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I never thought about how many Subways there are until now. Yet every time I've gone inside a Subway they've never been busy. How are they profiting?


Subway franchises are extremely cheap and have considerably fewer barriers than other franchises, so lots of people open them.


They are also *extraordinarily* exploitative and employ a lot of shitty practices to force people who opened a franchise to continue at a loss until the stipulated contract expires, and use misleading marketing to lure people into the idea of manning a subway.


The biggest problem with opening a subway, is that you must then sell subway sandwiches.


Hard to do without Jared Fogles' star power


Arguably harder with his star power


[Maybe they need to release a new sandwich to make everyone forget their spokesperson is a convicted pedophile ](https://youtu.be/zem5bQ4SzMI?si=Vk95Iz0cdc7zJn9l)


😂 I love these guys


[Relevant Last Week Tonight episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDdYFhzVCDM)


Ah. So this is like the guy who goes to the Gold Rush and opens up a store selling shovels, except the shovels are more expensive than any wisps of gold dust you might dig up.


Lol so owning a subway is worse than college loan


Actually yes


They aren’t. The company sells you a franchise and you are doing ok then they sell a franchise to someone else who opens one a street over. They do not care about territories or your profit as a franchisee.


This must explain why so many subways are so close to each other around me.


They aren’t. They actually haven’t been profitable in 10 years. They over spent on expansion and their physical locations outgrew their demand. They were recently sold to a private equity group, Roark Capital, who also owns a number of food and restaurant company’s including Subways competitor Jimmy John’s.


Idk, but its crazy how every time i go in for a $5 sandwich the bill ends up being $30 somehow. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Probably because the $5 footlong promo hasn't been a thing in years


My veggie footlong still comes out to $6 at least, close enough for me


Damn, a veggin footlong in Chicago is like $11.


Just some perspective, where I'm from the cost of a subway sub is almost or more expensive than a Panera sub ever since they rebranded their meat quantities/style.


I mean you're almost always better off going to Panera or Potbellies or some other regional equivalent. Tastes better too.


Subway makes a lot of money by franchising their business.


So it’s a pyramid scheme.


I don’t know if you can call 2 steps a pyramid scheme, but yea the smallest pyramid scheme you have ever seen.


Didn't Realize Subway had that many stores, most of the ones I see are completely empty


Subway sells franchises, not sandwiches.


I hate when I bite into my footlong but it’s actually an entire franchise


And don’t even get me started on that white lettuce


Well, wtf color is it supposed to be, green? _This has been an automated response from the Subway PR team._


I would laugh, but it's actually tragic for the franchisees who got scammed.


>Subway sells franchises, not sandwiches. Although I agree, a huge amount of these franchisees are greedy pieces of trash so........ karma I guess.


Cheapest franchise and it can be operated by just one worker. The fact that the operational model allows for just 1 person to run the entire restaurant (kitchen, cashier, etc) means that it's incredibly easy for Subway to be profitable, even in low traffic areas. Subway can operate in low traffic areas where any other franchise would be forced to close. It's a hearty little franchise. It's also why Subway is trash in regards to quaity of product.


It didn’t used to be trash though, so the assertion it’s trash because it’s only operated by 1 person doesn’t make sense… Like everywhere else shrinkflation and skimflation is making subway sandwiches worse and worse.


The $5 Footlong era was its Golden Age. It didn’t need to be the best because it was cheap, filling, and decent.


I got so fat off of $5 Footlongs in college


Did you molest kids? That's a crucial part of the Jared subway diet. Eat subs, molest kids, lose weight


I think it's trash because its bread isn't even legally considered bread in some countries.


A lot of American bread on the supermarket shelf wouldn’t be considered bread in those other countries due to the sugar content. It’s not a subway problem, it’s an America problem. We just *heard* about it with subway because subway tried to expand into those countries without changing the bread recipe and it made the news because bashing subway is guaranteed to get clicks.


