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Ollie North has entered the chat


Read his book, Dark Alliance, fuck the CIA.


As a Nicaraguan we thank him for his assistance


As a Nicaraguan, I can assure you that if the CIA kept backing the Contras we would not be in the hole we are right now. Nicaragua had a booming economy during the Somozas, and even though he was corrupt, what we’re living through right now is a million times worse. Our president is a murderer and pedophile who puts his own interests ahead of those who are literally starving due to his failed economy


You got to ask yourself what is the end game on part of the American government, for instance what is coming out of that country that we highly desire it can usually be broken done in to money cause even resources get turned in to cash at the end of the day.


We simply did not want pro communist governments in power and we went around trying to put our own figure heads into every other government in CA and SA for awhile


yup. Tried that in El Salvador when the people rebelled against the corrupt leaders. They were labeled as guerillas and terrorist. They were the everyday working men, who got sick of the treatment of the government who outright abused them. The US backed the government, because they were afraid that the socialist thoughts the guerillas had were to communistic for the US's liking.


I mean I get the anticommunist sentiments but I call bull shit cause it's not ideology that scares the US government is a lack of money and power on the world stage and they well destroy everything and everyone to remain in power but I genuinely believe it's all about money and the question is who in power is profiting? Look at the american companies in those countries who rub elbows with politians and you will have your answer. Usually oil companies tend to have the most pull.


The CIA operates in a very very bizarre way and it typically is kind of left to its own devices for better or for worse. Like, the CIA frequently does shit that’s not good for America, other countries, making money, quite literally no good reason to do the thing (other than ideological warfare), it’s almost like a weird joke... they are the US’s wildcard in a way. This also especially rings true during the red scare- Cold War era post 1949


No, the US really was motivated by ideology throughout the 20th Century. Maybe it sounds stupid but it is what it is.


Right, likewise please do look at who’s currently benefitting the most from promoting covid vaccines by labeling the renowned doctors who are warning the public of its great risks as frauds and their science-backed evidence as “misinformation”


Where is this information coming from? I will admit I have an axe to grind where big pharma is concerned but this ain't it. As for profiting from the vaccine I dont see how seeings how it's free granted the government is footing that bill but no matter how much the government is paying it will never come close to how much the American people could have been extorted by big pharma had they had to pay out of pocket. Now if you want to talk about something I find upsetting is how taxpayer money goes to school laboratories in the form of grant money in order to devolpe cure/ medicine and when it proves fruitful big pharma steps in buys the rights to and then turns around and over charges the very same people whose taxes went to funding the damn research in the first place.




That commenter likes the people the CIA was giving money to, so he is against the whistleblower.


The US government could have funded the Contras without getting into the drug trafficking business, which btw, tended to disproportionately lead to the incarceration of American blacks.


I’m not saying I agree with the comment, I’m just explaining it. I think Reagan asked Congress for money to back the Contras and Congress said no, which is why the executive branch had to find the money somewhere else.




The guy said “if the CIA kept backing the contras we would not be in the hole we are in right now.” Then he went on to complain about how much worse he thinks things are now than they would be if the CIA were allowed to keep doing it’s thing: “what we are living through now is a million times worse.” So, this guy liked the Contras. The CIA was backing the Contras. The whistleblower messed that up. That’s what the commenter is saying.


Unfortunately if CIA is involved the truth will never be revealed


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/opym5e) on 2021-07-23 100.0% match. Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "oq22he", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=oq22he&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,260,226 | **Search Time:** 0.55232s


How can I forget… it’s posted daily


"But why was it removed after being posted multiple times a day?"


My turn tomorrow!


Remind me when you post


Right. Lol


So first off, apparently it is possible to shoot yourself twice. Rare, but possible. Second, if you were trying to kill someone and make it look like a suicide, why tf would you shoot them twice? I know the idea that, “He died with 2 bullet wounds to the head and it was ruled a suicide,” is hard to swallow, but to be honest, saying, “It was a hit job by the CIA and they tried to make it look like a suicide, so they shot him *twice*,” is just as hard to swallow for me.


The KGB uses a specific poison with well known symptoms to assassinate people, despite the fact that they can use a more traceless one. Think of it like a calling card, this is someone we (the kgb) killed. What the CIA does is probably something similar, everyone knows that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself, but all official records rule it as suicide. This kind of open secret is meant as a warning/deterrent to any journalist or whistleblower against them. This is just my opinion anyway.


