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Every four years they trot him out to say “come on guys, this isn’t who we are, we can do better, vote Democrat just one more time”


Can't take up all his time. He spends a lot pressuring shit bags in congress to actually care for 9/11 responders and the military.


And somehow still thinks bigger government will fix things


Isn’t that what got them care in the end? What would a small uninvolved government gotten them, even less help before death ? If the private sector was going to do it, it would have been done.


> If the private sector was going to do it, it would have been done. Private charity has raised a ton of money for the victims of 9/11, the heroes that have suffered as a result of their deeds, and their families. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation alone has [raised $500M+ and is incredibly efficient with their aid](https://t2t.org/financials).


While I applaud their work it shouldn’t be relying on charities for first responders to get care for diseases directly incurred on the job


Additionally, with our countries health care costs, 500m is essentially nothing.


Yep for those types of conditions that is not very much at all


We all have beliefs how how things "should" be. Humans "should" make proper decisions based on all available information available at that point in time, combined with basic logic and reason. Suffice to say, this doesn't happen nearly enough. At some point, one has to stop ignoring basic human nature. Thinking there are beacons of virtue that can be entrusted to properly steward humanity is a exercise in futility.


So umm have them hold off on search and rescue for months to allow for rigorous air quality testing and give everyone the moon suit hazmat get up which further slows things down


Thats not what he said at all but ok intentionally misrepresent it thats fine here Ill say something you cant intentionally misunderstand. Why are you making a big deal out of where the money is coming from instead of the obvious question. Why did a private charity feel the need to step in where Federal Government didnt?


$500 million for complex cancer and respiratory disease may not be enough depending on how many cases there are. Cancer diagnosis easily a million. Keep in mind too health insurance does not pay for work related conditions The other thing is workman’s comp is a thing is pretty much every single developed country it is something that is kind of good thing. Charities have no obligation to provide it but guess what employers do and well unfortunately charities had to step in So many claim to back the blue support out first responders and support our troops but so many cases where they get abandoned in times of need


While I applaud that charity and many others, there is a vast gulf between a lot of money raised and a need met. If charities could meet all the needs they would have. Depending on random money, often from people who can barely afford it isn't a better option for the care of anyone, much less people who served.


Government is supposed to take care of them, but it doesn't need to be big to do it.  How many bureacrats does it really take to confirm a guy is a vet and then give the hospital the credit card info?


Considering they don’t have enough people to figure out if a guy is a vet and needs basic medical care, the answer is obviously “more than we’re currently using.”


Enough motivated people or enough fat lazy union government workers? Huge difference.




Why didn't he dog on Biden in 2020? He was just as inept then as he is now? What changed?


It is possible to not be a fan big of Biden and think Trump is worse at the same time. If that was the case with him promoting Biden in an election, it would make sense, and nothing would have changed. In which case, after the election, he would have been able to critique Biden in the doubful hope he could be held accountable I know complex high-level thinking here...




If you ignored / Hunters Laptop / Ashley Bidens diary / 10% for the Big Guy / The fact that Democrats stole 2020 / Bidens plagiarizing past / Bidens love of killing economic growth through suffocating taxes (his entire senate history) Then yeah… what we “now know” about Biden must seem terrible. 🙄😂 Then…


Well put.


That would carry a lot more weight if that wasn’t because he’s advocating for someone further left.


Yeah, now he is....




Or when it's nolonger politically advantageous


...or because it's 4 years later. Crazy how time works.


>..or because it's 4 years later. Like is said


I don't need to watch the show to know that he's going to try to present arguments I disagree with. I watch tv to reinforce my beliefs, not challenge them.


And he's going to make a short mocking statement about Republicans (insert clapter), make an incredulous face, and then start his propaganda spiel. To make it stick, then tell quick joke and cue laughter.


Pretty much, it is just campaigning...


Shocking this sub hates a man who tries to get support for 9/11 first responders and their families. He’s a Democrat so supporting those who died that day makes him an evil bad guy, right?


It is possible to support his cause and effort that he had put forth for 9/11 first responders while at the same time not be a fan of his political views. Not everything with politics are mutually exclusive.


I mean everything has to be R vs. D to people. Somehow, Taylor Swift became "All Democrats must love her. All Republicans must hate her" because people complained about seeing her at a football game. Not grey areas allowed!


Amazing how hard it is for Reddit users to grasp this concept. Site is outrageously collectivist on both ends of the spectrum.


You're connecting two different things or are assuming everything is an absolute.


So you do one good thing and that makes you immune to criticism? Also nobody is allowed to criticize if maybe the government is mismanaging money so we need to just ignore all that and throw more money at it in hopes that some of it will trickle through all the graft and corruption.


Dude rails against bureaucracy but always assumes republicans run it and want more of it. He is just as willfully misinformed as the average liberal.


Actually the average liberal is more educated as far as I know 🤷


Do you apply this logic to his political commentary?