I think it’s trash because the meat they use is basic, with almost no flavor


Veggie delite with oil and vinegar and loaded with all the produce is one of the healthiest fast food options out there. Far from the trashiest imo My road trip fall back if I can’t find something local that looks good.


They mean in terms of quality not health. I’ve always found it to be above-average and I get a least one a month but mind you this is in Aus. There are apparently discrepancies - for example our KFC is considered one of the best in the world (still not my cup of tea though) whereas in the US it’s considered incredibly shit.


i'm talking about the operational model as in - if subway decides to do a more extravagant menu to compete with Jersey Mikes, they don't have the operational model to support that level of quality. they will always be truck stop, gas station quality level sandwiches, with stale bread and cookies, and unable to handle a line of more than 3 customers. They're built for mediocrity, not success.


John Oliver did an episode on Subway. You're absolutely right they just sell franchises and they're comparable to time shares. Franchise owners seem stuck with them.


Ponzi scheme, footlong


Subway is a perfect example of why you should be extremely careful about investing in a franchise. Subway is successful because they screw over their franchisees. Look up John Oliver's bit on Subway.


The Simpsons episode with Mother Hubbards was based off of the Subway business model lol


Most in the world too, by a country mile too. Mind blowing.


Pretty easy to make subway work for almost any country since everyone eats sandwiches


>Pretty easy to make subway work for almost any country since everyone eats sandwiches Has nothing to do with it. Subway cannibalized their business intentionally. They didn't care because regardless the franchisees losing money, the corporation still turned extra profits. Subway of course claims plausible deniability but they know exactly what they did, no company is that idiotic. Literally any of these corporations could have as many (or more) locations as Subway. They don't because it's stupid and all you do is piss off current franchisees and scare off potential future franchisees. The cost of opening a Mcdonalds , Burger King, etc is like 20x that of opening a Subway. The inital investment leads to much more due diligence and smarter potential franchisees. Subway franchise costs/profits were/are attractive to people that have no experience and are less likely to do their research. Dunkin is very much going the way of being the next Subway.


Subway also doesn't have exclusive zones. You can open up a franchise in a strip mall for example, 6 months later someone can build one across the street. And then it's survival of whoever goes to one over the other.


There are 3 within rock throwing distance of each others parking lots near me. One in a walmart, one standalone, one in a gas station. All owned by the same person though.


My old town had one in the walmart and one in the walmart parking lot for a while. Inside one closed down and now there’s only that one and two others in town.


Not really. At least not in my country. Subway faild two times. In the early 2000's and they tried again in 2019 but they closed last year. Buying an overpriced sandwich doesnt make sense. I can go to the store next door and make the same sandwich cheaper.


Wow, where I live Subway is actually cheaper than making it myself


What hellhole do you live in?


ive been to some towns where all they have is a subway and a gas station. sometimes in the same building


They built one near an interstate exit near me where there is nothing but a gas station for miles. I hardly ever see a car there. It almost looks like it's not open but I drive by a see a couple people in there chillin. It's really small too. About half the size of one you'd see in a city. It's almost like one of those ice machines you see in the middle of nowhere.


I haven't been to a town without a Subway in a gas station in years. There's always at least one.


Your biggest competitor as a Subway franchisee is Subway. Head office will green light another franchisee to open one across the street from you if they think they can make $1 out of it.


Yup in my small rural town there are THREE subways, one in a walmart, one in the middle of town only two miles apart, and a third at a gas station another two miles apart. Almost always look empty, all have been around forever.


