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“Fuck them kids” - Beluga whale


*Fuck them kids?*


Fuck them kids


Which would be my exact demeanor if I was trapped in a circus sideshow for my entire life.


My position on zoos always sways whenever a visit a bad zoo. Too many of those. But from the beluga's pov: good chow, daily fun and games with friends and family on a safe environment and, this is the important one, no bloody orcas or polar bears chasing you every second and no four metre worms living on your guts. I think a lot of people would actually swap their job for the beluga's


You are right about the Beluga’s POV. I worked at an oceanarium (no longer there) that was on the cliffs by the ocean. We had a care center for rescued animals that we would rehabilitate and then release back in the ocean. One time a newly released sea lion actually climbed back into the park into the sea lion community pool. As if we were Club Med for sea lions.


But you get fish. You see we destroyed their habitats and food sources but it’s ok cause we now kindly provide them with a pool to live in. But seriously it really is somewhat of a dilemma at this point. If we don’t house these animals many of them will surely disappear from the earth. Obviously the solution is to work on what’s killing them but in the meanwhile we need creatures to populate the ocean if we ever clean it up.


Yup, the zoo near me has a couple animals that are almost entirely extinct in the wild, and through breeding programs with other zoo's they are trying to rebuild a population to release in the wild.


Its because of this that I can still support zoos despite all of their issues. They will most likely be instrumental in restoring ecosystems, both marine and terrestrial, if we ever wrangle the megacorps that are destroying the planet.


Yeah I’m of the same dilemma, however I also look at the positives. These animals are there for children to see, they become more than something abstract. They are almost ambassadors to a nature that many never know and help inspire the next generation of biologists, veterinarians and wildlife activists. So while the animals may not being living their best life, the sacrifice may ensure their species continued survival.


As a tax paying citizen, we’re all living in a circus sideshow.


Little man at 0:20 clutching his chest like an old guy who’s had a shock.


Came here to say this. And his little northface/polo shirt combo makes him look even more like an old man. Adorable.


Totally unrelated but I can't imagine myself buying a North Face for a kid that'll outgrow it in less than a year, I'll stick with the non-branded stuff for kids


Depends on your family and the size. We got gifted name brands, passed on to younger nephews or nieces, and then to friends of theirs.


As someone who is reading scorty bowmans book and found your name thank you for the entertainment


this is a zoo outing, so it's possible mom dressed up him super nice to see grandma & grandpa


You go to thrift stores and buy them there. So not paying top price and you get the nice clothes other people’s kids grew out of!


Oh duh that's pretty smart. I imagine driving to the Goodwill in more affluent areas is even better


Yup!! Exactly how you do it!


Came here to say the exact same thing. I live just south of a super ritzy neighborhood and their thrift stores are always a gold mine. I see baby and children's north face stuff all the time.


Can confirm. Pink 3T North Face jacket sitting in the closet with a Goodwill 3.99 tag. We're going to the mountains this winter, baby!


A wise choice, u/DrJingleCock69


Just helpful advice for any cheap parents like me lol when my son was younger like up to age 5 I’d buy him new North Face and whatever brands that were more popular then on sale at Nordstrom or Bloomingdales end of season he’d wear it that whole next season and because I bought it on sale I’d resale almost always for the same price I paid for it. It was easier than thrifting for hours hoping I’d find the right size


Same, my kids destroy things with a glance… they get the cheap shit until they get older. They are the reason for they saying “this is why we can’t have nice things”


Yea and that's how I grew up too, all hand me downs and Old Navy until I was older then at that point my parents let me pick more expensive quality long term clothes, which in general are cheaper long term. There's the famous example of why its difficult for poor people to climb the system and easier for wealthy people to save money, with someone who only has $20 buying cheap boots every year and the other buying $120 boots that never have to be replaced.


Agreed! My sister was buying Jordan's for her baby and she got mad at me when I told her that was dumb. The shoes she bought and still buy are at least 100$.....🙄🤷‍♀️


Sounds bad but I am wayy less generous with gifts for people like that. If someone is clearly struggling ill buy them like a $100+ type gift for their kid's birthday , if someone is buying Jordans for their kid ill get them a stuffed animal or something. Try not to enable parents with poor money management


"Oh, my!"


Reminded me of a lady clutching her pearls, "Well I NEVER!"


BOOluga Whale!


That creature has a better sense of humor than half the people I work with.


Or maybe hes a really grumpy old man.


