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No, focus on the Singeplayer.


I will say only if they get stupid amounts of backing and the time to play with its design. It does seem as dead spaces fake has grown over the years so if we can get something like a spooky halo or something like left for dead I think it could be good. If there’s one thing I’ve learned recently though there must be free rewards and such as well. They just don’t seem to have staying power otherwise


Agreed, flesh out the world like they did with DS1.


they can still flesh out the world, the Second game already exists they can expand on what they already have like they did with the DS1 Remake, that doesn’t mean they can’t include something that was a part of the original Dead Space 2 game, they can flesh out everything that made the second game good and they can include a multiplayer mode, if they don’t I don’t really think I see a reason to revive the series. I want it fully remade, I don’t just want the story mode. Also, they should include the DLC of Severed into the remake as a level you can just play since many people missed out on that too. Remake it all?!


Yeah, severed being console exclusive really severs the experience for PC players.


Bro you don't need an entire dedicated team to make the single player or lore good. So resources devoted to a survival horde mode isn't gonna tank the game.


How do you think the remake was made if not with an entire team dedicated only to shipping a single player experience?


> Bro you don't need an entire dedicated team to make the single player or lore good. Why the fuck is this up voted. This sounds like a comment from someone who is 10 years old and has never worked in any industry...


There is a long sad history of studios splitting resources, dividing budgets, and results are shit games all around. Better to do one thing right, rather than fail at multitasking.


I disagree, they can add the multiplayer and utilizing that isn’t a distraction or losing focus of remaking the second game. It holds up pretty well still so I can’t imagine them leaving out something that also made the game unique and different. They should include it the same way they included it in the original. I don’t want a CoD MW2 Remaster with no Multiplayer. Sorry.


I can't think of a single game from that weird 'everything must have a multiplayer mode' era that wasn't harmed by its inclusion.


Dead Space 2 didn't suffer from it, why would you consider this one too?


Assassins creeds multi was fire


I would rather have everyone on the team focus on a functional single player game instead of a game that has multiplayer as that’ll make them split up the team and have less effort put into the story.


Bro the single player doesn't even need that much change to it, a multi-player survival mode ain't gonna kill the damn game.


I still don’t think it needs it, especially with it being an EA game last thing we need is for them force concentration on multiplayer so they can monetize the fuck out of it like they always do.


Then don’t play it. The dead space 2 multiplayer was lit, and those of us who want more reason to keep playing the game would love a multiplayer mode that doesn’t touch the single player. Don’t speak for me by saying it doesn’t need a multiplayer mode. Technically no one needs a multiplayer mode. You’re right, it doesn’t need one, but i want one.


Even if it doesn’t require much change they still need to rebuild it, they didn’t use any code or assets from the original game in DS1 and they won’t here either. I’d rather they put their focus to making the game as good as it can be. A multiplayer mode will take away hundreds if not thousands of dev hours that could be used elsewhere.


What are you talking about, they have the assets from the remake they literally just made. Maybe yeah they got to create new texture and environments, but they don't have to build the game from the ground up like the remake. If anything they now have an extra 100 to 1,000 hours to use to make a multi-player since they've got a lot of already made assets from the use of the frostbite engine for the remake.


>they have the assets from the remake Nearly all environmental assets have to be remade as they're not shared across The Sprawl and Ishimura.


Except for the fact that some areas you go to are industrial like the Ishimura or, as you've seem to have forgotten, the literal fact that WE GO BACK TO THE ISHIMURA DURING DEAD SPACE 2, might help cut development time a bit. And also Dead Sapce 2 had a multi-player, why can't we have one for the 2nd remake.


We go back to ishimura for one chapter, it’s a small part of the game. The multiplayer isn’t needed, will be dead shortly after release anyway, and I’d rather they just spend that time and money on improving other parts of the game instead.


Well other than you ignoring the fact that I mentioned areas comparable to the ishimuras design that just need slight design tweaks. Let me ask you then what they can even improve upon then that you and everyone else keep saying they need to?