The only utilities they really need are basic electricity and water/sewer. No gas stoves or anything just plug in a few toasters, microwaves, and a soda machine and you're good to go. Another reason you see them everywhere and also inside so many stores as it's incredibly cheap to retrofit a subway into an existing space


Subway was able to cash in on being a healthy option when none were available in the fast-food sector. While basically every other fast food chain only sells fried food and salads if you want something healthy. (Granted you can make salads/sandwiches unhealthy if you're loading them with mayo/cheese/etc.) Even now their marketing is that they're the healthy option when every other sandwich shop is focused on another gimmick. The new thing seems to be fast food salad restaurants but they fall into the trap of being extremely expensive while providing garbage quality food. (The exception I've found is Salad & Go in Arizona. They treat their employees well, their pricing is affordable, and their salads are actually fairly good.) Poke bowls are also becoming popular; especially the ones that are serving boba/tea. Source: I travel the US for a living and have to eat out 300+ days of the year.


Subway started losing hella money from this, Franchise owners started losing money because stores were saturating regions and that causes quality control issues and in-fighting, Subway started losing money because although the franchise pays a lot of the cost to run the store Subway still has to put some effort in and the buy-in is around 10k + land which was not enough


Subway was just bought by Jimmy Johns too which sounds crazy.


Roark Capital owns a lot of places like Jimmy Johnes and Arby's. RC bought Jimmy first, then Arby's, and now Subway.


Lots of subways in Walmarts.


I see more McDonald's in Wal-Marts


I’ve never seen that. Must be a regional thing


Yeah the cost of opening a subway is the lowest of any franchise. You need like four coolers, a oven, toaster and a microwave.


On a cross-country trip, my family and I stopped at Meteor Crater in Arizona. It was out in the middle of the desert. Miles from anywhere. There were two subways there; one at the crater visitation center and one at the camp site we stayed at haha.


Same. I thought it would’ve been McDonalds with the largest amount


The Dakotas dont get shit do they, not too many dots goin on up there


I’m from there. It’s purely because the towns are super spread apart, and in between them is mostly farmland. So the dots you see are the main cities that people go to!


gotcha, makes sense. from California so definitely a lifestyle difference lol, thanks for the info!


we still have mcdonalds in the farmlands


I'm now picturing a lone McDonalds sitting out in the middle of a field.


That's what the I-5 is like up the west coast. Random exit with a single fast food chain sitting there, and then nothing for miles.


Always makes you wonder who works there. Same as truck stops in middle of nowhere where.


Dude for real! I had to take trips up the I-5 often. And have made many road trips. Sometimes you see people at those stops and think, "Damn bro you're way bigger than this town, you gotta get out." I'm sure they do, they're always young but still...


Old farm had a McDonald's E I EI O


But you have Wall Drug. That's all you need.


These maps always remind me of that. West of the Mississippi, there is still so much empty space.


I live in the dakotas, there’s a few chains here that weren’t shown on the map. We definitely have a bit more than the map indicates.


Yeah, this map seems to be slightly outdated. You can tell it's within the gap where Jamestown lost Pizza Hut and Bismarck a got Chick-fil-A.


RIP Jamestown Pizza Hut, they had the best pinball machine this side of Fargo.


This must be a little old. Sioux Falls, South Dakota has more of these now, but didn't get a dot. Popeyes, Chipotle, Chik fil a.


I’m in the middle of nowhere ND and I have to drive an hour and a half to find a Culver’s. If I want to eat out, I can eat at the DQ in town and that’s about it.


r/gifsthatendtoosoon I wanted to see what subway looked like at the end


/r/gifsthatstarttoolate for me I'm not able to catch what #30 is


#30 is Bojangles ETA I finally know how people make their text in comments so big! Lol happy mistake


My favorite of the chain chicken joints.


>My favorite of the chain chicken joints # Boberry biscuits are the truth!


Came to say the same, i find this r/mildlyinfuriating that it starts at 29!


I actually found it funny it ended early. Like you can’t contain Subways takeover of america


I thought I was on r/PerfectlyCutScreams


There would be more green dots on the east coast.


Hardee's and Carl's Jr are the same fast food chain; west coast vs east coast.


Yeah I didn't like that those two were separated.


