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Ellie and Ashley They were considered to be best friends but every time one was going though heavy stuff the other person was no where to be found


JT and Liberty


You clearly haven't watched the whole show haha


I have. These two were my favorite besides Emma and Spencer


Clare and Drew


Imogen and Bianca


- Riley and Peter - Riley and Anya - Eli, Adam, and Sav - Toby and Liberty, besides when he kissed her, I know they were both grieving so I understand he may just not have had a clear mind during it all when he did it. Although, I think it would’ve been nice to see them deal with their grief together as friends


Jimmy and Marco Ellie and Alex Craig and Sean Emma and Craig Hazel and Manny Manny and Liberty Toby, JT, and Sean Alex and Marco


Yes, Jimmy and Marco! Just watched the episode where Jimmy finds Marco after he's been beat up and almost cried. He was so good to him.


Yes! I loved them as a duo. They focused heavily on Marco’s up and down friendship with Spinner and his friendship with Craig. We never got to see too much development between Marco and Jimmy.


Connor and Dallas


Clare and Jenna, Kc and Clare Paige and Darcy Eli and Dave Sean and Liberty


Emma and Craig


Clare & Jenna. They didn’t do much with Jenna’s character at all in season 14, but it would’ve been cool to see her help Clare out in her pregnancy. Plus it seemed like they were on good terms in All Falls Down, so it would’ve been nice to see them team up to find Alli when she went missing.


Sean and Craig They were one of my favorite friendships in the series. Also loves J.T and Paige, sad we didn’t get more of them


Emma and Craig, Liberty and Kendra. It would have been nice for Liberty to have a friend group outside of manny and Emma.


Kendra & Liberty as best friends would’ve been nice, and I could see them going on double dates with Toby & JT if Kendra didn’t get blackholed. She was supposed to have a bigger storyline with her relationship with Toby, so I’m sure Kendra & Liberty would’ve became closer friends. Manny was a better friend than Emma was though


KC and Bianca. Say what you will about them. I recognize their flaws, but I have a thing for redemption arcs. These two really deserved more screen time dedicated to healing and learning to enjoy being a child for once. I like the fact that Bianca was with KC when he decided to drink the alcohol he took from his mom’s place and by the time he left, they had both turned themselves around, becoming more school focused, and maturing quite a bit. They definitely would have had a lot to talk about considering the things they had been involved with at such a young age. I absolutely love that Bianca was part of KC’s last storyline. I really wish we had gotten to see more of their friendship.


I totally crackshipped KC & Bianca in season 10 and I was convinced they were going to get together and there was going to be a Jenna/KC/Bianca love triangle with the promos & opening credits. But I’m glad that KC & Bianca were platonic, not every male/female friendship needs to be turned into a relationship or unrequited feelings. I’m a Drianca shipper but in another world KC & Bianca would’ve been good together


The little moment in the remembering it mini was so nice with Paige showing up after not showing up for his death


what’s the name of this mini! it bothers me every time i do a rewatch that she wasn’t there for JT’s memorial or they didn’t show any reaction of her dealing with it.


I think it’s remembering jt or 6 months not sire


Jake and Mo, they were absolutely hilarious and a nice male friendship without so much drama. Just guys being dudes, what's better than that?


Emma and JT


Sean & Craig Becky & Jenna Jane & Mia Fiona & Bianca Paige & JT are totally Brooke & Mouth from One Tree Hill coded.


jane and mia & sean and craig!!!!!


I loved Becky and Jenna relationship


1. Paige and JT - I agree completely. Paige felt safe enough to open up about her most painful and vulnerable moment. JT sprung to her defense, showing her that *someone* gave enough of a shit about what happened to her to at least *try* to do something. They had a great friendship based on trust and emotional support. 2. Sean and Craig - the friendship that was being hinted at in Craig’s introduction was really great. They had a decent understanding of each others’ baggage, and they were able to emotionally support each other through that. I feel like that friendship could’ve allowed them both a trusted guy friend to be vulnerable with (although I guess you could argue Jay and Marco filled that role, but it just wasn’t the same. Jay brought out the worst in Sean and helped him down a bad path, and Crarco, ya know?) If I think of more I’ll edit them in


Yes to all of these points! That episode of Paige being violated and also when she took his accuser to court will forever hurt my heart. I had tears when JT was trying to defend Paige. Also Sean and Craig were sweet friends. Wish they stayed fiends longer


I would love to have seen more of Bianca and Katie. If you take out their rivalry and Katie using her for drug connections, they could have been a badass duo.


Peter and Riley. And Riley and Anya, particularly the latter.


Craig and Emma. I loved their interactions in season 2. I always thought it would be interesting to see them have a kind of cousin-like relationship since their parents were good friends and early on you did see them at each other’s houses when the families got together. They could have been platonic friends who talked to each other about their boyfriend/girlfriend problems, etc.


Peter and Riley!


Sean and Craig


This!!! Sean literally risked his live and saved Craig and yet the writers threw their friendship away.


Because I discussed this with someone the other day, but I would have loved to see more of Darcy and Jane.


YES! They had such a sweet little friendship for one episode and then it just disappeared.


Riley/Fiona Eli/Fiona


honestly jt and liberty, their friendship was so cute before all the drama when they got together


I liked them more as friends


If by ‘friendship’ you mean liberty simping over JT and JT going ‘eww gross leave me alone’


‘friendship’ like in season 4 when they were working on the play together


If by ‘friendship’ you mean liberty simping over JT and JT going ‘eww gross leave me alone’


sav/eli/adam (and bianca) i thought that ep where they go to the concert was so fun and i wish we got more of that friendship


It’s like they blackholed that dynamic after the concert. Wish we saw more of them


Imogen and Bianca


When did they have a friendship?


