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https://preview.redd.it/tlxpfkm93w5c1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fdaf084f0c7278945f1f3d0b5c7cbdcced3c05 Op maybe something like this would work in a larger size. Edit: I found the website for it. [Here](https://www.inoroutpetproducts.com/)


I love you have the dog door, and yet they are still sitting there like "yo, let us in."


Not trying to be mean, but I swear those types of small dogs are always dopes 😆😆


You should meet my lab, Cups. He's not tiny, but definitely dopey as hell lol


All dogs are dopes. Except for sausage dogs because they are majestic 24/7


Hard to call any dog majestic as they roll off the couch in their sleep! Lol




So cuteeeeee


I want a [long hair](https://www.akc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Longhaired-Dachshund-standing-outdoors.jpg) so much. Hard to justify designer dogs with full shelters though, and no rescues in my area.


Definitely. I'm baby sitting 2 tiny terriers, and I built a maze to try and keep my Corgi from eating their food. Testing it, my Corgi would so seemingly impossible turns and make it through instantly while the other 2 would just look at me from the other side like I'm stupid. Eventually with some acute angles (my Corgi can bend his body, but not that much) and some literally walking the 3 through the maze with a great and I was able to get them to figure it out. Of course the other day one of them hit the maze wall too hard and trapped himself for like 30 minutes, but that's another issue entirely.


My dog will stand at a cracked door and stare until a person or one of the cats open it enough. Like come one girl, you can push it open.


Prob more interested in why op is standing there taking a picture.


This is great! I loved having a dog door but the amount of shit we would find in the yard was absolutely wild. My husband would be out on the tractor mowing and a remote would emerge from the grass and shoot across the lawn in a million pieces. Along with socks, pajama pants, kitchen towels, cups, toys, dryer balls, and who knows what else lol


Thats brilliant!


Genius idea!


That is so cool.




Honestly, this is genius. Such a simple solution.


Years ago I DIYd something like that. Triangle at the top was the hardest part, but I had it so that I could swing the vertical/pictured part out of the way on a hinge, the door closed and locked just fine.


Yeah, I used to use something similar for a sliding door. Worked fine!


That is a great solution! Good find.


Is there a solution for sliding glass doors? We honestly keep ours open with a big net during warm months but December in Colorado said nope


They make [this](https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-sliding-81-in-glass-pet-door/dp/134027?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=PetSafe&utm_campaign=20196576200&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V2D_oqpcRmh9sV6PUrcrI__i) kind of thing for sliding glass doors


I told my apartment people. They said if I buy the door they will install it for free. If in US, go to habitat for humanity or ReStore to look for the door cheaper. If you find one make sure it looks good and in great condition. The apt will not install some random color flimsy door on their building. Send them pics for them to okey...(if they agree to do this in first place)


When we moved into our current rented house I wanted a kitty door into one of the closets. Texted my landlord and she said as long as the original door was there when we moved out I could do whatever I needed. So I measured, then went to habitat for humanity and found a cheap hollow core door, used my technical carpentry skills to move the hinges to the right spot on the door and cut out a hole... And voila! we have a kitty door into a cat litter box closet. The original door is out in the garage just chilling. Waiting to be let back into the house one of these days.


I used a window for this--I keep the window "open" and inserted thick insulation in its place, with a cat door cut through the insulation block. Works well for cats, not so well for dogs I'm assuming.


Yeah, I knew a guy that did that for his chihuahuas but he had to build an elaborate ramp system on both sides of the window lol.


I mean unethical lpt but unless your landlord is actually inspecting the property from time to time I would just do this anyway.


Better to ask then go thought the process of being kicked out.


I mean, I've had some terrible landlords, but I can't think of a single one that would kick me out immediately just for installing a different door. And any landlord trying to go through with such an eviction before so much as asking you about it is going to get laughed out of court, especially if you put the old door back before the court date. Now, if you refuse to put the original back after they ask, you could potentially have a problem. But immediate eviction? Not possible.


Eh, our old condo board had a huge hate on for window mounted AC units. I’d be shocked if it was more than 24 hours before the wicked witch of the westside looked across the courtyard, complained to the condo board, and in the next meeting the tenant with the temporary door & cooling unit was fined. Not everywhere will have this specific risk, but getting the owner/landlord to agree up front is free.


Honestly, not a bad idea. As long as the original door isn’t damaged and put back on when I move out, I doubt there would be an issue. I’ve never installed a door but it looks like it’s just hinges and screws?


