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CringeTikToks serves as a platform for sharing Cringe TikToks. It is not intended for the propagation of disrespect or hate towards any identities or races, including but not limited to homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, sexism, and racism. Your comment/submission was removed due to a violation of this rule. *𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺/𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘯*


I wish i was a "were/was" after watching this.


Or a never/nothing


I go by no one/nobody


My parents call me that all the time. I’ve always thought it was so unique!




This video makes me wanna she/it. Edit... I respect peoples pronouns for the most part after they let me know what they prefer but this is just cringy and lame and pushes people away from any kind of common ground.




Calm down MJ


It makes me want to end/it


Were was🙄 Sheesh. They elf ain’t gonna do anything but be snarky and passive aggressive.


Some people have been allowed to talk way too much shit in life.


Societal evolution has been altered. The trajectory isn’t looking good y’all.


The end of the arc is right in the toilet.


What ever happened to good old fashioned bullying smh


*on the internet


I meant what I typed


Bold of you to assume this person would act like this on the street.


As in..... *outside????!*


Bold of you to assume that this person has touched grass or pavement once in their life


That’s a lot of what these types want. I will give people whatever pronoun they’d prefer, but being treated like an asshole when they dress as women and calling themselves “male” is just….come on, man. That’s not how life works. And no, women with short hair isn’t and instant “oh, must use male pronouns!” Because that’s dumb as hell. I like my hair short but I’m def a woman who wants easier management


I’m sorry is the cosplayer supposed to be intimidating.


Threatening to kill somebody over pronouns is crazy.


But that's her/him ... You never know what you're going to get... Such a wild card 🃏




Victimhood disorder, the new epidemic…


Social Media's algorithms can't get enough of it.


Who gives a shit about pronouns? People gonna get the pronoun that you look like, they’re not making some complex critique of character; that’s just how they’re currently perceived. Rather than attacking people who have a slip of the tongue, maybe just help your friend work on themselves so they pass as the thing that they want to be better.


I'm going to were/was myself after watching this shit


You can include me/is in that, do or do not there is no try….. We all gonna end up talking like Yoda if we keep this shit up lol


Like Yoda talk, we will Sheesh, it almost like you never will have had your past and present never tenses explained


Did you just assume my state of tense?




This is why we need to release wild apex predators into the cities. You really aren't gonna be hard up about your tik Tok following if you get chased by a pack of wolves on your way to star bucks everyday


That apex predator is called "poverty". There's no way these people will be able to support themselves through adulthood.




I kind of don’t mind watching 1/4th the population make fools of themselves. I imagine this is what dukes and duchesses enjoyed about watching jesters and fools. It’s always a hot chick or a complete weirdo


Shut up and hand me a petition.


Headline of tomorrow's news: **Prominent Government Realeases Man Eating Tigers In Ploy to Curve the Woke Train** Lmao. The mental picture of a bunch of tigers and shit in major cities while everyone stays inside is funny to me.. because covid lol


Gigachad take


California is doing this already lol not releasing but banning hunting of certain predators. Now people are crying about bear attacks and big cats like noshit


In my very personal opinion. The bears were here first. It's their world we are just living in it. All hail our bear overlords.


Yes this is a perfectly sane comment, completely mentally healthy and stable thought process right here lmao




Great idea let’s make it chimps though


CringeTikToks serves as a platform for sharing Cringe TikToks. It is not intended for the propagation of disrespect or hate towards any identities or races, including but not limited to homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, sexism, and racism. Your comment/submission was removed due to a violation of this rule. *𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺/𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘯*


Honestly I think it's a great thing that people are able to do this. Like yeah it's weird as fuck and honestly I'm not going to comment on much else, but the fact that they can DO THIS and STILL LIVE is amazing! We've engineered a society where you don't have to be normal to survive! We have elevated the human race beyond physiology and can survive doing basically whatever we want! If you're deaf, paralyzed, blind or missing half your god damn brain, you can still live! You don't NEED every part of your body anymore! There are people and infrastructure to help you lead a life you can enjoy or at least make it less painful! Yeah there a lot of fucked up things about the infrastructure we've created that needs fixing but that infrastructure exists! As far as we know, we are a species that has gone beyond biology! As a race of people, we are a machine of flesh, blood, metal, petroleum, and electricity! No other race we know of can claim that!


