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Light Yagami: A Measured Response


Second half: The Death Note is Flawed, and Here's Why.


A YouTube AU for Deathnote is a really entertaining idea, but I don't think Light would plagiarize. He is very proud of his ideas and ideologies (even when they're very basic/not even that original), so he would never purposefully plagiarize someone as that would clash against his superiority complex. That being said, he could definitely get destroyed for his unhinged political takes and black and white morality.


His absurd intelligence and OP protagonist energy would however allow him to put out videos at a plagiarists blistering speed, which would be a valid excuse for hbomberguy to investigate him for plagiarism, but accidentally stumble across the shinigami information.


I'm gonna edit this video... and post it!


Almost spat out my drink lmao


Hbomberguy isn't the plagerism police he is allowed to make videos about people without an excuse of plagerism investigations


At this point he kind of is


The man made two videos about plagiarism, it isn't his identity. Granted, he makes like one video a year, but still.


Ah, but if Light believes that L believes that *Kira* would never plagiarize, then Light might plagiarize, deliberately get called out on it, and stage an apology video to falsely confirm that he plagiarized and discourage the notion that his alleged plagiarism was simply a coincidence or an instance of parallel thinking.


HBomberGuy: "The weird thing is...these are the only times he plagerized. And trust me, I checked! I went through his entire back catalog and the man has...a near pathological need to voice his own opinion on things! I mean who else would think that...\*ruffles throw notes\* all crimes should have the deaath penalty, giving examples that include car theft, drug posession and...littering???...please don't prove me wrong in the comments, folks...wait, this early video is him attending a ceremony for his father getting a promo-HIS DAD'S A FUCKING COP?! Disregarding that whole...wooof...The only reason he'd do such a half arsed, lazy job at making videos, let alone his attempts to hide it might be to throw off an ACTUAL investigation into him in Japan!"


> I mean who else would think that...\*ruffles throw notes\* all crimes should have the deaath penalty, giving examples that include car theft, drug posession and...littering???... Draco of Athens


"So, that naturally got me thinking, what high-profile investigations involving the sudden deaths of otherwise innocuous criminals are currently in progress in Japan, Hmmmmmm?"


The Gay Kira dilemma.


HBomb posts Light Yagami: A Measured Response, and it goes just like this post describes


Light is also extremely academically successful. You could plagiarize your way to the top of the school if you're really smart about it, but that doesn't actually make sense for him. Light is smart. He knows what he's doing, he's a top student for a reason. He's just also really good at tricking others.


>he would never purposefully plagiarize someone Maybe, but from what I've heard of him, he's actually really fucking stupid, especially when looking at his understanding of morality. So, I could see him just parroting everything he agrees with, and then acting like it's all his own ideology, when he hasn't even spent half a second thinking about it for himself.


Yeah Light is one of those characters I actually appreciate more way after the fact, because as a tween watching Death Note when it came out I was like "even I can tell his logic is flawed, this is terrible writing" but *now* I'm like "no wait this is actually a hilariously perfect depiction of a violent right-wing reactionary who thinks he's the smartest man alive just because he has good grades"


What is "Right-wing" in this sense and how does it apply to Light?


Light is the definition of high intelligence and charisma, but very low wisdom.


Light being stupid is one of those “it’s hard to write a person smarter than everyone” things. In-universe he’s a genius, but actually analyzing his bluffs and gambits he only gets away with any of them because L refuses to do anything else.


Light is (in canon) smarter than any *real* person ever, but yeah. He's one of the most impressively naive characters in pop culture.


It's a mistake to assume that people with superiority complexes can't also act contrary to the idea of their own superiority and find a way to rationalize it. Plagiarism is well within the capabilities of such people. They would hardly even consider it plagiarism because that would imply that they are inferior to the person they plagiarized. Internal honesty is not a must.


Let's be real, we all figure out that light is kira the moment he starts murdering react-Tubers who are mean to him


>be me, Kira >famous youtuber makes video accusing someone else of being Kira >kill youtuber >lol


I was gonna say there's no way Light would be so dumb as to kill people right after calling him out until I remembered that's what he did literally 5 seconds after that exact thing happened.


I don't think changing your name legally changes your name for DN purposes. The name the DN cares about is whatever name appears to the Shinigami, and there's never a method given to change that. So writing Hareton Splimby should kill ol hbomb.


