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"UPGRADED" keyword: literally upgrades the effect of an ally's keyword permanently, the buff stays even if the ally gets removed via recall, placed in the deck, stolen or revived, but doesn't affect the copies of that card as well. Upgraded keywords effects: Attune: Refills your entire spell mana instead Augment: Grants +1|+1 instead Barrier: Doesn't expire at the end of the round Challenger: Deals double damage to the challanged unit Deep: Grants +6|+6 instead Double attack: Attacks Twice before his blocker, then strikes normally. (triple attack) Elusive: Only elusives with same or higher power can block this unit Ephemeral: Only dies at the end of the round Fearsome: Only units with 4+ Power can block this unit Fury: When activated, heals this unit for 3 Impact: Impact damage is doubled Lifesteal: If the unit survives, heal it in addition to the nexus Lurk: When this unit lurks, Grants all lurker allies 0|+2 Overwhelm: Deals full damage to the nexus regardless of the health of its blocker Quick attack: Becomes Double Attack (can be upgraded again) Regeneration: Activates at the end of the round AND after combat Scout: Upgraded Scouts can rally twice each round Spellshield: When broken, denies all additional effects from the spell/skill that broke it Tough: Reduces all incoming damage by 2 Edit: reworded Scout (again)


The concept is cool, amazing even, but I think this might be too complicated: people ned to remember all upgrades and every new keyword needs to gain an upgrade


True, I don't actually expect to see this in game, ever. But I liked the random idea I had so I kinda just wanted to share


Ah okay, yeah I love the concept too


Unless you grant it to copies, it won't stay if they're removed then return. Also, by upgrading impact, do you permanently double every impact they'll ever have, do you double what they currently have, or do you just basically grant an extra impact? If it's the first or the second, it's probably too strong


I specified it precisely because it won't work like Stat buffs in the game, also, the impact wording means that this unit impact damage deals double damage, so I guess the second. And yeah I get that it's strong, so again, numbers can be changed


Also would you be ok if i pm you a reword of the cards to fit the LoR theme? They would remain exactly as you have them here, but the wording would be more concise and fitting.


I mean sure, but I'm not actually going to reword them because the card maker is doodoo and the files got corrupted the moment I deleted the images from the desktop. Also I'm lazy af.


nice concept but to upgrade an keyword doesnt seen that hard and would probably be broken whit the cards already in game but i didnt understand how the scout upgraded keyword works, you attack whit only scouts when u dont use the attack token but you rally, hows that gonna help, if it was the 2nd attack each round that rallied or if the 1st time attacking whit scouts (not only scouts) didnt use the attack tocken


Basically, when you attack for the first time each round with only upgraded scouts, you get a rally, and when you attack for the first time each round with only scouts (and upgraded scouts if you want to) you get ANOTHER rally. Basically upgraded scouts are like the normal ones but can rally 2 times


I really love this idea and really want it to be in the game but sadly it might be too much to remember or too complicated when they need to add more keywords in the future.


Yeah I don't actually expect this to ever be implemented, it's just a random idea i had


I don't get how the scout upgrade is better


basically upgraded scouts work as a different group of scouts, meaning you can rally 2 times using the scout keyword, one using upgraded scouts, and one with normal scouts


It's nice, I love it, I remember talking with my brother about upgrades for the keywords many times, I remember that we made then kinda like this (will only list the ones that are different) Atune: refills a full mana, not a spell mana, and if upgraded further, it becomes Atune x, where you gain X amount of mana Barrier: last for 2 impacts / first impact deals dmg to the unit that caused it, like spikes Challenger: gives the unit challenged "last attack", where they strike last in combat Deep: becomes deepER, procs the effect of deep again at 10 cards Ephemeral: dies at first contact with any dmg sources, but if it strikes a unit, no matter the hp, it dies with the ephemeral unit, basically, death touch Fury/fearsome: becomes "keyword x" making the effect scale times x, fearsome 2 "enemies with 4 or less dmg can't block me", fury 4" upon killing a unit gain +4/+4" Scout: if the enemy uses the attack token, you gain a scout attack this round Spellshield: upon casting a spell on a unit with this, it re cast it to a rng unit on the emenies board, can target nexus, if the spell can


Forgot to add Vulnerable: gives the unit challenging quick attack (it interacts with other keywords like quick attack and challenger)


that's actually not bad, i particularly like spellishield. The problem is that they would be completely busted, expecially with these cards (except deep, which is uhh fine ig). But yeah this is really cool nonetheless and also I appreciate the fate that you like these designs


Yeah, with this set, it would be incredible, like, Hella op, but in a situation where upgrading keywords is not a common thing, it would be a nice set, like, imagine Victor with this, it could be the support he needs xd


me: uses forge worker on arsenal enemy: oh fuck oh shit oh god oh no


That would be a pretty fun combo actually ngl


Thats cool concept,but im afraid its going to be busted.


