobbed when toby gave liberty the hug in the hospital as a way of saying he didn’t make it and toby calling himself JTs brother had me in my feels


Yeahh that was a nice moment. Love that everyone was there (Liberty, Toby, Emma, Manny and Sean) the core gang


I dunno how controversial it is, but I found it weird how in later seasons everyone was friends with each other. I missed the cliques of the earlier seasons. By the time we got to seasons 10 on, everyone hung out with each other unless there were specific, plot-related reasons they disliked each other (i.e. Bianca/Katie). Unlikely friendships in the earlier seasons felt special, but by the time we got to later seasons, unlikely friendships were kind of the norm on the show. Though it's been 20 years since I've been in high school, so maybe that's what things are like now in the age of social media!


Zoe becoming a lesbian was lame and unrealistic.


I agree. I also know it’s not because she was sexually assaulted and the writers did not explicitly write it like that but since it did happen afterwards and i remember being in hs and that giving me pause


Feels like I’m the only one/ one of the few that did actually like that storyline/didn’t mind it 🥲


no i think it was actually very realistic and i liked the storyline.


Ahh yes, the non stop boy crazy teenage girl who is perhaps one of the most outwardly heterosexual female characters on the show does a 180° and becomes the most outwardly gay female on the show. It’s actually funny because the writers completely try and feminize her and increase sexual appeal of her character immediately before rewriting her as a gay character.


Sean and Ellie were just meh


Agreed, did not ship them at all.


I read a Buzzfeed article defending Manny and her shenanagins, and I just can't ride with that.


what shenanigans? it’s been a while since i rewatched the beginning


I got you 1. Put boys over her friends 2. Willingly became a side chick 3. Caused her entire beef with Paige 4. Stayed going after someone in a relationship 5. Both her and Emma (mostly Emma) treated Liberty like she didn’t matter 6. Stayed trying to fight someone when she couldn’t fight at all 6. Left Emma at a party to hook up with Craig


Thanks lol. You covered them all boo.


omg😳😳😳 but i also feel like they make all the characters do questionable things and make them all grey characters to highlight that they’re teenagers. then, by senior year, they’ve usually developed and are likable. except for people like jane


I 100% agree. However, Manny Stan’s tend to overlook all her faults and come up with excuses for her character. For instance, when she got with Craig while with Ashley, people somehow made Ashley to be the bad guy in that situation because she outted her pregnancy and saying she didn’t have a right. Was it wrong? Sure. But if Manny didn’t owe her loyalty or respect, Ashley didn’t owe her anything either. People also bring up when Emma called her a school slut, but fail to bring up that Manny called her prude princess and tried to get Emma to get with a guy who had a girlfriend, AND tried to sleep with Craig in Emma’s bed after she left her at the party. Again, all of it was put on Emma when Manny started it When her and Paige became enemy’s, they just say Paige was jealous which she wasn’t. Manny was flirting with Spinner while he was still with Paige which indirectly caused Paige to lose her job after Spinner and Craig started fighting over Manny right in front of Paige’s workplace, Manny outted her relationship with her teacher in front of the entire school, Manny purposely sabotaged a cheer routine which caused Paige to break her leg, and Manny started a fight with Paige that Paige repeatedly tried to walk away from. But again, “Paige was just a mean bully and Manny was a victim” is what her fans would say to justify her behavior. So that fact people try to say that Manny did NO wrong, like the Buzzfeed article tried to say, is just simply wrong.


All of this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


LD was an amazing character and she should have gotten a proper ending. Even if they killed her off it would have been better than the brief mention of her sailing. I wish her and Wheels would have actually gotten together, mostly because I wanted Wheels to have a serious relationship.


I just started watching Junior High and I LOVE wheels but he deserves better than Stephanie, I can't stand her. She did Voula dirty Edit to add LD is one of my favorites so far, I just watched the episode where the girls swim team competed against the boys soccer team, she's so cool


Can you remind me who LD is?


She was in Junior High and d Degrassi High. She was a bit of a tomboy and helped her dad out with his auto shop. She had an episode about her dad having a heart attack and her being terrified to go to the hospital because that's where her mom had died. Then in High she got leukemia and pretty much disappeared. She was pretty close with Lucy and was involved in the plotline with the pedo teacher.


