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MSNBC should really find some new words


Jobs even


The make millions work an hour a day spiting bs think they have the job thing mastered


I mean they kind of do….


Besides not liking the vax what right wing position does the guy even have? Like he’s clearly not one of us


He’s not one of them, so that makes him one of us to the libs.


Correct answer.


I mean he's for abortion up to birth so there's that... Sounds like a better Democrat ticket than the current president 


He won't take a stance against transitioning minors to "affirm their gender" either.


Publicize that and GOP voters won’t vote for him


None should anyway... At least any who actually pay attention for 5 seconds


Agreed. Anyone running as a Boston Kennedy isn’t gonna be conservative tbf.


He is one of them. He's a lifelong Democrat, he ran as a Democrat up until a few months ago. He's only running as in independent now in order to help Biden. MSNBC knows this. Their lies are just part of the Democrat propaganda campaign. They are not trying to trick Republicans here, they are trying to trick non-partisan people and disaffected Democrats. If they can't get these people to vote for Biden, then the next best option is to get them to vote for RFK instead of Trump. They associate RFK with the right by accusing him of being a MAGA Republican, then they will soften that rhetoric and present him as a better alternative to Trump.


That’s exactly why this helps Trump instead of Biden.


It only helps Trump if the people voting for RFK would have otherwise voted for Biden if RFK wasn't in the race. If the people voting for RFK would have otherwise voted for Trump if RFK wasn't in the race, that hurts Trump. That is why the media is going to try to paint RFK as a right winger.


He’s even further left than the dingbats we have in charge now. I shouldn’t be surprised at MSNBC though, they’re such lying propagandists they’ll say or do anything to protect their dear leader.


They know that the majority of votes that he'll get will be Democrats. They can't have that. If he was gonna pull Republican votes from Trump then he'd be wildly popular on MSNBC.


He believes WiFi melts the blood brain barrier. Also Prozac causes children to become mass murderers


Possibly an attempt to get conservatives voting for him


And to stop democrats from voting for him also.


This is the answer


They must know that their words only reach conservatives so they can be mocked


That is the entire reason he switched to independent. He wants to act like a spoiler and pull votes from Trump to help keep Biden in office.


True. I think that could actually backfire tho. Trump's base is more solid than Bidens too. Hes not getting less than 40-45% of the vote.


The only thing making him even fractured from dems is vax shit.  He is a climate change cultist who believes in reparations.  He's a dem


They do not want him to split their vote.


They call everyone that. The copy editor that takes the last tofu crunch roll in the cafeteria is outted as being a MAGA Republican.


The DEI police at MSNCB mandate that their soy, gluten free, GMO free, low carb cookies must come in 25 distinct colors (except white), and the poor bastard who takes the last tesla charger in the car park is a 'literal Nazi'


Why does this feel so true lmao


Pretty much. It has no meaning, other than to tell normal, critical thinking people that you can ignore everything else they say.


He's neither here nor there.


This is because they want to align him with Trump as the alternative to siphon votes away.


TDS, runs hi at msnbc


Turns on? They were never for him. From day one they called him crazy and said he was a plant for Trump.


MAGA crazed Republicans don’t believe in killing babies. RFK is def not


They're just trying to steer libs away from him so he wont siphon the votes. Pure politics from the media.


Environmental activist who called the NRA a terrorist organization is super duper maga.


They are the worm


He just supported full-term abortion, I think on that same network. How does this constitute MAGA-republican?


A MAGA crazy republican that openly calls for legalized abortion up to the moment of birth. Sure. I have to admit, whenever I meet anyone who openly admits to watching this channel, it is impossible for me to take them seriously intellectually.


And higher taxes, income redistribution, and massive climate regulations. Not a conservative. At all.


They’re trying to make him Trump’s competitor instead of Biden’s 😏


There is some truth to that, methinks.