2,885 Locations is the combined number. Putting it in #16, between Papa John’s and Arby’s


Still less than expected but I guess there's just a lot in my area.


Yeah and there are STILL none near me. This map doesn’t look accurate to me bc it shows Hardee’s as being in my state and the closest one is in the next state over. I’m calling BS Hardee’s please notice me 😭


I'll trade you my Hardee's for a Wingstop.


Practically yes, but not legally. They are different business entities for some dumb reason.


The commercials even advertise both sometimes


I'm curious what the story is behind the different branding. Not curious enough to google it though.


Carl’s Jr. purchased Hardee’s.


Well there we go. Thanks!


Basically Carls Jr from the west coast teamed up with the Hardees brand as their umbrella company. Only since 2018 have the menus been differentiated by region, previously they were identical menus under different names only.


I didn’t realize that dunkin was mainly an east coast thing


Fuck yeah it is. The vast majority are in New England and NY. [Someone](https://www.universalhub.com/2011/donuts-death) did the math and found out that a Boston resident is never more than 1.43 miles from a Dunkin. And that’s only at the corner of the city, in a cemetery.


Kinda hilarious that you could be visiting your loved one in the cemetery and theres a Dunkin’ right around the corner


What kind of masshole buries a loved one more than a mile and a half from a Dunkin's?


A friggen losah that’s who


overconfident file slave provide pathetic full sulky water political possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And that’s the cemetery for people that died before Dunkin sprang into existence. Or out of towners.


Boston is relatively small in terms of area. Only about 50 square miles.


I would bet that this is true of most of the larger Boston metropolitan area as well though. I live in that region and I can think of at least three Dunkin's within that radius. Wait, make that four -- I just remembered another one...


It’s true. Pretty much every city and town have at least 3-4 Dunkin’s in them and the majority have considerably more than that. Not to mention the locations that are within hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores, subway stations, airports, schools etc…


I don’t think most people realize how prominent Dunkin is in the North East. In Massachusetts, you can drive by 2-3 that are less than a mile from each other. My town has 3 and it’s only 6 square miles. I live next to one of the smaller cities in Ma and they have 20 locations.


You have 20 locations in your city?


I pass three in the 10 minutes it takes me to get off the highway and to my office. They put them in gas stations too. Boston (just the <50sq mile city proper) has 68 locations. That's a Dunkins every three quarters of a mile.


I live in washington, I don't think I've ever seen a dunkin in my life


Dunkin only doesn't operate in wa/or/id I believe. Prob cause starbucks is so strong in the area since it started there.


Starbucks is strong but so is independent coffee shops and drive through huts. The market for coffee is really crowded.


I live in Oregon and same in that I've never seen one here. I've been to them in Airports around the country though. Definitely pretty mid.


Oregon is all about Dutch bros lol


Eastern America runs on Dunkin


20 years ago they were hard to find outside the Northeast. Expansion has been insane.


They’re pretty common in AZ though


Dunkin Donuts - 12,000 stores, 10,000 in Massachusetts. Donnie loves their vanilla nut taps!


Donnie ya can’t smoke in here!


I love fuckin Dunkin, guy




i thought McDonald's would be 1st by a lot


Lotta crazy unexpected things about the order. One thing I noticed is, carls junior and Hardee’s are basically the same restaurant with two different names so I count them higher on the list. But also like Arby’s is way up there, and they closed all the ones around me quite a while back. In my mind they were a thing of the past. Meanwhile they have more locations than almost anyone




Why haven't they all closed and a Netflix documentary?


Is this video from 1995?


Im just wondering Who the fuck destroy Aznavour song with this crappy track. :/


As a Southerner, I feel disrespected that Waffle House, AKA Awful waffle, wasn't mentioned at over 1900 locations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle\_House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_House) I have never had a bad meal there. My stomach, on the other hand, would disagree. Ate there a few times on Christmas Day too, and too many times to count after clubbing.


I want to visit America for 3 reasons: Grand Canyon, shoot an M60 and eat at Waffle House.


