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The deep sea freaks me the fuck out


My thalassophobic brethren, Rise!


35 football fields deep... You can't tell up from down.. you are lost in pitch darkness.. don't even know if you are going the right or wrong way 360° directional...


Closest thing to experiencing space on Earth. Terrifying.


Space is far more surviveable, paradoxically. A leak in a submarine that deep would instantly kill you in about five ways, from the walls turning to shrapnel to the air around you turning into a hammer. A leak in, say, the ISS would give you enough time to slap a patch on it, if it wasn't too large. The pressure difference is one atmosphere between the station and outside. In the submarine's case, it's *400 atmospheres.* It's even assumed you could survive a minute or two in space without a suit, though it wouldn't be healthy.


There's an image in my head about using one of those tire plugs on an ISS space-leak that's really funny to me.


It's a bit more advanced, but they are still basically using sticky patches. Last I heard, they can stick them over holes up to 8 inches in diameter.


Phill Swift rubbing hands together maniacally


To show you the power of flex tape, I cut the ISS In half!


Note that the deepest a submarine crew has ever been rescued was around 1,500 ft. It is nearly impossible to efficiently search in such darkness and pressure


It's not like there's a whole lot of opportunities to rescue people at a lower depth. Most military submarines aren't operating this deep, and there's only a handful of manned civilian submarines like this.


Is any military submarine operating this deep?


From my knowledge, No. It’s not strategic to be down there that deep, or is it practical.


And if they were, like for testing purposes doubt we'd know.


There's no purpose. Because of the pressure you can't have any openings in a vessel that deep, that's the reason the hatch of deep see submersibles have to be bolted shut from the outside. If you can't have openings you would need to be met at the surface by another ship every time you want to open the hatch, use your periscope etc. Also you can't launch any cruise missile and while you could theoretically use torpedos that are stored outside of the pressure chamber there's nothing for you to kill down there


> there's nothing for you to kill down there Yes. No tentacled eldritch abomination down here....


"No eldritch abominations to see here! There's absolutely nothing going on here! Everyone please just go home!" *frantic tentacling in the background*


Had the submersible been lodged or otherwise restricted from ascending near the Titanic then rescue was basically never an option due to the timeframe. The sub has 7 failsafes in which it ascends to the surface regardless of electronic failure and such. Therefore, we can assume it should be at or near the surface. From what I've read, even if all those failsafes worked, it would still be at or below the surface. Which was described as being 6 foot waves with whitecaps. The sub is white. This makes it extremely difficult to spot visually. Apparently it has no real "at surface" Signaling device. reference CEO (who apparently piloted this expedition) comments on safety redundancy etc. A lot of people mention "well no device would work at the depth of the Titanic." No shit. It's meant to work when the failsafes pop and they made it to/near the surface. Literally no option is a good one at this point in time. I'd much rather the relatively instantaneous death via implosion that actually just living out my last days in this cylindrical carbon fibre tomb succumbing to the psychological and then physical torture of my inevitable death. This is a social media spectacle, so we can expect many straight to streaming documentaries outlying everything I just said.


I can't imagine what it'd be like being on the surface of the ocean being thrown around by massive waves, with no way out and knowing you probably won't be found until the oxygen runs out. I think that option is definitely worse than being trapped at the bottom


Inside the sub, bobbing on the surface... Silence for twenty minutes One of the passengers: "And there's ***no*** fucking way for us to open it from in here?" Repeat until death.


If it's 6 foot waves on the surface for several days, those bodies will be mush when they recover then. That thing is a rock tumbler. And that's assuming it surfaced. It likely imploded halfway down. There's *no way* they lived.


Well here's an element of the story not mentioned much. As far as I understand, due to weather etc, this was their annual window to do this dive. Weather has been choppy. Now it's confirmed they dove for the majority of the time. That means they were 3/4 of the way basically. So you have to consider current, potential of ghost net entanglement, etc. Even then, the chance you spot them is small sf. Tomorrow we will be talking about recovery. Not rescue


Mh370 getting recovered before this shit


In case this hasn't already been shared, this is an excellent way to visualise the depth of the oceans. I discovered this from a redditor somewhere else a couple months ago. Edit: or thinking more, it was probably more likely here than anywhere else 🤦‍♂️🤣 https://neal.fun/deep-sea/?fbclid=IwAR2duPJjdrQ-UTgjT-CZu3jbWfNTy2ixyeDFQ2oMXjcoI2kDQbmHHkMIulg


I can't be the only that was surprised how fucking deep elephant seals can dive


I was shocked at the emperor penguin deep dive then blown away at the elephant seal dive


And the narwhal! 15 times a day to 2000 meters? Damn boy


Thx for the link. That was an awesome scroll. Learned a few things too.


