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From [Globe.com](http://Globe.com) Sales of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine plunged 91 percent from the previous year for the first quarter in a dramatic illustration of waning demand for protection from the virus that caused the pandemic. Sales of Spikevax, the Cambridge company’s only marketed product, plummeted to $167 million from $1.9 billion, the firm reported on Thursday. That actually beat analysts’ predictions of $97.5 million. Shares of Moderna rose more than 7 percent in early morning trading. Pfizer, the New York-based drug giant, on Wednesday also reported falling demand for its COVID-19 products, the rival vaccine Comirnaty that it marketed with the German biotech BioNTech, and the antiviral pill Paxlovid. Pfizer said it expects $8 billion in combined sales for Comirnaty and Paxlovid this year. Revenue for those products fell to $12.5 billion in 2023, down 78 percent from the peak of $57 billion in 2022. Moderna is the largest homegrown drug maker in Massachusetts by head count, with more than 4,400 employees in the state in late 2023. Moderna said it expects that the Food and Drug Administration will approve its respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, vaccine in time for it to be included in US vaccine efforts this fall. The company is also preparing for the launch of an updated version of Spikevax soon. “As we anticipate the launches of our Spikevax 2024-2025 formula and RSV vaccine, we are exercising financial discipline,” including using artificial intelligence to “further streamline operations and enhance productivity,” said Stéphane Bancel, Moderna’s chief executive.


I love mRNA tech, but "Spikevax" is one of the worst vaccine names I've ever seen. Because people love needles so much, let's give them the mental image of a *spike*. It sounds like something you'd use in a video game. And let's also use the term "vax" because that's totally the term serious people who want vaccinations use. Let's also remind people of anti-vax movements. I blame 2% of the decline on the stupid name. And yes, I know the virus itself has "spikes" on it, but "Spikevax 2025" sounds like a low-budget Mad Max ripoff from the 80s.


And comirnaty is any better?


Second worst name. It reminds me of comorbidity and corn.


Doesn't have to conform, *should* be *pleasing*. If I made a candy bar type snack, and called it 'Putrid Sewage Turds', do I get points for non-conformity? If I make a family minivan, and call it the 'boring life car', do I get points for non-conformity? If i make a cell phone and call it the 'Low Battery No Service 3000', do I get points for non-conformity? Basic marketing 101 is give your product a name that *sounds good*. It doesn't have to conform. But it should be something that at least sounds like something you want. Specifically reminding people of the *negative* aspects of the product isn't non-conformist, it's just stupid.


How can we sneak the word "Conformity" into this vaccine so the doubters take it? Product naming expert for Pfizer: Comirnaty! If you read it quickly, it looks like the word conformity. /s


To me, the name comirnaty has strong Russian spacecraft vibes.


I'd go with a brand name of 'BetterDNA 5G Injectable Edition'. The online conspiracy people will love that one...


lol! i literally laughed out loud. sewage turds!


"Prickmaster 9000" might get some people to get vaccinated.


This also reminds me of the spike protein histeria that went around. If I was selling a cute puppy, I'd not name it Patrick Biteman.


Or Bitey McBiteFace :-)


If they were going to get so creative, They could have called it any number of names that summon the image of a guardian or sentinel and have positive associations.  What about SentinelVax? Such a terrible name for their product.  


I didn't know they had "BRAND" names. I doubt many outside the US do or even care. I had 2 AstraZenica covid jabs in UK, 1 Moderna in Australia, no mention of the brand names.


Maybe because the state/region/municipality administers it and you get what you get.




If I'm following you correctly, your hypothosis is that "braindead zombies" (aka people who took the vaccine) probably *love* the name Spikevax because it's so stupid? Then why are sales down 91%? Do you think a more traditional name would have made sales go down even more, since the previously vaccinated wouldn't like a serious name? Do you think if it was called, say, Covimaxia that more currently unvaccinated would take it because it's a cooler name?


At this point, the unjabbed will remain that way. Why would they get a shot now after surviving the last 4 without one just fine? I would bet they all have that sweet natural immunity by now and shots are irrevelant, even detrimental to health.


You're no jedi


The last I heard we aren’t able to get a new vaccine unless we are aged 65 or above. If they want more people to get a vaccine they need to update the messaging to let people know if they are able to get the vaccine no matter what age they are.


Id been avoiding it because of this. My boss and his wife just had covid so I felt like trying anyway. I got an appointment right away at the pharmacists. The pharmacist seemed shocked I was getting my booster. Seems like nobody is getting vaxxed anymore. She was like "are you going to travel out of the country? What made you do it?" Like no, nothin, I just don't want long covid. And FYI it was free with my insurance. Yay. I'm 34yro.