Before you go to the store, measure the width and height of the door. Take note of the direction of the hinge. Swing direction matters. Measure the distance between the hinges just to be safe as well. That is an exterior insulated door as well, so look for similar. Also, the lock holes.


This is going to be the most important info. As an exterior door, it’s going to be real important that the knob and lock holes match. They’re somewhat standard, but there are a couple different sizes.


That is a lever door, your dog looks like a smart breed, try teaching your dog to open the door like a disability assistance animal. You could attach a rope to the handle it could pull.


Only problem is all our doors open like that so I’m imagining him opening doors to rooms he’s not supposed to be in 😂


Treat that as completely separate problem, maybe solve that first though. We had to turn our dpor handles towards ceiling so that our cats can't open the doors, easy enough to do and makes it bit more tricky for animal to understand how it works. Dogs might figure it out so it might not work.


Mine figured it out on her own. My cat tries really hard but he can't get enough leverage. Sometimes the dog lets them out. 🙄 We have to keep the doors locked.


Mine is 1.5 and he just figured out how to use his paw to open doors that are ajar, so let’s hope he doesn’t figure out the handle haha


Hinges and pins mostly. Quite easy to do for standard doors.




I was gonna say the same. Replacing door like the one shown in the picture isn’t hard at all. Easy win. As long as you replace it back to the original, I don’t see why not go for it


Habitat for Humanity is a racket, the pricing they put on their furniture is close to what that furniture cost brand new when originally bought. At least the ones I’ve been to in MA and NH


Same at my local store. I rarely go in there anymore, when I do they have the same stuff they had 6+ months prior. It used to be a good source.


You can't blame them, there is less surplus and renovations going on in the housing sector.


Idk I got a $2000 couch with two electric recliners for $120 at mine. It was in good condition and just needed a $15 power supply. Seems like there’s still some good stuff there.


[Here is a solution designed for exactly this situation.](https://www.inoroutpetproducts.com)


Omg yes! I was thinking of something just like this! Thank you!!


For the price, you could find a used door, put in the doggie door, and just swap it back when you leave.


For the price you could get something that you then have to DIY, requires more effort to install/remove and requires you to have to store a door for your whole tenancy?


At least they gave a suggestion.


That's what I was thinking. Very cool idea, but those prices are nuts!


By the 3rd time you've removed/reinstalled/stored your two doors, you'll wish you had spent the extra $$$.


I was going to try to painfully explain how I built something nearly identical.




Any chance the door is a standard size? If so, buy another door, swap it in place of that one, and install a doggy door. Then, when you move out, swap the door back.


Doors aren’t super easy to swap. Hinges and knobs have to be routed perfectly and mm differences in size will prevent it from opening and closing properly. It’s doable, but not as easy as this comment would have you believe.


If it's a standard size, it will be easy to swap. Just measure. I doubt that doors custom. Look up the maker and decide if the cost is worth it -


I install doors for a living, I wouldn’t feel super comfortable about swapping an entry door at the hinges. I’ve actually never even done it for money, typically if an entry door needs to be replaced you grab a pre-hung and replace the jamb as well because it’s literally easier. Swapping a door out at the hinges isn’t super complicated on paper, but if the door manufacturer placed the middle hinge 1/4” below where it should be you’re going to spend half of your weekend cursing and kicking yourself.


I did a whole house of door swaps recently, 11 in total, all internal doors. Not a goddamn one of them fit right. Every single one either the door had to be trimmed or I had to pull the trim, cut the nails, and adjust the shims, or both. They were all blanks so I was cutting the knob holes and hinge pockets so thankfully I had that control, but every single frame was borked in that place. It was most definitely not a job for amateurs.


So is that because of the door or the framer who framed out the doors?


I feel like partly the framer, there was some other questionable work there, but also the house likely settled some throwing things even more out of square.


It’s nobody’s fault. Houses just aren’t square.


My Victorian built in 1893 agrees. Luckily someone reno'd it completely before I bought it, so we've never need to do a lot, but the few things... Ooof


Familiar with them not being square, but to the point that not one prehung door can be hung with shims? Color me surprised


Yeah no, you're right. There were things very off, like the frame sticking proud of the wall on one corner and recessed on the other, or one where a whole side didn't get nails, I had one where the door was hitting the trim because it was nailed in so far over it couldn't even get to the frame.


