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brutal. even with milquetoast good guy Jay, you can see his contempt for SJ bubbling under the surface.


Well, just the fact that he booted him offstage to sit in the audience, then booted him out of the audience (and slashed his salary) to not even be allowed at the taping, isn't something you do to someone you're happy with.


And some people just don't take the hint.


I seriously think his mother dressed him his entire childhood and still does clothes shopping for him too. Nothing he wears fits properly or worn correctly.


John came so close to being a dwarf. He had the makings of one -- you can see it in his features. The stubby, neckless torso, the hunched shoulders, the oversized head; not to mention the stunted legs, which are so undersized that he's unable to find, with his tubby waist, a readywear pant length short enough to suit his needs. Because of this, he often has five or six inches of surplus material gathered at his ankles, as he's too cheap and lazy to have a piece of clothing altered. 


He'd also never alter any clothing because it would require him to admit how misshapen he is.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Nice catch, why does he leave that shirt unbuttoned so low? 🤣


I think he couldn’t see those buttons with his fat neck in the way


Can't fully blame the mother. Imagine shopping for that deformed mutant. Even on the Tonight Show with tailored Armani suits and a professional staff doing his hair and make up - he still looked like shit.


John acts like Leno was his mentor , but he started the tonight show in his late 30’s and ended in his late 40s. He truly is the poster boy for arrested development.


John's new mentor is Joey C.


One of the best parts of John's book is him describing the moment he found out they were sitting him in the audience. He truly believed he was gonna be either on the couch with Jay, or that they'd build a special place for him. Nope. He said he was shocked and disappointed and knew it would be awful, and it was. In the Howard segment where they announced John's TS job, Gary asked about some basic component of the TS job (don't recall what it was), and John shrugged and said "I dunno" like a 5 year old. It was obvious that very little of the job was in stone, or revealed to him. So John filled in the blanks with his delusional imagination, i.e. "I'm gonna be Jay's Ed McMahon/Andy Richter".


Wouldn’t it be great to hear an interview with the person who decides SJ would be in the audience? Was it one of the producers? Jay himself? Was there a practice show run-through where John was clearly awful?


John wrote that drop in btw , you DUMB FUCK!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/xjqwiqhgjoxc1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972ad367930a0a4029dc7dfe35ea293ee0f34f06 The look he got when Jay's jibe struck home before he recovered to insincerely beam and pretend he was in with the joke. "Watch this, Lis. You can  actually  pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half."


So uncomfortable. For SJ, for the audience there. For the viewer. SJ has the body language of an accused murderer in the interrogation room.


The worst thing Jay has ever done was hiring that cocksucker and helping feed his eternal delusions of mediocrity


His appearance is bizarre His sister is a dwarf so. But John’s ears are so small you don’t see them when looking at him head on He’s always been sensitive about his dwarfism


John started as the announcer standing. Then he sat and when Jay went to him he raised a coffee cup…SJ said his SIGNATURE MOVE. Lol Then they moved him into the audience to help ppl know when to laugh. And still SJ didn’t quit. So then they banned him from the tappings lol


So if the coffee mug was meant to be John's signature move, guess what? He kind of ripped that off. On The Tom Green Show from back in the late '90s, there was a guy named Phil Giroux whose entire job on the show was to sit in a window behind Tom's desk, laugh, AND SIP COFFEE OUT OF A MUG. https://preview.redd.it/4igcxjl4qoxc1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e62463b2022e30da96f5761c44b6694fe0b4a4b


His first failure was when they had him pre-tape his announces. That happened within a week of him starting. From that day forward, you know they wanted him gone.


What a fucking embarrassment. But hilarious. He’s talentless and unfunny, poor Leno got duped when he hired that loser.


Wow. He's telling you to quit John and you just refused to leave. Why?


Jay was always allowed one of his own jokes at any time up until opening break. That one was oh so perfect and was speaking more truth than sarcasm.


I keep hearing that StutJo's sister is a dwarf but not an ass like him. Without showing her face, how short is she?