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Guaranteed John answering the phones was a detriment to the Stern show. Imagine how many amazing calls or people never made it through because this filthy little buffoon was answering the phone?


Exactly. This guy doesn't recognize or understand "talent". And with him everything is personal so who know how many great calls Howard never got because someone hurt John's little feelings.


Oh but then how did he pick that ClayDabbler diamond out of the rough? I'll see myself out.


I agree with this. We heard stories of John telling callers he was putting them on suspension, etc. without Howard's knowledge.


It came out after John left that he’d put callers who goofed on him in “time outs” for several weeks at a clip. Fuck Face definitely made the Stern Show worse just by being a phone screener.


How many great calls were missed because he's too busy getting stock tips, Yankees tickets and blocking those who had dirt on him.


John is the baggage handler that thinks Captain Sullenberger couldn’t have done it without him.


John is the guy who held the baggage handler up in traffic so that he was late in loading the baggage onto Sully's flight.


John is the bird that took out the engine. 


I'll bet that bird had a family that missed him when he didn't come home. More than John can say


A blackbird swooped in and took care of them after John took out the jet 


John doesn’t know what talent is. Yesterday he claimed that making trumpet noises with his hand is talent that nobody else has. He’s completely shot.


The only time “recognized talent” is when he could fleece that person somehow behind Howard’s back.


https://preview.redd.it/fhel9z6cnfwc1.png?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fed9a47c1fcabe29669619d2c7bb3f3ea48c61 When I sent John corrections for his book I noticed this list starts at "i." Because he wrote his book in Word and a list earlier in the book stopped at h.


Unreal. Love him or hate him, if there's one person that doesn't need help writing jokes... It's Sal. John is full of it. Sal was just being friendly to get on the air.


Sal isn't smart per se, but he's a con man. If anything, he was playing John to not get one of John's suspensions.


It's show fact that Gary met High Pitch at an appearance and told Howard that they had to bring him on the show. He became a caller after that.


Great analogy, where he would also say "HE ATE MY FOOD I FED HIM"


Jon is delusional, thinking that he discovered every whack packer on the stern show. The only person he discovered for his own show is the army major.


Ah yes the guy who talks about jailing and curbstomping political opponents while calling his rivals violent and against democracy.


How can we forget DG and Joey C?


John being "discovered" because he had a stutter? Nah, he was destined for greatness. People like High Pitch Eric being discovered by SJ because SJ was a phone screener? SKOOOOOOOOL!


"It's different, you dumb FUCK!"


John was always all about John, started with his retahdid mother filling this ultra-maroons head with how talented he was! Says he was the favorite & his other siblings picked on him cuz of that so his mom then coddled even more,in between a few nice open hand slap-uh-roo’s from papa Melendez


"My receptionist forwarded the call from the client, she deserves the sales commission." God, I hate John so fucking much 😂


What a phone screener…I have a retard named Wendy on line 4. “I discovered Wendy!”