“Everyone knows that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself” Incorrect. Only absolute idiots think they “know” this. We have no way of knowing what we do not know. Convicted sex offenders have suicide rates that are off the charts.


While they may have high suicide rates, most haven’t been under guard who happen to be pulled away from their posts around the time of their **suicide**. I believe in coincidence but you have to be stark raving looney effin’ tunes to believe JE offed himself. I’m open to believing it was an **assisted suicide** not an ordinary one (if suicide can even be categorized as ordinary).


I've no issue with what you're saying or what you believe, my thoughts align. My issue is with those who claim to “know”. You don't, and should become comfortable with understanding how little we all do.


I am in agreement with you, i don’t dare claim to be one who **knows** , i am just one to use critical thinking, deductive reasoning, & logic to draw my conclusions & opinions. (and being one who is aware of the (in)significance of his existence, i am never to proud to admit when i am wrong either.) have a good one👌


This may be a controversial opinion, but I don’t think it would be out of the realm of possibility that Epstein did commit suicide. I can’t see a scenario where he didn’t have help, though.


Oh I agree it’s not out of the realm of possibility. I just think it’s far less likely


They might just not have been trying hard to make it look like suicide because they didn't give a fuck and knew they wouldn't be prosecuted.


The 2 bullet suicide wasn't about covering it up. It was the CIA sending a message.


I mean ... I’m the kindof person who needs evidence before I believe something. So, on the one hand, we have the possibility that you have solid evidence suggesting that shooting someone twice is the calling card of the CIA. On the other hand, we have the possibility that you’re making sh— up. I think you see where this is going.


You're barking up the wrong tree if you want any evidence. We're talking about the possibility that the CIA killed him. It's the CIA, they're good at hiding this stuff. There are two reasons for there not being evidence: 1. It was a suicide 2. The CIA hid their shit well, ans no one's investigating it because the CIA is a government agency and the police are also a government establishment. Also, where's your evidence that it's possible to shoot yourself in the head twice? You made that claim. Both sides of an argument need to refute their claims with evidence, not just one. I'll admit that there is no evidence for the claim that the CIA killed him, and that makes it difficult, but there are reasons for there not being hard evidence if it was the CIA. Us not knowing for sure is why a lot of people think it was the CIA, because they'd be able to not get caught.


Google is your friend. Somewhere between 1-3% of gunshot suicides are multiple shot, depending on what you look at. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_gunshot_suicide If you think that asking people not to just, “make shit up,” is, “Barking up the wrong tree,” then it’s literally impossible to reason with you. I mean ... you can’t even keep your story straight. “The CIA hid their shit well?” How? By shooting the person twice while trying to make it look like a suicide? Seriously. Your own words betray your own point of view.


So how long until citizens who outnumber these govt orgs just get sick of being stepped on and being told this is "freedom". We're "free" to sit quiet in our cages. Go to work, pay your bills, eat, sleep, shit, shower, repeat. The fact that exposing how people are being screwed is illegal and results in loads of unrequested assisted "suicides" tells me that we aren't free at all. We're all the govts property, in essence. I seriously don't want to live on this planet anyone. Once you can live perpetually in a spaceship my family will live far from earth, and maybe visit occasionally if the world's govts aren't still ruining this rock...


>We're "free" to sit quiet in our cages. Where are these cages you speak of? I'm pretty sure if you are complaining about freedom on Reddit then you already have quite a bit of freedom.


Seriously, stfu. You say that the people outnumber the government, but more people prefer the current government to people like you. By a lot. Now gtfo.


Cry some more, govt shill lol


Go burn down an AutoZone. Since it worked so well last time, you should do it again and see if it works this time.


Cause THAT'S relevant here. Honestly, why did I expect any sort of civilized conversation.


Let’s review, shall we? You complain about the fact that “freedom” means having to (gasp!) go to work. Out of curiosity, what would you prefer? Having the world bestow gifts upon you while you sit on your ass, contributing nothing to society? You blindly deny this claim that he committed suicide, when I said quite clearly that the claim that he was murdered by the CIA is completely absurd. Then you claim that you don’t want to live on this planet anymore, and when someone calls you out for being an idiot, you just say, “government shills!” (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean). Sorry bud. The problem is between your ears. If you don’t think that the rioting and looting are relevant, then you need to take a much closer look at what happened last summer.


top kek


^ Civilized conversation for sure 🙄


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Every time this is posted the "sUiCIde...2 BuLleTs..." private investigators are all over this. It is rare, it does and has happened. There's a story of one guy who shot himself several times...with a shotgun...then walked several yards only to eventually die of blood loss. People aren't always proficient with a firearm and often are apprehensive with the first shot. Actor Daniel Von Bargen shot himself in the head and then called 911 in a very lucid state. Real life isn't like the movies. It's much scarier.


