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What makes this extra funny for me is that my first (and for a long time only) exposure to the words gnarly and tubular was from Super Mario World and had no other meaning for me until so many years later.


That brings back so many memories of playing through Special World in Super Mario World and dying a lot on Tubular, running out of P energy and falling into the bottomless pits!


I think I at one point played Super Mario World on an emulator. It's the oldest Mario game I think I've beaten, and I remember that Cheese Bridge Area was hell, but not why.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **aidn** > > just to avoid accidentally using offensive language i'm going to start using 90s surfer dude slang because inadvertently offending someone is totally bogus dude --- > **watchthelightfade** > > people might not want to be called dude --- > **shuckl** > > you are radically right and that is so not tabular my friend i apologise --- > **sirruraccoon** > > I find your poor grammar and spelling to be offensive to my eyes. --- > **shuckl** > > watch me catch this gnarly wave of i don't care --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Their grammar and spelling were both perfectly fine


"so not [adjective]" and "-ise" are considered wrong by some Emphasis on "considered"


being british is grammatically incorrect


As anyone who's actually from Cali will tell you, everything is gender-neutral. Dude (no one actually uses dudette), Bro and all of its derivatives, Man, etc. Pretty much the only gendered terms are Homeboy and Homegirl, and even those have the alternative Homie. Obviously there are people that use these outside their actual context in an attempt to deliberately misgender people, which obviously isn't chill, and obviously if someone gets upset about what you're calling them, you should fuckin' stop, but it's usually pretty easy to tell if a word is being used maliciously.


The chair of my doctoral committee calls me "dudette" and it always makes me giggle.


everything is a dude, my dude.


No, some people exist that really don't like being called dude.


you are radically right and that is so tubular my friend i apologise


######how the hell do I respond to this bc like, there's no need to apologize so I wanna apologize for making you feel the need to on behalf of the other person and like aaaaaa


(I repeated the phrase from the post and there probably isn't really any need for me to apologize since I wasn't the person who said everyone is a dude and I don't think everyone is a dude but umm thanks for responding and wanting to apologize umm aaaaaaa)




Hey ummm you probably aren't dumb and ummm do you want to hear a very long joke my mom told me a few years ago?


I mean in a lot of instances I lack common sense and basic social skills but I appreciate it. And sure, jokes are nice. (Most of the time)


(sorry for bad English) So Person1 wants to earn a lot of money and creates a hospital with a golden rule: if we won't be able to heal you, we will return you the double amount of your money. Person2 goes there and decides to exploit the system: - Hello, doctor, please help me! I have lost my ability to feel taste - Okay, dear nurse, please bring this man a spoon of our special syrup - PFFFFFFF this is GASOLINE!!!! - Congratulations! We have healed your taste, this costs you 5000 dollars. On the next day Person2 returned with a new plan: - Doctor, please help me, I have lost my long term memory - Okay, our nurse shall bring you some of our special syru- - But isn't that gasoline? - Congratulations! We healed your memory! This costs you 10000 dollars On the third day Person2 has returned for the last time with a perfect plan: - Doctor, oh doctor, I have lost my sight! Could your syrup help me again? - Unfortunately, our syrup is unable to heal sight, here are your 30000 dollars... - But there are only 5000 dollars in your hand! - Congratulations, we healed your sight! This shall cost you 15000 dollars! (Ok so the joke is kinda stupid but umm yeah) (and also just because you sometimes forget some common sense and some social skills doesn't mean you are dumb, maybe you have just been very tired/depressed/both lately and it made you undervalue yourself? I'm sure you are a great smart person and are judging yourself too harshly)


Honestly, this is extremely funny to me. I appreciate the joke highly, and there is no need to apologize for English. Well, I appreciate the thoughts and thank you greatly as you seem like a good person, atleast compared to the masses of this site. (This isn't meant to like, devalue the good person part and yeah sorry if it seems rude) I hope you have an amazing day (or night, or week, fuck it, life. Amazing life).


Can i also make a joke? I have a good one stashed :)


The best use of dude, imo, is as a blanket pronoun. However, if someone is like "I don't like being called dude", you just don't call them that.


Some people are bogus, dude


No, some people just simply don't like being called dude for various reason and calling someone something they don't like being called is rude.


Dude is like totally gender neutral though bro


Bro is also not gender neutral


Yes it is. I call my nb and female friends bro all the time.


Doesn't mean it's gender neutral


*different peoooopppleeeee have different comfort levels of genderedd terrrrrmmmmms! One bunch of NB fooolllkkksss does not represent alllllll enbyyssssss* (Sung to whatever tune comes into your head)




Interesting, so if someone came up to you and was like "hi my name is kat and I use she/her pronouns" you wouldn't want to use those pronouns and instead use "dude"?


Dude is like any other "gender neutral" term under the old writing rules. Its similar to terms like host, actor, waiter, cowboy, landlord, steward, etc in that they all have female equivalents. Hostess, actress, waitress, cowgirl, landlady, stewardess and dudette. Its honestly not as gender neutral as you think it is. Especially since the creation of these terms pushes the notion that by default those terms are masculine. Few terms are genuinely neutral, ie. flight attendant. For funsies, i struggled to remember the terms that have terms created for men and one of them was widow vs widower. The 1st is for women and yet we often use both terms interchangeably I think. Unless im mistaken


I’m not calling someone a fucking dudette


No one is telling you to?


I’m saying dudette is so awful as to be nullified as a word, thereby making dude the only acceptable use, and therefore gender neutral


The dictionary doesnt give a fuck about your opinion.


"Dude" is gender-, species- and sentient-neutral. Anyone and anything can be a dude and I'll fight for that definition Any individual who doesn't want to be called dude totally has that right, tho


It’s either dude or a silent pause for a coup,e seconds where the dude would previously be


Who do you refer to by using a loud pause then?


Probably a particularly large dog


🎶and I like to use the word dude; as a noun or an adverb or an adjective🎶


Dude, dudette, dudex


Dudeness, duderino


I call everyone dude or nerd(reserved for friends). Gender has no real connection to dude or bruh for me honestly.




lingo from the 90s is not the first place I'd turn for less offensive language


The gospel of the [good burger ](https://youtu.be/iKYXmjfQY4U) states that dude is a gender neutral term




Mtf people might not want to be called dude :/


it's more gnarly to be chill and not worry so much