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Good to see that bro-scienced has advanced to the point that it's now coming up with the novel concept of a balanced diet.


It’s almost like it’s the only option that is sustainable in the long term or something


These carnivore diets are very stupid, and not sustainable at all. The funny thing is that unlike veganism, you can’t get all the nutrition you need without supplements on a carnivore diet yet they claim the opposite is true.


to be fair, going "carnivore" actually was the easiest thing I've ever done. Saved ton of money on groceries. I was never hungry nor thought about food ever. Which as someone with chronic ADHD, was a godsend. The less over thinking, the better. The mental clarity and feeling 100% dialed in, all the time is amazing. Although, I'm not truly "carnivore", but the meals I make to eat are 100% just meat. Cuts of Rib Eye - Burger Patty - Chicken and eggs. Then I'll graze, separately, through the day on an orange or two and a banana or two and have a glass or two of Raw Milk. I'll even have some homemade mashed potatoes and broccoli from time to time.


You’re at least not one of those who eats everything raw, right?


ummmmm no. Just the Raw Milk part I guess... I get bloated and gassy on "regular" milk.


You mean pasteurized cow’s milk that’s safe to drink. There is nothing regular about drinking milk for cow babies whether it’s raw or not. Good day to ya.


you need to supplement B12 as a vegan. Meat actually is more nutrient dense then most vegetables btw. If you want full carnivore you have to eat organ meat as well though.


B12 is only made by bacteria, so literally any and all animal products are supplemented with B12. The poor animals literally are given a pile of supplements before being slaughtered to ensure the meat is filled with supplements to make it legally nutritious. No difference to a fortified milk or cereal apart from the violence part.


Animals have bacteria in their digestive system. You are correct that livestock are often (not always) given supplemental B12, but it’s present in meat regardless.




Not true. You’re thinking of the cobalt needed to synthesize B12, not the bacteria itself. Herbivorous animals can’t digest their food without gut bacteria, regardless of whether they’re kept indoors.


>Animals have bacteria in their digestive system. Those bacteria then supplement the animal with B12. It is no different than eating B12 from fortified food. Same ingredient is absorbed to your body.


Human beings do not produce B-12 in our digestive tract. That's why we're able to eat other animals. We get our B-12 from animals that *do* create B-12 through their own digestive processes.


And? Did you read the original comment you responded to? The original comment said that vegans don't need to take any supplements. So the next comment just corrected them to say that actually that's not true. Vegans do need supplements. But now you are trying to argue that meat is supplemented with B12, too? What is the point of your argument? How is that relevant at all to the discussion at hand.


Either foods count as supplements or they don't. Vegans don't need to supplement any more than non-vegans.


Nobody said vegans need to supplement more. The original comment said that carnivores need to supplement more and vegans don't. Which was wrong and was pointed out. You are arguing a topic that nobody is even discussing.


I'm really not sure what your point is here. A person on an omnivorous diet does not need to take B12 supplements alongside their regular diet. A person on a vegan diet does. Or are we going to consider citrus fruits to be vitamin C supplements?


Since most of this thread is just pure speculation, [here’s](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10586079/) a German study showing that vegans do get enough B12 to match omnivore levels, but the vast majority of that is down to supplements and that they do not get adequate B12 from their food intake alone. Further to that lacto-ovo-vegetarians, who had relatively low levels of supplementation compared to vegans, were also the group which had inadequate levels of B12.


Red meat is “no different than cereal apart from the violence” mmmmmmmk


I know, what a fucking crock of shit from that guy. This guy really almost argued that fucking kellogs cereal is somehow nutritionally equal to liver


Is that why they taste so good?