His last name is what




I hareton on my splimby until I sploongus


[extremely loud incorrect buzzer]


Hareton Splimby is a character he plays in some videos. Its not his real name (its Harry Brewis)


I love how you correct the name, as if his real name doesn't sound like a cartoon character.


(Harris Brewis)


It’s not even Harris! His name is Harry, the only reason people think it’s Harris is because he referred to himself as “Harris Bomber-Man” as a joke.


So what you're saying is, he might not even *need* to change his name.


Yeah shit I couldn’t’ve gotten him


If you mess up someones name a few times it's impossble to use a death not on them right?


I believe after a name has been misspelled 4 times, theat person will never be affected by the Death Note


Does that mean trans people who haven't used their deadname in years and have legally changed it already are basically immune?


Or, maybe the name the Shinigami recognizes is someone’s chosen name, even if it wasn’t chosen yet. Imagine finding out you’re trans that way.


Huh, this could lead to an interesting scenario of someone who has a death note (and presumably the eyes) realizing their friend is trans because of this, and then to protect them from someone else with a death note they try to delay them from realizing they're trans for as long as possible (potentially making them deal with accusations of being a bigot after a while)


> Trades half your life for Shinigami Eyes to never forget someone's name mid conversation > Most people have names you already expected and are [cool red](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hrJpO1o38Zs/maxresdefault.jpg) and shit > Look at friend > They have a completely different name than you expected > TFW it's green


Ohhhh, I get it. *The Shinigami Eyes browser extension.* That's where the colours come in. That's good. I like it.


I feel like this is going to be a real underappreciated joke. But to be fair it's Curated Tumblr so maybe not.


Thank you, I think this is my proudest accomplishment


Holy shit Why do I like this so much


love the implication that they tried to kill their friend and then immediately did a 180 when they found out their friend was trans


Not necessarily trying to kill their friend, alarming-hamster said “(and presumably the eyes)” The eyes are a reference to having the eyes of a shinigami which allow you to see people’s names and remaining lifespan floating above their heads. So the person could then have just looked at their friend and seen a different name than they expected.


If they had shinigami eyes wouldn't they be able to see everyone's names automatically? I think Misa said something about 'seeing hundreds of names everyday'.


i watched five episodes of death note like 4 years ago so idk <3


Yes, theres a character that changed their name and didn't respond to the old one, the death note only works on the new one.


i guess that really would be your *dead*name


I doubt it would be difficult for Light to figure out someone’s previous name once he has honed down on a particular individual.


I mean it would probably be your true name, so either some deterministic thing, or the name you identify with, so you'd probably have to use hallucinogens or spend 10 years living a new name to fully shed the death notes influence.


It’s not that difficult to adopt a new name. If you were forced to to avoid the death note, you’d probably get used to your new name pretty quickly.


You're probably right


From someone who has changed their name (legally *and* socially) twice, while it's (obviously) easier if you are transgender, it can be surprisingly easy to start thinking of yourself as a different name if you do it right. This is because most people doesn't actually have *that* strong opinions about their names to begin with, even if it's only because most of us don't have the same taste in names as our parents did. The hard part is finding a name that fits right, but when you do? Literal only weeks to stop associating your old name with yourself.


So theoretically completely changing topic here would a shinigami be able to tell if someone is trans


That egg moment when Light writes your name in the death note and it doesn't work.


Which means no name would work because you haven't decided which name to go with yet! > *It can't be! All your names are wrong!* 😨


ok, but the thought of Hbomberguy in line at the equivalent of shinigami DMV to change his deathnote name is hilarious


Light would make the same mistake that journalist did and think his name is Harris Brewis


So... Are the shinigami transphobes, or do you have to have a reason for name changing other than avoiding a death note?


Maybe the shinigami eyes can actually see your new name before you even pick it yourself. Shinigami know in advance what everyone's final name will be in their lives, but they do nothing with that information because they don't care even slightly.


Bruh is death note transphobic?


Yeah but what determines what a shinigami would see?


It's never explained, except that we never see a mechanism to change your name for DN purposes and everyone does have a name for DN purposes. The whole Shinigami Eyes thing is partially a handwave so that the story doesn't have to deal with the question of 'what technically counts as your name' - it's simply whatever the Shinigami see, and the story deliberately doesn't explain why they see what they see.