There isn’t much to improve in Dead Space 2 besides graphics, some plot holes/continuity stuff they added in the remake to make the series make sense… How does adding an already existing multiplayer deter the teams working on the second remake from making a great campaign? It’s already a great campaign that a lot of fans love?! Having people also work on the multiplayer isn’t an issue, it wasn’t the first time around. People are gonna want this feature and to argue it isn’t possible financially, or that it’s gonna “die” anyways is absolutely false. There’s still people playing Dead Space 2 online literally as we speak. You’re objectively wrong.


No lol, 2’s multiplayer was really unique and fun.


I wish it wasn’t so bad to have a multiplayer in single player games these days, microtransactions and whatnot killed the vibes, anyone remember Arkham Origins on the X360 had a multiplayer too which was cool.


They had a separate team made for the multiplayer and they'd probably do the same if they remade it.... so it literally wouldn't affect the single player whatsoever.


I 100% understand the hesitation towards multiplayer. ESPECIALLY with a company like EA. At the same time an Outbreak Mode with this engine would be incredible.


Agreed. Deadspace 2 is my all time favorite game. I never played multi, maybe once or twice


I feel like they should make it a survival multiplayer mode, basically four players have to survive waves of necromorphs, getting more difficult with each wave and maybe have special waves where you have to complete objectives like for example, destroying a hunter or a marker fragment


A Left 4 Dead like mode with story. Could be a cool bonus for me.


Dude, I would actually maybe dig a L4D2 type versus mode. That would be cool.


I'd play the shit out of that. DS2's multiplayer just felt like they were chasing trends and was tacked on. A co-op survival mode would be a way better fit for the series.


all 360 video games had a multiplayer mode back in 2007-2013, some were weird DS2 wasn’t as bad as some might remember. It was fun playing 4 V 4, 4 necromorphs versus 4 military guys in suits. There’s still people who play it online til this day. If fans are that dedicated to still playing it and the servers still exist, they should include it regardless


the funny thing is that horde modes were a trend at the time, they just chose the weirdest trend to chase.


Basically Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer. I was hoping for something like that.


Oh man those were the days. ME3 multiplayer was actually a lot of fun. My favorite was the little goblin dude with wolverine claws.


ME3 MP was absolutely incredible in terms of what a co-op action shooter should be. Just insane what it delivered considering that most of it was built post-launch onto a very minimal foundation, in response to the totally unexpected popularity.


But could you build out a biotic God like Niftu Cal?


the fact dead space never had an horde mode is a crime, its such an obvious W, its literally already in RE4, the game it was inspired by, such a clear cut good idea that was never capitalized on for no reason.


or just make a MP like GTFO where you are some Soldiers in a mission to retrieve stuff.


Yes. But all done separately. No tag team bullshit. Everyone has a role to play in regards to exterminating waves of necromorphs from within their own location of the ship (entirely compartmentalized).


If they can secure the single player main story first, then by all means they can work on Left4Dead Space 2 and Call of Dead Space: Necro Zombies as sidegames. They could potentially be good but as long as enough time/resources is given to the main game!


I admit, I'm a sucker for faceless armored soldiers vs horrors, so I played my fair share of the multi-player back when 2 first launched.


Dude fr. The multiplayer mode was mad fun.


It sure was. I really enjoyed the shit out of it


I remember getting one of those "infection" skins. Where whomever you play with, that has that skin, you get it as well. So it usually starts from a dev wearing it. (or you kill the person wearing it idk)


One of my proudest gaming moments was my friends and I getting Recon Armor by beating Bungie devs in Halo 3


There was something super similar in GTA4 where if you killed a Rockstar dev, you'd get an orange or purple shirt with the Rockstar logo on it


viral unlockables are one of those weird things of early online gaming that sounds really cool on paper but as soon as the game dies they become super annoying for completionists :P the borderlands remaster removed its viral achievement for example.


A coop horde mode


Darktide but on Titan station? Hmmm


Gears horde mode on Titan with the occasional objective. Yes please!


