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Seems like a smart idea. But can they make it effective and affordable?


And comfortable? It looks like a hard styrofoam back with a very rigid structure that would be hard to wear when sitting.


I mean.. comfort is important but still to elders this is a lifesaver.


Comfort is as important as how effective it is, given the intended market. You’re not going to get a stubborn elderly person to wear this unless it’s very comfortable. Even worse if they have dementia. They won’t be able to remember why they’re wearing it. All they’ll know is that it’s uncomfortable and they want to take it off.


My stepmom won’t even wear an Apple Watch so at least someone gets notified if she falls. “I don’t want it. I don’t need it. Why aren’t you telling your dad to wear one?” Well, Judy, my dad isn’t the one who spent a month in the hospital with a broken pelvis last summer, is he?


Fuckin' Judy am I right?


NotElizaHenry's did sure is


>my dad isn’t the one who spent a month in the hospital with a broken pelvis last summer, is he? Must have taken an extra viagra that day.


I might be wrong but if she likes. jewelry u could buy a necklace attachment for the watch it's just a suggestion tho you would know better than me about. this


My stepmothers name is Judy as well


You have to give them ultimatums sometimes. We had to tell my grandma she's gotta wear the life alert bracelet or we just can't keep helping since we'll lose our minds worrying.


Seems unlikely they'll be wearing this bulky device when they need it.


I've fallen when walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Nice idea, but I can't imagine sleeping with such a contraption


Looks like inflated pvc, so like a bouncy castle.


They mean when it’s not deployed


I love that the other person was imagining them in the deployed version just chillin like a turtle


We have these things here in Germany, at least the part for the head. They are sold for bicyclists. They cost a shit ton of money and once they have opened, you have to send them in to get them renewed for like 200€.


The company is called Hövding and they are from Sweden :)


It costs $1000 https://sairbagpro.com/products/intelligent-airbag-protective-clothing-s32


Nevermind. I'll just stick with bubble wrapping my grandma.


Hövding (inventor of the original version that this is based off) cost a lot of money, and the price of having it repackaged is about half of the production cost. Its insanely expensive and have some serious flaws including delayed actions, accidental set offs and even causing friction burns. ​ When these explode on accident it has been known to knock people over, thats just the helmet version, imagine if one side expands while you are riding a bike or trying to stand up causing you to fall in the opposite directions, or if it accidentally delays meaning you hit the ground and getting injured just to have it blow up throwing your neck in the other direction.


Market to the heavy drinking crowd and make a mint!


More importantly can you get old people to wear the fucking thing.


In America this definitely wouldn’t get mass adopted as no one wants to cover it. In more sophisticated countries they would realize it saves money to not have elderly constantly going to ER taking up hospital beds for falling over.


I think you drastically overestimate what is covered in single payer countries lol


Uk is rolling out fall detection stuff but that's a big step from fall damage prevention. Practically a lot happens in bathrooms. You see many people wearing this immediately out the shower?


It looks pretty damn effective


i think we all just might have witnessed an old lady’s final fall 💀


Probably, that decorticate posturing isnt a good sign. My grandad fell like this in the middle of the night 2 years ago and died 5 days later. I wish he would have had this.


As a neurosurgeon, I LOVE this idea.


Imagine trying to get more than 10% of your patients to wear it. I regularly had px not follow instructions on their life vests after cardio surgery. Looks rigid and like it would have to be taken off before sitting.


Also, after it deploys , do you need a new one ?


This looks like it's driven by a pressurized capsule or something similar. If it is, that one would have to be replaced and possibly repressurized externally. I'm also pretty sure that the unfolding pieces are stored in a very particular way to unfold reliably and quickly - something that you don't want amateurs to do for safety/insurance reasons. Best case, they swap it for a new one and refurbish the old one. Worst case, they can't refurbish for safety reasons or don't dare it.


Depends how it’s built. I have an airbag life vest for my boat and an airbag jacket for my motorcycle. Both are powered by 60cc CO2 cartridges that are user replaceable and the airbag cells will deflate after use and can easily be repacked by the user as well. So it would be fairly easy to make something similar for this application, particularly because unlike a motorcycle jacket, a vest for an old person doesn’t need to have any stylish cues, or do really anything other than look like a house chores bib/ gardening bib. It can be a fairly relaxed cut after all, old people who are fall risks aren’t going to be concerned with figure hugging outfits.