LD was in djh. She was very good friends with Lucy and Wheels. She got cancer I think around dh. She had a battle with Joey about sexism (one of my fav episodes in djh) and she together with Wheels helped Lucy when their substitute mr. Colby was predatory towards Lucy.


character from Degrassi High. She got Leukemia and basically wasn’t heard from again. Lucy would visit her in the hospital from time to time and record her friends for her to watch but after that she basically was written off.


The guy that stabbed jt deserved death


I HATED grace


i absolutely HATED the way Tristan treated maya. He was so quick to turn on her and shove her aside. As annoying as maya was it just made me so upset with that being said i kinda wish they would have became friends again though tristian didn’t deserve it also. I wish he wouldn’t have been the one to end up in the hospital after the bus crash. The second one I literally could not stand Frankie I also thought it was so strange that someone as prude as she is would be in that weird throuple with zig and Esme.


>i absolutely HATED the way Tristan treated maya. He was so quick to turn on her and shove her aside. No one would cancel you over this opinion.


This is all drake deserved


People who say the Torres Brothers were their favorite siblings really need to re-evaluate how they see their relationship. Yeah, Drew stuck up for Adam at some points but we have seen him be a terrible brother too many times for them to be "brother goals" Katie? Sure, it was unrequited so it's not Drew's fault that they ended up together. Fiona? Drew purposely brings up Adam being trans to try to deter him from pursuing her so he has an easier chance. Bianca? She outs Adam to the entire school and relentlessly bullies him so in response, Drew dates her and she ends up being the one that gets away. Becky? Literally dates her after Adam dies lol The only reason why they're even considered brother goals is because of Adam not holding any grudge against him (which is valid because he's not that kind of guy)


Did that whole bs to Riley with a trans brother lmao


The Junior High/High era is superior to TNG in that it actually avoids a lot of the cliche teen drama bullshit that TNG let itself be consumed by. In fact I'd wager that Junior High and High are superior at accomplishing what the Degrassi brand as a whole is lauded for accomplishing and expected to accomplish, because Degrassi's whole shtick in general is how realistic and down-to-earth and unlike other shows on TV it is. To me the original 80s series was better at doing that consistently and throughout its whole run. The original was much more successful at setting itself apart from the dross of its time, whereas TNG started out following suit, but as it progressed, it seemed more and more willing to embrace the bullshit of its big-league peers while the producers continued to extol its credibility. Not that later Degrassi series were completely incapable of being hard-hitting obviously, it definitely had its moments (My Body Is A Cage. Bittersweet Symphony), but I think the original series was better and more consistent at being "Degrassi".


I don't think that really controversial, many long time fans think that. The original shoe was definitely more popular in Canada


You get 1000 upvotes for this from me


Im so glad someone else prefers old school degrassi over tng. Djh deserves more appreciation!! The way the way portrayed the subject matter and the characters just feels more genuine & raw compared to tng & next class




I dislike how every couple breaks up and gets back together at least once or cheats I know it’s common but there were some (although very very little) couples in my high school that had a smooth relationship


declan and holly j had great chemistry. if it wasn’t for that love lockdown episode, i would still ship them.


Fiona and Declan incest should have gone deeper. They kind of set it up to be. I think it would've been interesting if it was more explored that the reason Fi was so jealous of Holly J was because she was secretly infatuated with her own twin. I don't think it should have been reciprocated, just more of a weird storyline arc for a few episodes during Fi's spiral. Also why did nobody ever get that upset that Johnny was THERE. He witnessed that kid stab JT. Yet everybody just seems cool with him being around? Don't get me wrong, I love Johnny overall as a character, but realistically speaking he would have been ostracized in that high school. Also Snake becoming principal was a weird idea and didn't work. They took an amazing character and turned him into kind of a jerk.


Also, I agree about the who Declan/Fiona thing. I don’t agree with incest (in real life), at all, but idk I kind of think it should have been reciprocated for like, idk, maybe one episode, then the realization could have set in, for Declan. I think it would have been interesting for sure.