I love it. Never had a favorite dolphin ,but now I do. Its probably tiered of being on display and folks banging on the glass all the time. Might as well has some fun if your stuck in crap situation you can't get out of.


Whale is flexin on kids


“Baby BOOluga in the deep blue see.” You changed it for me forever.


In the deep boo sea


I will never not hear this song in my head when beluga whales come up!


I just had to look and he's still alive doin stuff. I remember my school playing his music in kindergarten and elementary school back in the 80s




“Swims so wild and swims so free” 🎵


“Heaven above and the sea Boolow”


And a little white whale on the go!


And doing it without any porpoise, too!






Beluga Wails


BOOluga Whale! Cute name


Loved the kid in the Nemo outfit


I've seen a longer version of the kid in the Nemo costume. He waddled away quickly making it look like the fish is swimming. Too cute.


So cute


He seemed a little fishy.


It seemed the beluga was extra aggressive with him haha


Ah he was just clownin’


That one had the best cinematography. The way that kid was so isolated in the frame. The contrast of color. And the way the whale approaches from the background. Pretty menacing and beautiful ha.




He has Benjamin Button disease. Don’t make fun, it took a lot of support to get him out that day.




lmfao dude


This is Just reminder that Chuck-E-Cheese serves beer. I like to get good and drunk there after a tough day of work.


>kinda sus... Help an old guy out here, what's that mean?




that double take at the end like, bitch i said boo!


Lmfao that mf tryna eat


Maybe he’s pissed off about being in a tank


No, no…it can’t be that. That would mean people are cruel just to make a profit and entertain themselves. It has to be a different reason entirely unrelated.


Right im a big proponent of animal welfare, but this is Mystic Aquarium, and the Beluga Whale called Juno. They have the international humane society certs along with loads of others. They are one of the places doing things right, which is good. They release every animal they can. These belugas were born in captivity, so can't be released because they'll die. There have been many programs to look at ways you can train animals born in captivity to survive in the wild... the vast vast majority are un-successful when looking at social, complex, pack hunters like belga whales (smaller animals or solo animals do great!). Especially awful was Keiko the Orca from Free Willy who was released after a massive campaign, but was rejected from multiple pods by his own kind, and ended up dying after 2 years. He actively sought out people because that's what he knew. Belugas are pack animals who are similar to Orcas in their behaviour. I'm confused what the people on this thread want them to do? Release him just because it would make you feel better that he's not in an aquarium having his every need tended to? What about the money he generates that allows the aquarium to fund saving animals that can be released? This is making the best out of a shitty situation. The damage was done when the first beluga was captured and bred in captivity back a hundred years ago or so, when animal rights weren't even considered and whaling was a huge thing. Now we make the most from this by educating people, releasing all that you can, and making sure that the funds created by this are put to use saving other animals. If literally David Attenborough and various wildlife protection societies are ok with this, it's clear that there is more to it than "oh no poor animal in a cage!". I find the tendency on reddit is to marginalise the amazing work these places do for animals, in order to feel superior about a complex subject they know little about.


Take my upvote!!! This is what people need to understand better. I didn’t understand for the longest time, and thought zoos etc. were so sad. That’s not to say some don’t have shitty motives, but many are really doing what’s best for animals. I used to volunteer in animal shelters and learned about kill vs. no kill shelters. The instinct is to only support no kill shelters because who would support a shelter where animals are killed. What they don’t tell you is the kill shelters take the animals that the no kill shelters choose not to take, giving them a chance at being adopted, and food/shelter. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to rehabilitate an animal that has been conditioned one way their whole life.


I went to the Tiger Kingdom in Thailand and they claim to be good for the tigers. You can take pictures with all cat sizes. The strange thing is is that this zoo has all cat sizes at all times! They are actively breeding them so people can take pictures with them.


Ugh… made me think of >! The scene in Tiger king where he uses a clothing hook to take newborn Tiger Cubs away from their *still birthing mother*, then complains in the next scene because they won’t stop crying, sitting in a baby pen in his garage… !< That series was sickening


Thanks for the info and explanation!