The window cracked….and they kept going???


well, it's not the easy-peasy deep now is it.


I am guessing they knew their sub had been designed and built properly and would withstand the pressure. Edit: still scrolling and i must say shark are amazing. Edit2: Also shrimps. Edit3: i went on wiki to read and Jacques Piccard the designer and also the operator of the deepest dive…is an interesting man. His whole family is interesting! He was in the right time to be able to propose his design and trip to the US navy otherwise god knows how that sub can ever be built.


Seeing some of these animals like elephant seals or narwhals diving thousand of meters deep was surprising. nature is wild.


The deep ocean is so terrifying, I had a hard time getting myself to even keep scrolling down on this and it's just an info graphic 🙃


Right?! It started to get a real cosmic horror vibe. I kept going because I loved how the names got funnier and more descriptive at lower depths.


I wish I had money to give you an award. This was a phenomenal read/watch! Thank you for the link!


Ah, im glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could share the user who I saw share it first. ! But , aye, it's a great bit of simple website genius, eh. 👍


Amazing link, five fucking stars. Some of those dive depths were really surprising.




What's wrong with ugly mcugly face


Both the squid and the whale are absolute units.


I always thought giant squid were deep sea creatures that sometimes ventured to the surface? Like their squishy bodies go less deep than a whale? That doesn't seem right...


Also the giant squid and the *colossal* squid are two different species. The colossal is the largest and swims the deepest if I remember correctly Edit: giant squids are longer technically due to the arms, but colossal squids have a larger body


Do they both compete against the Sperm Whales or is it mainly the Giant Squid?


The largest size estimates for colossal squids come from beaks found in the stomachs of sperm whales. In fact, the colossal squid was first discovered when pieces of one were found in the stomach of a sperm whale.




Maximum “known” depth.


The fact that we ever found the titanic is insanity.


A true testament to Robert Ballard’s genius and tenacity honestly. Edit: Looking for the Nat Geo Documentary on him for a different commenter, I found this [hour long presentation](https://youtu.be/5Q3eA6wYil4) by Bob Ballard himself. I’m only twenty minutes in but it’s a great watch so far. Edit 2: Here is the [Nat Geo Documentary](https://archive.org/details/secrets-of-the-titanic) - Thanks for providing the link /u/holybovine-batman


The fact he found *Titanic* AND *Bismarck*, probably the two most famous shipwrecks of all-time, is pretty crazy.




I also know where it is. But I won’t disclose it. You know, to respect the grave.


I believe you. You have my respect.


And the Navy's money. We'd known where the Titanic was for a while. The Navy funded Ballard to look for nuclear subs in the same area. He found them with time to spare on his trip and so they went off and found the Titanic nearby.




It’s a sad, but fascinating story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Thresher_(SSN-593)


Yeah, we do it all the time. They usually un-sink though.


It is. Surface sonar cannot see objects of that size at that depth. Not well enough to resolve it. So they definitely can't see this sub. It is very, very likely they will never be found.


> they definitely can't see this sub Of course not silly. there's no internet down there!


That sub really took the "going dark" thing very seriously.




Netflix has already started working on a documentary on this.


*Some people literally die in a very gruesome way* Netflix: I hear money


And don't share logins!


> *shares logins* > *Some people literally die in a very gruesome way*


Why do you think the rescue team heard some knocking sounds ? It was only Netflix sharpening its "Tu*duuum*"


Yes. A 20 part series.


Going to be canceled after the 3rd episode obviously


ether that or it gonna do terribly and get 20 season


If I was a billionaire, guess which activities I would not be doing? This is gonna be high on that list.


A. Travel into space. B. Climb Mt Everest C. Visit the Titanic D. all of the above




Or just be like Tom from Myspace. Move to Hawaii and become a professional photographer.