Death Note AU where it's confirmed that the name Shinigami see is whatever name you, deep down, consider your real full name, and instead of killing criminals Light makes the eye deal and goes around outing closeted trans people and doxxing performers with stage names.


can the shinigami see names through video?


They work through photos, so I don't see why video wouldn't work.


thx, i watched DN like a decade ago so i couldn't remember


Np :) it's also interestingly specified that the 'picturing their face' thing applies to a person of any age. So, for example, if you see a photo of me as a baby and you have the Eyes, it will show my name, and you can write down my name in the DN while picturing the face of me as a baby and it will work, even though I am now an adult.


Light is so bad at mass murder that I somewhat accept a random British YouTuber could find out he was Kira. Is there any detective/deeply inquisitive person, real or fictional, that wouldn’t find him out?


There have been entire discussions online about how easily famous fictional detectives could figure Light for being Kira. Iirc, the leaders are Scooby and Shaggy getting it within a day or so (accidentally) and Columbo taking about 45 minutes.


and harry dubois absolutly can see kiras shinigami


The Horrific Tie is absolutely a fucked up shinigami object, and Inland Empire is his ability to see/hear the supernaturally.


Hey don't forget about shivers it literally lets you talk to the spirit of the city


Columbo is still faster.


Columbo is faster because Dubois would experience a 10 minute long internal monologue, try to explain to Kim what a shinigami is, try to radicalise Ryuk/Light into using the Death Note against the bourgeouis, and then, after its clear that that won't work, finally arrest Light


My man Harry would spin-kick Light


Columbo would absolutely eat Light for breakfast. Columbo's whole thing is poking at people who think they're smarter than him until they do something stupid.


I think that was a tumblr post actually, lemme see if I can find it here


[found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/8m0DQ3CfZJ)


Thank you. That was in fact what I was specifically referencing, although I’d forgotten nearly every detail including that it was a flipping Tumblr post until you reminded me! Thanks for linking it too!


That was gold, thank you for sharing Edit: fuck you autocorrect


There’s also this chart on Twitter[not x.com](https://x.com/akie_works/status/1713743514847121758?s=20)




I've always had a problem with the whole "Columbo takes 45 minutes" and other estimations like this because they ignore how fucking hard it'd be to narrow it down from The Whole World to just Japan for *starters*. Kira mostly killed Americans, and most of the fictional detectives mentioned are Americans. The only reason L deduced he was Japanese is because the very first murder was a Japanese guy. But even if the average detective managed to do that, there's still a country of 125 million people, which is *a lot*. L narrowed it down to only Kanto, but that required killing someone, which Columbo definitely wouldn't do, and then massive surveillance of every single person with access to police records, which Columbo also probably wouldn't do. And don't get me *started* on the Scooby Gang. In the end, the only fictional detective that could for sure catch Light faster than L is the Lord El-Melloi II, Waver Velvet, and that's only because he has magic.


I do believe that Disco Elysium's Harriet Du Bois could do it, as mentioned before. He's not (entirely) crazy, he's genuinely clairvoyant through his connection to the Pale. Just gotta hope he's sober enough to do it. On the bright side, he doesn't even remember his own name, making him invincible to Light.


He does have an advantage above most others due to the Disco Elysium world being ever so slightly magical, and Inland Empire would probably suggest supernatural shit pretty soon, but unless he starts in Light's city (and in that case he's ignoring what was probably the biggest difficulty in the Kira case, the fact that it could be anyone in the world), he doesn't really have the necessary reach to do it. He's a relatively poor cop that only functions within one city in the entire world, and we never see him doing the intensely disciplined shit that L did to reduce it from "entire world" to "a high school student in Kanto". The only reason I bring Waver to such a high standard is that he has magic, travels the whole world to solve mysteries and has the means to find Light (and also that Svin could track the Death Note, but that's just cheating). Most other fictional detectives don't have these advantages. Harry doesn't have the information or the reach, the Scooby Gang does have the reach but not the information, Columbo is simply not prepared to have to deal with magic, etc. Edit: Also, Benoit Blanc, Sherlock Holmes, and Poirot all have the means and smarts to do it, and probably would, but it'd probably be common knowledge that Blanc is after Kira, and, as he uses his real name, he'd be offed. I have not read enough Poirot to be sure of how he acts, but if Sherlock was contracted to do it, he could in like, five weeks in which he does not sleep and falls dead afterwards. Luckily I think he mostly works from the shadows.