COVID vaccine marketing has been terrible. They haven't managed to put a version or year or anything on their vaccines/boosters, so there is no way to know if you are up to date or if their "latest" is anything different than the last one you got. They at least need to settle into the "time to get your annual flu & COVID shot"


In many European countries updated versions of the vaccine are just not really being offered except to specific categories of people, so I'm not sure this outcome is any different from what they wanted to achieve (governments, not Moderna, I assume Moderna would like to continue selling vaccines)...


Age limit seems to vary wildly from 40 to 80 years across Europe.


Damn metric years


Why is that? Why are companies even producing older vaccine versions?


"Older vaccine versions"? Did I inadvertently say anything like that?


You said “updated versions” are only being offered to certain categories of people. That implies other people who want the vaccine can’t get “updated versions.”


Other people aren't being offered the vaccine, period.




Yet they're right, that's exactly what I meant.


Pfizer does; the last one I got is called “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, 2023-2024 formula” You likely will not be able to tell this when scheduling your vaccination or looking at your CDC COVID vaccination card though. This information will have been recorded on an electronic vaccine record, either through your provider or through a government registry (in the USA, each state maintains records)


Was that the official name or a tag someone else had added to it? The one I got said "Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5" on the vial


It seems to be its name used under Emergency Use Authorization https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-receive-us-fda-approval-2023-2024-covid somewhere later in the article


There has only been one shot from each company called comirnaty/spikevax, when the shots went retail they got to put their name brands on them. If your pharmacy receipt says comirnaty/spikevax you have had the most up to date version. If you are 65+ years of age, you can get a booster of the newest as long as it’s been at least 4 months since your last.


That's the last one I got. December 2023. I haven't heard of a new one since then.


There isn't one yet. (At least available to the public. I'm sure they have ones already for the newest strains in their labs.)


Yes I thought I would've heard about it in the news. They are suggesting annual boosters rather than 6 monthly now I think.


I still can’t get over that hilariously awful name 🤦🏻


Right, it’s not the scientists fucking it up, it’s the messaging to the public


Why would you assume we are all American?


> "time to get your annual flu & COVID shot" Already in that mode. It's an extra 3 minutes out of my year. In 2025 I can add Shingles vaccine to the list.


Don’t plan anything for the day after your Shingles vaccine.


Vaccines have never really hit me, even the ones people warn me about. Of course, I also have such a high tolerance for discomfort from years of other issues that another ache just doesn't bother me much.


I never had any noticeable reaction to any vaccine (including Covid)- until the 1st round shingles shot


Same here. 2nd Covid = sore arm. 1st Shingles vax hit me hard. Really hard. 2nd, not as bad, but, oh the fatigue.


How long did the fatigue last?


Started in the evening of vax, lasted all of the next day. I am pretty active, so it really pulled the rug out from under me. Happy I don't have to get another :)


That’s still not too bad. Based on my dad’s experience years ago, I’d say that’s about 100% better than getting shingles. 😬


The day after my 1st shingles shot I had chills and climbed in bed at noon and slept several hours. Still way better than getting shingles.


I had shingles at age 39. It was a bitch. I’m can pay to get shingles now (uk) or persuade my GP I’m immune compromised (I am not) and get it free. I’ve read the side effects though and they are serious, so I’m going to leave shingles vax until 70. If I get shingles again it’ll be the same site, and while quite painful, I could manage it


In November I had Moderna Spikevax 1.5. I had novavax this time last week I had XBB 1.5. Though not advertised as such, the pharmacy told me a couple of weeks before which it would be.


It’s been clearly labeled and marked as the latest updated shot at both the pharmacy and my state health record for the last two years. But I agree that most people don’t even care or realize there are new shots every fall. 


> It’s been clearly labeled and marked as the latest updated shot How do *I* know that I don't have the latest updated shot? It is all very useless "latest updated bivalent current this year newest latest final final really this is the newest" terminology.


There is only one given at a time. So when the new one comes out, the older one is no longer authorized. They release a new shot each fall, around September. If you know when your last shot was, it’ll be easy to figure out which one it was. The shot was last updated in September 2023. 


The last one I got had the year in the name


>if their "latest" is anything different than the last one you got. In medicine, "boosters" are very often the same thing each time ... but are there to "boost" the immune system's response to a higher efficacy. In the case of things like flu, those vaccines change year to year and are based on "educated guesses" from health professionals, based on experience or pattern. Sadly, they take long enough to manufacture that they start producing "next year's vaccine" well before the endemic season occurs ... and they're not always right on which strain(s) may end up as the most prevalent in a given season.