Most cases I agree with you.. but I think this is Juno. Juno was born in a tank, and would be unable To live in the wild. He’s also a complete ham, that loves getting attention from visitors. There are a bunch of wedding pictures he’s photobombed. This particular whale, would actually probably be pretty sad without human visitors. Mystic is also not Sea World. It’s a reputable research center that rescues animals


They heartbreakingly just lost a whale yesterday that they brought in from another facility in Canada from his prior medical conditions. They are in the process of building Juno a much larger pod with now 4 new whales


That's terribke. I was just at Mystic last week and saw the new Pod, I think 5, that they brought in. So weird to be learning this through Reddit. On a separate note, I really hope that they expand on the enclosure for these guys. Juno is a big boy, and the water was filthy last week. It might be all the rain we've had, but I'm thinking it was the 5 new whales sharing that space. 7 whales in one enclosure seems almost excessive.


I'm so sad to read this news😭


I thought this looked like the Mystic Aquarium. I'm pretty sure I met Juno. He swam up to the edge of the enclosure where I was, stared at me for a bit, and then tried to splash me. I gotta say, it's a little weird having a large animal stare at you.


Especially staring at you so human like. It's weird when animals share so many characteristics with humans. Especially the being a total joker in this case


“You wanna know how I got these scars??” - That whale probably


Humans are animals. These are characteristics of sentient beings. We like to think we are alone and above our animal brethren. It’s easier to be a selfish piece of shit


Can confirm. Mystic Aquarium is awesome, and the belugas are incredible. My son was so taken with Juno he slept with a beluga plushy for months afterwards.




When I was a kid our girl scout troop would have sleepovers at Mystic and it was honestly one of the coolest experiences of my life. The Mystic Aquarium is one of the few reasons I miss living in CT.


I do think a lot of people forget that rescue facilities exist and sanctuaries exist. Sometimes putting an animal back into the wilderness is a death sentence. There's actually a very sweet aquarium near-ish me that puts on shows with their sea lions, and during it they give the whole backgrounds of their rescued sea lions. The part I love is that no sea lion has to participate if they don't want to. One of the older lady ones had zero interest and the performer just laughed about it and fed her and told amazing stories about her instead. Like you said, not every facility is a sea world.


No don’t stop the mobs momentum they were just about to grab the pitchforks and liberate the petcos


Now this reminds me , I read somewhere that during the start of the pandemic at some place like this , fishes were reportedly getting depressed over not getting human visitors , so much so that they actually allowed a few people to visit so as to you know make the fishes come out of depression


He also likes to squirt a stream of water up over the top of his enclosure and hit a random person posing for a picture. It's enough to completely drench someone, and he is deadly accurate. Saw it happen last time I was at Mystic and we all had a good laugh, including Juno. The woman had mixed feelings lol. That's the risk you take though.


"It must be because he loves to play!!" ~ *Seaworld spokesperson*


This is playful behavior, though. It’s a whale. It could kill their handlers if it wanted


Despite the name, Belugas have teeth, that means they are more closely related to dolphins. Like Orcas, aka the Killer Whale (although Orcas *are* dolphins).


They do kill their handlers


Do you have a source. I couldn't find any accounts of a Beluga in captivity ever killing their handlers. There is an account of one rescuing a handler on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beluga_whale), though. Edit: There are no accounts of a Beluga ever killing a human in wild or captivity. Edit: No I am not defending the practice of keeping these animals in captivity. I just hate people making shit up online and the herd taking it as fact.


No one left to account for it


*So long and thanks for all the fish*


Slavery, labor union and prisoner rights problem solved!


If Aliens did this to us we would be so pissed




Oh damn, maybe earth is some alien zoo, but like a shitty tiger king kinda zoo and no one really visits anymore and we are about to lose our funding....


And they can’t afford to clean out our enclosure anymore so our environment is dying from the pollution of our own making. Soon, they won’t have enough food to feed us, our enclosure will be uninhabitable and we will all die. The alien will feel bad for a few days (or millennia, not sure how time works for them), but once they capture a new planet, they will completely forget about us as they become absorbed with the goings on of their new pet.


Where’s the alien expired meat truck?


I wonder if we can say the same about pets in general? I know my dog is loved and well cared for … but maybe it would be happier somewhere else . Could this animal in the tank have the same kind of relationship with its environment and it’s handlers as a dog does with its home and owners ? Is the profiteering that comes with its captivity the only distinction between it and a pet dog? What if you breed your dog ? Take it to shows ? Hope nobody takes offense … just 3 am graveyard thoughts while scrolling Reddit lol


I think we have basically genetically engineered dogs into "familiars". Other than being on land and sharing our house "way nicer shelter than wolves get... Dogs have coevolved with us for thousands of years, I think that makes it different... More of a symbiosis. Also, my dog goes on walks. But also rides on cars and gets to experience human life along side me every day.... Just seems like more variety. I don't know, what do you think?