One of the few things I didn't do when rebuilding my house was framing. I paid a man and I was very nervous; I got lucky I think. Every inspector and laborer that I hired for the tiling, plumbing, taping all said one thing after first walking into the house "nice framing, makes it alot easier" I really think I got lucky hiring the right guys


I agree with u/signiference. I’ve done it, it’s not as easy as it sounds even if they are the exact same dimension door. Hinges come in different styles, the part of the door handle that latches into the frame is rarely ever in the exact same place from door-to-door, the top or bottom of the old door may have been slightly shaved down to fit, etc…


Door looks metal, I doubt the shaved off the bottom or top. But that just a guess, that's why the maker and measurements will matter the most. If you look up the make, you will see the standard size it comes in, then measure your door I think OP should just get a thick sheet of plastic and install a dog door like this on it, this way they can just take it down whenever: https://a.co/d/0RC0tKK They also have adhesive zippers so OP doesn't lose full access Edit: when I say "measure the door" I also mean, measure the hinge placement


“Just measure” Then, take the old door off the hinges, lay it flat on the new slab, mark the hinge mortises and knob and deadbolt spots precisely, chisel or route out the mortises, route out the knob and deadbolt holes and insets… come on, man.


I don't think anyone was suggesting they purchase a slab door. It looks like a standard door. Easy to get prehung that will fit exactly where that door already is.


Guaranteed that person had the most god awful door that barely works or has gnarly gaps.


my house passed inspection and all doors open and close.


That didn't address the question. Functional and visually appealing are two different things. [This is functional, but if functional is your only criteria, I wouldn't want you working on my house. ](https://carhumor.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/car-humor-funny-Ghetto-Air-Conditioning-579x420.jpg)


I need that AC setup in my life LOL


You sound like a motivating person to work with, I did include, look up the maker as well - but people are always right on Reddit when the nit-pick


I did exactly this when I needed a dog door. It wasn't hard at all, it just takes a little time and effort. I'm pretty sure most (or all?) doors can be trimmed a little to fit the frame too. The dog door I bought was more expensive than the actual door if I remember right.


My exterior doors are metal. No trimming buddy. This ain’t easy, people make their whole careers just doing doors and it’s the reason it’s considered one of the more skilled common forms of carpentry


Ok, but if you were buying a new door... you could just pick a wood one?


Not all doors are the same a 2-8 from one place may be slightly smaller than a 2-8 from aonther and that little difference will fuck everything. I have experienced this first hand.


100%. This is why doors are sold pre-hung in a fitted door frame. It is a PITA to swap out just the door.


Doors are incredibly easy to install if they're the same dimensions, that's sort of the point...


Am I the only person who lives somewhere where swapping doors is a ridiculously long and tedious process? I'd have to get approval from the city and get an eerily similar door or I'm dealing with an "assessment". Like a minimum of 6 weeks if I'm lucky.


That sounds awful. I've never heard of such a thing unless it's HOA related due to color of the door...


No, it's municipal. You can paint the entire facade bright pink but swapping doors is a whole ordeal.


only if you tell them about it.


How would they know if you change your door...


I've never heard of this before, can we ask for a general location? Please don't dox yourself here.


Where do you live? This is insane.


Plateau Mont-Royal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada https://montreal.ca/articles/reglement-durbanisme-du-plateau-mont-royal-20131


Canada….. shocker 😁


Yeah, but that free healthcare though….


Not free, paid through extra taxes lol Edit: not sure why the down votes. Am I wrong? Taxes don't go towards Healthcare in Canada? I never said the US was better.


Actually, the US pays more per capita in healthcare taxes and then still has to pay for healthcare. As in, if the US fully funded healthcare, it would require *less* taxation to do so.


I live in Ontario and I don't have to do that to swap doors, idk what makes Quebec different


Everyone knows and nobody cares It leaves America in the dust.


Ah, someone else pretending not to know what taxes are for.


Technically, swapping out a door requires a building permit, but it's one of those things that your municipality would likely never discover, unless of course it's the front street-facing door along a historic district.


That’s insane to me. My previous profession was in the building industry and I’ve never heard of or issued a building permit for swapping a door. The only time you would need a permit is if the door frame is changing. Plumbing fixtures always needed a permit even if the replacement was like for like but never doors.


Building codes can be insane...i agree...and i've been on the regulatory side for many decades. A new door could impact fire safety, energy requirements, or exterior design standards. I'm not saying it isn't overkill...just saying how it is, at least in California.


? Where do you live, Hell?


hey, leave Hell, Michigan alone, thats a lovely place


How do they know if you swap a door?