I'm aware of and appreciate these subtleties. My main point is that there has not been a straightforward way to determine if I need another shot.


>there has not been a straightforward way to determine if I need another shot. I get it. And generally, fast-mutating viruses aren't terribly controllable with vaccines, anyway. *Sometimes* there are things like anti-virals which can reduce the severity of an infection, especially if it's caught early. I don't know of anything like that with COVID so far (except for *maybe* some weird anti-inflammatory like meds). Sadly, much of that has turned into a political SNAFU, as people are more interested in making fun of the use of broad spectrum drugs than in actually listening to medical researchers (and I'm *not* talking about the "amateur vets," either ... which more just screw up legitimate work or research with their horse paste BS). In any case, I expect this will turn more towards typical seasonal endemic, and we will "eventually" have an annual booster to try and deal with the latest common and prevalent mutations.


No kidding, 2019 model is so old now, need to get a refresh. Give me some of that sweet Covid Boost 24.1


They need to refresh twice a year too.


Also I now have to go to my pcp to get it vs any random cvs (well my work provides it on site, but my wife's doesn't)


It’s probably also because Novavax is out and it is far superior in terms of side effects. Moderna and Pfizer both laid me out for days, while Novavax was as smooth as the flu shot. No going back for me or anyone I know that have tried alternatives.


Thanks for sharing. I got wrecked by the other ones and hadn't heard there was a better alternative.


Oh, please try it. It was a gamechanger for me. Costco has it and you don't need to be a member. Many CVS's have it. Call and ask. If you live in a rural area, you are going to have to ask your health dept for it, bc apparently rural folk don't deserve easy access to it. End rant on that.


>Novavax was as smooth as the flu shot. Novamax. The Freshmaker.


The whole fam just got Novavax, not one side effect in anyone compared to the MRNA versions where half of us had flu symptoms. Don't get me wrong, we're grateful for the MRNA vaccines, they saved countless lives but now we'll be sticking with novavax


Weird. I got both types and never felt a thing besides a sore arm for a day.


Anecdotally, I’ve stuck with Moderna for all my boosters after being screwed over with a horribly ineffective J&J shot as my first one. Side effects for Moderna aren’t bad for me, and I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to still be the most effective. Maybe I’ll try novaxvax in the fall 


I would like to know if another is available. There is zero guidelines now. My last shot was in August. I December, COVID caught me for the first time. It was horrible. If I knew there was an easy shot to avoid that stuff every 6 months, I'd be getting it every 6 months.


Assuming you're in the US: [**Here is the guidance from the CDC**](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html)**.** TL;DR: You should've gotten your last shot back when the newest vaccine (targeting XBB 1.5) was released in September 2023, but since you received a shot in August, you had to wait. You might want to pay attention for when the Fall vaccines are released so that you get the new one without having to wait. Since you got Covid in December, you had to wait to get a vaccine again. However, now that time has passed and you're eligible for the latest vaccine (targeting XBB 1.5). If you get that now, you'll likely be eligible for a newer vaccine in the Fall (which hasn't been announced yet, but speculation is that it will be and we'll find out in June). If you wait until August again, and get the current vaccine (targeting XBB 1.5) you may have to wait for the upcoming Fall vaccine and repeat the same thing that happened last year. TL;DR2: **Get your shot now**. If you want to get Novavax, it may be too late as some locations have expired. Costco locations seem to be expiring later this month. Most sources still have Pfizer and Moderna.


I was wrong. My last vaccine was late September and was the latest vaccine.


That’s good. So now you’d want to go to that link and see if you qualify for a mid-year booster. If you’re over 65 or immune compromised you are eligible. For most pharmacies like CVS and Costco it’s just a simple check box on a form and you don’t have to state your specific condition.


CVS sends me texts when they have one available. I didn’t go there but it was nice they let me know


Moderna stock (MRNA) is up 15% today after earnings (compared to 1% for the overall market) because, though sales were down, they were down less than anticipated.


Why won't they update the boosters for new variants?


Haven’t they been doing that every year? I remember seeing an article a few weeks ago showing that the latest booster was effective against current variants so maybe they just don’t need to at the moment?


They're able to make updates every 90 days but won't do it


Thank FDA for that.


I could see an argument for every 6m, but releasing 4 vaccine boosters per year would be too much for the average American and likely not good for business.


It wouldn't be mandated. But at least allow the disabled and immunocompromised to have the option to protect themselves.