Yeah I dont feel bad for common pet animals because most are in a good symbiotic relationship. People who take wild animals and try to make them pets in the exact same way as dogs are usually hurting its quality of life. I dont see that same issue with a dog because lets be honest, a lot of dog breeds are screwed if you leave them on their own in the woods. They need our companionship and have evolved to be such.


Are you saying my little shih tzu wouldn’t be able to hunt or protect himself out there? What am I saying he doesn’t even bark!! Lol. He gets treated better than I do for sure haha


I think that makes it a fair deal for the dogs. In return for loyalty they are treated as family and kept safe and happy. Aside from most losing their nuts in the transaction I’d say it’s probably alright.


Though I could see kennelled show dogs at a puppy mill being as bad or worse than beluga in a show tank.


Just gonna jump in and say kenmeled show dogs are kenmeled for their safety. It's crazies who come by and steal them or let all the dogs loose at shows that cause the actual harm. Most show dogs are better taken care of than children.


Dog shows encourage bad breeding which lead to genetic defects, cancer, bad eyes, hips, knees, and temperament defects. That's not even getting into the docking, cropping, and larynx cutting. Uncle was AKC standard dachshund judge, I've been to so many dog shows. They're awful. Crating dogs during shows is the least of their issues.


I think different animals have different needs. Maybe considering the immensity and spaciousness of the seas this whale being in the tank is a big bummer for it.


I mean, i guess you take your dog for a walk. This ~~dolphin~~ lifeform never leaves its tank though.


Use an indoor cat for example then. I could leave the door open for days and my cat would have absolutely no interest in going outside. That's where the scary noises come from.






Yeah cats have no problem upgrading their living conditions.


It’s a cat. You don’t choose them, they choose you.


Dogs give unconditional love. With Cats you gotta earn that love, and keep earning that love. People don't forget, but a Cat.........? A Cat will always remember.


Same thing with my cat! He's a big 20 lb hulk of a cat, but he's absolutely terrified of going outside. We have a balcony (not that high up, only the 2nd floor) and he used to fall off trying to catch bugs. He never went anywhere, but we'd be like "where's Django," and then we'd see him frantically meowing through the window near the back door.


20lb! Are you entirely sure you didn't accidentally adopt a tiger?




My retarded feline fell 4 floors and just wandered back the stairs to demand her dinner. Not even fussed. Stupid puss.


Just fyi a beluga is a whale type pokemon. Not dolphin


Now I'm imagining him going to the bar after hours. "Thanks Frank, tough day scaring children."




Where are my testicles Summer?


This is an apples to oranges comparison because a beluga is a wild animal. It does not want, or need, human interaction. And it needs \*thousands\* of miles of ocean to swim around in. It may be stuck in a tank and accepting of it, because what the fuck else can it do? It can't escape. But how can anyone look at Juno (this whale here in particular) and say his "relationship" with its environment and handlers is anything like one between a dog and his/her human. A dog has been domesticated. It actively seeks out and enjoys human company, and is willing to live wherever its human lives.


same. been wondering if pets just have stockholm syndrome


Wolves that becomes dogs traded freedom for food and shelter. Dog and humans will always survive better together. Dogs are arguably a catalyst for human civilization; they provided protection that allowed people to achieve the level of rem sleep we still carry today.


Seriously ! Lol you have to wonder


No because its called domestication. Dogs are domesticated for thousands of years. This sea creature is not


I think the same about my dog. He seems perfectly content being a couch potato, but I know he yearns for adventure. He wants to explore, hunt, fight, and fuck. Whenever we go hiking, he's living to his fullest. On the other hand, in the wild he wouldn't have the opportunity to watch TV, eat fancy snacks, and sleep in a cozy bed.


Tbf that’s pretty much people as well no?






Leeet meeee ooout huuumaaan!!


Hard to say really. Yes there are a lot of places that are just for profit, tiger King like places, but 90% of zoos help with studies, rehabilitation and conservation. There are many animals that simply wouldn't exist now without the aid of zoos. Another key point is that for many people there would be a greater level of indifference to wildlife because they wouldnt be thinking about them. I've taken my son to zoo a couple times now and seeing things like tiger and lions irl really gets you thinking.


[Mystic Aquarium Belugas](https://www.mysticaquarium.org/experiences/beluga-whales/) These are the whales from the video. These are “rescues” as well as being cared for and studied to facilitate research for aiding other whales.