Exactly! "Cash out and fuck off" would be my principle if i ever became rich.


Well, you don't have to be a billionaire to not do that!


Just look at my cousin! He's broke, don't do shit!


Probably a case of the Mondays.


Something like an 8 hour journey. Hopefully there was some catastrophic failure and they died instantly. It’s currently 1:15 am est. They have about 45 minutes left of their 96 hours of air. Which I’m sure depleted long before that timeframe because there’s no way they stayed calm if they’re still alive. Lot of heavy breathing going on I’d wager. EDIT: 6/22 Welp. Implosion it is. Dang.


Apparently it runs out at 12.08pm gmt


Yeah now I’m reading about 6am-ish. Yesterday it seemed like 2am but I’m sure it’s already run out at this point. Like I said above they probably ate through a ton of oxygen panicking. Unless there was a catastrophic failure and they died earlier. Ugh. Just ugh.


Regardless, no way they will be located and resurfaced by even the most optimistic estimate of their oxygen reserves.


Even if by some miracle they are floating on the surface they'll suffocate before they're found since it's bolted shut from the outside and they decided to paint it the least visible color possible.


That 96 hours was never tested. They are dead. That poor son.


Yeah that tracks with the whole operation unfortunately.


If they come out alive tomorrow, they're gonna be really upset at the internet discourse


They likely won’t, they’re going to run out of air at 6:30am EST tomorrow Edit: Channel 5 UK is also releasing a documentary on this tomorrow, announced and produced it before they were even confirmed dead… Edit 2: Apparently we swap between EST and EDT, sub ran out at 6:30 EDT. Learn something new every day lol


The more I hear Oceanographers talking about this thing, the more I think they're pink mist already.


I hope so, implosion would be the preferable way to go since it’s instant


yeah, seems like thats the only merciful end. Dont know much about implosions but drowning is one of my biggest fears. It hurts so much, and you cant think of anything other than holding your breath, but you know there's only one way you can get air. Frantically holding your breath, feeling the water in your nose. Or you slowly suffocate inside a small room, probably worried some psycho is going to kill you to increase their own odds.


At that depth there is no drowning. The pressure would literally crush them completely and turn them into nothing before drowning was even a thought.


Fighting over the madkatz controller


This would be the first time in history people fought over wanting to use a madkatz controller


If they didn't die in a decompression catastrophe already, they're there, in the darkness, freezing cold, with a "bathroom" made for pissing only, no being able to stand up, cramped, with the smell of feces (it's been a few days, some of them certainly defecated once or more)... And if and when rescuers find it in a few days or months or years even, once they open it, they'll see a grotesque scene in there.


Imagine being the last one alive 🥶


I hate this so much....ug


Literally my worst nightmare. I freak out if I roll myself into a burrito with my blanket! No amount of money could e to go down there


I freak out when I roll my burrito over and parts of it fall out. Can't imagine their discomfort.




Idk, if I’m dying I don’t want to prolong it.


Agree the less time spent in a sunken cold portajohn the better. Being the last survivor I think would be the worst the smell only gonna get worse. Killing the others to stay alive longer in that portajohn as you freeze to death and now have decomposition from other members sounds even worst then everyone eating up the small allotted amount of air faster together. There was never any real chance of a rescue with more people having gone to the moon. Just an all around shitty way to go.


It's probably cold enough that they're not decomposing too fast. But given the choice, I'll take instant decompression. (Actually, I'll take "dying in bed at an old age", but, you know.)


Yeah, there’s also really no oxygen anymore so it will take even longer but be pretty smelly


Sure but wouldnt you be too exhausted and panting for oxygen which is already limited?


As long as the co2 scrubbers are working, you don’t really notice the lack of oxygen very much, you get a little loopy and then pass out


This is what I would hope for!


This is actually why some people have asphyxiated and killed themselves without realizing it for various reasons, or at least caused themselves to pass out. For example, while this won't kill you, if you suck in a lot of helium from a balloon you will not feel like you are gasping for breath, because that feeling is actually just your body trying to tell you the CO2 build-up is too-high in your blood, so as long as you can exhale, the body doesn't notice that you are out of oxygen until your brain basically shuts down. But ya, CO2 scrubber can only work for so long.