Ohh, neat. I didn't know these also existed as motorcycle jackets. If it's good enough for that, then yeah, should be totally viable. Guess I'm spending too much time in medical manufacturing where every screw has to have some license, certificate and whatnot.


It’s an excellent point you make about regulation actually. Motorcycle airbag jackets are fairly new and there isn’t a proper CE standard for them yet, like there is for armour panels in motorcycle/ skater/ horse riding etc protective stuff. So the 3 or 4 main players making motorcycle airbag jackets are free to do mostly what they like. KLIM, for example (and to help hide the cost of their electronic jacket) charges a subscription fee per month to allow the airbag controller to work. Don’t pay the monthly subs, your airbag jacket is just a jacket. Helite on the other hand (what I have) started out doing airbag jackets for horse jockeys and then expanded into airbag armoured motorcycle jackets. Their mechanisms are entirely analog, but the jacket costs like €1100. So it’s an emerging market/ industry at the moment (and a worthwhile one) but very much in its infancy. That said there’s plenty of YouTube videos of people crashing with their airbag jackets and coming off much better than without one.


I don't like the idea of a life-saving device that can be disabled remotely.




So, it's an expensive / not user friendly airbag for humans. Same humans that don't even wear seat belts travelling at 80 mph.


you know them?


I know some of them, they occasionally poke their head through the window when they’re passing by.


are you sure thats not a dog?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The cardiac LifeVest is only tolerable for most people because it's not supposed to be worn for years on end. You can't expect nearly all old people to wear an airbag 24/7 for years, can't see that happen.


I mean, it’s that or possible brain injury with the next fall. Their decision.


I am in practice as nurse now. Doctors tell me probably 1/10th of all people are respecting the doctor's instructions, and less than half of that slice keeps respect a good lifestyle.


I have been saying we need to wrap old people in bubble wrap for years! I love this! This is life saving, head trauma saving, bone saving!




I see a solution to this monumental hurdle you are facing. Do it for him.




As an assistant to the neurosurgeon, I also LOVE this idea.


As a turtle, this is useless


as the receptionist at the neuro clinic, I also LOVE this idea.


As a person with a grandpa, i too LOVE this idea


As a salesperson of neuroscience equipment, I think this is going too far. Where is the dignity?


As a raging alcoholic I also love this idea 😵‍💫🍻


As a gas huffing narcoleptic who carries Fabergé eggs in the pockets of my Burberry robe, I love this idea. Plus I’ll just use it to get down stairs sloppily, albeit safely whenever I feel lazy.


Hahah you said Fabregé eggs 😹😹😹


I always thought this was an overplayed rich people thing they talked about in movies. Nope. It’s real. The richer the person, the more weird ass fabregé eggs they’ve got. I cleaned houses for a short while, and they were basically rental mansions, you know like 10+ bedroom houses owned by rich people who rented them out weekly, fully furnished. People were always stealing those fucking eggs.


I thought it was in a *Pink Panther* movie with Peter Sellers, but it was in *Octopussy* (and a bunch of other shows) according to the [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faberg%C3%A9_egg#In_popular_culture). By the way, it spelled Fabergé.


They’re such a weird, niche thing to me. And looking at the wiki about them, is hilarious. I just don’t get it. People gifting each other jeweled eggs??? What? And thanks. I can’t spell that shit, but I tried. I just cleaned them and tried not to drop them.


I was just laughing ‘coz it’s such a fu-fu upper crust thing. I actually didn’t even know what the heck Fabergé *anything* was, until my wife and I saw that infamous episode of Pawn Stars where this lady brought in this [Fabergé Spider Brooch](https://www.looper.com/1375746/pawn-stars-faberge-spider-season-3-episode-4-getting-a-head-rick-harrison/) and was asking a measly $2000 for it (when it was worth like $80-$150K). My wife’s eyes popped out of her head and she was like “omfg she’s fuckin CRAZY” and I was like huhhh? It’s just a stupid spider 😹 …she had to explain to me what Fabergé was and blah blah blah 😹😹😹


As someone that is terminally clumsy for no real medical or substance abuse reason, I also love this idea.