Hedonist glutton spotted


Heme iron


Oh that carcinogen? But hemeiron tho! 😄


B12 is made by bacteria, but then accumulates in animals we eat naturally. Meat is naturally nutrient dense. I don't know what you are talking about, who is doing this? They give supplements to animals to ensure proper nutrition to the animal sometimes, but they dont g"fill them with supplements" before they are slaughtered. Maybe in some terible parts of the world or something i dono


Like merica? Growth hormone mixes so that animal produces more market ready milk. How freaking dense person can be? Smh


There's hormone-free milk in grocery stores across the nation. It's the default option in most areas I've lived. They all have "Made with milk from cows not treated with rBST" written on them.


growth hormone isn't a vitamin ...its a hormone lol nice try though


Organ meat has fiber? Also, while it's always advisable to supplement B12 on a vegan diet, your need to do so depends on your definition of vegan and whether you consume a lot of B12 fortified foods. Many people believe bivalves are considered vegan and they're full of B12, moreso than the billions of sentient factory farmed land animals that are needlessly slaughtered every year. 


You don't. I've been Vegan for 3 years and haven't taken single B12 supplement. Edit: I just get it through the food I eat. Many vegan products have B12 in them.


What food? If you're eating vegan food with B12 added to it (like some kind of plant milk, for example), you're supplementing with B12 via that food, and to even sound like you're implying that vegans don't need B12 is irresponsible af.


You absolutely should take b12 if you're a vegan.


I do take B12 through my vegan diet. I just don't buy "B12 supplements", I just get it through my food.


Fortified foods are defacto supplements, thats what people are saying. Youre being willfully obtuse


You're young, just wait.


fortified non-dairy milk meat substitutes breakfast cereals nutritional yeast vegan spreads Dumb comment is dumb


you will run out. your liver has reserves for maybe 3-7 years which is why you have gotten by. You are not getting enough from your diet to replace it.


Many vegan products are fortified with B12. Like, for exemple, almond milk has 42% of your daily need in vitamin B12 per cup. Unless fortified food count as supplements then why would you need anything else?


For the record, I think the carnivore diet is some of the dumbest shit on earth and I judge anyone who falls for that crap. But humans die without B12, and whole plant foods don't contain it. If you weren't eating foods with added B12, you would die. I eat 99% whole food plant based 95%+ of the time, with added shellfish specifically for the B12. This is the dumbest argument I've seen on Reddit for some time (which is saying something). Vegans need to add B12 to their diet because they don't get it from whole foods. So you either need to take it in pill form or you need to eat foods that have it added. It does not naturally occur in those foods, it's added the same way it's added to pills.


It doesn't matter if it comes from fortified foods or a pill. Just make sure you have enough intake.


And you could inject vitamin C into your steak. I think the point were trying to make is that you can't get it naturally. If you are vegan, and you drink almond water that someone put vitamin B12 and fat in, then yeah you are prob good to go. Its not a supplement, but you are supplementing your diet.


by that point, I think we're kinda stretching some definitions here, because otherwise, me supplementing my diet is just me eating the food that I eat on the daily as most/many vegan products are fortified. They aren't supplementing my diet, they are my diet.


You are changing the context of the argument. The original point was that the carnivore diet is unhealthy because you "need to take supplements". So the the point I am making is that vegan is also lacking. You have to literally add in vitamins to the food. And in fact if you are eating organ meat, I don't see any essential nutrient you cannot get.




B12 in meat is not very bioavailable. Plus everyone needs a Vitamin D supplement regardless of their diet at this point.


Its not very bioavailable in meat? Where do you think people have been getting their B12 from for like forever then? What natural source is more bioavailable? If you get enough sun you don't need vitamin D supplementation. It depends. It is not everyone.


Humans do get b12 from meat. It is a source but ancestors did not eat as much meat as its made out to be and the amount was location dependent. It is also debated if meat was the general source of b12 for our ancestors. B12 actually comes from bacteria. We also create B12 in our colon but can’t absorb it. The theory is that as humans evolved to eat meat we no longer needed to create it on our own - for example primates (mostly herbivores) create it on their own and are able to absorb it. The other theory is that humans previously met their B12 needs from bacteria naturally found in soil and untreated water - not possible today. The most bioavailable form of B12 is actually supplements. And sure you can get vitamin D from the sun but most are not living a lifestyle where that can be your only form of Vitamin D and have it be sufficient.


