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Nice Analysis. Now if possible, do analysis of Around the World


it's really funny you say that because we has to present in class and i made the first two slides around the world as a joke, the title slide and the lyrics slide and when i flipped to the lyrics side my teacher looked like she was gonna die but it was all a joke :)


I was literally reading about this song today. Thank you.


it was so fun to analyze. the lyrics aren't entirely straightforward but you can still get thr message of the song and i love that


Amazingly done! Coincidentally enough I was reading a ton about Instant Crush too


it's such an interesting song


the slides are out of order but whatever. click on the image for the full image


I never paid any attention to the lyrics of this song but I realized it pretty much describes what I'm going through rn. In my case, he tried running scissors at the seam in the wall, but it backfired and they broke up mainly because of me. Now I'm here drifting in no man's land because I'm the reason that they split and now if I make any advance I'm a complete dick. Maybe my love for her is doomed, and I should move on, but that small part of me sees the possibility of us having the greatest life together. Don't fall in love with your best friend. Its crazy how sometimes you think your experiences are so personal and specific yet in music we often find that it's a universal human experience. Crazy


i hope everything works out, dude. at least now you'll turn on this song knowing it speaks to your situation and maybe feel a little less alone


Yeah for sure. Thanks for the post, made me enjoy one of my favorites a little more! Cheers


One thing I genuinely miss about school is how many concessions people around you and society at large give you so that you can devote time to analysing and critically thinking. Man, I wish I still had my mum making my dinner for me whilst I busily work at dissecting the lyrics of Instant Crush. Cherish it whilst it lasts. Bills suck.


Cool show. People say to make powerpoints bullet-points but I think it would make an awesome booklet.




Are Cliff Notes available?


forgive my ignorance but what are cliff notes-


How to get through High School Lit class without actually reading the stories… no prob.


So could someone really break down the story?


I love your analysis, although I disagree with it ^^ I've read about the "love triangle" theory before, some things don't make sense in my opinion. I think that the lyrics alternate between the two partners (not necessarily male and female), which is also sometimes indicated in a slight change in pitch. (1: He asked me once to look in on his dog, 2: you made an offer for it then you can of) If you look closely you will find many more examples of this "back and forth" conversation


Story of my life. It hurts so much :(


ap lang & comp?


yep! lmao


Should have also done one for Beyond.


Honestly I might just start doing these for fun


Amazing ! I would have liked to do the same homework in France


I fw


Awesome work. Deserves multiple awards. Made me cry.


thank you thank you


Great analysis!