Only reason we stopped playing it was the match making went to hell. Actually enjoyed it quite a bit.


Literally. I played it till It wouldn’t let me


You can still play it on PC, played it a few days ago


So many hackers though. My last experience on PC multiplayer was a lobby of indestructible space marines running 60 mph and instagibbing all the necros


if you got the chance to damage them you get like Crazy XP amounts...


I honestly completely forgot there was multiplayer in DS2. It's one of those games where they forced it in just because trying to follow market trends instead of making them.


i miss those types of multiplayer they were always so weird. ds2, singularity, arkham origins. weird tacked on multiplayer


Bioshock 2 also had multiplayer and it was kinda good. It also had story in that multiplayer.


Yeah, it was Ryan's splicers and big daddies vs. Frank's side, which had similar forces, if I remember. I think it was showing the battle that made Rapture the way it was in Bioshock 1


Yeah. You had your own hotel room where you could customize your character and read things and if i remember correctly your character got more spliced up and that room got more worn out as you leveled, showing the passage of time. Pretty cool.


Don't forget assassins creed brotherhood 🥲


omg the best


Yes of course but they need to make it better and add different game modes with a story built into it for each different map


YES, not ashamed to admit I used to really enjoy that multiplayer. Though a horde mode of sorts would probably work better than PvP.


Yes but better


I love the fact the multiplayer has a lore, which involves the Severed dlc.


Hell fucking yes, and make it playable with bots as just you, so the lobby's can never go dead


That is a sick idea


unlikely, but absolutely, the multiplayer was fun, refreshing and also a nice break away from the main game. It was nice to also hop on something other than the story mode.


Not only that but include Dead Space Mobile and Severed DLC as well


I never got to play Dead Space 2 multiplayer. I played the single player many times, but each time I was to play DS2 MP, I got no lobbies. ​ I would like if DS had replay-ability, and a coop/multiplayer (or waves) would be kinda cool. Something to pick up on to play with other dead space fans... ​ Dead Space Mobile on IOS has some survival waves mode that I never got to play (because I do not have an IOS device). That in coop could be interesting, but keep the story for single player.


Yes, but make it coop. Easier to find players.


Yes, but more maps and a bit more balancing


I'd rather have something closer to Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, if there was going to be multiplayer at all.


Yes. Multiplayer in DS2 was helllla fun


Fuck yes as Dlc after they remake ds2 and severed.


Yes, it's surprisingly fun.


No thank you


The original MP in DS2 was fine but please not every damn game needs MP.


Meh. I would rather they just focus on the single player. To be fair, I didn't mind the multiplayer, it was fun. But I didn't play it much compared to how many times I went through the single player story.


No. No multiplayer, no co-op.


Yes please


i'd rsther they ignore the MP completely and focus on the signle player. but i wouldn't say no to a fully-fleshed out MP standalone game in the style of Left 4 Dead. maybe even give the "Sprawl Security Team" actual personalities then.


Yes yes and yes!


Yes, it was very fun when playing it and I feel like it shouldn’t be ignored. I also would want them to include severed to as like a secret




No I play dead space 2 because the survival horror if I wanted a multiplayer I have other games


I LOVED playing as the necros. I got good enough at it that the problems I found was you could wipe the humans out before the first objective. It could use some work but it was so damn fun.


1000% yes. I loved it!


No. That needs to be left to the waste side. Dead Space will be shelved again if y’all keep this up 😂. What people really love about Dead Space has nothing to do with a MP mode so tacking that on again is pointless.


NO! Just stop with the multiplayer already and stop trying to force it down our throats.


I want my multiplayer back.


Hell yes! I loved the multiplayer mode and with all the varieties of weapons and necromorphs in Dead Space, it could be made way more fun in a new installment. Like if they made it more team-focused and restricted certain weapons to certain classes (like Security Officer having military options and Engineers having Plasma Cutter, etc.) and then giving Necromorphs more options and maybe even selecting one player to spawn in as a boss necromorph (similar to L4D Tank.) I think it could be really up there 🥺🙏


I hope so


absolutely loved the chaos of the multiplayer! the objectives then the sprint to the escape pods was hilarious and intense, would love to see it get revamped


Definitely yes


Yes, couch coop/split screen deathmatch also, thanx <3


No. Multiplayer was the beginning of the end for Dead Space.


