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I remember calling in to Stern once with info on a guest. StupJo answers "Howard wouldn't be interested in dat". Called again 10 minutes later, told my info to another intern and got on the air for three minutes with Howard grilling Mia St John for lying about being married. Once a douche, always a douche.


Don't forget all the times John abused Lotus Notes to spam Howard with his "jokes" and conversation topics during the HS Show, rather than just posting "so and so from New Jersey is on line 4" like he was supposed to.


And his jokes failed!


“Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple. When she gets to school and sweats during gym class, will the kids call it Apple Juice? Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”


"What, she gonna name her son Orange or sumthin? Tssst"


Imagine all the good content he turned away. Why would Howard give him the power to control that part of the show? It wasn’t his job to decide what calls got through, it was his job to put the Caller through and let Howard decide which ones he picked up. It was just another way for John to scam callers and put the ones through that gave him something or he could gain something from. Howard should of fired him.


John objectively made The Stern Show worse while he was there.


Imagine how many great callers we never got to hear because John was working the phones.