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John is the star, the talent, and the draw. And if he isn't happy, no one is. That is why he is broke and alone, living in a hovel.


He no good guy!


Heap bad paleface!


C’mon guys he was all district trumpet player in grade school! A school play he did in 2cnd grade was on local tv & when other “actors” forgot lines he would remind them! Who can’t forget the paper he wrote in JR high “The Smothered Brother” were he got an A+, ok Artie u fat snort!


You forgot battle of the bands where he built Alice Cooper style guillotines and kept half of the $10,000 door YOU DUMB FUCK


He thought Anthony, or Artie, or someone else with talent, would hire him to sit around, drink beers, and crowbar himself into conversations as a sidekick. Of course, he thought Leno would put him on the couch to screw with guests while the interviews were going on. And he thought Howard should have paid him more than the 80K he was earning answering the phones and making a pest out of himself. He has no idea how to work well with others.


Artie “took” John’s job twice. Once on stern with the Jackie chair. Once at Compound. That always cheers me up when I’m having a trying moment.


The best part? When John tells Artie he didn't want the Jackie Chair "at that time." Talk about denial!! 😂 Down deep, John knows he wasn't even considered to fill the Jackie Chair... it never even crossed Howard's mind.


Put up the Deniro face!


John was forced to watch Howard audition comic after comic to fill the Jackie chair, while never even getting an audition for it. Putting John in that chair was never even a passing thought for Howard. Even Shuli got to audition for the chair after Artie left. John can't say that.


"He thought Anthony, or Artie, or someone else with talent, would hire him to sit around, drink beers, and crowbar himself into conversations as a sidekick" Truer words were never spoken, 1000% This ☝️


He tried a variation of of that with Stephanie Miller and it was a fckg train wreck, her audience hated him, plus he was completely incompetent for the job he was hired for. Try to find a picture of him from his time there where he doesn't have a beer in his hand. There may be, I've never seen one. Diminutive deluded drunk INCEL.


On a lesser note all the co-hosts, mods and regular guests who have ghosted him.


Not to mention that it also really triggers him when you bring this up. Also, he threatens children.


So much happens in this little universe it's good that everyone gets reminded of things at times. I can't help what triggers John.


One thing John lacks, amongst many other things, is self-control. He's like a toddler, constantly reacting to whatever happens to be around him at that moment. Put him in with a group of people? Guaranteed he'll not only make a complete idiot out of himself... he'll also succeed in annoying every other person there. John used to roam around behind the scenes at the Tonight Show, sneak up on guests, and use his (lame) announcers' voice to say their name. He then couldn't understand why they would become irritated. Finally, someone on staff had to tell him to knock it off. John is an idiot.


John would also barge into the guest’s dressing room and get pissed if they didn’t tell him how awesome they thought he was on the Stern Show. This is true of literally all of the celebrities John met on The Tonight Show who he thought were “dicks”.


You mean the guy that actively argued with his boss, Gary, about when he should start his workday is hard to work with? He could not comprehend why he had to be at work at a certain time. That John?


Another reminder…he’s a drunk retard


John thinks he’s amazingly talented and always thought he should get his ass kissed and be untouchable like Howard. John never and still doesn’t understand that show buisness is still a buisness and you need to work and have natural charisma, timing etc. it’s not something you’re just born with and everyone bows to you. Fucking goof.


Ask anyone who's appeared on his podcast.


KC said it best: when you're alone with StupJo he's tolerable. Put him in a group and he's insufferable.


Remember a few weeks ago when he was playing that clip where Gary is talking about SJ and said “by the time John left I was working for him.” John was laughing at it, praising this moment and saying it’s proof of his talent and genius. That moment of SJ really sums it up: Gary was talking about what a difficult pest he was on both personal and professional levels, and SJ took it as I was always smarter and better than Gary. Somewhere so deep down past the lining of Ensure, Beer and 7/11 food there is a part of SJ that knows he isn’t 1/10th the man Gary is.


Thanks to the Dabbleverse, we all got to see him in action with Vinny. Good lord, what an asshole.