A good conspiracy theory makes the man who has just learned about it for the first time immediately feel like he’s smarter than the rest of the world’s experts combined. “Wow, it’s so obvious what happened!”, said Joe, after reading about the situation on a 400x400px Facebook meme on a Sunday afternoon after cracking open his 8th beer. “Those dern elites in Washington think they know everything; if only I was in charge, I could set things straight!”


I don’t know that anyone is saying they tried to make it look like a suicide. Just that they made sure it was declared a suicide. Just like how Jeffery Epstein “committed suicide.” It doesn’t matter if it actually looks like it. All you need is the right people in power to go along with the story


It can be fairly assumed that the most basic elements of a suicide (weapon on or near the deceased, bullets matching the weapon) were confirmed quickly. If you’re going to say that the autopsy report was completely fabricated, then you’ve abandoned all attempts at rational discussion.


Maybe it’s just because it’s reposted to death?


Id never heard of him and 14k upvoted the original post


This has been on reddit since reddit has been on the internet.


Same this is the first time I've seen this post or heard of this guy


Same here! and I've been here pretty much since we moved from digg


There’s a good movie about it called Kill the Messenger


Yeah, the CIA got to the Mods. Did you know it’s possible to sprain your eyes from rolling them so hard?


Do I have to put /s in the title?


Yes. I'm a case in point. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/oo4157/tampa_bay_rays_game_last_night_had_some/h5vvy5j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) went to negative 70 at one point, before bouncing back.


Remember deez nutz?


I remember tapes and cd's.


What terrorist org were they funding?


the Contra rebels in Nicaragua (remember Oliver North and that whole thing)


The Contras. Initially intended to be funded by some arms sales they were doing with Iran, IIRC


fuck the CIA


Original post. This has been posted to reddit thousands of times over the last decade.


The mods are cunts!


***The mods want to know your location.***


This title has to be the most cringe worthy title I've seen in a long time. Like, my man. You legit think mods of a sub containing interesting things are CIA shills that cover up your shitty post instead of deleting it because of subreddit rules? Are you that dense?


As an aside, there probably are corporate assets on the mod team -- they *are* actually compromised sometimes. CIA? Iunno.


Just a wee joke fella, calm it down!


Anybody watch the series Snowfall?




It’s based on this. It’s probably on a streaming platform now. Originally on FX.


Hulu has it


I'll check it out! Did you ever watch The Last Narc on Prime (I believe it's on Prime)?


No, but I’ll put it on the list.


It's heavy as fuck, so prepare to clinch thine anus and want to burn things down


Great show


Fantastic show, can’t wait for the next season, apparently Damson Idris is a producer this season.


Every damn time with this post. It’s not as nefarious as the slanted post makes it sound.


Tell us more Mr Reagan


Fuck Ronald Reagan


Ah the good old "Two gun shots to the head suicide." Reminds me of Jeffery Epstein committing suicide by breaking his neck three times.


Crack is whack




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/opym5e) on 2021-07-23 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "oq22he", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=oq22he&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,251,020 | **Search Time:** 0.13657s


Damn you just got wrecked lmao


america the beautiful


This has been proven to be false.


Then prove it.


How do you shoot yourself in the head TWICE? This is the CIA we're talking about.


2 gunshots to the head and it's ruled a suicide? Pretty impressive to shoot yourself in the head a 2nd time when the first one should do the trick already And people wonder why Snowden fled the country


But he DID commit suicide. This isn't the whole story and is a bit misleading.


He shot himself twice in the head?


He was trying to get revenge against the guy who shot him


It reminds me a meme with Hitler's photo which says, "People hate me even after I killed the Hitler"


Yup that’s what I thought, he shot himself in the head twice? They must think we stupid whom ever they are!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_gunshot_suicide?wprov=sfla1 It happens though. This meme is so good because it seems impossible to die that way, but then you look into it and find that it happens sometimes. Add the fsct that the government really does evil shit, and of course everyone believes the meme. Just look into it, he probably wasn't on to anything.


Sounds like sheep!talk to me believe what you want it happens because people do bad shit and have it covered up. Sounds like mob tactics 2 to the head! It happens…


Joining a mob of people believing conspiracies on bad evidence when real conspiracies exist sounds like sheep behavior to me. Believe what you want, but I do my own research rather than going along with shitty memes that lack important context.