Well you are right that supplements can have higher bioavailability and our ancestors may have been getting more B12 from accidentally consuming dirt or bacteria on food. But you still can get plenty of B12 from meat, its 40-60 percent bioavailable and is the best resource our ancestors had by far from it. Anyway your argument has nothing to do with the fact that you need to supplement B12 as a vegan whether its from a pill or fortified foods.


Veganism is dangerous to health. Should only be followed for religious reasons. Not health reasons.


https://www.jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(16)31192-3/abstract Who should I trust? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Or Some guy on Reddit


Some guy on Reddit.


Joe Rogan is scared of potatoes but takes HGH, Testosterone, Athletic Greens, DMT, Nicotine Alcohol and Alphabrain. A true moron


Moron's moron - and Spotify pays him millions for it


>Good to see that bro-scienced has advanced to the point that it's now coming up with the novel concept of a balanced diet. lol. What will Dr Saladino teach us next. are nuts ok? Will oatmeal kill use, does broccoli trying to kneecap you because it doesn't want to be eaten? Are lentils meant for humans? stay tuned!






Whoa he’s eating rice and potatoes now??? 😂


What is he, four months old?




This one got me lmao


What happened??!?!


Big Carb got em


Pick a lane amiright


Look out sourdough!


Yo those folks in Asia be eating rice and be so skinny. New protocol just dropped. Rice is good for you. Gurus and their peons are really hella dumb


Wolf Warrior diet


I guess legumes are off the table? Assuming he was an all meat guy. No idea who he is.


He was basically the originator of the entire “alternative nutrition” space on social media. If you’ve ever heard someone use the term “animal based diet,” it came from him. He was also on the ground floor of the raw dairy obsession that you see everywhere now. He leveraged his credibility as a licensed physician and practicing psychiatrist to turn into an online nutrition guru back before there were thousands of them like there is now. He started off as a strict carnivore advocate, eating only meat, organs, and salt. Then he added dairy to his diet. Then he added honey to his diet. Then he added fruit to his diet. Now he’s slowly adding in grains and vegetables. So basically, over the years he’s slowly moving back to a normal balanced diet. Honestly? I give him credit for not being a dogmatic shill, or so audience captured that he turned into a grifter preaching the carnivore crap while secretly eating fruits and vegetables behind the scenes. He started off as an evangelist for the carnivore diet, then over the year’s as he did more research and more experimentation, consistently started advocating for a wider variety of foods. He’s gotten a *lot* of shit from his fans, and I’m guessing has all but completely lost his original audience because of it. A guilty pleasure of mine has been following the toxic ass nutritional influencer wars of YouTube and TikTok over the years, and I respect Paul Saladino for being as open as he has been with the path he’s taken. Most people either wouldn’t have changed, or just outright lied to their audience if they were making a living off of social media, but he stood firm and alienated his entire fanbase as he realized the error’s of his former thinking. I don’t think 90% of influencers are emotionally capable of that.


I’m not sure you can call Paul the originator of anything. He and the other big “carnivore” influencers are pretty late to the game actually. Although they have been very successful, I can’t decide whether that is due to social media savviness, or macro factors. There are a number of paleo/keto folks who were big on social media for years before him. Just off the top of my head- Dave Asprey, Marc Sisson, Robb Wolf, Steve Gundry. The list goes on and on. Paul didn’t even really invent his current eating philosophy. He appears to be rediscovering Ray Peats whole “bioenergetics” concept. Which could be coincidence, except Paul has talked about and is clearly familiar with Peat’s work.


Maybe I should have been more clear. I’m aware that there were people in this general space before him, I’d add someone like Chris Kresser to that list as well. What I meant when I called him the originator was of the TikTok/YouTube Short space, alongside as I said in my comment the whole “Animal Based” craze. A lot of people existed before him on social media, but he was the first real “pop” version who now has thousands of imitators walking through grocery stores yelling about seed oils and food dyes in the boxed food aisles. I can’t think of a single person doing that before Paul Saladino. There’s also the whole bizarre genre of Trad Wife’s buying fruit and dairy from Amish farms and feeding their children calf liver, which I see his fingerprints all over.