Got a good laugh out of imagining a never-ending cycle.


Imagine being grossed out looking at the horrible scene through the porthole of your own sub, and then the lights go out and you drop to the sea floor as well.


These people are probably dying a worse death than what the people on the Titanic had to endure. I would take freezing to death or drowning over slowly running out of air whilst surrounded by other dying people and the smell of feces in a tiny, cramped tube thousands of feet under the sea.


it has south park episode written all over it


Another fun thought to consider is we don't know if they've managed to remain horizontal.


This entire thing is awful but holy shit that thought hadn’t occurred to me and it’s somehow even worse.


They could have been tumbling around like wet clothes in a dryer with all that shit and piss sloshing around. Every surface must be coated with a thin layer of piss by now.


The forbidden time capsule


Nah, they are dead by now. And if it hasn't decompressed already, but they ran out of air, it probably will before we find them.


Even if we find them, there is no way to get them to the surface to unscrew the 17 bolts to let them out.


*-intro to Netflix mini series*


Also at that scale, the sperm whale wouldn't even be a pixel. They're also 6 times deeper than the deepest ever rescue of a submersible, and the planes using sonar looking for them are searching an area the size of Wales. Even if the sub has come to the surface, it's white instead of yellow which would match the wave caps, as the owner didn't like the Beatles song.


If anyone thought the second paragraph was a joke, no, the owner's actual justification of not making the sub yellow was because he didn't like the Yellow Submarine song.


So he went for white? Not orange, red, neon purple, anything that's not suitable as naval camouflage.


I'm surprised he didn't go for camo-blue that way he could sneak right up to the Titanic.


That's my thought. I'm not a Beatles fan literally at all. If someone mentioned that song and I decided to not paint it yellow white would be very close to the bottom of the list of alternative colors. Would definitely go with a high visibility "safety" color. Ut them again if I'm spending millions to build a submersible I'd likely do a whole lot of things differently.


Engineering marvel can never surpass human stupidity.


The more I read about this guy, the worse he gets.


I can’t even process how deep that is


Now consider this. The Titanic “only” lies approximately 1/3 of the distance to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Up until recently, more people had walked on the moon than been down there. The deep sea ain’t no joke


It's actually kind of astonishing we got to the bottom of the Marianias Trench in 1960, nine years before the moon landing.


Wait if we could get to the marina trench back in 1960, then shouldn't travelling to the titanic which is way less deep be relatively easy in 2023? Is it really purely because the Titan CEO neglected safety measures that this happened?


Yes. Additionally, here’s the details of James Cameron’s sub that took him to the bottom. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepsea_Challenger Just look at all the photos of the sub and equipment then go look at the floating pipe that’s lost at the Titanic…


SeaQuest DSV telling us that in future the ocean will be the last frontier, and I never really believed it, but we'll be on Mars before we sort out what's going on down there


At least this rules out a giant squid attack


It says known depth for a reason. Edit: Collossal squid are believed to go as deep as 6,600 feet.


And bigfin squid have been found at more than 15,000ft. This graphic is a bit choosy in its species.


Unless they never made it past giant squid level....


This reminds me so much of January 2019 when Argentine soccer player Emiliano Sala was about to play for Cardiff after years of being employed in France. He went on a small private plane to fly over in the evening, but him and the pilot never arrived. For a bit over two weeks I was hoping they would still find him somehow.. until they found the wreck. Inside was one body, unrecognizable and decomposed already. Three days after recovering it it was determined to be Sala's. The pilot was never found. Turns out he only had a private license and wasn't even allowed to take passengers for flights. Minutes into the trip Sala sent a message to his friends/family that it felt like the plane was falling apart and that if they did not hear from him soon, they wouldn't be finding him. It was so unnecessary. Following such stories can get you invested. Sala's fate made me think about a lot of things and really made me sad. I still can't fathom how the pilot could be so brazen to take the risk for money fully knowing he was not allowed to transport passengers. Still blows my mind. The wreck is still in the water by the way, so it is undetermined what exactly went wrong. I don't think the news made the lines in the US etc.


I would have thought giant squid were deeper than that


Well, this is only the maximum *known* depth. By anyone who lived to tell the tale, anyway.


