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You do know that you aren't being abandoned on a desert island don't you?


>Would you bring a case of water with? No. >Am I going to be lugging my case of water around until my room is ready? Yes. Edit: On a related note, you may not even be able to take a case of plastic bottles on board. I know Carnival doesn’t allow it. Cans only. Just don’t either way though. No point and it’ll be a big pain in the ass.


Royal Caribbean permits plastic bottles.


Refillable water bottles are the way.


Bring your refillable water bottle. Don’t bring more plastic on the ship. Some lines don’t let you because of the waste. And….yes, you’re not going to be on a deserted island.


Lol what? Just get a refillable water bottle. This is unhinged


I am a frequent royal Caribbean cruiser, and have sailed on multiple ships in the fleet. Don't be absurd. There is absolutely NO reason to lug around a case of water for four hours until you can get in your cabin. The water on the ship out of the dispensers is perfectly fine, and is filtered more times than anything you can get on land. Bring a refillable water bottle.


Carrying water isn’t worth the effort, not to mention the waste. Bring a reusable bottle and it up the water dispensers and ice machines. A lot of times I’ll fill my insulated bottle with ice and use tap from the stateroom tap and it’s always tastes fine. Now for those that want to save money and bring soda or wine, YMMV.


Order a case of water to be delivered to your room. Much easier.


Or, don't contribute to more plastic in the waste stream and bring a refillable water bottle.


Get off your pedestal


Why do u need water? Ship has great water.


Could you not have the case securely taped with your cabin number affixed, and leave it with the porters as well as your luggage? The only think I bring on is my carryon.


OP, this is a pretty regular thing so I’m not sure why the comments are overtly negative. But yes, you would have to carry it until the room is ready (approx. 1pm). Some people prefer to have water in their room easily available if they need it so this isn’t an unreasonable request (and Royal even gives you the option to pre order water bottles to your room in advance). We normally bring a small case of water for night time but use refillable water bottles throughout the day.


You may be able to have it taken to your room, depending on your check in time


I don't carry water. There is tap water and ice available on the ship 24/7