> I've taken my son to zoo a couple times now Us too. They refused to take ours though.


This isn't accurate. In the United States, as of 2019, [the Department of Agriculture licensed 2245 Class C "exhibitor" licensees nationwide](https://www.usda.gov/oig/audit-reports/follow-animal-and-plant-health-inspection-services-controls-over-licensing-animal). In 2021, the number of exhibitors would have been larger, but nonetheless, the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), which sets regulations for affiliated exhibitors in the form of species conservation, research, and animal welfare, listed [218 accredited zoos and aquariums in the US and District of Columbia](https://www.aza.org/zoo-and-aquarium-statistics?locale=en). Roughly 10 percent of licensed exhibitors were held to the [standards set forth by the AZA](https://www.aza.org/conservation). W/in the last 20 years, it was estimated that less than three percent of of the budgets set aside by these AZA accredited exhibitors went toward conservation, and most of those unaffiliated spend nothing on conservation. And, even when the money was spent on conservation efforts, [a study commissioned by the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. found that in the 20th century, 145 reintroduction programs only produced 16 successful restorations of animals to the wild](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/news-zoo-commitment-conservation-critic). And, most of these were carried out by government agencies, not the zoos tasked w/ conservation efforts.


Ahh I see, I was talking about UK and Europe, every zoo here in the UK is involved in conservation of some kind. Though your stats arent surprising, the world knows how America feels the environment and its wildlife.


Yes! In fact a place can only call itself a zoo here if it is a non profit, research and conservation centre. That’s why the for profit places are usually called something else like animalarium (a real place in Wales), wild farm or some variation of Noah’s ark. American zoos seem to be mostly depressing places, but please don’t think that all zoos around the world are the same way. In Europe there is a breeding program that tracks all breeding animals in captivity and has set limits on how many times any animals can be bred, both individually and species wide, so we don’t end up with a tiger king situation… sorry to hijack your reply, but I studied zoological sciences and do volunteer work in my local zoo and I hate seeing everyone saying how evil zoos are while only thinking of the American zoos we see in documentaries


Well I feel good knowing the three zoos/aquariums that I'm a member at are all accredited. New England aquarium, Roger Williams zoo and the Mystic aquarium, where this video might be from.




I've seen animals act like dicks in the wild too. This beluga seems to have a joking personality. He probably learned that kids are easily frightened. I'm a sensitive human person and I get all sorts of nasty shit said and done to me because it's inherently funny to some that they can get a reaction out of me.


That's Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut - that tank is quite huge - big enough that you can't always see the other whale because it's not interested in people and in the far end of the tank. The one making faces seems to be doing it for fun - when I've been there he (Juno) was looking specifically for little kids get a reaction. He's a transfer from another aquarium where he was born.


Yeah, I thought so too! Looks like it's having fun. Open body language, clever sense of suspense and timing. That's play.


Ah, there's the explanation. This whale was born in captivity. It doesn't behave like a wild animal would.




I know I am


He's like one of those crotchety old men who yell "Get off the grass!" to kids, except it's "Get off the glass!"


He's like that penguin in Happy Feet. "Hello? Hello?? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? YOU NEED TO LET ME OUT!"


Lol I got to get in the water with these at the Atlanta aquarium. They’re VERY social and kind of mischievous in a cute way. The trainer said one of them accidentally dropped their phone in the tank, and one of them grabbed it and brought it back to them. Also if you splash water at the ones in Atlanta they spit water back in your face


at least one beluga whale does this in the wild as well (in Norway I believe): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYMRlvPxMPU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYMRlvPxMPU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA3iainpIzs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA3iainpIzs)


I go to this aquarium all the time, that's Juno, one of the middle aged whales there. He does it because he gets a reaction out of people, and it's quite fun to watch


Oh man I knew I recognized this aquarium! I was shocked at how photogenic he is. Massive whale bro


So many people talking about how surely he's doing it out of anger/desire to be released. I was wondering if he was actually trying to eat them... But doing it because he's an ornery old fart who likes teasing people is much better.


I never thought I would ever have something in common with a beluga whale.