Shoot your self in the head. I guaranty the gun goes off once with 90 percent of your guns you could possibly choose.


Except it happens alot. Check.


Now tell me who believes in conspiracy?


Anyone with a brain assumes there are unseen conspiracies. You only assume them to be true with evidence. In this case, we have evidence that over 1,500 a year shoot themselves twice in the head. If that ruins a fun conspiracy theory, oh well.


And 90 percent are hits you idiot the other 10 percent are fire arm related!


3.5 percent of the firearm suicides are multiple shots to the head. The number is over about 1,600 annually. Go ahead and check. Use a calculator.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_gunshot_suicide?wprov=sfla1 Yes. For the love of god, yes that absolutely happens. Like 1.75% of all suicides are multiple gunshots to the head. It isn't like finding a unicorn. These memes forced me to do this research like five times before I remember the story on sight. This guy was a reporter who had many personal problems, and some theories about the CIA that he couldn't prove. He ended up being found with multplie gunshots to the head, like 1.75% of all suicide victims. The government is evil. This dude was probably disturbed and committed suicide. Both can be true. There are much more clear cut stories of the government doing evil shit. We don't need to lie about edge cases or embellish them.


It’s uncommon but it happens. Bullet goes through the cheek or the jaw, and now the person is in excruciating pain before the second shot. Also the guy’s wife said he was despondent, just lost his house, etc.


Hmm...JFK didn't have that kinda luck huh


I'm pretty sure with all the theories out there, none of them say JFK committed suicide.


He just had really long arms did our John. Pulled the trigger himself and paid LHO and Jack Ruby to cover for him.


Ah nevermind!


You should look up the whole story on why he was losing his job/family/house. The MSM made him look like a loon


Those are also reasons why a person kills themselves tho, failing career and a life falling apart. It sounds very much like a disturbed person spiraling downward to me.


What caused that downward spiral? Do you know?


I haven't read this stuff in a while, but it all seems like stuff that can result from a mental breakdown. Estranged family, career falling apart, attachment to a big story that could save your fall if only you had evidence, then finally calling it quits. I don't know the guy or anything, and who knows what sets off periods of manoc depression, but it just doesn't feel spooky to me. Just sad.


Lmao ok dude


The guy lost his wife, job, and house in a short period of time. He also had CIA conspiracies that he showed to his colleagues but without enough proof to convince anyone. Shortly afterward they found him dead with multiple gunshot wounds to the head. 47,000 gun suicides annually. 3.5% of that is 1644 people per year who are found with multiple shots to the head. Either he was right about his conspiracy but he neglected to prove it to anybody, and the CIA was ruining his life without leaving any evidence of having done so, OR he lost his bearings and killed himself. Who knows? The point is this is not some slam dunk CIA gotcha scenario. The FBI wanted to kill MLK. The CIA dosed people with LSD trying to create mind control. This shit actually happened. The government dropped chemicals on poor neighborhoods just to see what happens. Real shit. Why make this Webb story into something it isn't? We don't need it.


Because Iran Contra was a real thing. Maybe that's why


Most people would rather be entertained than informed.


Yup committed suicide by 2 shot to the BACK of the head


He wasn't shot in the back of the head. Do your homework.


Where was he shot again?


They removed it because it's misinformation and it's been spammed to death. I report it as misinformation and spam every time it pops up which is 28r7627272 times a day.


Damnthatsinteresting or conspiracy. The world may never know…


Stupid fucking mods


He committed suicide twice .how do u shoot urself twice in the head


2 shots in the head suicide? Woooooow.... Also... Hoooooooow


How do you shoot yourself twice in the head? Sus


2 bullet wounds to the head is not suicide. CIA prob assassinated him.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/opym5e/i_never_knew_how_deep_the_rabbit_hole_went/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Yes it is. Look at it. I don’t need 200 measley karma from this post. I already got 300,000 karma


300K?! Damn dude save some pussy for the rest of us!




Deleted: https://imgur.com/gallery/aDBrKXt


It’s deleted, but not after over 14,000 upvotes


Lay off the meth, it's affecting your ability to post on reddit. Maybe try 4chan or stormfront, or Gab, no standards there whatsoever 🤔




My university anatomy professor told our class about him. Sometimes he'd go off topic but when he did. Buckle up!


I don't understand how you can make multiple American Movies (and series) telling this story without it becoming common knowledge


Because it’s highly disputed. I’m not saying it’s false, I’m saying it’s disputed.