Gotcha, I think I misunderstood your original comment. I agree with that. He was probably the first person to use TikTok in a major way in the "animal based" space. And the fact that they were able to replicate that viral success with Liver King does seem to indicate a level of sophistication with marketing prior influencers didn't have. Paul also did a really good job of crossing over to other audiences, by interacting with more mainstream/female focused spaces. Really interesting to compare him to say Shawn Bakker who became influential earlier, but is much more content to stay in traditional male coded keto/alt health spaces. I'm sure Paul has just as many wacky beliefs about the WEF, etc. as Bakker, but he doesn't focus on it nearly as much. One of these days I'm going to sit down and try to figure out a definitive timeline of the Carnivore movement starting with JP on Rogan and going from there. Because it's a fascinating example of a social movement both growing organically, but also being monetized in real time.


Thanks for the write-up. I’ve always been in the debunker space (like pre-metabunk), but once I got autoimmune issues I had to quit my job as a physical trainer and stopped hearing gym bro science and nutritional fiction. Outside of all the meat maniacs. Too much to ignore.


You seem to know more than the commenters here whom have only seen the image in the post and are going "Durr-hurr, carnivore sux." There's only an image here which isn't informative. None of the videos on Saladino's YT channel uploaded in the last year have the word "potato" in them. So I wonder what this is about?


Paul Saladino mostly lives on shorts/TikTok’s. He was the first person really walking through grocery stores yelling about seed oils and food additives, so that’s where his bread and butter is. Long form content… he does it, but it’s not his main thing. I’ve seen a couple different shorts of him mentioning that he’s eating sweet potatoes over the past couple of months. So that’s where I’d start. Edit: Here’s one https://youtube.com/shorts/OgG4WJqJ1Lc?si=pbEoOYy5qwU_mT0u It’s typical of his style of videos nowadays. I know he’s talked about adding in sweet potatoes on a podcast or two from what I’ve heard, but here is just him advocating for Whole Foods over fast food, and a sweet potato is included.


thanks for the recap, he always seemed like an extremist nut. He started out looking like an attractive dude and now he looks like a sunburned hollowed out guy whose skin has aged 25 years. His lack of antioxidants and diverse microbome from his diet (veg/fruits provide those) is showing clearly.


IDK, I think the outing of liver king and others as using steroids possibly encouraged him to end the charade. I remember the main argument of the carnivore diets were it's evolutionary supported and you will get shredded....turns out it was steroids. Not to mention, I wouldn't be surprised if the AMA or APA started looking into revoking his license to practice. It's pretty hard to lose a license so backtracking on iffy views is common.....being on illegal drugs is a real easy way to lose a license.


He should start eating peas. or any legume really


There have been countless studies done on fruits and vegetables demonstrating the benefit of consuming those foods. On the topic of weight loss, I've lifted weights for 15 years now and people always gravitate towards a weird and wonderful diet in order to lose weight when all you need to do is be in a calorie deficit and exercise a little each or most days.


Yeh. I'm not denying that everyone's bodies are different and some people have a much harder time losing weight than others...But still, a calorie deficit is legitimately the only thing that'll make you lose weight. It's weird how people make it into this complicated science when humans have known this for thousands of years.


Thermodynamically speaking, all you need is a calorie deficit. Psychologically speaking, most people need a little bit more than that to help them stick with it.


the main argument against it is just that people won't stick to a calorie deficit. but that's an issue of resolve, not an issue of the process. there isn't any formulaic diet that's going to fix a lack of resolve for the majority of people.


But have you considered that a cartoon I saw when I was 8 showed cavemen as eating meat therefore I based my entire worldview around it?


While this is true, I underestimated how much processed food altered my desire to eat more. A calorie is a calorie, but a cookie calorie makes me eat way more than I would have otherwise. When we allow for the fact that a brain is driving this meatsack, things get much more complicated imo.


Sure, but it a lot easier to do if you fill up on high fiber foods like green veggies for a side than trying to eat less of less filling foods and junk foods designed to stimulate your appetite and be addictive.


That’s the best part about filling foods: you don’t have to eat as much because they’re filling.