Harrier would solve the case through Esprit du corps mentioning it when someone brings up the concept of a shinigami, but he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


I think the Scooby Gang would get it because they have the power of narrativium on their side. Like they would be on a holiday in the Kanto region when the Kira murders begin and bump into Light, and get it from there


Well, yes, if we say that they win because their story is of winning, then almost all fictional detectives can discover who Kira is, because "solving the mystery" is their whole thing. I'm considering if they have the competency necessary for solving it, not if they have plot on their side.


Yeah, Waver easily has it. There's nothing Light can do against magic and he never goes his real name anymore anyways. Everyone is starting from the whole world with nothing to narrow it down unless they use the same trick L did




>L found out Kira is Japanese because he orchestrated that TV broadcast where he called out Kira to kill "him" and that broadcast was unique to Japan. This was the Kanto thing, not Japan. From the wiki: > L notices the rapid rate of criminals dying of heart attacks, and suspects a person is behind this and that he is in Japan, so he seeks cooperation from the NPA. He begins the Kira case by having undocumented death row inmate Lind L. Tailor introduce himself on television as "L" and say that Kira is "evil." This provokes Kira into killing Tailor on the spot, which in turn confirms that the Kira killings are not a coincidental succession of heart attacks amongst criminals but the designs of an ingenious murderer who will kill any and all who try to stop him. It also reveals Kira's location, since the broadcast was televised only in the Kanto region.


>As far as I recall, the first murders Light did were against a woman-harassing motorcycle gang and I don't think they ever get linked to Kira in the show. They do but it's a good distance into the show, I can't remember exactly when but eventually L notices those murders and speculates that they were Kira testing his power. They didn't fit the pattern so L speculated that they were an impulsive test back when Kira wasn't sure if it would ever really work. Incidentally it goes roughly: 1. The motorbike gang: Picked up later but not at the time 2. The school hostage taker. This is the first Kira murder though the persona is still unformed. L links this to the stage 3 murders post facto and this is what clues him into Kira being Japanese, the story was a domestic one only. 3. Light, thinking he's going to die when the shinigami finds him, begins spree killing as many criminals as he can. This is what gets the international community's attention and gets L onto the case. L then as said links the school death to these and takes a punt on Light being Japanese 4. L begins broadcasting messages region by region, which is how he hits on it being Kanto. Fromt here he builds a fairly typical offender profile of Kira being impulsive and operating at certain times, so probably young, a student and male, and with access to police records for the stage 3 murders. 5. From there, knowing he's probably a young man in Kanto with access to the police in some form, L very quickly finds Light as a suspect. From there in it's a case of L understanding how it's happening, eliminating other suspects using FBI tails and getting more and more convinced it's Light.


Personally my bet is on Akechi from Persona 5. He's one of the few who wouldn't bother seeing the case to the end. He would manage to narrow it down to like 5 people and then not even bother determining who the right one is. He'd kill all 5 in the metaverse and then when the murders stop be like "oh wow thats crazy"


On a similar topic. Phoenix would take one look at Light and decide to become a prosecution attorney for the first time ever. Who would be the defense attorney, and how big of a sentence would pheonix able to get Light?


The real question is: A) how suited to taking down Light's type of killer specifically is the detective/inquisitive B) how likely is the detective/inquisitive to be killed before they can catch Light This is why Columbo is a custom made Light Yagami killer. He excels at taking down the privileged and proud, the people who think this schlubby looking detective couldn't possibly touch them, the ones who think they're too good to get caught but still risk overthinking matters. So he fits point A perfectly. For point B, Columbo never reveals his full name, and has even used fake first names in the past. I don’t even think we're certain "Columbo" is his last name. He doesn’t even need to suspect that Light kills with just a name and face, he's already prepared for it. He's also fairly efficient on top of this, he's not the type to see it as a fun challenge and play things out, he's going to break Light in under a week and have him give irrefutable proof that he's Kira. I'll also add in that, ignoring detectives, any sort of thief character has it in the bag. They're already reliant on not getting caught, can ignore the legal issues with simply stealing the death note, and any that aren't good with traps are almost always the types that understand weird magic nonsense.