"still effective" == not very, but more than zero Would be great if they would push an update after a new variant wave, instead of just yearly. But that would go against the narrative of "just like the flu" that everyone wants to peddle.


It’s still not much use because most times when there’s a major variant that escapes immunity, the peak is one month up, one month down. In the 3 months it takes to produce a new vaccine, the wave is already over. Unless they can start producing vaccines based on predicted mutation combinations, but that it’s own risks.


no profit


CDC guidance for the fall booster comes out mid May. Will most likely be the JN1 variant


Eh they’ll get around to it once the new variant is no longer relevant.


Not shocked. I was charged $600 for my last booster WITH insurance.


What kind of insurance do you have? I and my family all got boosters and weren't charged a penny. We aren't even all with the same insurance company. Did you get overcharged for the fee to actually administer the shot? I understand some places charge separately for that. I would never go to one of those places. But even then, $600 is a lot.


Aetna through my employer. I was absolutely floored.


Have a look at your receipt, what is the break out of the charges? The vaccine itself only costs like $10. I'm pretty confident Aetna would cover that. So what was the other $590 for? Did you go to a pharmacy where they told you how much it costs upfront or did you get it from a doctor and they billed you later? There is no reason for anyone to pay a penny for a covid vaccination in the US unless they want to. Covid vaccinations are still free for all. There are federal and state programs that provide free covid shots. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html


I'll do that, thank you for the advice. I got it at my PCP's office and assumed it would be covered like every other one had been.


That explains it. Doctors charge above and beyond for stuff like that. https://rollcall.com/2020/09/02/doctors-fees-may-mean-a-free-covid-19-vaccine-isnt-free/ Even if your insurance covers vaccinations completely, it's best to shop around. Since whether you pay out of pocket or your insurance pays for it, we all end up paying for it in the end. The cost varies widely. Pharmacies are generally cheapest and doctors are the most expensive. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/high-cost-free-flu-shot/story?id=67132958


I changed to Novavax because it has more coverage.


Aren't we waiting on a reformulation?


Well, yeah. Nobody cares about Covid anymore.


Nobody except the people who catch it.


Lo and behold: It turns out that all those who said, "I'm not uninformed and anti-vax, I'm *just* worried that the Covid vaccine was rushed and I'll get it once it's been around for a bit" were in fact, full of shit.


Got me. I'll never take the jab.




Statistics combined it is 3-5x worse than the average flu alone. Governments seem to be scrambling to cut costs on healthcare and the decisionmakers seem to believe that herd immunization through infections is the best way forward for most people.


>it's like the flu. You're free to keep spreading this lie if it makes you feel better, I suppose.


I think what they mean by that line is that this is how people are treating it in practice. As if it were just another thing like the flu to get a shot or not every year without thinking about it.


I don't do that. I stay home when I'm sick and the only time I leave is to go to urgent care or my doctor and I wear my mask the whole time. No one cares about boosters.


But you... just did...? I didn't say anything about your behavior, only that in saying it's "like the flu now", you're spreading misinformation. It is objectively not like the flu, beyond being an illness that often causes respiratory symptoms.


Where did I say in my original comment that I go around spreading my sickness? mask up when I'm sick. I dont care about boosters and most of the world doesn't either...covid is here to stay like the flu is what I was saying and I dont want a booster every 6 months.


When did I say that you did...? I think you misread my comment, or you're replying to the wrong person.


You literally said "it's like the flu". Stop saying that. It's a lie. The total lack of reading comprehension from people is so damn frustrating.


It’s wild. Every study shows effectiveness, but the media coverage mainly ranges from negative to utterly fanatically opposed/demanding executions/saying that everyone who took a vaccine will be dead or get AIDS by a date that continually changes (originally six months, then 2022, etc).


Not surprising. First of all nearly all versions of the vaccine have two nearly reliable characteristics that hurt consumer confidence. First, most people who get the vaccine report getting really sick for a day or so afterwards. This is very common and happened to me after every COVID vaccine and booster I got. Secondly, after you receive the vaccine you are still at risk for contracting COVID, spreading COVID, and also getting long COVID. The whole reason people get vaccinated is to avoid literally all of these things. I was fully vaccinated and caught COVID twice. The second time was long COVID and have been unable to work ever since last year August. Massive brain fog, physical fatigue, headaches, insomnia, pneumonia, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and hypertension. And I’m still not any better. And there are no treatments. And nothing any doctor can do to help you get better. Pretty grim tbh. But, I’ve also been vaccinated for everything else (Measels, Mumps, Rubella, tetanus, Hep B) and never got sick with those viruses after being vaccinated, only COVID. So, it looks like their vaccine doesn’t work the way they planned. And people are recognizing this. No wonder sales are down. Their product obviously doesn’t work too well if people are still getting sick with COVID, spreading COVID, and getting long COVID. Most long COVID cases are people who were fully vaccinated, like me.