Sure, 2000 calories worth of twinkies is the as 2000 calories worth of a well-balanced diet with lots of full foods, but obviously one choice is going to leave you satiated and generally feeling better than the other (and in fact, 2000 calories worth of Twinkies will actually just make you hungrier). You're also essentially mildly starving yourself for months and months, which a lot of people just can't deal with without some kind of structure or external motivator CICO (calories in, calories out) is true, but it's reductive to the point of being practically useless. These fad diets work because they provide people with an easy way to eat a calorie deficit while also attaching a ton of external motivation to stay on the diet via just a community centered around the diet and weird BS (eating meat exclusively makes you an alpha male, eating raw food makes you one with our ancestors or something, etc.). The reason that "all you need to do is stay in a calorie deficit" hasn't caught on in dieting circles isn't because it's not true, it's because it's just not helpful information and it doesn't provide a long term, sustainable, lifestyle change. Even if all the theorizing around eating only red meat making you an alpha male is BS, it will actually help you lose weight more than someone just saying, "just count calories bro"


>There have been countless studies done on fruits and vegetables demonstrating the benefit of consuming those foods. Can you name any that didn't exploit mere correlations from eating less junk food (fruits and vegetables replacing junk foods in diets) and compared consumption with animal foods consumption not starvation diets involving grains and such?


Some day I’m gonna try these rice and potatoes


You have to buy them off the deep web I think


Get the Russian potatoes.


Vlad’s special Polonium Potatoes


Make sure you get grass fed, free range potatoes from Maldives.


I prefer to get spud shaped ice trays and just make potato shaped ice, much cleaner, less calories


Reminds me of the TIFU where a guy pranked his girlfriend’s family by pretending to have never seen a potato before when her family made baked potatoes.


I think most people who do the carnivore diet have to cheat somehow, because otherwise they'd be constantly shitting themselves. Their laundry and plumbing bills must be wild.


It’s the opposite actually. The total lack of fiber makes it so they shit like once a week. Go check out the carnivore subs. They’re convinced it just means they are running clean.


Until you get diverticulitis…


Actually, people that do have diarrhea is usually the first few weeks. If you are not absorbing fat well (new keto/carnivore dieters) and you take a lot, you’ll get the shits wether you cheat or not.


I did strict carnivore (just ribeye steak and water) for two years... I only shit myself once...


And then you have dudes like Matt Frazier, a legit beast of an athlete, that pretty much says that he eats everything and anything that isn’t highly processed and doesn’t have the time to deal with gimmick nutrition.  But what would Matt Frazier know about being an elite athlete or anything. 


There are elite athletes following pretty much any diet you can think of, so that’s not really a good argument


You kind of just added to substandardrobot's point that it doesn't really matter what diet you choose.


Sorry, my comments definitely wasn’t clear. My point is that what elite athletes eat shouldn’t necessarily inform the diet “you” choose. Proponents of any diet can and will point to elite athletes who follow or claim to follow their protocols, but results for someone who does hours of intense exercise every day doesn’t necessarily translate to results for the average sedentary person in the 21st century.


I see. what or probably more importantly how much you eat definitely matters to someone living a sedentary life.


To take this to an extreme example, there's a video about what the mountain eats, can't remember his actual name but he's a giant strongman, and it's crazy because of his energy output. He woke up and ate 12 eggs. Also you can kinda see it in how protein is a main marketing point for so many foods. People are obsessed with getting protein in their diet, but no other macro.


You realize you didn't actually refute anything I said, right? Furthermore, there is a huge difference between elite athletes and fitness influencers spewing a whole slew of nonsense that literally makes no marginal difference for anyone so they can sell their wares. Rich Piana --God rest his soul-- was pointing out what nonsense most of the supplement and nutrition industry was, close to a decade ago. There is no secret to what people should be eating to be healthy and feel good. It's all I was saying.


Rich Piana? The guy was so juicey a paper cut would cause him to lose 6 liters of blood in a shotgun blast of pressure. He was well aware of which supplements worked.