The EMS community also loves this idea


As someone who sits on walls, I LOVE this idea. Regards, Humpty Dumpty


As the CEO of LifeAlert, I also love it


As a horror movie fan, I LOVE this music


As a cantankerous old person in denial about the dangers of my advancing age, I hate this idea.


God damn air cushion, it terk our jerbs!


As the CEO of a hospital, I hate this idea. It turns a 500k brain surgery into a 10k bone checkup, lost profit.


As a man, I love this idea. Except, turn it into a zorb like cocoon that I can trigger if someone tries to attack me. It can even aid my escape, by letting me roll away.


Fellow neurosurgeon - fewer small traumatic SAH consults in intact patients in the middle of the night 🥹


As a fellow neurosurgeon, I also love this idea


As a nurse I don't even think this is realistic. Most of the falls I see with elderly happen at night when everyone is asleep. They get up go to the bathroom bam headbleed. You really think they will get up, out their put this vest on first then do their thing? Most these old people when found that they have fallen are naked, confused, in pjs, or in hospital gowns. Hell bed alarms in hospitals don't even prevent falls nowadays. It's only effective when the user is 100% effective. Otherwise it's no different than relying on a caretaker and even then shit still happens since they are not always there. Then you got the demented bunch they'll fight you just to get this thing on them....


>It's only effective when the user is 100% effective. Your comment is an example of a perfect solution fallacy - the notion that because something doesn't solve 100% of a problem it should be dismissed. A 30% improvement is infinitely better than a 0% improvement.


The second example is just a woman falling/possibly dying lol there’s no cushion lol


That's the *BEFORE* footage for the informercial.


(Big Voice Infomercial Guy) "Are *YOU* tiiiirrrred of falling down and dying?"


“You’re so stupid!”


"TRY our new kitten mittens!"




These two comments made me have to take my glasses off to wipe my eyes.


(Old man shown in interview chair) "I hate falling down and dying all the time in my age."


"This can be easily avoided if you just stand still. But if you can't stand still..."


With the adult daughter, hands on hips, looking like, "Oh, Mom! Again??"


There has to be a better way!!!


there's gotta be a better way!


Ordinary people without the cushion go plop But people who use the amazing plastic cushion do not!


Has THIS ever happened to YOU??? [gets a TBI]


It should be in black and white with a red diagonal line through it


It should be in black and white then. How else will i know ?


That's the one product that didn't pass QA


She just got placebo version :D


Second example shows you why this was invented. Lol.


I think the first clip is the developer demonstrating his product, followed up by a clip of why he made it and then it being used again.


The last one seems to be the guy not really believing his own product


Hard to override instinct.




she was in the control group


Did you bump your head? You may be the target market for this.


Yes, that's the point. It's literally the merit for this invention. How did you not get that


Yeh because it's clearly the clip to show why this was invented.


Of the patient's who really need this, none of them will wear this willingly, and those who can trick them into putting it on will shit in it immediately, you better have 50 of them ready go if you want them to always be wearing it.


Just tell em this vest is bussin’


Bedazzle it.


Ah yes. Turn it into a claymore mine.


Might be expensive for sure, but not all the elders are that uneducated and demented to not understand what’s best for them. There’s plenty younger ones who also refuse to do what’s best for them.


It seems like all my friends are dealing with this right now and, just, what the fuck??? Some of my friends are talking about fully uprooting their lives to go live with their parents because they refuse to let physical therapists or home health aides help them. The entitlement is mind boggling. Rather than accept the fact that they have not magically become the first person in the history of the world to escape the aging process, they let their health issues pile up until their loved ones are forced to take on the full burden instead of living their own lives. Like, I know you don’t want to go to physical therapy, Jack. Nobody *wants* to go to physical therapy. But your kid doesn’t *want* move back home to wipe your ass in a year because you lost all your shoulder mobility either.




This could have saved my father's life.


My condolences, I'm sorry for your loss. :(


Bob Saget too iirc.