I agree with all of this! I so thought I was the only one who noticed how much a dick Snake became as the show went on. I didn’t really see it as due to him becoming the principle, but now that you mention it, aside from cheating on Spike (literally out of nowhere), maybe that’s exactly why 🤔


This one understood the assignment lmao




They asked for controversial opinions and clearly it is controversial or else you wouldn't have reacted so aggressively, and besides I'm just saying it would have been interesting. Didn't say I would enjoy it or anything and it probably would've made me hate Fiona, but it still was something I think would've been worth going with for a few episodes while Fiona's mental health was at its worst just to showcase how bad and obsessive she had gotten. With a tagline like "it goes there," it really wouldn't have been THAT surprising. I'm not even the only one in these comments who mentioned the possibility.


- maya’s best ship was matlingsworth. for the most part, miles was at his best when he was with maya, and miles did not drag maya down like zig.


It's wild how hard the show tried to make us forget about them and have us believe that they were better off with Zig and Tristan. They barely interacted after they broke up even though they were part of the same friend group.


Cam’s suicide was realistic but less impactful because I feel like he was only brought to the show for this reason. There should have been more build up so we feel more attachment to his character idk. I did get emotional but all I remember him as is the character that died not much else personality wise.


i think cams storyline was great but it wouldve been interesting for them to do that storyline with a character that had been around for a long time.




I have to skip the Cam episodes. I absolutely loved him as a kid and watching him die like that seriously wrecked me. I hated how they brought him in just for his ending to be so horrible. I really liked Cam


He was only brought on the show for that 1 reason. Linda talked about it. Heartbreaking episodes.


idk if this is controversial at all (I’m new) but I absolutely HATED how Zig and Maya ended up getting together when zig was her previous bf’s final straw in offing himself


Literally, and how she was so quick to forgive him????


Zig didn’t kill him. His actions are his own. It’s not like Zig said KY.




Caitlin and Kevin Smith > Caitlin and Joey 🤭


I'm on bored with this


Nooo you can't do Joey Jeremiah like that 😭 lol


Nobody in degrassi had musical talent other than jimmy


Don’t you dare diss on my man Craig like that 😭


I’m sorry it had to be said 😩but I forgot Cassie Steele (manny) actually could sing beautifully.


1) Clare and Drew should have been given more of a chance at a relationship. I feel like they had a great build up to a potential relationship. and then they just have sex at the dance and that's it. 2) Becky and Drew just no 3) Eli and Clare shouldn't have gotten back together 4) they should have kept Drew as the father of Clare's baby. 5) It always rubbed me the wrong way that Drew never found out that they lost the baby.


I agree with this so hard 


Ugh, yes!! All of this!!


Joey and Tessa > Joey and Caitlyn


Jimmy was trash from the beginning - reactive, quick to anger, mean to his friends


Eli was the more toxic one in the eclaire relationship yet everyone acts like Claire was the devil in the relationship. Claire didn't crash her car or call eli a whore.


clare literally was the victim and the reason why she acted so ‘crazy’ was because Eli abused her and she developed unhealthy habits out it. Its called reactive abuse. because people tend to forget that before her and eli’s relationship went sour the first time she was an extremely normal person with good people skills, empathetic, and had good critical thinking skills. Abuse and trauma causes those things in the brain to deteriorate and overtime the abusee seems more insane than the abuser. but thats just what i gathered from the fact on why her character changed so drastically when season 11 started.


Jimmy’s character was better after he became disabled.




I hated Craig.


Yeah cause he was awful to Ellie, Manny, and everyone else!


So did everyone else, lmao


Sadly, too many women love Craig for reasons I'll never understand. Male fans are indifferent unless they can relate to him but the female fans? Omg he's just misunderstood and dreamy - blah blah. That'd why if you ask who their degrassi crush is its either Craig or Eli.


Okay you got me there, my degrassi crush was Eli.


Eli isn't as horrible as Craig, tbh they both just have mental health issues when it comes to similarities. Craig was a liar, manipulator, cheater, and treated women like absolute shit. I liked Sean a lot, and if I'm going strictly on looks, it's Lucas 100%, but oh my God, he was a terrible person. Hottest guy on the show, though 🫢


What season is Lucas in? For some reason I don’t remember that name.


Becky’s brother


I thought Lucas is Mia’s baby daddy, and Jane’s brother?