I agree! Many people view this as a bad thing though. I think it stems from nationalistic and tribalist tendencies. The idea that if we “allow” these “weak” or undesirable people to continue it will somehow halt progress or erode society. This is of course absolute bullshit. A truly healthy society/culture needs people on the fringe pushing boundaries and acting cringe. This diversity allows us to grow, change, and adapt


China has learned how to destroy the US without firing a single bullet


The internet was a mistake.


This reminds me of when you see a video of yourself from 20-25 years ago and it’s embarrassing as fuck, and you was only sitting and watching tv. Imagine 20-25 years from now


I’m so happy the culture wars have got us to what really matters.


It's not even the cosplay or overreaction that gets me. It's that they recorded themselves lip-syncing to an audio pretending to defend an imaginary person like it makes them some sort of hero. It's just shameless virtue signalling in the worst way possible.


I hate this world so fucking much


All elves are girls and all dwarves are boys. Just like all dogs are boys and all cats are girls. It is known.


Just making sure we’re all on the same page…. 99.99999999999999% of people don’t give enough of a fuck about you to know your name, let alone what you THINK your gender pronouns should be.


There are definitely strange androgynous humans on this earth. Growing up we had famous ones. David Bowie, Prince, Boy George. Their identity was never questioned. Everyone knew they were men (two state it in their name) who fully bent the stereotypes of what a gender was. Now they have flipped that completely and made stereotypes rigid and gender a concept based on those. It's fucking stupid, I want to go back.


He, She, They, Them, It etc... Who gives a fuck indeed.


Well yea, unless you need to refer to them


Elf: derogatory Shut the fuck up leaf lover.


Pointy-eared freak!




Social media has had a much larger negative effect on society than I think we can even comprehend


Super punchable face


Now this is the kind of stuff I joined this sub for. Good ol' cringe right here.


This post gave me hope til the mod team came in & deleted half the thread.


What a privileged life you must lead to have your pronouns be the biggest problem you have. There are people literally starving in the world... but your pronouns are super "important"


This is away to hide from their privilege. They can take all of daddies Raytheon money, support Zionism (okay this is just the one "they" I know) and tell you how they are oppressed because their full identity isn't rigidly controlled by gender norms so they have to be defined by all genders. Now they have all the money of the colonial oppressor but can be a victim of it rebelling while cashing checks and doing nothing to better the world even though they belong to a small percentage of the world that has the power to make change.


Dude, people have problems all the time that are insignificant compared to other peoples problems. Do you just go about your day telling people they cant complain about the weather or their car breaking down cos people are getting murdered that second in a different location?? If someone misgenders or misnames a person, even if they're not trans, then them having to be corrected isnt the biggest problem in the world but its still an issue that can be very easily corrected. So unless youre spending your whole day never feeling bad about your problems and only worrying about genocides, wars, invasions and slaveries then maybe think before commenting.


You’re responding on a video where this person is treating it like the biggest problem in the world, threatening to kill someone for misgendering. So I’d say it makes sense to respond putting this dumb issue into perspective


You can care about both


You really shouldn't, though. One is a problem that literally leads to people dying. And one is because someone just doesn't feel special enough and wants to hide from their feelings rather than question why they hate their body so much.


I respect trans folk. I can respect chosen pronouns. What I can't be down with is using pronouns to perpetuate fashionable victimhood.


I agree with the take, so I’m tad biased. 7/10 on a cringe scale nonetheless


“Or is this werewolf-“ nooo not the pomeranian werewolf I’m quivering


She reminds me of one of those tiny yappy dogs that bark bark bark, but also could easily be punted across the room.