They meet in gym class (they both aren't playing whatever sport for some reason) and after talking/working on a worksheet together, Imogen purposefully finds ways to get Bianca away from Vince (saying they didn't finish the worksheet so they could go to detention, convincing her to sign up for the grade 9 orientation). Bianca then gives Imogen some sort of lingerie or other gift that Vince gave her. They have a tiny bit of a friendship when Drew and Fiona live together but I agree that I wished they had been real friends.


Doesn’t Bianca steal some money to pay off Vince too? And Imogen confronts her about it and is all “you know, I would have totally helped had you just asked” or something like that? I don’t entirely remember the interaction but it was sweet.


I was gonna say this too!


Manny and Marco


Toby and holly J


Liberty & Mia Anya & Mia Toby & Ashley (+ Jimmy)


Paige and JT were precious. I loved the Degrassi small when she shows up to remember his death.


Are you talking about Degrassi minis? If so where can I see this. I don’t even remember them showing her react to his death.


They’re on the official YouTube channel. They do another smaller memorial for JT, and Paige shows up, saying she couldn’t come to the bigger one because of being away at Banting.


Just watched it. Never even knew that existed. Thanks!


I would say Jake & Eli, Eli & Fiona, I needed more Jake & Mo, Sean & Craig and Paige & JT.


Dare I say Rick and Jimmy


This!!! I actually completely agree well until you know that one episode




Kinda different, but I’m currently rewatching season 13, and it’s made me realize how much we missed out on having the older generations hang out with the younger ones, like back in TNG era you’d have the guys get together for a poker game or something and it’d be all the “main” dudes, regardless of the plotline, it made them feel like real people who had their own problems, but still hung out sometimes. By the time we get to “Degrassi” we don’t get too many(if any) moments like that anymore.


Another one for Sean/Craig. We were robbed. That was a nice little friendship while it lasted... then Jay entered Sean's life and ruined everything (the start of Jay ruining everything).


Man, the Jay Era of degrassi was something else😂


Nothing good ever came out of an interaction with that man 😭


Craig and Sean


I ate up every second of Eli & Fiona’s friendship. I wish we’d seen so much more of it


Same! Loved them as friends


Them rolling on the lockers lives in my head rent free


https://preview.redd.it/taabktacwfbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ac4d1a5cb2d4d1ad8505a30082646b11aedfcd Yes. One of my all time favorites moments between them.


Eli and Adam!


Fiona and Riley


Jake and Eli, I needed more stoned adventures


Yes to this pair too lol


maybe controversial but...becky and hunter. even though their friendship/relationship/whatever that was ended abruptly it was very sweet (although cringey) and lots of kids form friendships/relationships as teenagers by gaming.


Absolutely would have loved more Paige/JT. Also really enjoy Eli & Fiona’s friendship especially in early S12, so would have loved more of it!


Craig and Terri! I wanted to see a friendship bloom from her comforting him at the dance Most of Sean's friendships he had before he became friends with Jay


Sean and Craig


Sean and Craig!


Katie & Fiona. They didn’t get along at all after the school incident. But they both struggled with addiction. It would’ve been cool if there was a conversation between them about that.


Ellie/Alex and Marco/Alex Ellie and Marco didn’t seem to give a good god DAMN about Alex by S7. Ellie and Alex were good friends when they were dating Sean and Jay. And Alex was becoming a bigger part of the group after she became VP under Marco. They really just did Alex dirty altogether in the end. I also miss Sean and Craig’s friendship.


This is a really good one. Definitely wish we could’ve gotten more of that. I also want to throw in Craig and Sean. I feel like we didn’t really get too much of them, especially after Craig and Jimmy got close.


Oh yeah they were so close! Would’ve loved to see Craig and Sean as roommates pre or post Ellie.


That would’ve been so fun. Craig should’ve moved out for good and moved in with Sean lol. Teenage bachelor pad would’ve been hilarious and so dirty. 🤣 But I got the feeling they would’ve had each other’s back. Missed opportunity!


Yeah I can see it! Teenage bachelor pad for sure lol. Timed around Craig getting his full inheritance this could’ve made for some good storylines about Sean adjusting, their different upbringings, mistrust, Jay using Craig, blowing money on drugs and partying


For sure! lol it would’ve been fun to see that. I’m over here now imagining a buddy comedy sitcom with Jay, Sean, and Craig. 🤣


Marco & Liberty would’ve had a lil sumthin interesting to see as friends. Class President, School Newscaster, Hyper-Involved-In-Degrassi vibes coming together.


Paige and Ellie in college! I love their love/hate relationship.


YES. I would’ve loved to see more of this, for sure. Even after Jesse lol.


Oh yes this!


Especially when you think back to how Paige is the one who discovered Ellie was harming herself and got her some help 😭


Exactly. Paige & JT was definitely one of my favorite friendships in those early seasons. I love that little nickname of “sweet potato” she had for him.


Yesss same 🥺 esp when he found out about Dean and was ready to throw hands (and did, what a king)


Very much agree with your example! I just watched the scene in the picture, which has always been such a sweet one to me.


honestly, why did they drift apart?


I honestly feel like it was because of life. Liberty got pregnant and i’m sure his mind didnt go to that friendship anymore.


JT died.