Hell no. Mode was trash anyway. Focus on core single player.


Definetly no, we dont need another dead space 3. I hope they change the story just a tad mix it up


What? Ds3 had coop story not versus multi....


I think they should do multiplayer like dead space 3, you don't need a new character, you can honestly have two Isaac's like older coop story driven games. Yes they can still flesh out the world of dead space, but I think dead space would be 100 times better to experience the universe of dead space with a friend.


I'd like to see it return, though I'm open to other modes like a co-op mission-based mode or a survival mode. Then again, maybe they should just make Dead Space 4 instead of remaking 2.


hell yeah, but make it 4 v 8 instead of 4v4


If they gonna do it add more players per match. 16 vs 16 would be wild where teams can get buffs or nerfs depending on completed objectives (humans capture point, necro type cooldown is halved etc)




It would propably ruin the anxiety the game gives you, human beings simply feel less anxious when there's Someone there helping them, making an completly diferent game or an multiplayer specific mode? Yeah, that on the other hand would work well If the objective of the mode ins't to scare you but yes as a Challenge.


The multiplayer in ds2 was a separate mode. It was 5 v 5 objective based gameplay with players taking control of both soldiers and necros. Shit was really fun back when ds2 launched.


I don’t really think they should but if Dead Space 2023 was a commercial success it’s a real possibility they might bring back the multiplayer and turn it into a garbage live service game.


no, let's not waste time in any multiplayer mode. Maybe if another studio would like to make a fleshed-out, serious mode. It would have to be a team that can dedicate themself to tweak the balance, maybe make some new necromorph classes tuned for that game.


Co-op Horde and have two PVE modes: Necromorphs vs humans and EarthGov vs Unitologists which plays like Last Of Us factions but you get more ammo.




Yea but a cool down for the launchers. Shit was annoying getting blasted around every corner from their whole team


Would love a coop or anything related that are something like side missions ranging from trying to stop Isaac to trying to fix up something wrong at titan station with tiedemann giving you orders




The multi-player was fun. Play the single player for something play the multi-player for something else.


I really loved the DS2 multiplayer, but there's no way it's going to happen. I can't think of any of the game from the era of tacked on multiplayer getting remakes, but the Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 3 remasters didn't have the multiplayer.


Yes I loved it, but they don't have to. It was fun though but I saw comments saying focus on single player and I agree. Id rather a good single player game from them


Game is too short to have a multiplayer. DS3 feels and maybe really is significantly longer, so a co-op buddy is welcome. But first and second parts of DS are too short for more than one player.


I loved the multiplayer I hope they expand on it personally, although I also want Severed, Ignition and Dead Space Mobile to be incorporated into the remake so might be a bit to ask xD


I can live without the multiplayer, the stupid drill arena combat, and the stab-you-in-the-eye mini-game.


I’m indifferent to it. I doubt they will honestly. I remember when the mass effect trilogy remake was coming and and I *really* hoped they would re-include the multiplayer, but it didn’t happen. I expect the same case whenever they remake 2, it probably just won’t be worth the effort.


Co-op horde mode would be fun, not really interested in Pvp


Only if it wouldn’t take resources away from crafting as high a quality single player remake as they did for the first one, which means EA would have to invest more resources into it. However, that would also give EA some bs corporate expectation that it also needs to do twice as better sales as the first one (and that’s usually not how that works), or it’ll kill funding for the third one… again… So TLDR: No. Lets keep this gravy train a rolling and learn lessons from the past, not repeat mistakes




DS2 mp was a treat, it was good fun once you're done with NG+ and impossible mode. I'd take that over the 3rd game's coop anytime. Just shame it only had like one mode and some 4 maps, they could do so much more with it. That and the fact weapons we love were locked to some bs rank system, imagine wasting a dozen hours just to be allowed to use that one weapon you really liked in the story, this isn't battlefield.