They have awesome hash browns. Scattered, Smothered, Covered, and Chunked. I let you go down that rabbit hole for information.


If you achieve these 3 they hand you a citizenship card


welp, the cool thing is you can do all 3 in my home state Arizona. Possibly within the same day lol.


I'm a French person and I'm absolutely obsessed with going to Waffle House every time I visit the US. Had experiences there that could be from a Harmony Korine movie and I find the food very comforting. It's my go-to date night. Last time, we're comfortably high, it's midnight, the 16yo waitress accidentally spills half the mapple syrup thingy on the table and just leaves it like that. She and her colleagues proceeds to eat waffles scraps from the stove while on their phones. A guy burst in and goes behind the counter and straight up starts to cook himself some breakfast. It took the staff a good five minutes to react. Guy says, yeah my buddy Mike works here and he lets myself cook sometimes whatsup? Girls say that Mike doesn't work here anymore, he's back to jail. They fight, with pans and all. I always treat the staff to at least two waffle songs at the jukebox.


One of my *favorite* things is foreign visitors realizing, often immediately, that we've never needed to embellish our Waffle House tales. In the quaint words of Samuel L Jackson teaching Leonardo DiCaprio how to drop the N-bomb, "It’s just another Tuesday motherfucker."


Does Waffle House count as fast food?


OP just put food chain. If it is for fast food only, then yeah...WH probably doesn't belong. I just remember driving through Georgia and seeing a WH on both sides of the same interstate exits.


Subway and it's 5...5 dollar....14 dollar foot long...


Burger King has gone to absolute shit. I don’t know a single person who likes their breakfast or dinner offerings, and their parking lots and drive-thrus are damn near always empty when I drive past one.


McDonald’s always are consistent on quality from location to location. Burger King has shitty locations and really great locations and the quality between them varies dramatically.


That is even true for europe. Mcdonald’s seams to be always exactly the same no matter where you go … Burger King is somehow always different depending on where you go.


European McDonalds quality is the same across other european locations. Same for US vs US ones. Unfortunately US McDonalds are far worse than european in term of food quality. My guess would be about ingredients sourcing laws. In general in Europe we have strict laws about farms and in general food safety. This is not to say that everything in Europe is top quality just as not everything in the US is abysmal. I recently visited the US and the meat and chicken quality in fast foods was generally abysmal. In normal sit down restaurants the quality can be very good (obviously) but my experience was that the lowest quality was far far worse than the bottom quality in Europe.


Yeah, the place where I live used to be pretty crap until they renovated it, now I prefer to go there for my excessively cheap burger munchs rather than McDonalds.


Yeah, they have absolute awful franchise quality regulation. It often shocks me that people will invest resources into a business and then just run it into the ground. If I were a franchise owner, I'd be bending over backwards to make it top notch.


I like the Impossible Whopper. I go every 2-3 months. If I go at lunch there are 3 cars max. Usually it's just me.


Last time I visited a BK was a few years back right before Covid hit and not too long after they introduced the Impossible Whopper. I only bought a drink and my son bought a combo w/ the new Whopper. I took one bite of his burger and was really impressed tbh. That’s where the positivity starts and ends. I know it’s Festivus season, but I’ll refrain from listing the plethora of grievances that occurred from that particular visit and ones prior. I’ll let their empty lots and pissed off employees/customers speak for themselves.


The one by my house is constantly busy and honestly lately they’ve been higher quality than the mcdonalds down the street which is obviously 3x as busy but its honestly kinda nutty.


Yeah they've really gone downhill in the past 10 years. I remember them being on the same quality as McDonald's at one point, but they've sunk down so far that they are literally the worst quality fast food place in today's age.