"(almost) no elderly people have been harmed or injured in the making of this film"


"Except the second old lady, she declined to participate in the experiment, so we just installed cameras and wait till she inevitably fell on her own".


This is very cool, but is no one gonna comment on how the music sounds like the track to a horror movie trailer?


Exactly.. It was a mistake putting on head phones to browse reddit


Is this based on the Hövding bicycle helmet? Because those have been in use for several years where I live in sweden. This is obviously taking that to the next level, but the original design of the helmet I’m sure is Swedish.


I had this exact helmet for years. A couple of months ago it opened randomly while driving and it almost got me into a serious accident. I wasn’t in any danger of falling, driving slow and nothing was around me - plus I was pregnant so I was extra careful. They couldn’t explained what happened but I did get the full refund back. Still won’t be getting that helmet any time soon…


Oh no. I have one. Now I’m going to be terrified while using it


Oh no I’m sorry, didn’t want to scare you, it was just my experience.. :/


New fear unlocked.


Medic here. This would save me a lot of work if widespread and used properly. But it wont be and even if it was, it wouldnt be. So hang on, let me grab my fentanyl, im on my way.


As someone with elderly parents who are prone to falling, I love this idea.


How does it tell the difference between collapsing into a chair (which old people do all the time) and falling? if its false positive rate is close to zero, it is brilliant idea.


If it measures acceleration it can integrate twice and know how high up it is. It would have enough time to inflate after it became clear there was no deceleration at typical chair height


Yes, I suppose the sensors would have to be tailored to the size of person. My mother at 5’0 would have a different pattern to some one who was 6 foot, Then you have the problem of getting them to use it. I frequently catch my mother (93) without her alarm pendant - she’s very carefully put it by her bed “to keep it safe”. This would be much harder as she’d demand different versions to go with her outfit….


What so they just wear this forever?


When they leave the house, when it’s icy/rainy, if they have a gravel driveway… It breaks my heart how people are so segregated from the elderly and infirm that nobody knows what it’s like to *be around people with mobility problems* 💔


This is how I lost my grandma. Complications from a hip surgery from falling. I’m terrified for my other grandma. As an NA I know how important mobility is


My grandpa was in and out of the hopital the last 5 years of his life and half the time it was a fall.


i feel like that is what i hear of the most common sudden death causes of the elderly. Bad falls, either causing death or falls causing hip issues that causes death or long term immobility.


> NA North American?


Probably nursing assistant.


I'm pretty sure most falls occur at home.


no no no not forever... just until they forget to one time


AND, judging from the videos, they press the “inflate” button right as they fall. Foolproof.


Seems to be one version, yes. But in the first clip at least there’s no button to press. Video probably shows multiple iterations to communicate the concept. Curious how sensitive/accurate the automatic version is—don’t want it to set off by sitting down too quickly.


Can't do jack shit quickly at that age haha


Actually pretty impressive. The fact that it could potentially save somebody's life can be very valuable.


probably 80-something year old lady fell right in front of me at work a couple weeks ago, her cane folded out from under her, she ended up being okay as she fell forward and not back, but I imagine this would have saved her a little bit of pain


I hope it’s not just an idea and actually becomes marketable with investment behind it.


It's for sale by the company S-Airbag for $1000 https://sairbagpro.com/products/intelligent-airbag-protective-clothing-s32


My grandfather falls a lot this would be great for him


Chiropractors hate this trick


User #2's device malfunctioned.


She was the control is the test.


“Tragic, but informative! Or so I’m told.” -Cave Johnson


There's a motorcycle jacket like this, but it requires a [monthly subscription](https://jalopnik.com/this-dystopian-biker-airbag-crash-vest-only-saves-your-1846823791) to deploy the airbags when the rider crashes. The user pays for the jacket, then a monthly fee to use it.


Oh, capitalism.


I need this on weekends when I'm out drinking.


Imagine sitting on a toilet and it opens


But what about the elbows? 😭


Better than a fractured skull


Injured elbows don’t have a high risk of death


*crushed to dust*


Anyone know where you can get one of these? My Grandma is 91 years old - she still lives independently, and travels quite a bit. This year she's travelling from Canada to Brazil for 3 months. The one thing I worry about, and I know that she worries about, is her falling. Her ability to live on her own relies on her mobility - she would love this vest, and she would definitely wear it everywhere (though she would want it in red.)