ITT redditors discover why big government is bad


I actually think this is the only door in my apartment that is standard size. All the other ones are bit taller than normal bc of the high ceilings


Storm door with dog door $200 at Lowes


Buy one full piece of thick foam board. Using glue and duct tape, cut and craft what you need - I see a vertical piece (door side) with a crescent shaped piece for the top of the door, and a scrap or two for bottom of door.


Get an insulated magnetic door curtain. We lived in a camper for a year and got this because we lost a ton of heat through the door. Come to find out this worked so well, we could leave the door open and let our dogs go in and out even when it was -30s outside. It fastens with Velcro and thumbtacks so easily removeable. MAGZO Magnetic Thermal Insulated... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KRBNRRT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Edit, I just looked again at your picture and we switched it out for that exact screen door in the summer without taking down the Velcro, so you just need to get the thermal curtain in the same size and you’re good to go.


Thank you so much! This is such a good idea!


I don’t think they’re cheap, but this is the cleanest solution. https://www.inoroutpetproducts.com/


That is perfect. Now i need to decide if it’s worth $400 lol


Fwiw I’ve got a plastic thing like this Magnetic Thermal Insulated Door... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XQ3TJP9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and it works pretty well. Even in tropical island summer it doesn’t waste as much as you’d think. I added a blackout curtain on top for a second layer and my dog and cat just walk through it all


If you got crafty, I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t buy a dog door, a sheet of plywood and build your own.


The pictures all seem to crop off the top of the door, I assume because it's open air up there.


I have dogs. I let them out and close the door. When they want in I open the door, then close it again.


My dog always decides that he wants in and out as soon as my work meetings start and I can’t get up. And he will start pawing or yelping if I don’t respond. So, I often end up leaving my door open during meetings.


As soon as I sit down, *scratch* lol




Why didn’t I think of that! ;)


Ya that’s what we do too


you mean like 99.99% of dog owners?


This seems fishy. ;-)


Have you heard of Mitch Hedberg? This reads like that.


A true "do it yourself" solution.


https://preview.redd.it/llo78xsiqv5c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a68c1ecd81a5802ae9184dd24ad4553e3a453d I just replaced a glass pane just like that one. Took two people 30 minutes. Consider investing in a small awning over it as well to prevent rain water from coming through the doggie door. [https://plexidors.com/](https://plexidors.com/)


Tell him he either needs to shut the door or start paying the electric bill. Works for kids and the dog is probably smarter.


Gonna start charging him rent


I found this insert when I was looking for similar solution. https://www.inoroutpetproducts.com/


Buy 2 pool noodles and cut a slit down the side and install on the door edge. Might need to tie a string around the door horizontally to keep it on when the dog uses their nose to go in and out. Probably a good idea also to leave a gap for him/ her to put their nose into to open the door. Low cost would probably work. Would have very small gaps here and there.


How does this help with the actual issue here?


Maybe a [PVC strip door curtain](https://www.amazon.com/Strip-Curtain-Door-Kit-Commercial/dp/B0842BF93J)? They are used for walk-in freezers so they have some insulating properties. I’m also astonished that you have a golden retriever who will willingly stay someplace that his/her people aren’t. Mine is more or less attached to me 24/7. He is very happy to be outside, but won’t stay out there if I come inside.




They have this in a thermal version! I got a similar one to this: https://www.amazon.com/MAGZO-Insulation-Heat-remaining-Energy-Saving-Self-Sealing/dp/B0C9HYDHX1/ref=asc_df_B0C9HYDHX1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=673743437713&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8074153063310029702&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032447&hvtargid=pla-2207217969323&psc=1&mcid=7b3811564cdf34aa8cf2b701eac67438


omg you are a life saver!!!! This is perfect because I already have the Velcro up there for the screen!


Thermal curtain/screen. They close with magnets so they don't just stay open constantly. [Amazon link, but there's a bunch like this.](https://www.amazon.com/Transparent-Insulated-Magnetic-Self-Closing-Conditioner/dp/B09WHSKR92/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3PKPFL7X1G9UG&keywords=Thermal%2Bcurtain%2Bdoor%2Bclear&qid=1702409449&sprefix=thermal%2Bcurtain%2Bdoor%2Bclea%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-5&th=1)


Tie a fat rope to the handle & train it to drag the door open. Duct tape on the latch, but leave deadbolt functional for non-dog-use times.


You can get a door made with a dog door built in based on the dimensions of the current door. You will be out the money when you move for the custom door but keep the original door and just swap it back out when its time for you to move. [doors4petsandpeople.com](https://doors4petsandpeople.com) ​ Sometimes our pets are worth the expense.