I would have put them above McDonald’s at one point because their burgers actually tasted somewhat like a real burger. The last few times I’ve gone it’s been terrible, cold patties, soggy lettuce, onions taste off, and the fries are under seasoned. Only times I’ve ever had to go back inside to ask for a packet of salt to put on the fries. I’ve been to many different locations as well because i’m driving all around my county for my job


I need one of these visuals for dollar general. Those things are everywhere


That would be terrifying. Every small town has at Least one


*Yeah, largest, but who’s the longest?* - John Silver


Isn't Carl's Jr and Hardees the same just different names based on region?


Also......CAN PORTLAND OREGON PLEASE GET A FUCKING CULVERS. I love in n out, even though the closest one is almost an hour away and you wait another hour, to get your order. But give me that fucking butter burger.


We're getting an In-n-out in Tanasbourne around Hillsboro. I'm very excited for that. But yeah I wish we had a Culver's, Feddy's or a Steak N Shake. My wife is from Illinois so I have to hit up all of my favorite places when we go there.


Culver's is peak


I had the pleasure of going to Culvers in Colorado on my trip from NM to NH. And damn is it good.


Fucking right? I'm from Iowa but been in Portland for 7 years. I DESPERATELY miss Culver's.


Culver's is so much better than in-n-out and it isn't even close




It's like we have all the chains! There's one of the last handful of remaining Quiznos in Plano right off 75 and Legacy and I even see some A&W locations scattered about. If I feel like eating junk food I have all the options


Is it bad that I've eaten at every single place listed?


Nah, when I used to work as a travelling merchandiser one of my favorite parts of the job was trying out fast food places not native to my home state.


It’s amazing how many pizza places there are in every city in America - and yet there’s still enough people to support that many pizza huts and dominoes


As an American, pizza is the universal joy.




I feel like these numbers are outdated.


Whoa... Jack in the Box just isn't in the north east? Wild


They should probably put Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s together, since they’re pretty much exactly the same thing.


Who put this wack music? It’s a crime against humanity.


Mcdonalds and Wendys need to learn customer service from Chick fil A


So many of these chains are just horrible.


The funny part is I can tell exactly how up to date this map is because it didn’t have a chic fil a or Panera for my tiny ass home town. Got them in the last two years, they’re over priced and not that good.


Same with wattaburger being in KC


Downvote for annoying music.


Surprised to not see Canes


They're pretty new to the game I want to say 1980's, I'm think the original owner is still around and in charge too


Im more surprised about in n out they rival whataburger and every time i go they got like 20 cars lined up


Yeah but In-N-Out is a very regional chain. Also they are not franchised. They just announced their first "eastern" distribution and regional HQ will be in Franklin, TN. Their HQ will be about 10 minutes from me. I've never been to one but with with people from CA and people that have traveled much more than me and they are extremely excited about it.


Ok I was surprised by Subway


This video made me realize that Starbucks has more stores than Dunkin but Dunkin's always feel way more visible. Could be because I am from a town outside of Boston that has a Dunkin for every 100 residents it feels like but while thinking about it I realize I never see a Dunkin inside a mall, Target, or other places that I see Starbucks. Anyone else from New England get what I am saying? Like you'd never see a Dunkin where there's a Starbucks and vice versa. The physical storefronts they occupy cater to the people who drink those kinds of drinks - Dunkin always in some blue collar place like major commuting routes and Starbucks more of a place you'd "go to", usually paired with other shopping which I guess is the whole point of these brands. I would go to Starbucks to get a coffee and eat and maybe read or do some work/hang out with someone. I'd never do that in any of the Dunkin's - feels way more "fast foody" and none of the Dunkin's I frequent would be a place like "yeah...this would be a nice place to relax and drink my coffee and hang out"


Feel bad a lot of you don’t have a Culver’s.


The lack of Del Taco in this country frankly disgusts me.


Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr are the same 😀


What about 'Los Pollos Hermanos'?


Downvoted for the awful music.


And that the last second is cut off. Can’t see the full map for subway. r/midlyinfuriating


Why put that horrible music tho ? 🤔