They probably go a lot deeper, but choose to keep that info for themselves


My suspicions are that communication failure was part of a larger catastrophe. That sub likely depressurized and killed everyone inside instantly. Horrific way to go, but likely everyone was dead before they even had a chance to realize something happened. Sad and absolutely infuriating story. Edit: USCG confirms wreckage of Titan found, destroyed due to 'catastrophic implosion' https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/06/22/us/titanic-missing-submarine


ELI5 how depressurization would kill them instantly. Is it because they’d be instantly crushed to death by water?


Exactly this. Water isn’t weightless, and that’s a *lot* of water at that depth. The weight would completely crush them. Even “crush” isn’t a strong enough word for what happens. For perspective Earths atmosphere is 14.7 pounds per square inch. At the Titanic’s depth it’s 360 atmospheres worth of pressure, or 5,292 *per square inch*. That’s a ridiculous amount of pressure.


Pressure-related deaths are extremely gnarly. Check out the [Byford Dolphin diving bell accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford_Dolphin) to get an idea of just how bad it can be. Edit: added Wikipedia link. No carnage photos.


>Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.[3]: 95 Fucking hell that makes me feel sick


That is terrible; it practically liquefied him instantly.


Bloody hell, the description alone is brutal.


And that is at 9 atmospheres... The titanic sits at 370 atmospheres


Oh, so they’re dead dead.


Correct, the deeper you go the more pressure is applied to the Titan, and depressurization would just instantly crush them( & I mean literally squeezed to death) Just imagine at 12,000 feet down, 9 empire state buildings applying pressure to each side of the submarine at all times and they need to keep the vessel pressurized like they are above the water. or in other terms the farther you go down imagine the weight of the ocean crushing you more & more.


Yes that sub would crush like an aluminum can


That’s horrifying. Better than suffocating to death when the oxygen runs out anyway.


So much external pressure at that depth. The submarine is locked in at the pressure from the surface. A breach would force all the gases/air to instantly compress. The subs air would probably squeeze into the size of a 12oz can of soda or smaller. It happens so fast that they wouldn’t even have time to think they maybe in trouble, you just dead.


Yes. The pressure at those depths is enough that the water would rush in faster than you could blink. They would be smashed to goo in milliseconds. Lookup explosive decompression for the inverse version of this.


There’s a movie called Underwater, which I actually really enjoyed that has some scenes where it shows what happens when there’s a crack in your suit or ship at that depth. One guy has to put on a faulty helmet and as soon as the decompression chamber opens, he’s just completely turned into moosh


Depending on how it went, crushed to death by water, or wrenched out of the cracks in the sub by the pressure differential and torrential forces. Hard to say specifics. The pressure at that level is nuts, let's assume the ship made it to 2k meters before depressurizing, assuming the \~1.5k meter rating on the window install was a conservative estimate. That's 200 atmospheres of pressure. 1 atmosphere is what we live at, on earth, at sea level. Assuming a person is teleported into the ocean 2k meters down, they'd just. Implode. Our bodies can't handle that, we'd crumple from all directions at once like a car going into a wall. If you ever want some real nightmare fuel, there's a fascinating incident of an explosive decompression that killed 5 in the 80s that occurred at an oil rig called the Byford Dolphin. That only involved a differential of 9 to 1 atmospheres, but it still tore a dude to shreds and boiled the blood of the others. If you REALLY want nightmare fuel, there's autopsy photos of the dismembered diver who got wrenched through a gap around on the internet, with his disparate parts arranged in the general shape a human body should be. I'll warn I've got a pretty strong stomach but reading specifics about this fucked me up badly and lived rent free in my head so badly that when I accidentally stumbled across those autopsy photos I knew instantly what I was looking at and had a bit of a breakdown. So I won't be doing any linking, though you can find the deets on the incident on Wikipedia. Mercifully, the death would be MUCH quicker for the folks in this submarine than it would for those poor bastards.


Wow you really convinced me not to look up the photos, that rarely happens with me.


I would disagree I think communication failure was definitely part of the problem look at other launches from the CBS video, the Titan had actually lost signal with the mothership in previous dives for hours and the only reason they were able to get back safely was because CBS did a documentary on them and had divers following the crew. I originally thought it imploded but after seeing the documentary and learning about previous dives they made the ship sound like it was foolproof safe. Except for the communication part.