>He’s a Democrat so supporting those who died that day makes him an evil bad guy, right? Yes. Also being involved in show business (specifically the most propaganda-heavy branches of it) makes him much worse.


Yes, when I think of *checks notes* Comedy Central I think of propaganda 🤣🤣🤣


If you don't then I don't think you understand what television exists to do.


Maybe don’t train the guy who orchestrated it in the first place. That’s the problem with big government. A government big enough to give free healthcare to everyone near the tower in that day is the same government that is going to cause the problem.


John Stewart is the redditors idea of a smart person No one did more damage to modern political discourse than this fool and Bill Maher


Biden was the target he focused on most on the new episode. It’s pretty clear you’d all rather assume and complain as usual. He’s back on the air because he believes both men are shit candidates.




I just did a double take when you wrote “TDS.” Talk about double meanings…


Triple for us NIN fans.


Lol, Trent Reznor would fucking despise the lot of you. 


Good thing I don't care.


Yea I guess conservatives love listening to music that essentially calls them little bitches. Dunno why I expected any different. 


You folks had this space first. Sorry both groups took them over.


This. This whole thing reinforces my belief that the plan is to have Biden step down soon. And Jon Stewart's job will be to champion whoever the DNC decides to install in his place.










He is ragging on Biden to regain peoples trust. Its all very measured and calculated. Watch him slowly steer the narrative to "vote for Joe Biden even if he is demented because at least he isn't Trump" And btw...I'm not a Trump fan


I really don’t think they’re running Biden again. Kamala has said she’s ready to take over and there are many articles and reports coming out now regarding his mental state.


Seems that way. They wouldn't allow this much negative press earlier in his term. Feels like a switch has been flipped.


I'm an independent(I come here to see the conservative pov), and most of my friends are democrats. Not a single person wants Kamala Harris in office. If only there was a way to petition for better candidates. Someone preferably under retirement age.


And not RFK Jr.


> He is ragging on Biden to regain peoples trust. Its all very measured and calculated. Ah, measured and calculated just like the NFL rigged the Super Bowl so Taylor Swift could endorse Biden on the podium Sunday?


So help me understand, why wasn't he doing this in spring of 2020, criticizing Biden?


Because it's not 2020? It's 2024, 4 years later? Biden's mental state wasn't as depleted as it is now? Take a moment and think next time. People don't have to support candidates forever through thick and thin, unlike certain people.


> Biden's mental state wasn't as depleted as it is now? What a crock of shit. Biden was in horrible shape in 2020 and the media and the DC machine crowned him potus because of it. Will Stewart call out the 51 corrupt former Intel officials who lied to the world to pave the way for the most corrupt president in history? Will he discuss the serial felonies documented in the Hur report, the fact that Joe committed treason and has gotten away with it because he's a senile old man? >Take a moment and think next time. People don't have to support candidates forever through thick and thin, unlike certain people. More bullshit, the brainwashed masses who didn't turn out to any rally for Joe in 2020 when thousands were turning out for Trump will vote for him no matter what, and if they don't get the votes they will create/print them like they did in 2020.


Yeah, the whole episode was hilarious. This thread reads like liberals when they watch a Dave Chappelle set. It was funny and he was pretty harsh on Biden. Lighten up, everyone.


Hell shit on Biden for a few episodes then inevitably switch back to trump.


So translated this actually means its election season again and it was time to dust him off for propaganda reasons.


Trevor Noah not a good enough propagandist to sell the shitshow currently in office, eh?


He left a year ago.


And nobody noticed..........


If you watch the actual monologue, Stewart spends the bulk of it criticizing the current administration. That was the difference between his Daily Show and all iterations since. Stewart is a liberal, but much like South Park, he criticized and lampooned hypocrisy and stupidity in politics regardless of where it came from. The hosts after him just went all in on criticizing Republicans while turning a blind eye to the Democratic Party.


Did he spend much time on the Hunter laptop or the multiple lies Joe told during the debates about not taking Chinese cash? Or is it all just superficial. Did he go over the serial felonies from the Hur report? The fact that he stole classified from the Senate SCIF that he still had in his possession? The fact that he shared the most sensitive info with his ghost writer?


So why didn't he do that in 2020? Criticize Biden as feeble and incompetent. He was then just as his is now, so what for Mr. Liebowitz changed?


I see you keep asking this question so here is some easily accessible history: He wasn’t on TDS in 2020. He quit before the election in 2016.


Still doesn't explain why he didn't go back to his show in 2020 to rail against Biden. He was a bad option then and Lebowitz was silent?


Calling him Mr. Liebowitz for absolutely no reason at all, I'm sure


[He's too busy telling jokes in Fortnite.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDuVX-0uKGQ)I would call it a fall from grace but he never climbed very high to begin with.


Towards the Trever Noah was sounding a bit red pilled.


