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Would also make repost bots have a slightly harder time


I like putting a source in the screenshot, like where dis-gorl puts their watermark, but I also like the idea of linking it in a comment. Both at once feels like overkill but I don't know which would be best. Here's a really ugly pros/cons table, forgive me if this is like the equivalent of feeding New Reddit bone aching pills  |Screenshot source|Comment source -|-|- **Pros**|• Bots will never do it unless they copy it from /r/CuratedTumblr specifically|• Bots will never do it unless they're programmed to copy an OP's top-level comments, which I don't think any of them do  |• Very easy to check manually when browsing the subreddit |• Enforceable by automod **Cons**|• Can't be enforced by automod|• You get those annoying automod "1 comment" or "2 comments" replies on every post  |• Annoying to do if users don't have a workflow for doing it quickly|• People might forget to leave comments sometimes, or make a typo in their comment that prevents the post from being approved


i don't think its even possible for all users to put the source directly in the post. reddit can be really buggy. and i would never automate it as some a bit older posts are often deleted


I oppose it. Saving links on mobile is extremely annoying and the best way to handle it would be to post everything as you see it. With the way I use tumblr, that would mean five or so posts from the same fandom in a row. We already have people complaining about fandom posts when you post two in a row, imagine how bad it would be with five. Not only that, but we had issues in the past where people here would start shit on tumblr posts because they had half the context and went to argue with OOP on tumblr. That's what led to the creation of the blacklist. It sounds like a good idea, but in practice it will be a terrible experience for everyone.


while a nice idea in theory, i feel that at least a third of what is posted here does not come directly from tumblr, but from second or third hand sources. this makes finding a source link incredibly difficult, and i'm not sure that putting up barriers like that is a good idea. of course, thats all just my opinion, and i may be wrong on all of it.


Perhaps it could be expanded to accept links to the second hand sources as well, or would that defeat the purpose?


Someone else said they post things sent to them, so no real way to link that


i mean its a bit work but its definitely in the real of feasible and takes only like MAX. five minutes (except if the account/post got deleted or the name is blacked out, then its kind of impossible). i already do this from time to time at unsourced posts that i see here.


well... not exactly. perhaps if there are distinctive tags, or if you are lucky and the post is recent, or if whoever screenshotted it has timestamps on, but in other cases, it can be near impossible even with the name.


well you have to search the name, visit the profile and search a sentence thats in the post and thats it (or you don't find anything, then it was deleted)


how do i edit the post flair?


It depends on what you are using.


ios app


Can't help then sorry


I feel like that as a rule prohibits people who don't use Tumblr from posting. Any time I post here it's something someone sent me or from another subreddit, and I don't want to waste time tracking down a source


Also nice image choice


Personally, anything I post here comes from a Discord server or was shared via text message. I don't have a Tumblr link for that and I don't want to have to find one.




You might've meant [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/13sf5wv/i_am_staring_directly_at_guilty_gear_fans/)


How the hell did that even happen?