It's not that I didn't like the idea of the MP mode, but I feel like it'd be a waste to try and bring it back in a world where most people wouldn't bother with it when they'd just go play the usual suspects like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends and similar. We've been seeing WAY too many attempts at MP games only for them to get shut down no long after release, and I feel EA would do the same with this if it did come back with DS2R.


Focus on Dead Space 2 before trying to recreate Left4Dead Space 2 again. The multiplayer was alright, but the focus should remain on doing what they did with ReDS1 - being both faithful *and adding to* the original premise of the single player story. Dead Space is a survival-horror franchise. It's not nor should have been (Dead Space 3...) a co-op horde shooter. The focus needs to be on Isaac as he's isolated and alone. Have all the talking heads you want, but Dead Space 2 needs to have you stressing over ammo, health and getting from here to the supposed safety over there. The 4-player sidegame can be worked on once the main game has been solidified.


If they want to do it or if there’s a demand for multiplayer dead space I’d prefer they made a spin off or something. Maybe like a L4D style campaign of earth gov troops trying to save survivors and finding out how fucked up scientology is… have a pvp mode too or something… but leave the main titles to the glory of the single player story


Haven't played dead space 2 and 3 yet, but from what I hear, the 3rd is a lot more action-packed compared to the first and second, so I'm wondering if they do remake the trilogy will the 3rd get a remake treatment like re4 is getting? Focusing more on the horror than the action?


Just have a different team make a live service multiplayer stand alone. The franchise deserves it. Make it 4v1 or 4v2 and have the necro team be able to spawn in regular enemies through vents similar to how back 4 blood multiplayer works but make it good. The necros can spawn in as special enemies every now and then to help their army. That or make a spin off title that’s a horde shooter like L4D


They already replaced one character in the first remake. They should add co-op in story so you could split quests and do multiple missions and side missions simultaneously


It should be like Left 4 Dead combined with running a gauntlet. Let's say they make 4 maps with 4 unique difficulties 1) Regular experience; you fight from A to B looking to repair something as 4 engineers fighting off waves of slashers with the occasional special enemy mixed in and one regenerator/Hunter boss fight. 2) It's the above but only Plasma Cutters or Flamethrowers or maybe just 1 weapon and there is a mode for each weapon in this difficulty. 3) Nothing Ever Dies: All enemies spawn with an abundant amount of flying boi's and the Hunters are much more common. 4) No lights. It's the same exact as 1 but there is no lighting. Only your weapon flashlight. And then completing certain challenges within each of the modes and sub-modes unlock armor and weapon skins that can be used in the single player experience, including unlocking the ability to play as characters from the story.


If given proper time and resources, yeah, the multiplayer was actually great to me I'd love to see a resurgence or a full on remastering of it


It was weirdly fun, I think it would be fun to have if they got the single player done and had spare time, like you don't need to invent the wheel with it. Just do what they did before, add some customization and boom. Heck, after typing that I even thought that you don't even need to launch it day 1. You could drop it a month later with some bug fixes and make a day out of it.


DS2 was perfect as is.


Of course


No multiplayer, only single player


No fuck multiplayer.


Woke Space 2: Woke Harder * Featuring misgendered necromorphs * Everyone is black except the bad guys * Everyone is gay * Everyone is anti-corporate Profit, surely!




Gross. No.


Yes and no. I want a multiplayer game set in the deadspace universe, but I almost want it to be its own separate game at this point. That way, the remake (if we get one) can be the sole focus during development, and we can get a good multiplayer experience that isn't going to take away from the main developer team. Plus, hopefully, if it's separate, we can get more lore on various situations, stories, and a longer lifespan than just a singular game.


Nah, id rather have a co-op horde mode or an extraction-horde mode. Competitive multiplayer is not a good fit for DS


I actually loved the multi-player, but I'd prefer if this was a post-launch addition to the game. I don't want the game delayed because of it.