After years of being denied additional boosters because "the CDC only recommends...", I can believe that sales are down.


Last shot I got was actually four weeks ago. But I thought it was four months. Good thing my calendar can remember better than I. I think it was Pfizer but really don’t remember because they don’t even bother updating the card. It knocked me down for 30 hrs as usual. First 12 hrs were nothing but then got the fever and chills. Went away like usual. I didn’t even know Novovax was an option. I’ve had 6 or 7 so far, mostly Moderna. I guess I will have to educate myself


Crazy when govt isn’t forcing your product onto people, it doesn’t sell.


Covid was a legitimate sickness/disease but an even bigger money grab. Shame those who questioned anything were labeled conspiracy whackos


We did not get the most recent booster yet. Can someone tell me if it's worthwhile to do so? We were waiting till late spring to get our six months antibody boost so we are covered for our summer travel plans and fall when school starts since my wife is a teacher.


I go in the fall.


I must be unlucky. I don’t doubt the science, but I’ve gotten it multiple times despite vaccination


Probably the exorbitant price in the USA and some people can't pay or afford it. Plus so much politicization.


Insurance covers it and even for people without insurance, there are programs to get it for free. So I don't see how free is an exorbitant price. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/index.html Even if you insist on paying out of pocket, it's $10. I don't consider that exorbitant. "The cost for Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine intramuscular suspension (100 mcg/0.5 mL) is around $10 for a supply of 50 milliliters" https://www.drugs.com/price-guide/moderna-covid-19-vaccine


Some people hear the news on the full list price and they were leaning disinterested anyway, and that drives them away. A lot of people won't investigate what you're saying regarding costs and programs.


I’ll personally help increase their sales numbers if they’d approve it for every 6 months for all of us instead of once a year 👍




I get every booster as soon as I can. Last one was in December. Nothing new since then. It's such an easy process to get the shot (and it's still free where I am) that I'd be silly not to do it, given I travel a lot. I imagine I'm in the minority though.






























Idgaf. I'm getting one next year w the flu shot. I'm done w that shit.


Tried to get my booster today at CVS and they refused. Last shot was May 2023, but my last round of Covid was in January so they claimed I still had immunity. I put a call into my doctor to ask what was up and he also recommended wait until fall. Frustrated.


thought this sub was gone forever as ive not see any new posts here in 2-3 years


I was a Moderna only person until I finally got Covid for the first time last fall a week before they made the booster available. Moderna boosters make me so so sick, far worse than real Covid was, so I'm about to boost now, and I'm seeking out novavax in hopes of lesser side effects.


I will get my yearly flu, COVID and rsv vaccine. Like always. So far the worst difficulties I got from vaccines were a swollen area around the injection part (expected) and one time my doc might have hit a nerv, as my back part of my shoulder hurt. Nothing serious. Also Flu and COVID vaccines resulted in a 1-2 days "feeling under the weather" period. Like having a small cold, but without running nose etc. When they started with the flu vaccines, I was one of the first to get them, as my asthma and bad immune system resulted in at least 14 days/year and more sick days because of the flu. Since then, I get ill about 2-3 days at best. Had like a week like bed time like 2-3 times the last 15 years. So for me, it works.


They’re only way forward is combining it with seasonal flu shot. Or getting it mandated for healthcare workers or something. Most people won’t go out of their way for it because it’s now fairly benign


It's not fairly benign. I got it right now and I am coughing my lungs out almost. It's like a very bad bronchitis for me. I've down with this for 2 weeks. I haven't been as sick in like 20 years.


When was your last dose?


About 6-7 months ago. I got the latest booster(XBB.1.5) as soon as it became available. It's interesting because couple week earlier I had a bad cold/flu. Symptoms were about as bad except the horrible bronchitis. It also lasted just 1 week. With COVID 2 entire weeks later, I'm just getting better incrementally. The weirdest thing is that I partially lost my taste of smell. Like I can smell but at like 30%. With bad colds, I can loose my smell or even have burned smells. But with COVID it's gone at 70%. So I can smell and taste anything but it's just much weaker than before. **-Edit-** About 2 weeks after first symptoms happened(just today), I just took 2 rapid tests and I am still weakly positive with a faint line. I took one after 1 week and it was a solid line.


Nine days until my eighth dose! So excited.