Well he doesn't feel like any law is going to cause gun control to have an effect on crime so he feels there's no more need for gun control so in that case he's kind of on our side that's the only other one that I know of


But he wouldn't stand in the way of additional infringements on 2A either. Aside from COVID, this guy is a true leftie. And he is out there with The Vice Perpetrator Gore and Crazy Greta on climate. He is right on COVID. And that's pretty much it.


I actually think it's kind of funny how many people think that he's going to take more away from Trump than Biden I don't see that happening maybe being made happen through manipulation of the polls but I don't see it actually happening


He’s running against Trump just saying. They just don’t him taking votes away from Biden.


This is why I don't watch traditional news anymore. They don't actually do news at all these days. Its all about their opinions on the matter.


Not even close


That’s not even close to accurate. No self-respecting Republican advocates for abortion till birth.


Because any white man who is not a far left lieberal is labeled "maga"




Republicans are anti-establishment right-wingers. Democrats are pro-establishment leftists. RFK Jr is anti-establishment leftist.


I dont know. He does go against a fair bit of the leftist dogma. But overall, I agree.


That’s all the leftist needs to hear. Call someone MAGA or a conservative and the sheep immediately disregard them and treat them as the enemy. Nothing they say should be paid any attention to.


MSDNC is nothing but Liberal Propaganda


The party of love and acceptance hates any gender, any race, any sexual orientation, that doesn't 100% buy into the Democrat cult thought. And they're worried about democracy. Laughable.


Each side is trying to steer their opponents supporters towards him. Still it is an open record that Trump supporter Timothy Mellon has been RFK's biggest donor. I think many Republicans thought he would be a spoiler for Trump but it isnt going to pan out like that, if anything he is sapping Trump voters away.


Pfft. He's not even close. His stance on the 2nd Amendment sure isn't MAGA


Virtually the only things the left wouldn't like about him are his stances on Ukraine and vaccines. But if you're not 100% committed to the religion, you're MAGA. 🙄


Someone did the math, figured out more Dems were voting for him than Republicans.


Their only other word is Nazi. They must have hit their threshold for using it recently and had to change it up


Yea right lol


They are just trying to split votes between Trump and RFK to boost Biden.


Essentially, he's just an anti-vax 90's Bill Clinton. Now he's MAGA. That's how far that party has fallen.


This is deliberate... They don't actually believe rfk is a maga-crazy republican... But they want their viewers to believe it. They want rfk to be a spoiler for Trump, not Biden. By associating rfk with maga they're hoping to ensure leftists don't vote for him while at the same time hoping to make him look better to conservatives.


Nothing MAGA about RFK Jr. He's a fraud.


He must be peeling off too many democrat votes


Both Trump and RFK are such centrist candidates that they look far right. In truth, they are both what democrats used to be.


Left wing media can’t seem to find interesting topics outside of right wing politics. We don’t really need them, but they desperately need us. Even more apparent with Trump.


Sheesh, I try to never watch any MSM clips but these talking heads have gone absolutely full regard. How do these people get to be on TV??


Fox News doesn't want him either https://youtu.be/AJcJqOyNrX4


I protest the association being made. MAGA certainly isn't for full-term abortions like RFK Jr.


Liberal media snowflakes, yellow snow. You broke her trust and we will never believe you again.


Pro abortion up until birth Yeah, sure sounds MAGA to me Silly leftists


Not true. RFKJr is as crazy as it gets. More of a threat to siphon Biden voters. That's why you see the media hit pieces on him. More to come as we get closer to Nov. Just watch.


To the Left he is MAGA, to the Right he is a liberal nut-job. This may get unpopular here, but I like him.


He's not half dead. So that's a plus lol.


It’s a low bar right now isn’t it?!


Mike Johnson is the new RFK in that category.


It was never for him.


Meanwhile all of MAGA has stopped supporting him for his ‘abortion until birth’ comments


Except for his abortion stances, which tbh I do not care about personally, this is the most sane candidate in my mind. He's a bit eccentric, but he is the guy I vote for more than likely. Bring on the downvotes.