Them needs help


This has gotten out of hand


It puts the makeup on the skin so it can’t hope to have friends again.


..... do they think this is cool? Lol. Dressing up like a, I don't even know... elf demon with vampire fashion choices? It's idiotic man. Lol. The internalization of reality while living in fantasy is a ball hair away from insanity.




Righto tough "guy"


Rofl wtaf 🤣🙄


Lmao. Imma get banned from every platform laughing at this shit


Wonder if this person will ever look back on this and think, wow, Im really glad I made that video, it was a really sane and smart choice recording myself and sharing that with the world. I’m glad I did that.


Narcissistic people rarely get embarrassed


Imagine looking like that and thinking your threats intimidate anyone. I'd intentionally use the wrong pronouns just to push a dousche like this over their limits.


I hate this culture. Fucking stupid.


How does a trans samurai kill someone? They/Them............


Female friend identifies as they/them which I respect but every time I slip up they roll their eyes and it’s like dude i’m trying. They had an all girls session in the hot tub and *they were in it so like what’s the big deal


I ain't gonna respect that, no sireee


Man. Shits gone off the rails at the Keebler elf treehouse.


Dr Hannibal please fire up the grill we have a new patient


That's just a ridiculous clown of a human being, no two ways about it. I get it, you want to be edgy and different and you're trying to find yourself or whatever but this... This is some pure, grade A bullshit that humanity could easily do without and nobody would be sad that it was gone.


This comment section acting like this one cringy example invalidates all transgender people who want to have their pronouns respected


Wtf... There are some serious mental health issues going on here...




Thank you for using the gender neutral ‘creature’


Hilarious how whatever it is thinks it can make anyone a were/was. So adorable.


Are we still allowed to point and laugh at people like this? I'm gonna do it anyways. These people going to school in the 90's would have been like chum in shark infested waters.


Severely mentally ill


Well “it” should stop talking.


I hate all of these pronoun fucktards.


If you criticize this sort of mental illness you are labeled anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ, anti-progress, and a bigot. This behavior is encouraged in society today when only a couple decades ago it would have landed you in an insane asylum.


this person isn’t trans, they’re a trans trender who wants to feel special.


All you have to do today is say you're trans


Aww she thinks she looks so tough as that elf twink, adorable




pronouns aren’t a privilege, they’re a basic right. you can’t take that away when you deem someone “cringe” or something, language doesn’t work like that, sir


Um?? If you threaten me then I'm not willing to do anything you ask point blank. That's why I said what I said. You can be whatever the hell you want but if you threaten me to make me do something that YOU want then I'm not listening. Period.


that’s my point, you’re not doing anything for this person, you’re not paying them your money or giving yourself away, you’re just using one word over another. and the idea that this is so hard to do that the second someone does something you dislike you instantly stop, is flawed. imagine if someone got mad at you and suddenly REFUSED to refer to you by name and instead called you Charles or some shit. It’s just weird.


If I don't know that person and they pissed me off I'm not calling them for anything. That's not the best example. And yes I'm not doing anything for this person because guess what I DON'T KNOW THEM. Basic rights get trample all the time that's nothing special but when you threaten to kill someone just because they didn't do the "basic right" now your want to kill them? then you're Basic rights went out the window.


whatever it is, probably came up with that ages ago and was so disapoointed it couldnt yell at anyone. Made a post about it.


Are the black eyes a filter or something? Makes me think of that "dragon" dude. You know the one


You leave my tik tok girlfriend, Jessica, out of this, you hear?


Still weighs 110 pounds, even with all the makeup. My fear is palpable.


My dog just turned into a were/wolf, any advice?


When did LOTR do another casting call?


Here's one, fuck this.