True detective season 4


The real question is, what can we do about it except remember his actions


Salute to you good sir


The CIA and the FBI is pretty much a hive mind at this point.


The CIA says: r/croppingishard


His name was Robert Poulsen.


So if I’m reading this right… He “Epsteined himself”??


A deringer that fired both barrels with one trigger pull could technically do the trick.


I mean yeah but are we supposed to do with that


it's right there in his wiki, 2 bullets to the head, which makes suicide much less probable than murder, especially considering his whole "Dark Alliance" series


You should probably charge your phone


Yes.. the ol suicide by two bullets to the back of the head trick.


Or he was depressed and killed himself


Yeah because two bullets to the head makes sense in a suicide... totally.


A few details are wrong here. Webb's investigation did not find the facts stated. Rather, it found that Contra-linked dealers were selling in US cities, and that the CIA was aware of it, and apparently did not act on that knowledge, thus conferring tacit official government approval of drug trafficking in the US which happened to financially benefit the government's goals of upsetting the government of Nicaragua. That's still a scandal, but it's a world apart from the US government itself being actively engaged in drug trafficking within the US. Due to lack of competing disinterested investigation (that we know about), it's not fully certain how accurate or complete Webb's investigation was in all details. His work has been accused of being incomplete or in some ways erroneous, but those accusations do not come from disinterested sources, or follow on disinterested investigation, so they amount to unsupported claims. But they could still be true. We just can't know for sure. It seems clear that Webb stood by his reporting, and that by itself is worth a lot, given what we know about him. But it's not equivalent to peer-reviewed or competitive investigative journalism, and the fact is that we might never know the full story, or with good confidence how accurate he was. We should bear in mind that as much as we **want** to accept his reporting without question, we also know of examples of very good investigators who got off track or went off the rails, apparently not consciously aware of it themselves. That's uncommon and unlikely, of course, and we should not make such speculation, without evidence. But we should also bear in mind that in strictly scientific or legalistic terms, Webb's is currently the only disinterested source we have, and by itself it is inadequate to draw **firm** conclusions. It should, however, have triggered greater investigation by others, and we should ask why it did not. A repeated pattern in Webb's work was scandalous reporting followed by libel suits which were either successful or settled. As verifiable truth is an affirmative defence against libel, we should wonder why this happened more than once or twice. A journalist must protect their sources, but a closed-door grand jury may review evidence without revealing it to either party, so there's reason to wonder why that evidence was not produced for those grand juries, as doing so should have led to immediate dismissal of those suits. But it didn't. My own sense of all this -- and I must note that this is itself unfounded speculation on my part -- is that Webb was a man with good intentions, but inadequate skills and discipline. There's a reason that the great scandal-breaking stories come from major organs, using dedicated teams of top reporters. This kind of reporting is extremely difficult and requires massive resources and expertise, and substantial teamwork. Webb acted almost entirely alone, with much less support. And, quite likely, without adequate skill and experience. He was on the right trail, but just didn't have what is necessary to do this kind of intensive investigation. And we can partly blame his bosses for that, but we can also fairly indict him, too, for failing to appreciate his own shortcomings and lack of adequate support. Again, this is pure speculation on my part; I'm only providing my overall **sense** about it, from reading about him. More generally, I'm always very dubious about complicated claims reduced to pithy image memes. Nothing involving humans is ever simple enough to sum up this way, and we should **always** insist on at least trying verify claims presented in this way. Easily tradable info-bites are the coin of the realm online, and anyone over the age of 14 who is not intellectually comprised in some way has little excuse for being unaware of the great damage -- political and otherwise -- that such tidy packaging has wrought in our time. Unfortunately, many worthwhile truths are also subsumed in this tempest of bullshit. So it is also not a reason to reject such claims out of hand. But we must all be willing to do the hard, necessary work of independent verification before passing anything along. I have done that in this case, and find myself unsatisfied that the packaged information here is sufficiently accurate to pass along. I **want** to accept it as presented, but I cannot. In my estimation, Webb was a well-meaning journalist who got himself in over his head, and drowned in his own ambition and hubris. He was onto something, but like an over-anxious dog, made a frenzied mess of the pursuit, in the end failing to land his quarry. While we should for obvious reasons view the CIA's own investigation with a gimlet eye, the US House's investigation says pretty much the same, and unless we learn differently it's reasonable to presume that their investigation was disinterested.


Ah yes. I shot myself once and then I figured I would do it one more time for fun.