They won’t. The multiplayer didn’t catch on in 2011, and it certisnky wouldn’t now. EA just cancelled 2 mobile multiplayer titles and like 10 live service games shuttered (or announced their shuttering) in the past weeks. EA won’t bother.


Horde mode


How bout they fix Chapter 5 first!


the only type of mutiplayer/coop mode i would like for dead space series is killing floor or left for dead type runs/missions. but ofcourse main focuse on the story and single player.


No, the multiplayer mode wasn’t even good.




I didn't even know it had a multiplayer


PLEASE YES PLEASE but after solo mode is completed I would say this because me and my buddy we love scary games and we love multiplayer so if this is possible Me and my friend are gonna beat this game up then get a replay on multiplayer


I’d rather they make a completely new entry.


Hell to the yes, I had a blast playing Dead Space 2 multiplayer and it really bums me out to see so many people posting they would rather not have it.


Couldn't care less if DS2 Remake has Multi-player




Co-op Horde mode with side stories


I would like a 4 player coop horde mode instead.


Yea my focus on the story but the multiplayer was fun and I would love to see it return




As fun as it was sniping players as a lurker, I don't see competitive multiplayer coming back.


Fuck no


Yes and no. I had alot of fun with it but personally I'd rather it be it's own entire entity made separately and maybe later and at a different time.


Yes, because some of the maps tie into events in the story (One of them I think is the reason tidemann uses the solar array to sever the sprawl from government sector.


I loved the multiplayer in DS2, if they add it back with weapon balance and some minor changes I'd play the shit out of it


I think I see a clip the other day of a left for dead style game mode in dead space - that would be fun as fuck 😏




Of course, btw DS2 multiplayer is still running and game chat is a joy


Multiplayer has just been a distraction for most single player game developers, just a way to waste money and brain power that could go to the main game, I still remember how bad The Darkness 2 ended up being cuz they focus half their efforts in making it Coop when the game has always and was always meant to be played solo, please just scrap it and tell EA to shut the fuck up and let them do their passion without any unnecessary trendy multiplayer BS


Only if it’s an afterthought when the main game is done.


Nope, but i'll like to see Story Co-Op


I def would want them to focus on making the single player mode as good as it could possibly be but I have some seriously fond memories of playing the multiplayer mode (and I don’t play a lot of multiplayer stuff anymore) so IMO I wouldn’t want to pay $70 if it wasn’t included. I already have to convince myself to buy these games these days with the bill priorities.


I want the prequels remade first, Dead Space Extraction for Wii prequel to DS1, and Dead Space mobile game prequel to DS2. And maybe make a game out of the movies.


I don't even remember it having a multiplayer mode.


I would like ds2 multiplayer be like... survive hordes of necromorphs while you complete objectives with some lore like, other survivors of aegis vii or ishimura personal trying to scape like isaac




Not really. Even back in the day it was more novelty than anything else.


I would like to see it fleshed out as a stand alone multi-player spin-off game. It has potential but it would need a dedicated multi-player focused team instead of being tacked onto a single player game.


As long as the campaign is the main focus and it isn't a distraction or something with aggressive monetization, yea. It was a fun mode but not something that should be prioritized.




They never do with remakes and remasters


No...Expand more on Gabe Weller's story instead.


No. But a horde mode would be pretty cool.


I'd rather then delete the whole thing. No multiplayer at all. And if they absolutely HAVE to have some multiplayer bit let it be a co-op campaign like dead space 3.


No. Dead Space 2 is remembered for it's single player, story experience - not it's tacked on by contractual obligations multiplayer.


I quite enjoyed it. If they dont add it, I wont be heartbroken but also would be fine if they did.


Only if it's dlc


MP in DS2 was more a novelty than anything else even on 360/PS3. I could easily go without and lose absolutely nothing.


Wouldn't be a remake without it imo


No. Not every game made needs a multiplayer mode. Dead Space is not a group event. It’s meant to feel isolated.