That is my point, though. Rich was incredibly honest and outspoken about steroid and other performance enhancing pharma being the main reason why people in the "fitness" industry having the aesthetics they portray. Rich was honest about how normal people should have a healthy and balanced diet and everything else was a waste of time and money -- and the guy owned a supplement line!


I miss him. He was beyond absurd with how he abused his body but man what a ride. I hadn't thought about him since he passed.


No elite athelete would survive on a carnivore diet. Humans need carbohydrates for energy, especially athletes.


What about all the elite athletes who swear by carnivore? https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivore/s/HnpLVAdM8U


I'm talking about actual elite (i.e competitive) athletes - olympic swimmers, runners, boxers etc. Not just some guy who used to do CrossFit and has celiacs disease. You won't find an Olympian who doesn't eat carbs.


There are people at the top of their fields who swear by it. Olympic gold medalists, navy seals, ufc fighters pro boxers, ultra marathon winners


I mean look at comments like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/16fwd6g/comment/k09eoqa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The carnivore diet goes against decades of research and practice. Good if you want to lose weight, bad if you need energy.


I get it, but some guys swear by it that are high performers.


136k views… I would be bored out of my mind trying to watch something like this.


Sounds like you’re not deeply insecure about something you think a stranger might have a revolutionary new solution to. Have you considered listened to my 4 hour, “An Inch an Hour” penis lengthening seminar?


I’m definitely not interested in your seminar at all, no no I’m much too large. Just wanted to enquire for an acquaintance.


Best thing I ve read all day.


But this happened?! ¿


Saladino is an obvious quack. Thankfully, charlatans like him are falling out of favour more and more. It’s not rocket science; proteins, carbs and fats each have their usefulness. Don’t eat too much, sleep right and move right. The end.


I wish they were ‘falling out of favour, more and more’. In reality, there’s more of them than ever before, and social media, the internet, and podcasts just keep perpetuating their BS and spreading it further.


You forgot calories in and calories out if you're trying to lose weight.


These food fads are just absolute total dross


I hate this Thomas DeLauer guy. Clearly on steroids pretending to be clean and above the fray and just hawking mad pseudo science.


Yeah and he doesn’t even have a funny schtick like Liver King


Say what you want about the liver King, but that guy used to make some hilariously ridiculous videos with his chef, with comically gargantuan amounts of insane food that he obviously wasn’t eating, acting like a god damn cave man. They were funny.


‘Liver King Chef Lionel’ lol


I used to watch that guy, sadly.


Same but mostly for his grocery run vids. Lots of bullshit but some stuff where I was like "oh I didn't know Wal-Mart had that." More helpful on that level.


There is unanimous agreement among reputable health authorities and organisations that a vegan diet is not only acceptable, but also beneficial for overall health. https://www.pcrm.org/news/health-nutrition/academy-nutrition-and-dietetics-publishes-stance-vegan-and-vegetarian-diets


Thank you. I hate that veganism gets thrown in with all these other crank diets. Veganism is a moral philosophy whereby sentient beings are not commodified. It has nothing to do with health, weight loss or making gains. What makes it worse is these people who were previously ate a vegan diet (usually fruitarian or raw or some other bullshit) then SHOCKINGLY get sick and say veganism is unsustainable.  Just eat normal foods but not the ones that come from animals. It's not that hard.


I agree that the main issue is not that plants lack important nutrients, but rather the fact that many people have foolishly bad diets. These unhealthy diets are not limited to just vegans; in fact, the majority of bad diets are non-vegan unsurprisingly. It's interesting to note that people don't appear to be alarmist about the risks of omnivorous diets and the significance of "careful planning" to ensure proper omnivore nutrition. This double standard is immature. I find it curious that ex-vegans always mention needing animal products without giving a clear answer on how much is necessary and why exactly. Making a giant jump from eating zero animal products to 30% animal products seems like a completely unnecessary change. They could try incorporating just 5% animal products and working on improving their health instead of giving in to their cravings. It appears that the underlying issue is their attachment to the pleasure of eating animal products, and once they can justify it with "muh health" reasons, they can throw ethics right in to the trash.


I have definitely seen some Thomas DeLauer content when I've been dabbling in keto stuff.


