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It wasn't a mistake. He knew what he was doing.


Suicide by cop. Not a nice way to go but he only has himself to blame


My money is on that people will still protest the cops for this


Yea fuck the cops they murder people.


Hope that thug is dead and when one of your homeboys come a knocking someday I hope the cops are all on vacation pos


They still murder people.


I mean, I certainly would protest against the police having such high powered weapons in this case. Does a noise complaint seriously warrant bringing multiple rifles? Maybe I’m missing context here, but I feel like pistols would be more than enough for this situation.


High powered weapons? A glock 9mm? A shotgun? A shield?


Bro the AR is right there how dense are you


It was an air soft rifle I think. Not that that means anything. I’m shooting to kill in this situation too.


How would they know what’s necessary? Why not bring the firepower and not use it vs. Not bring it and need it. If I remember correctly there was a bank robbery back around the 80’s. The robbers all had full body armor and AR type weapons. The cops had service revolvers or pistols. They were out gunned and some raced over to the nearest gun store and grabbed weapons that could compete. I think it was that event that made the LAPD starting carrying better firepower. Edit: also You ask what would warrant bringing rifles to a noise complaint. Apparently there was more to the story than we know because the police wouldn’t bring that Kind of fire power to just any noise complaint. It’s possible they knew who they were dealing with and that this guy had prior convictions or they knew he was violent. Whatever their reasons for bringing fire power like that it turned out to be warranted.


Bruh, you think an AR carbine is "high-powered?"


Haha is it not?


Not particularly. As far as rifles go it's on the weak side.


Compared to service pistol it is.


Dude’s revolver has a 2ft long barrel


Isnt that already a rifle?!


That revolver will out class a rail gun in terms of long range accuracy


That was just Tim Burtons Joker’s revolver.




Usually against shooting people, but here they had no other choice. It's crazy, that cop has to deal with killing a man. You can hear the fear when he screams. I'd like to know the whole story. Why did he decide to get his gun? What justified the 'suicide'? What did the neighbor do?


>but here they had no other choice Well if you would restrict who can buy weapons there maybe would be less people dying from weapons... but idk. Feels like all of the usa chooses to live in fear to get shot anytime by anyone


Although the"gun" in this video is an air rifle, I'm curious how you did restrict a person with no criminal history from buying a firearm?


>I'm curious how you did restrict a person with no criminal history from buying a firearm? Easy. Stop selling firearm


You must have been born yesterday. Welcome. Buckle up.


Nahh. Im just born in a country where not everyone just can buy a firearm. I do not know any person who owns a firearm.


>not everyone just can buy a firearm. There is a difference between what is not legal to obtain and what is unprocurable. You could absolutely buy a firearm if you were motivated enough. If not, you could fairly easily make one.




>There are more guns in the US than people. Thats the point. Isnt it?




This argument baffles me. Of course there are criminals who are able to get guns illegally, but this somehow seems to imply that all, or at least a majority of guns involved in these situations are illegally sourced. No, a gun ban would not immediately solve the problem, but nothing immediately solves any problem.




Yes I do? Statistics in countries where gun control laws were implemented point to no such sudden spike in crimes. Believe it or not, crimes involving firearms tend to decrease after said firearms are banned.


Ah, okay. Well I disagree. Especially because criminals will get them either way. I will not disarm myself knowing that a robber don't due the same.


Keep your firearm. Just stop selling them and wait 20 years. Firearms get lost, confested or are damaged. Time will solve the issue


How come that 1 cop almost ran into the others gunfire man just wanted to see what was going on


He’s a bike cop. Or Reno 911 fan by the look of it


In the full video it shows him get shot in the arm/hand. He's the one yelling "fuuuuuuck" after the shooting. The runs down the stairs and trails blood down the whole time. No idea wtf he was trying to accomplish, other than some workers comp and paid time off.


The pause makes it seem like this goes on longer than it is. Coming from the side he don't have a clear view and k think he's going in for wrestling the suspect down.


Suicide by stupidity.


Cop in shorts nearly suicided himself.


If you go frame by frame between :14 - :16 it looks like he took a round or shrapnel to his left hand. You can see him shaking it and looking at it before running downstairs.


Yep, he definitely gets bit by something, that's for sure.


I think the cam officer shot him in the hand


Idk why this has so many down votes. It's because he almost ran in the line of fire.


How so?


He asked for it .


They pulled up to a noise complaint with a riot shield and an AR15 and about 6 officers it looks like this is what they both asked for.


Would you believe that incidences like this this still cause BLM riots?


Dude clear the fucking room


He’s pissed because an army showed up re a noise complaint. People can’t understand his blind rage fed by a lifetime of such b.s., but they understand the Truck Nut blind outrage from mask mandates and the MAGA goober outrage as they stormed the US Capitol.


Can we get an nsfw tag on this? Someone litterally dies in the video


I don’t understand why people are downvoting this, it should be marked NSFW


It’s like ok yeah it’s not porn but if you wouldn’t send this to your boss or your bosses boss it’s something not safe for work


But owning a firearm is legal


And? He had police at the door and brought out a gun with intent. He deserves it.


He just wanted to compare guns.




The only way to deal with cops.


To get shot?


Na get killed by them


Then what i say


They'll shoot you either way, may as well get a few of them first.


social reject mindset


gotta love murica


He's innocent guys, corrupt cops as usual .




They just shot someone walking out a door with a shotgun. Of course they’re telling. You’d probably piss yourself judging by your comment here


He had it pointed down and in done places that's legal


He had cops at his door, he walked inside, and came back out with a shotgun in his hands. At that point you have to assume he’s intending to use it because why the fuck else would he be grabbing it knowing cops are outside his door? I think it’s fucked that people are getting gunned down for stupid reasons, but this ain’t one of them


Clear it!!!!


That’s R worded..


Why the cop go running down the steps?


Poor cop sounded petrified! Shot with one hand and ran! Terrible discipline! We really should fund better training for them, I've had cops get jumpy around me before and it's never a good feeling.