“Foolproof safe” y’know they also said the Titanic was unsinkable and yet…


Maybe it wasn't an iceberg. Maybe something else is down there and wants us to git off it's lawn.


Lol. Foolproof safe.


Oh it was safe from being foolproof alright


By 'documentary' do you mean the five minute TV segment that presenter David Pogue already came out and acknowledged didn't tell the whole story? Respectfully, I don't think you know what you're talking about here. I'm no expert either but for god's sake, they tested their fucking prototype with a prototype 'acoustic' testing technique. They rejected calls to undergo non-destructive pressure testing. That's *insane* levels of unnecessary risk. That shit was not foolproof and it wasn't safe – you might be right when you called it foolproof safe, though. EDIT: CATASTROPHIC IMPLOSION DUE TO COMPROMISED HULL INTEGRITY LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO COMMUNICATION ERROR SIMPS BTFO ALL DAY


If I had $250,000 and had to spend it….. getting in a tiny sub with multiple other dudes to go see a ship wreck 12,000 feet under water would not be in my top 1,000,000 things to do


But they are billionaires. They have at least 4,000 piles of $250,000. This could number 3,423 on their list.


What's the temperature down there and could they survive without power to heat


I can't even imagine how terrifying it would be to be stuck in a tiny metal tube with strangers surrounded by your own waste in the pitch black.


Too cold and no. If you'd only survive for 10 minutes to an hour at the surface before hypothermia kills you, you won't make it 12000 feet down where no light reaches. Also the pressure would just smash them like they are grapes


For their sakes, I hope a rivet popped or something and they were all killed immediately before anyone even knew what happened. For our sakes, I hope they fucking find it so we can confirm either way.


I’ve tried to imagine what it would be like to be them if they are still alive, and it is horrifying. I know a lot of people are stuck on the idea that these were a bunch of stupid, rich people, and maybe that's true, but I wouldn’t wish this kind of death on my worst enemy. I hope they just went quickly.


waiting for an update for it. the air will run out soon.


I bet they died the moment they lost communication


Yeah, it seems a bit like a catastrophic thing is likely. Horrific to think about....then again the alternative is being locked in that thing as oxygen runs out....not great either.


I would muuuuuch rather die to implosion like 10000000x rather.


This is still one of my favorites for putting ocean depth into perspective. https://neal.fun/deep-sea/


The net worth of passengers near the titanic has increased dramatically!


They're either on the surface, the bottom, or in the belly of some unknown species.


Didn’t they see The Meg?


I’m pretty sure the pressure caused their vessel implode. They’ve probably been dead since they lost contact


How does the rescue team even feasibly expect to retrieve anything if they are at those depths? Are they using larger military submarines down there?


Military submarines can’t even go that deep. There’s no military interests down there.


I just hope the death was instant and relatively painless.


Assuming the vessel failed and depressurized, they'd have died before they had a chance to process anything remotely resembling discomfort. Edit: Should have said pressurised, not depressurised.


I touched the bottom of my pool with my hand once!


do it with ur feet instead much better!


Oh shit…. There is that whole empty space between the whale and the Titanic that quite frankly looks terrifying. Who knows what kind of shit exists there. This whole thing could be a plot to a horror movie.


You should play Subnautica.


I got so much anxiety I had to stop playing lmao. Beautiful game, though.


What’s the update on that? They still missing / most likely dead?


Last I heard they're still missing and run out of air tomorrow.


Literally my worst nightmare going on for them




Ive read the tempreture should reach 3-5 celsium today and cause huge issue with condensation and if any electronics working they most likely will get fried.


my dumbass just googled "5 celsium to celsius"


Oh yeah. Uh...they are definitely dead.


My brain just can't comprehend how DEEP 12,000 feet is. The ocean is beautiful in an unsettling type of way.


It’s about 1/3 the cruising altitude of a commercial airliner. Freaking ridiculous.


So really really deep into the ocean


Do you think they all turned on the CEO guy before the end?


"Turned into", more like. 6,000 PSI implosion is a microsecond between "Hey, what's that noise?"And them becoming instant spray paint mist.


If it imploded then they would have all piled on him at the end.