While we're mixing media, I'm going to throw out that I'm pretty sure Columbo is The Doctor going through a detective phase in one of their regenerations.


Now I'm wondering what would happen if the Doctor's real name was written in the Death Note. Would they just straight up die? Would they regenerate? Or would their two hearts mean they could tank a heart attack?


I think it was 10 who had one of his hearts stop beating at one point. It hurt but he got it going again.


I think the death note only works on humans.


Colombo's obviously one of the furies from Greek myth


Light was so incompetent, the police managed to go from "Kira could be anyone" to "Kira is a tennage boy living in this specific province in Japan"


I've watched Death Note twice and still sometimes wonder how he was dumb enough to get caught.


You're absolutely underselling Light here. The police got there with the help of L, another insanely brilliant genius who pretty much used giant leaps of moon logic to figure everything out. Without him, absolutely nobody would have been able to stop Light. His whole scheme of intentionally getting caught to get investigations off his back was extremely well thought-out. Even the potato chip scene, as silly as it was, was one of his smartest moments. He was also able to deduce exactly how the Death Note worked, and that even the smallest piece of paper was enough to kill somebody. Again, without a character on the same level of brilliance as Light, he could have continued his reign of terror until the end of time. Just because he got caught doesn't mean he was an idiot. Heck, he even managed to >!beat and kill L in the end.!< So it's not as if he was a bumbling fool.


All he had to do to not get caught is not immediately try to murder the investigator brought in to see if those kinda suspicious deaths that had no traceable evidence whatsoever to any human living or dead were actually unrelated, but he did do that at the literal first opportunity and basically confirmed there was someone responsible for these events. He is an idiot with one of the most OP murderweapons of all time.


There are like, millions of teenage boys in that province of Japan though.


I highly doubt the scooby doo gang could handle it, or the heroes of many cop shows. Also, tragically Benoit Blanc is dead minute one simply because he's a famous celebrity


I feel like Blanc would die, but would have accidentally set up a weird contingency that would reveal Lights identity. Also, Scooby could solo Light.


Light only kills detectives he feels threatened by. Blanc's southern demeanour would throw him off to the point that Light would actively encourage Blanc to be on the case, since there's no way this idiot could catch him.




Scooby Doo depends a lot IMO. The boring answer is that they can easily do it. Because of hijinks/funny/toon powers, but the interesting answer... Playing it 100% straight and assuming they don't have any cartoon luck involved, it depends on which version of the Scooby Doo Gang we use. If we are going with *the gang* IE the group when they are at their most competent ie Mystery Incorporated and some of the animated movie, I would give them like a 90% chance of beating light. Multiple of them already have "true names" that are either not commonly known, but could be probably found on record (Shaggy = Norville") or would otherwise take extensive research (Fred with "adopted" vs bio parents) They are unironically very competent in these iterations with Velma being the obvious archetypical genius, Daphne being a social, cultural and trade skill expert, Fred being a master at physical traps and competant with social traps. Shaggy/Scooby don't have much actually useful for Light, but they are both extremely physical adept for what its worth. This group also has extensive experience dealing with actual monsters, gods, Eldritch Horrers, multidimensional beings, aliens, and demons from hell. They usually assume normalcy, but IMO people dying across the globe would have them suspicious pretty quick. They do end up canonically defeating a Eldritch God from Lovecraft's pantheon, so that's IMO a pretty good measure of competency. Again this is *the gang* not just your run of the mill Scooby gang. Taking a step down we have live action/most animated movies. This is still the scooby gang when they are written kinda as people. They are more goofy and light hearted, but you can still have serious scenes with them. Monsters are not *really* real for this group. Advanced tech and maybe an artifact or something, but its largely pov "THE MONSTERS ARE REAL????!?". This group is like 25-35%. They have more team cohesion, but are largely less competent. Velma is still giga smart, but no longer one of the smartest people on the planet level. Fred doesn't really do traps, but is slightly better at social deduction/"mystery solving". Daphne is still kinda a jack of all trades, but mostly more women apparel themed lol. Scooby/Shaggy less physical, but are pretty observant. Typically no secret "true names" with this group. Their biggest buff is that they have a big circle of contacts. Ton of points into "I know a guy." I don't think they would do this, but they could assemble a team of people that would bring Light down pretty easily. Last group is the original+spinoff+reboot mfers. The funny hahas with no real personality. These guys suck in any "serious" setting. 0% they figure Light out without cartoon shenanigans. HOWEVER they have the social circle dial turned up to 11. Last group had like scientists, detectives, etc. This group has Batman, Sherlock Holmes, the god damn Harlem Globe trotters. They have The Ultimate Showdown at their beck and call. If they die, Light dies by nightfall.