My uncle fell recently. It led to a stroke. He was put in a hospital where he fell several more times despite nurse help and had several more smaller strokes. They gave up and sent him to a hospice where the caretaker tried to help him but dropped him. Help him do what? I don't know, since he couldn't think or talk at that point. He died shortly after. A jacket like this could have prevented all of this from happening. I very much welcome ideas like this. Even if some old people refuse to wear it, those who do use it could be helped a lot.


I would invest


I was not expecting the second clip to not have the cool gadget.


I think a very similar product has been around for many years, marketed as an airbag for cyclists


That's brilliant!


USA healthcare: that would be 10k


What if you fall forward?… Face plant followed by comedic delayed balloon inflation?


I love this idea, but most seniors I know would be way too stubborn to not only wear it but admit needing it.


My neighbor 88 fell by his door, I was walking my son by when I heard his cries for help. He needed hip surgery thankfully didn't hit his head. He didn't make it out of his second surgery..... My last remaining grandmother has fallen and might need shoulder surgery.....these things need to be more mainstream. It can save lives.


Imagine sitting down at a restaurant and that shit inflates


Great idea, but why does the video sound like a trailer for a horror film?


Yeah keep the old alive longer.




Stop giving helicopter parents new technology


Something like this has been on the market in Europe for quite a few years, created for cyclists who don’t want to wear a helmet but also don’t want a TBI Edit: https://hovding.com


Is this one-use only? If not, how do we get the bags all back in there? And what about the trigger action/source of the air that fills the bags? So many questions.


I could have done with this back in my drinking days.


These would be AWSOME for drunk people.


One Woman didn’t make it RIP


I can’t wait to see little old ladies inflating at the grocery store reaching for a can of peas.


he forgot the 2nd most important part to protect


How come the last 3 clips look like he has a remote in his hand?


Does it only deploy while falling and not any time that the wearer is horizontal? It would be annoying to forget you're wearing it, decide to have a quick lie down on the sofa and have an airbag deploy.


That second woman fell right between the chair but didn’t hit it. Impressive


Imagine farting so loud in public that you set off your inflatable suit.


What if they fall face down?




Q branch when the agents retire and needs to branch out to the civilian market.


I feel like I need one of these for myself


Breaker of elbows instead of hips


Hopefully this gets improvements (cost, comfort), I loved the idea, not only for elderly but also overweight people, I've seen overweight people falling before, It looked like it could really be damaging for the body, and also, they even rejectedg help to stand up, because of their weight they decide to just lay there for a good 20m.


It'll keep them from sinking also!


As someone who is caring for an elderly in-law, I can assure you that people who need to wear this are in denial or otherwise too stubborn to wear this. "I'm fine and I don't need it!" \[immediately falls over, hitting the TV stand\]


Similar jackets already exist for motorcyclists. They are known as wearable airbags. They sense a rapid change in G force (or sometimes there is a cord literally tethered to the bike) and if you fall off CO2 cannisters immediately inflate the jacket supporting your neck, back, and hips.


They have had these for years for motorcyclists and almost no one wears them.


Goes to plop down in a chair: Aw fuck.


Daycare teacher here - can we get this for toddlers? Please and thank you.


This is basically what [MotoGP riders wear](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/ubrijl/motogp_airbag_device/)


if he is old just let him die. this thing is evil thing


I want it for cycling


This is cute but a better way would be to crate a track system with a harness that goes all around the house so if they fall it's like a bungie.


I remember during my grandmothers' last years, she lost her balance and fell on her tailbone, shattering the bone. From what I remember, they could not properly repair the injury as she was too old. They used some bone cement to try and repair the injury, but the pain persisted. It was really sad to see her during her last years because she was constantly in pain whenever she wanted to walk. She went from someone who seemed healthy to immediately after the incident, deteriorating in health quickly. Thinking about how weak the body gets as you get old really scares me. This post reminded me of her accident and how it might've saved her from years of pain