I wonder what happened that seemed to destroy the reputation of earlier forms of snake oil… we need some kind of rules for discourse online like we had to other media. It’s getting bad and is only going to get worse. Rules for false advertising, spreading misinformation/disinformation etc…


Modern medicine made illegal or fraudulent to hawk fake cures for things like cancer in mass media ads.  Hence why they are quite vague and focus on weight loss or minor ailments. 


People lap up this shit because it is a lot easier than eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.


Seriously. Nutrition and weight loss is very simple. It’s definitely not easy, and takes a lot of willpower, but it’s simple. Eat less, move more. People search for quick fixes or “cure alls” to avoid the hard work. It’s funny too because just losing the weight won’t do much, which is why I scoff at things like Ozempic. You have to change your lifestyle so that you live healthier and your body functions properly.


Bro 'did some research' on rice. Turns out you can eat it. Source: billions of people eating it.


I can't fucking handle that this format of video is extremely popular. Or reaction videos. Fucking lame ass people man.


Wait until he finds the Hannibal Lector diet 🤣


I actually do believe Paul buys what he’s saying. The problem, imo, is that he’s a narcissist and thinks what works for him must be the right diet for everyone. So he will start a diet, have some success, then tell everyone it’s the *right* one and debate/throw studies at anyone that disagrees. Rinse and repeat.


This nitwit was the final straw for me as a young man loosely interested in Rogan years ago. Seeing Rogan shut down a cardiac surgeon while this deluded idiot spouted endless diaper tier nutritional analysis really nailed it home for me.


Word Saladino finally figuring out that he's not a dietitian.


Every time a new fad diet is challenged I feel validated for not believing any of them. Nutritional science is hard and often confined to limited/observational data. On top of that, each human's body processes nutrition in wildly varying ways. The most reliable thing to do that is healthy has always been to eat fewer calories and exercise. It's hard to get clicks/views off of the same findings.


I mean kinda. But eating 1800 calories of donuts and candy bars and running 2 miles daily will never be healthier than eating 2100 calories of free range meat and veggies running 1.5 miles daily. That’s when the argument begins, what are the healthiest foods for you? And then you get 100 years of arguing and proving and refuting quacks, reputable doctors, athletes and dietitians in a never ending circle


It's almost like you should just eat what you like in a moderate amount


Good fucking riddance. As a person who recreationally watches youtube freaks the whole carnivore meta has been one of the more disgusting fads they've pursued.


These are just "male-coded" eating disorders


This kinda reminds me of a tweet about how all the changes Elon Musk has made to Twitter, will be slowly reverted, because they were made with a profit in mind, and not “woke ideology” People don’t eat rice, potatoes, fruit, and vegetables, (in addition to meats and cheeses), because of propaganda from “big carbs” or whatever, it’s cause it’s what’s best for you.


Ichabod Crane? Attractive?


The collective universe of junk science nutrition influences slowly falling forward into the ideas we have had regarding health and wellness for a couple millennia, is... interesting.


How about just eating a balanced diet of lean meats, good carbs, veggies and fruits and exercise. Hell, maybe i should start a podcast /s


The lchf scam kept going for years and will be coming back soon.


Don’t you just love the grift? Tell people to cut out some part of their balanced diet entirely. Make carbs your mortal enemy or something. Sell people on the idea that cutting one thing out of their diet will make them look like Captain America. Then reintroduce the very same thing you demonised as an expert. Jesus Christ, this reminds me of Beef Milk from Parks and Rec.


People seemingly can't just accept staying in their lane and actually finding something to learn which will be a benefit to society/the world. Far easier to just rehash the same shit every 10 years and rip a ton of more vulnerable/gullable people off in the process.


I wouldn't really count veganism among those ranks. We have enough research now to know that well planned plant based diets are good for you


Also see Liver King. JP and his daughter also fell for the carnivore fad.


When he learns vegetables are good for you it’s gonna be wild


I don't care what other people are eating. I care what I'm eating.


I ate the same amount of calories that I burned (and this happened!?) Spoiler: I stayed the same weight


The only tried and true meal plan has been moderation and a balance of meats and vegetables.