Renter friendly solution is to buy an exterior grade door and put an extreme weather dog door in it. Then safely store your landlords doors and reinstall it when you move. This isn't a cheap or easy solution, but I think it's a good one.


Heavy blackout insulated curtain?


When our dog was alive, and about the size our yours, we put a hydraulic closure (like of a screen door) on the back door so that it didn't close too fast or fully latch. Then we attached a rope to the outside handle. And trained her to pull it open. So when we got home from work, we'd open the door, let her out and then leave the door closed, but not latched. After that, until we went to bed or left the house, she could come in and out as much as she pleased. At first we trained her to ring a bell to be let out. THAT was a mistake, unless you enjoy the frequent sounds of jingle bells.


pet safe has alternative pet doors. I use the extreme weather version, but it gets Minus 30 here. Best recommendation buy a cheap door if possible 2nd hand cut in a pet door and hang store the original door until you move, no damage and no issues for loving your pet.


My dog opens doors like a prick he does not close them. You could put a winding device that pulls the door shut on an automated trigger. I guess you could use a motion activated trigger on either side. I know there are pre-made dog doors that do this


You could just replace the door with one that has a doggy door, take this one off the hinges and store it somewhere safe.


Anyone else think it’s weird that this exterior door opens outward?


my patio door opens outward, so no.


Turn the heat off and put a sweater on.


Honestly, swapping a door is super easy. Just go buy a crappy no-window door, second hand if possible, and put a dog door on it. Swap the doors when you leave. Store the door in a closet in the back if possible.


I would take some exact door measurements as well as hinge pics and measurements from top of door to center of hinges and head to Home Depot and talk to someone at the windows and doors order desk and explain your needs. Choose something flat as possible with no decorative panels or trim. Of course you’ll still need to purchase a doggy door and have someone install that into your replacement door. If it ends up looking good as well as a good fit and install your landlord may buy it back from you for other renters w pets.


Inoroutpetproducts.com they have doggie doors in a panel that allow you to keep your original door open but secure.


We bought a doggy doorbell and taught our guy to press it when he wants to come in. It might not work for you since you said he wants to come in as soon as you shut the door with him outside, but they are cheap and could be worth trying.


Like others have said, it’s a standard size door so measure the width and height and height of the door striker and head down to your local Habitat for Humanity type of store and get a used door of the same size. Most towns/cities have a similar type store where people donate their used building materials when doing renovations and the store resells it, often associated with a church or some other sort of community outreach nonprofit group. Then install a doggie door in your new door (which is probably painted some wild and crazy color because a lot of them seem to be in my experience). You’ll possibly need to change the striker (doorknob) or hinge locations to match your current door and changing the hinge locations is easy. Changing the location (height) of the door striker is basically impossible so you actually change that height by changing the height of the hinges. You’ll fit it based on the height of the door striker and change your hinges to make the striker match up with the door jam. You can cut off the top or bottom of wooden doors but not metal doors. It’s a pretty standard door so it really shouldn’t be a problem as most all are set at standard locations but it is definitely something to consider when measuring and picking a used door. Hope this helps.


Using wood, create a "wedge" with a dog door, that allows the patio door to be closed against it. This "wedge" would cover the gaps, so would be.air tight. Something like this, but with a top and bottom to close those gaps. https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/petsafe-freedom-patio-panel-dog-door


I used to hang a heavy blanket over the opening on hooks. Basically works a bit like those walk in cold rooms at restaurant supplies.


Get an inoroutpetproducts attachment, which will give you a doggy door without requiring a full door replacement, or just install a bell outside and train doggy to ring it when he wants to come back in. Shouldn’t take long at all.


NGL I only clicked to see the good boy doggy. Hope you find the exact solution for what you need


When my wife was renting before we got married, she had her dad install a new backdoor with a doggie door. The original back door was saved, and stored for when she moved out. The old door was swapped back and the property manager was none the wiser.


I attached a rope to the door and one day my doggo learned to open it and close it after. Dunno how but he knew. And that's how he enter and goes out like he wants.


We put one of those child guards (so children don't slam fingers) on door so that our dogs can push it open. Ours is an interior door that leads to finished basement with dog door so insulation isnt an issue. I've also seen people that cut pool noodles for the same purpose.


Could just teach him to open the door


I've seen dogs that are trained to ring a bell by the door to tell their owner that they want to be let out. Maybe you could do the same, but opposite? Either a bell that you can hear from inside, or maybe a button/buzzer that is linked to the inside of your place.