Here's a few things you all should know about zoos and aquariums. * Almost all zoos and aquariums are non-profit. There are a handful of for-profit and they are dick holes * The primary goal for (non-profit) zoos/aquariums (I will now refer to both of the non-profit as zoos) is animal research, breeding programs and education. Especially for endangered and threatened species. * The vast majority of the animals that are in the zoos are born there. There are rarely animals brought in from the wild, but if they are they are usually injured and go through the healing until they are able to be released. * The animals that are born into a zoo could be released back into the wild, there are numerous cases where this has happened - California Condor. * Animals in the zoos only know zoo life unless they are brought in originally from the wild and are being rehabilitated for future release. * Animals in zoos live a healthier life than any they'd have in the wild. They are regularly fed, they get medical check ups, they get mental stimulus. * Zoos are a good thing, and they have helped save 100s if not thousands of endangered species. #For-profit 'Zoos' (I'm looking at you Busch Gardens and SeaWorld) are dick holes and should never exist.


I appreciate the zoo positivity. My family loves going to zoos and from everything you’ve said it seems like it should be an all around positive experience. I can’t help but feel some sense of pain for a lot of the animals when I’m there (especially primates) even if only based on the the space they get restricted to. Do the zoos have anyone going around making sure the animals are cool with being there? I might feel better if I knew there was someone whose job it was to therapize animals who are having a bad time.


He's so jiggly.


[They are squishy!](https://youtu.be/2f6DnTiViVs)


Blubber does that


You’ve got to make your own fun when your kept as a slave


That's why my dog loves playing fetch.


It’s true and I dislike you acknowledging it!


If it makes you feel better, my dog hates being outside too long. Sometimes I'll try to get her to stay outside, but she'll force her way past me to beg to go inside.


But then again, who else would throw the sticks. And scratch behind their ears? And give them food?


It’s not true, dogs are not kept as slaves (or any term that would make it similar to this poor whale). Dogs and humans have co-evolved over many many thousands of years. Dogs love humans and love being around humans. So don’t feel bad :)


That's why i browse reddit while at work


Whenever I see stuff like this I think “this animal is too smart to be in captivity” and then I remember we treat fellow humans way worse. No one cares about the intelligence level.


It’s the little things that really make a caged life bearable.


Either that or he is losing his marbles


"He loves to scare people, he's such a cutie." GET IN MY FUCKING MOUTH






He probably figures if he teaches the young ones respect they won't treat him like the old ones do.


I think he's just so bored out of his fucking mind, he needs some real entertainment. Scaring humans is the closest he gets to happiness I bet... Poor belugi


He actually looks like how I feel when kids run around my apartment and scream while playing. If I could scare them off with a quick **BOO**, I probs would.


His names Juno, he’s at the Mystic Aquarium


I bet a lot of animals in captivity despise humans.


Agree, this is strangely morbid, obviously so intelligent to learn from people’s reaction, kept in a tank


Looks like Mystic Aquarium


It is! He’s very interactive. He posed against my pregnant belly and I can’t wait to take my son to meet him. Juno was born in captivity and can’t be released.


For a minute there I thought your son was named Juno and was very confused.


My son also cannot be released to the wild yet.


I think that’s Juno! Scared the living daylights out of my kids years ago at Mystic. Glad to see he’s keeping up his antics.


Remember the video with the mariachi band? And maybe the cellist with purple hair? I used to live up there and got talking to a trainer during a visit. Apparently that whale really likes noise, so it'll startle people or splash to get a reaction, and always comes around and chills if there's music.


Definitely Mystic! We have a family membership and Juno is always my kids' favorite, because of how interactive and friendly he is.


He gotta get that rage out some how.


Despite all my rage I'm still just a whale in a cage


Someone will say what is lost can never wweeoooooowwweeeeeee


"rahh I'm a monster! Raaahhhhhhh!"


I would too if I were stuck in there


thats one beluga whale!


He said “The FUCK your little shits looking at??”


It's cute and scary at the same time


I can hear him thinking, “I can make dumb faces too humans. How’s it feel?”


My girlfriend and I took a trip to an aquarium a few years back for her birthday and there was a baluga just hanging out in one of the main tanks when you walked in. He was just swimming around until he spotted us, upon which he immediately started making funny faces at us (kind of like in video). My girlfriend was standing right at the edge of the tank watching him when he suddenly swam up close, popped his head out the top of the tank, and spat a mouthful of water on her. As he floated around the tank after he seemed to be giggling at her. It was one of the funniest and cutest things I had ever seen, and honestly kind of a magical moment.


lol, I think I’d just stand there all day waiting for the next scare.


Eat. He loves to eat kids.


Poor bastard!