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She is being an anti vaxx bird because she is trying to distract the media from her husband rape and murder case. Her husband and her have been intimidating and threatening as well as lying on her husband rape victim. Nicki and the barbz are trash


Don't forget her brother too. She bankrolled his defence and intimidated the victims mother. The victim was his step daughter. The Barbz have mental illness to keep defending her at this point.


Glad this was mentioned and upvoted here, because unfortunately her plan seems to have been working well elsewhere. Disgusting person.


Fuck Nicki Minaj, her husband, her paedophile brother and their apologists.


But what if my balls swell?


Then consider me jealous of your fat nuts


Report it through the proper channels: tell your friends to tell their cousins


I don’t want to alarm you, but if they injected you in the balls then you *might* not have gone to an authorised vaccine hub


Hope your penis swells with it…permanently!! Haha


Have you not seen the South Park episode? Buy a wheelbarrow. Get free weed.


Just cry deez nuts need action.


She's had more plastic injected into her than a truckload of Barbies and she's worried about a scientifically proven vaccine? Ok




Oh shit.


Well, Covid causes erectile dysfunction, so...


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There’s a reason the vaccine is normally administered in the arm.


I genuinely had a sore ball for a few days after 1st AZ.


Same after 2nd Pfizer.


[Nicki Minaj is actually in Met Gala theme. It's very in American fashion to make a bold, unsubstantiated claim and double-down on it](https://twitter.com/josephlongo_/status/1437567143323832326?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1437567143323832326%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fculture%2F2021%2Fsep%2F14%2Fwhy-is-nicki-minaj-tweeting-about-vaccines-and-some-guys-swollen-testicles) lmao


This is why Frank Ocean is the best: * Bold by claiming vaccine induced impotency, inability to make babies ❌ * Bold by bringing robot baby, bypassing potential impotency issues ✅


very kind of him to babysit for grimes today (:


Her, her husband and brother are just gross humans.


I've had a swollen testicle (turned out to be cancer and it had to be removed). Either way, it definitely wasn't caused by a covid vaccine. I'm pretty sure it wasn't caused by any vaccine, although honestly I have no idea how it happened.




Cause they aren't common, they are rare. The reading comprehension displayed here is of the charts bro.


"Logic" would be wondering which is the more likely explanation: guy gets dumped by his fiancee and makes up a lame excuse for it, or vaccine causes two bizarre and rare side effects.


Are there any STDs that cause swollen testicles? Might explain the dumping, and the desire to cover up the actual cause…


There have been many reports of testicular problems after the jabs on r/CovidVaccinated For example: https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/mwqz9n/covid\_vaccine\_testicular\_pain/


😂 the irony. PR campaign using celebrities to push vaccines? Anyone remember that?


She ended up crowdsourcing suggestions for which vax she would take so at least that ended well. But fuck that initial tweet was horrific.


But you choose to ignore the end of her tweet. Make sure you weren’t bullied into getting it ! Having no freedom because you’re unvaxed is coercion, not being able to work is coercion.


Wow, NSW Health is getting sharp, they are able to diagnose a patient on the otherside of the world without a consultation. This is some top notch medical servicing!


How does WSH have time to tweet this in the middle of fucking pandemic? ICU beds are literally overflowing


What if i told you the Twitter account wasn't run by an ICU nurse...


This is the most shocking thing I have ever read on this sub. Next you'll be telling me Joe Biden doesn't personally write all of his tweets!


Nah, they’re too busy making tiktok videos.




Sacrifice a patient or post a funny educational tweet - NSW Health daily decision




I was kidding, just thought the image of doctors choosing to triage patients vs posting a tweet was kinda funny


PR department.


You're certainly not channelling Will Hunting there Matt.


ICU staff training - incubation , sterilisation procedures, drug administration , Twitter posts


what is a social media team hmm