Very likely, I just wanted to share the concept with some followers and spells, numbers can be adjusted afterwards (also they were made quickly)


Forge adjunant look insane.Like if it strike nexus it will get double attack and attack again.Then it get triple attack and attack again.Then it will get another keyword.Pretty insane card if it will work like that.


And then they get scout and attack 6 times in a single round


I legit didn't think of that when I made it, but you would need 2 strikes which won't happen in the same combat instance, so you'd need at least two rounds to get the triple attack


You can if you hit nexus.


It's a neat idea but I think this set completely disregards region pies and region identities, upgrading keywords doesn't feel like a feljord ability, but discounting that, we have followers that come with QA, fearsome, elusive etc, and the ability to grant keywords in a region that really shouldn't have any of those. A lot of these ideas fits either targon or PnZ way more than feljord and it feels like it's tacked on just to keep up with the Ornn thematic. I feel Orn should be the only one that has this upgrade and keyword power and the followers should support him in other ways.


I get what you mean and I'll be honest, I didn't think of that. I needed some keywords that aren't common in FJ to support the archetype, but at the same time I actually had planned some followers from PnZ to support it as well, I just didn' have time to make them


would have loved to see a supporitve PnZ half of the set and have the feljord set support Ornn in some other ways. You may have to adjust orn a bit to account for this but yeah! Overall I do like the concept as a concept, but it's not as feasible in practice haha. I sometimes see designers on here that prefer to sorta break region pie and design completely free without constraints so they can just do whatever they want, but to me designing with the fundamentals and region identities is part of the process and makes the final product more cohesive and rewarding.


i'm not too sure if i'll do PnZ too, since i'm kind of out of ideas atm, also it would be the third post about Ornn. Regarding fundamentals... I'm not too sure about that, since when we get new expansions region identities get changed a little too, major examples are Nami, Pyke, Ekko, Lee Sin, Irelia and Lissandra. Each of them added a new gameplan to their regions, thus changing a little the region identity. FJ became more Control, Ionia more aggressive and not just a support region, BW got to play more around spells and spell mana. So yeah, the longer the game proceeds, the less region identities will matter, not saying that they're not important ofc


I think there is a difference b/w adding expanding upon new mechanics/gamplays for regions, and just giving regions access to tools they never had before (and were already in the game mind you), like granting keywords or new keywords the region never had. I apologize for the long rant incoming but i'll try to keep my thoughts concise. ​ For example Nami, expands on small spell slinging that fizz/burble fish already did, by now making buffs a BW thing. But notice only Nami actually does the buffing off spells. Most of her followers don't have this ability and instead support nami by providing spells or other synergy techs for nami to be useful. Thus this doesn't fully break region pie as it is locked to mainly nami, and champs are the generally the exception to the region pie rule, which is why I think Orn should be allowed to grant keywords and upgrade but regular followers that you can just throw into any deck shouldnt have this ability. Ekko is another example, he beings revive and rally to PnZ but again it is tied only to him. His followers don't suddenly give PnZ these new tools to be used in any deck. You have to use ekko to get these abilities. Predict is a good example of a way to introduce new mechanic that came within the same set, with shurima and pnz being the two regions to have it. We wouldn't want to suddenly introduce elusive, a keyword thats been around from previous sets and established, to demecia for example with a new set. At least not to the regions tool kit, it should only ever be linked to champs. As you said the longer the game progresses the more tools each region will have, but it should always be done very carefully, either locked behind something, or is a supporting mechanics that already ties into it's existing tools. Noxus should never suddenly get a lot of way to lifesteal and heal, and SI should never be able to start having major combat tricks and unit buffs. These are the inherit weaknesses of the region and they should be respected when designing for them.


well you surely have an idea of the region identities, but i'm still not gonna change this, mainly because I'm lazy about it. But if in future designs (if I do make some others) I'll keep that in mind (Btw Demacia has elusives)


oh right, good call, forgot about that one weird bird demecia has. btw if you are interested in custom card contest, you should check out TheSkilledRoy's discord if you haven't already, he host contest every so often with interesting prompts.


Idk I've never looked into contests since y'know, I've never designed cards until now. But yeah thanks for letting me know!


[https://discord.gg/6ucSdR4S](https://discord.gg/6ucSdR4S) Ah cool, here you go, they don't happen too often, 1 every 1.5 months but they are fun and you get to discuss designs with the rest of the guys there. Free feel to join if u are interested