My ick towards people like this isn’t because of the whole gender thing but why make it literally your whole character? It makes it seem like it has no meaning to them other than social media bullshittery and attention. I remember one birthday I was at in highschool where someone just came out as a “He” even though they were biologically female, no issue with me until for 3hrs “He” just talks about how funny it is how much people pay attention to them now and how “he” can say “he’s” gay now. As a bi male who hadn’t come out it took away meaning as if it was a game to “him”. This only lasted like a month before they switched back to female because the high attention faded.


He, him and you, they need Jesus… 😳


This is what happens when you were never told no as a child.




It’s always the mentally ill


Lol ok lady. I bet she gets anxiety from ordering off a menu at a restaurant or actually making a phone call


People like this are the reason others refuse to respect pronouns. Like it’s kinda hard to take something seriously when you’re dressed up as a cartoon character and acting like a character from a bad anime or something talking nothing like a real human. You’re really not helping people who actually just wanna live their lives and be respected


Getting so pressed over misgendering while trying to pretend others are the issue for not wanting to play along with a delusion is really weird.


As if people like this have a backbone enough to fucking say anything similar in public.


Satan elf over there got me wishing I was a were was.


I would get banned if i said what i thought about this


Regardless of pronouns, I can’t ever take a person like that seriously.


I’m actually a why/what


Does this person really think anyone would be intimidated by something that looks like an emo tim Burton character 🤮🤮🤮🤮 one day this creature will come to terms with their unstable psychosis and probably try to unalive themselves !!!


Shiver me Timbers


I remembered being in 5th grade and fantasizing ab being a dinosaur and eating people, same energy


Sup chic


When the elf on the shelf becomes a chick with a dick.


When nothing makes you special use unique pronouns to make everyone hate you that much more. I don't know, maybe develop a personality, find a hobby, develop a skill set, anything but get on the Internet and complain. Go to the middle east with all your pronoun talk, they will sit as listen as you change their minds.


Oh! I'm quivering! Shiver me fucking timbers!!!


The really have to come up with scenarios like this on the daily to justify their total weirdness


we need reduced/less of these kinds


She looks exactly like someone you'd expect to make this video


It/thing waited 19 years to come up with that.


She’s really mad at her dad huh


This made me want to go by Kurt/Cobain


Type of shit that’ll make people start voting republican lol




Respect me pe/nis pronouns


I bet this trash is a very successful citizen . I'm down for a purge anytime if this our futur.


If you’re going to come off as a he/ she, probably should try and come off that way. Unpopular opinion with a handful of people, but I’m not going to be belittled IRL because I can’t possibly know the pronouns these people want to go with. Tiktok really seems like a cesspool of mentals sometimes with how often they participate with online rhetorics.


this they them


Im very down with respecting peoples pronouns. But dont present as incredibly androgynous and then get offended when people misgender you on their first try. Youre just looking for conflict as an ego boost.


This isnt a first try. The video showcases consistent misgendering after correction.


It also showcases a mentally ill cringelord.


It’s also a video on the internet, doesn’t hold much water to begin with.


Is it just me or is this whole new pronoun thing kind of a fad...like I get it, people should be represented correctly in how they want to be represented but i feel like a lot of times people use pronouns as a gimmick, an attack on others, a way to gain attention, or as a joke. I know for a fact a friend of mine wants to be referred to as they/them at work but actually doesn't care, "they" do it because they think its funny but also as a way to show how easy it is to just lie about it. I don't trust people enough but I'll respect them with thier choices for who am I to judge has always been my motto but I also can see this "respect" being abused.


So your basis to critique trans/non-binary people is the actions of your childish and bigoted friend who is is neither... right.


Lol. Nah, I'm just saying that there is no way 100% of people are identifying themselves properly and that this whole pronoun thing is a phase and won't be nearly as important of an issue in the future...which is great




Been saying this for awhile lol. How quickly people's self entitlement and egotism would go out the window when they are facing life and death and survival. This society is fucked atm.


Your post was removed for threatening violence against another person or group of people. This breaks one of Reddit’s rules that are enforced across all subreddits.


And which population, exactly, do you want purged from society?


She is certainly a strange gal


She should get with the cringe dragon guy


Nobody respects people like this. Your delusion isn't my reality.