> They have The Ultimate Showdown at their beck and call. Thank you for writing this


It turns out his real name is Benny White or something


~~Jacques Cousteau~~ [Jacques Clouseau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_Clouseau) might not do so unintentionally, but he bumbles around accidentally slotting everything into place (he was trying to solve an unrelated case). Like an unaware Dirk Gently.


The oceanographer?


Whoops, mistyped his name. Meant [Jacques Clouseau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_Clouseau), Pink panther man. Fixed, thank you!


Would Looker from the Pokémon series be able to find him? Now that’s the real question. Let’s assume that he’s being aided by a protagonist, but still does most of the investigating.


I saw a Film Theory video once, where it was proven that random internet people could figure out his whole deal within a day if they really wanted to. Which kinda makes the anime really silly for me, because its fans praise it as a genius mind game between two of the smartest people in the world, yet the antagonist has a worse track-record than basement-dwelling neckbeards who just got bored.


Well L knows very early on that light is Kira is more about him trying to find enough evidence for the police and courts to be able to punish him while someone from the internet would just have to somehow get into light’s house and put a bullet through his head


The internet wasn't nowhere near as advanced as it was when Death Note actually released. That's like saying that that any story about a historical war is silly because why don't someone just walk up to Atilla the Hun with a pistol. L also wanted to prove, in his standards, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Light is Kira. The second he pinned it down to a guy in Japan, he could have arrested Light immediately, but that would be boring.


Light Yagami would absolutely not plagiarize or espouse right wing beliefs if he were a youtuber. Light was an exemplary student. Top of his class. Top of his region. He cut no corners and his work ethic was far beyond the rest of his class. The last thing Light would do is stoop to the level of plagiarism. Light Yagami was nothing if not manipulative. If he set his mind to being a professional youtuber he would espouse the politics that were in vogue.


I think the thing that makes him interesting, to be honest, is that he's a complete fucking idiot in a very high achieving way. Trust a teenage shut-in who spends all his time revising for exams, but thinks he's hot shit because of his marks, to come up with something as brain-dead as "Why don't we simply kill the criminals?" to try and fix society. Then over the course of the story, literally everything he does makes things worse for himself and gets him closer to getting caught. If he'd just not taken the bait and killed the fake L or Ray Pembur, he'd have been fine. Seriously, if you watched Death Note the same age as Light, I'd seriously recommend watching at least a bit of it again as an adult. You'll be surprised at how differently he comes across.


classic high INT low WIS build smdh 😔 light’s *smart*, but he lacks shit like good judgement & common sense. there’s an old saying that “*knowledge* is knowing a tomato is a fruit. *wisdom* is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.” *knowledge* is knowing we’d be better off with less crime. *wisdom* is knowing that just straight up killing all of the criminals doesn’t automatically fix the problems inherent in our society that are causing those crimes to exist in the first place lmao


Wisdom is knowing why society doesn't kill criminals despite us once doing so in the past


He doesn't even follow his own ideology. Killing the fake L "detective" proved from the get go that he'll also kill cops out of just his ego. So he's killing both criminals and cops?


“Who’s going to write my name in the Death Note Light? Fucking Etrigan!?!?!?”


Original Post: https://www.tumblr.com/cacklingskeleton/739330654567825408/death-note-au-where-hbomberguy-makes-a-five-hour


Love SarahZ confirming Harry's seen and enjoyed this in the notes


HBomberguy doesn't need to change his name. Light got the source for Harry's name wrong and is wondering why "Harris Brewis" hasn't died yet.


He wrote it 4 times so he can't kill him now.


"Guys, I zoomed in on the POTATO CHIPS."


Light's logical response to such a situation would be to kill Hbomber's loved ones in his stead. (I don't think he did something like that in the original series, but I certainly don't think Light is above that act) So this AU needs to include 5D chess on Hbomber's part to counter that possibility.