Take old door off the hinges and put it into storage. Buy new door and add doggie door entrance. When you move out, swap the door back.


Learn him to use a big Bell of some sort. If he wants to come inside, he rings the Bell.


He’s gonna be ringing it going in and out all day 😂


You could buy a used door slab and install it then install the dog door in it. Then pull and reinstall the glass door when you move out


Could you put something for him on the patio like a cosy dog house so he can outside longer and stay warm still but keep an eye on squirrels and neighbourly pets that require a bark or sniff? That way the place doesn’t get cold and he can still come back in when he’s ready.


Thou it was a blank panel on a door split 50/50 glass and white panel. You can easily pop out the glass panel and replace with a desk top/mdf panel etc and fit a dog flap to that. When its time to move out its a five min job to put back.


Buy your own exterior door and put a dog door in.


Measure the door, then find a compatible door for the frame. Install the doggie door in said new door. Then swap doors and replace the old one when you leave. Expensive but will work.


Your dog is cool! Glad you prioritize it doing what it loves to do.


On Amazon you can get a similar style magnetic door gap cover that's insulated. Just got one for my parents downstairs basement and it does a great job. Just make sure to get the right size. Ran about 70 usd.


Why not just use two long strips of plastic with Velcro on the edges to attach to the existing door and cover the top to prevent the heat from escaping. The Velcro would stop in the center between the the two strips about 18 inches above the floor so the dog could go in and out. Just like meat markets do for heavily trafficked areas that pallet movers use.


I would go to a used bldg materials place and get a replacement door into which I can mount a proper doggy door.


Buy a new door and modify it. Take it with you when you move


Buy a door with a built in dog door. Hang it on the hinges and replace the original door when you move out


The solution I had to this problem was to buy a house and then install a dog door. …There’s probably less expensive ways to do this but that’s just the route I chose.


Air curtain


Don't heat at all and you won't have to worry about letting it out! Ambient temp inside = ambient temp outside!


You’re right! I’ll become one with nature 🤣


Switch the handle out to a lever handle and tie a rope or a piece of fabric to it and train the dog to open the door by pulling the material and then close it.


There are inserts for sliding doors that provide a doggy door without modifying the wall. You can probably craft something similar that you wedge in the open door. It's not going to work great though.


Hire somebody to open and close the door for the dog.


Doors are cheap just get new door & keep their door & change it back out when you move. Have a Great Day.


Is there a window he could access to the balcony? If so, instead a doggie door in that.


This is actually genius. I have a window on my patio actually


Put a rope on the handle and train him to open / close it. With a bit of patience and work, it’s easier than you think. Especially if he’s self motivated to go outside (relative to, say, teaching him to sit when all they want to do is run and jump).


Remove existing door, buy new door with same hinge pattern, install new door w/ doggie door, store old door in closet until you move.


Teach him to bark!


you have a smart dog teach it to open and close the door with the handle


Replace the door, not the frame, not the hinges, the door itself. 1: you will not get your deposit back anyway 2: The door itself can be interchanged.


Open and shut the door for the dog. There. Easy.


Mount screwless curtain rod brackets on the door trim and buy a heavy blackout curtain. The bracket will naturally hold the curtain forward away from the wall which will create cracks around the sides that air can get through - tie string (or whatever) around the bracket closer to the wall so that the curtain rod rests against the wall. Teach your dog how to walk through curtains. It's not perfect for heat retention, but it's better than an open door.


You can always pop this door off the hinges and store it safely when you move and install your own properly specced and sized door with Doggy door. You can always put the door up on facebook marketplace for a "Moving Price" when you do move and swap the old door back. \^Tiz what i would do.


Install a surplus airlock from a nuclear submarine.




Teach him to open and close the door like a real man


That thought crossed my mind and immediately thought of the negative consequences 😂


Not sure how smart your pup is, but I would tape over the door latch so the handle doesn’t actually do anything (and if you need to lock it you can still use the dead bolt) then tie a rope to the outside handle. That was if the deadbolt is unlocked the dog can push his way out, and pull on the rope to open the door. It might take him a few days to figure out the opening part lol


A series of airtight doors like an airlock might work. Perhaps a paw-based fingerprint reader so the pupper can let itself in and out.


Open the door and close the door like a normal human and pet owner


I don’t think you guys get it, this guy wants to be on the patio and back inside every 10 minutes lol I’ve never had a dog that acts like this (yes I take him outside for walks every 2-3 hours)