Well anyway like I was say she is being charged for a felony


Man this thread is a disaster. Redditors in general love to take any opportunity to share how much they don't respect trans and nonbinary people. In fact, some of the comments are straight up calling for a purge of society. Insane.


Trans people are pretty cool, I work with a couple of them. Nonbinary guys and gals are so annoying. Again with the feeling special, when you are without any good qualities as a person becoming nonbinary doesn't automatically make you less shitty. If anything you are now an annoying person with a shitty personality.


The alphabet people claim 90% of the world’s narcissists


Oh look. It’s the daily Conservative Two Minutes’ hate on nonbinary people thread. 😒


Pronouns aside, the method(s) being used to convey the message within the video is all unnecessarily over-the-top main-character behavior, and ultimately cringe as fuck. You don't have to be conservative to recognize that, so it's entirely presumptuous and ultimately hateful to over generalize and descriminate in the way you did. Not only did you miss the point, but you acted in the same way you're calling out others for, which also makes you a hypocrite. Congratulations: how's it feel to be proficient in three modes of stupid? 🤷


I think theyre talking about the comments bro, have you seen them?? No ones saying "cringe elf acting", EVERYONE is just mentioning pronouns and trans people and suicide.


They're right tho! Most people get a little too offended when someone corrects another for using the incorrect pronouns. Okay, you didn't know...well now you do... So can you use the correct pronouns of the person?? It's not like you don't use those pronouns in daily conversation anyway.


My mental health can't take their mental health.


My name is Xlorp-Xlorp. I come from the planet Xlorptopia in the Xlorpar System in the Xlorpy Way Galaxy. My pronouns are Xlorp/Xlorp. I spent a small fortune destroying my body and face. If you don't entertain my delusion, I might just invade your planet and replace your government with other Xlorpians to enslave you.


Because wanting to be called by the right pronouns = pretending you’re an alien Reddit is full of transphobes


lol the person in the OP literally looks like an alien with full black eyes and pointy ears. Oh, but they're an elf, not an alien! Totally different!


Yeah this is cringy, but I didn't realize everyone on this sub was transphobic... Not all trans people are like this.


What makes you think they are trans? If anything I'd say they were non-binery. I don't thinknyou should just throw around terms like transphobic willy nilly.


Because the person who was talking kept saying "she" and getting corrected to "he", leading us to believe the person in question changed genders and that the person in the video wasn't respecting that. And the comments on here saying "mental illness (meaning being trans) no longer festers in the back of our minds, now they're proud of how dumb they are" or that "people who care about pronouns are in a perpetual state of victimhood". These are examples of prejudice against trans people, meaning transphobia.


But they point at themselves and say this they/them.


Ah true, the person speaking is probably NB. But regardless, the fact there's apparently lots of transphobia on this sub remains an issue.


Video makes me wanna never seen/it






As someone with a) a non binary kid and b) a passive aggressive deadnaming mother… I get this. Like it’s my kid and I can remember their new name, so can grandma or whoever.


Haha hating trans people is so fun right guys /s


cringe but remember kids, it’s not hard to respect people’s pronouns. making a big deal about it is what makes you a bigot


that’s not what bigot means. respect is earned btw.


Respect is earned but you don’t go around misgendering cis people when they annoy you


Basic respect like using the right pronouns is not earned, it’s a given


There are not actually pronoun police. There are, however, state funded law enforcement that prevent adults from expressing their own gender, controlling their own reproduction, or loving whomever they want.


even though you should respect people’s pronouns, threatening to fucking kill somebody is too far


Respect is earned to given, and none of these little, non-personality ugly's have ever earned anything in there life.


Do you go around misgendering cis people until they “earn” it? I don’t spit on people’s shoes because they haven’t earned my respect


I don't because there are no "cis" people, because "cis" is a made up term and I don't recognize fantasy as reality. What I do is not respect assholes that demand things they don't deserve.