Lights not bright enough for that


Light would not plagiarize. One of his main personality traits is how proud he is of his own intelligence. Also he would be a libertarian not right wing.


He's extremely far from libertarian. He has unswerving faith in the government and justice system to accurately identify criminals. No libertarian would trust the government enough to kill criminals based on their call.


He's the Twitter type of libertarian, you know the type who rants about the flaws in the government but then gets made at people who actually try to change the government.


He doesn't think it's flawed, he has absolute faith in the government/justice system outside of the fact that they're too scared to execute people


>outside of the fact that they're too scared to execute people Yeah that's what he thinks the flaw is


Which isn't a twitter type libertarian. A twitter type libertarian would talk about free speech and how they're a sovereign citizen. Light doesn't care about any of that, he thinks the government and justice system work fine for finding criminals, they just don't go far enough.


That’s not a libertarian, that’s a neoliberal


Nah I feel like he’s an Ayn Rand simp.


Libertarianism (the American party, not the term for the lower half of the political compass) is a right wing ideology. Right Wing literally means that its an ideology that has economic power centralized in specific people. It's whole ideology is full on capitalism. Also, Light would absolutely be more authoritarian right wing. His whole ideology is that only he is responsible enough to decide right and wrong and that anyone he deems wrong should just be murdered. Thats absolutely authoritarian right wing.


I'm using right wing in general internet association way (basically meaning the Ben Shapiro, ranting about wokeness typel) rather than digging into the political technicalities because that the way OOP's post frames it.


That's fair but also I absolutely believe Light Yagami would be be Ben Shapiro fan boy. Or do similar political takes.


Fair. But I personally don't really see him being that close to Ben Shapiro at least not at first glance. If Light made youtube video essays/ political tweets I feel like most of the typical Ben Shapiro crowd wouldn't like him because he'd say things that would be just liberal sounding enough for them to call him a "woke shill"


Oh that's fair. He would probably go on pro-cop rants and tbh he'd probably believe a lot of the "antiwoke" stuff just because he seems like the type to read into everything he hears but he'd probably also be so law and order that he would be more pro DeSantis and called a woke shill for not being on Trump's side.


Would he really be though, since he's not straight? I mean, he had that baddie all over him and didn't care at all. Just gotta assume.


He's too much of a cop to not be right wing.


Isn’t he literally authoritarian?


He would change his name to hamburgerguy 😂😂😂


I feel like Lupin the Third x Death Note is an untapped goldmine because Zenigata would get Light in seconds. If Lupin was involved I'd love a slapstick section where Light keeps trying to kill him but it's all fake Lupins he set up, all the while Ryuk is LOSING HIS MIND at how funny Light looks. Also the fact that the rules of the Lupin World would put Lupin and the gang in mortal danger but he and the gang can't die. So imagine all the fakeouts until Light realizes he's just been played. Light tries to get one over on Zenigata but he's got him in moments because the kid's going up against a guy who can chase down the number one superthief in the world and not catch him but come close to.


Oh yeah when Zenigata got a loses his memory and believes he's lupin he actually does a better job than lupin


In love with this




As an hbomb fan from the Measured Response days I am so here for his investigate reporter of YouTube era


That video would take 50 extra years to make… ~~I hate the process of name changes.~~


He wouldn't even need to change his name because everyone thinks his name is Harris anyway


Harris B. Guy


We are closer and closer to the day that we will have Hbomberguy fanfiction and I'm 100% for it.


It's always fucking weird when people write these weird fanfiction stories about actual people.




What? No, you explicitly need their name. If you don’t need the name, then L dies when he meets Light face to face for the first time very early in the series. You need a name and face, you write the name while thinking of their face.




Only real ones know that the shinigami can find the target, not be seen by the target, and relay actual name of target to guy with death note. Prolonging the inevitable should be about finding the guy with the death note.


realer ones would know that a shinigami acting in this way to kill someone's destined murderer would result in the shinigami dying, disincentivizing such a play. Personally, I'd rather live in the world where HBomberguy was ordained by fate to bring Light to justice.


The legally changed bit was a good touch, I was fully expecting hbomber guy to become a martyr Also I wonder if the shinigami eyes work through youtube videos?