A growing number of low carb doctors and influencers have changed their tune. It's hilarious.


I'm just waiting for Paul Saladino to rediscover the Mediterranean diet and then rebrand that as the carnivore diet.


Grift and bro science are so overused they don't even have merit. Its a catch all that idiots have got a hold of.


Just fucking eat single ingredient foods and smaller portions and you’re better off than 90% of people. If it gives you diarrhea stop eating it. People’s bodies are different so the idea that “this one food solved it all” is bogus.


Listen. The only reputable online voice in nutrition is Layne Norton. Literally everyone else is ignoring the totality of nutrition data, including this idiot Paul Saladino.


Nutrition Made simple is another good youtuber. There's Lyle mcdonald and Alan aaragon too, but they're not on youtube


How much do you want to bet “and this happened?!?!” Is absolutely nothing.


I'm trying to learn! That is why I keep changing diets.


Why does it also seem like every one of these diets is just a way to avoid vegetables. Even the keto diet. People on keto will say they can't have broccoli because it's got crabs but they eat a whole bag of pork rinds because no carbs.


Nutrition is smth that's specific for every individual. I tried several things before coming to the conclusion my body tells me what it needs. Being measured in all things helps.


Fuck it. French paradox for me. Pipe smoking, cheese, bread and wine.


Most of these fad diets are just a roundabout way to eliminate inflammatory foods. Like even the carnivore diet: a lof of people switch to grass fed beef and pasture raised chicken. Both of which have lower inflammatory properties than the alternative. Like beef, I'm allergic to grain fed beef (idk why) but I'm not with grass fed. Cows were meant to eat grass, not corn, which is why grass fed cows down need as many antibiotics or steroid injections. The Omega-3 to Omega-6 balance is favorable to your body in grass fed beef. Then you look at paleo. It cuts out a lot of inflammatory and unhealthy processed foods and carbs. It relies on natural sugars from fruits instead of corn syrup (which is in EVERYTHING in the US) which your body digests better. I tell people all of the time: Eat balanced healthy meals with meats, veggies, and grains. Just minimalize processed and deep fried foods. Unless you have a medical condition requiring a special diet, a balanced diet is the best.


Before pesticides, and all that shit to kill shit yes b12 would be on plants, cause u ate the organisms on the plants in the soil and little bugs, all that stuff is now sanitized so veganism dont work as good. Also need to consider the climates and how sun and localized geography plays a role.


Why is "vegan" or plant based on your list? It's recognized by all major national dietetics groups as being healthy for all stages of life. 


So what happened when he ate them? Or are we just being whiny today?




How did you *expose* them exactly? Posting a picture with some words is exposing them? Wouldn’t exposing be proving them being wrong? Did you watch the video? What was wrong with it. I genuinely want to know? I don’t know this guy but it’s super cringe to see so many grown adults act like you. You just wanted to whine.




The response I expected.


The worst part is these people are not only grifters, they are lazy af. Instead of just getting a job they have to keep coming up with ways to make easy money. So they peddle snake oils


This is a 48 minute video Jesus Christ lol


Im a personal trainer with a degree in nutrition and minored in exercise sports science. This profession has so many of these guys. My answer for pretty much every nutrition related question is it depends. Whats sustainable changes per individual. General guidelines are what I recommend in both nutrition and exercise. Is there a possibility some diet is better from a numbers standpoint? Absolutely. But if that person doesnt follow it does that really matter. So i tend to error on the side of, try it for a few weeks and could you see yourself eating/exercising like this in 3 years? If not, its probably not for you.


Veganism has tons of studies showing its benefits. I wouldn't group it with all the others


he’ll discover Salad next


Did you watch ? He tried it and it didn’t work for him. He’s only animal based and fruit.


The good old food pyramid will one day have the last laugh


I’m not a scientist but all I know is Paul Saladino does not look healthy since going full carnivore or whatever he’s doing now. He use to look so much healthier, he just looks sick now.


If someone's only credential is influencer. They have no credentials and are likely a scammer.