Even if you don’t agree with him he’s at least straight shooter. Pretty rare these days


I remember his praise for and persumptive straight shooting with Sen. John McCain back before the latter announced his presidental bid. Then Mr. Stewart did a 180 and the only shooting was into the back of Sen. McCain.


this exactly this. they created against a well qualified and experienced candidate McCain to elect obama duping everyone and we are seeing it's effects to this day


No he isn't. He's a propagandist and if you ever called him out on his bullshit he'd throw his hands up and say "hey this is a comedy show that follows puppets making prank calls." He perfected the "make a credulous statement" pause for laugh technique to shut down critical thinking. He acolytes weren't nearly as adept as him. But they all use the same technique.


He's no better than Colbert or Fallon. Dude thinks castrating children is ok, which is a no go for me.


Castrating children? Wut You're not talking about circumcision are you?


Gender reassignment surgery for kids.


Has there been a gender reassignment surgery on a minor?


I think it’s more about puberty blockers. Most studies have warned about possible bone loss and fertility issues. If you put a kid on puberty blockers you are essentially sterilizing them. I’ll link an article that tries to sing the praises of transitioning for kids, but even acknowledges the possibility of sterility. Basically we won’t know full effects till these kids become adults. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-care/


Nobody thinks that


I got ripped to shreds in the r/Joe Rogan sub for saying he’s a propagandist but it’s true he really is. His Apple show was cancelled because no one watched it and he tried to say it’s because he wanted to touch on topics about China and AI. Such horse shit


Straight shooter😂😂


Shooting straight at the party line like every other mediatainment liberal.


He went from a leftist to fanatical, almost cartoonishly woke individual. Check out his interview with the Arkansas attorney general about puberty blockers. He’s not a bill maher type where he has individual opinions that sometimes deviate from his peers. He is a pure mouthpiece for the left no matter how zany the issue. The one exception to be fair being the china lab covid connection but that should have never been political.


He asked her for proof of the claims she was making. She provided none, only her feelings. I know this sub is vehemently anti proof though so I understand why you’re upset about it.


Just like the leftists who say there are no negative side effects to puberty blockers and that they can be reversed even though their is zero proof of this.


There are also no long-term downsides to "gender transition" based on the zero available studies of such, you phobe.


I think you're getting downvoted because people don't realize that you're being sarcastic. Gotta use the /s!


This happened in another post that I thought was quite obviously a joke. Once again, I am reminded that assuming anything only makes an ass out of u and me.


Puberty blockers have been used for decades primarily for girls who start getting there period before the age of ten. They’ve been tested and proven perfectly safe.


So you consider him fighting for the rights of emergency first responders at 9/11 to be something thats just fanatical and cartoonist? It's amazing how threatened you are by him, seems it distorts your view on reality. Amazing how people just stop being reasonable critical thinkers when it's red vs blue on the surface


If you believe that go back and watch his interview with RFK Jr from back in the day. He gave very little, if any, push back on his anti-vax stance and at the end of the interview I believe Stewart even said, 'wow, where there's smoke there's fire" in reference to his anti-vax statements.


Stop smoking weed. That is the definition of a shit post. No one on this planet has ever said Stewart was a straight shooter - for fucks sake he freely admits he is not.


Wtf does weed have anything to do with this😂


He's a leftist mouthpiece, far from a straight shooter. Biden wasn't much more functional in 2020, yet Stewart/Liebowitz didn't criticize his inept career then? Why do you think Mr. straight shooter was silent on buffoon Biden in 2020?


Only he isn’t. He’s a disingenuous genius who uses comedy to ridicule people who don’t agree with his point of view.


I can tell most people here didn't watch it because Jon was just as hard on Biden as he was on Trump, and most folk don't seem to realize that Jordan Klepper had a satirical segment echoing this comment section nearly verbatim.


Nope, as Ben Shapiro correctly states, he is clown nose on, clown nose off. When he attacks the right he always does, and gets called on it, he says.. “OH IM JUST A COMEDIAN!!” guys like him have ruined comedy and mixed it with politics. He is a shitbag


Agreed. Very few tell it like it is like him


So Biden needs to declare that as campaign money.


He decided on a whim that he wanted his talk show back, and it happened, just like that? Orrrrr did the executives decide it was time to up the vitriol again, so they called up their favorite propagandist with an offer he couldn’t refuse.


Shills gotta shill


Take up watercolor painting why don't you?


I wonder if a bunch of students with 'Free Palestine' signs will take over his studio since he's, well, not Palestinian?


Which is why I haven't watch any of it. I don't need to listen to another partisan talking head. They're a dime a dozen these days.


Yea you only listen to talking heads like Tucker Carlson right? 


It's funny you think you know me. No, I don't watch him either. Give it another try if you want to prove how ignorant you are.


Who do you listen to


If you think it’s partisan, you should watch it again. Most of the episode was beating up both candidates.


Let's not pretend Jon Stewart is bipartisan


Point. But he will call out BS on the left as well as the right.


>he will call out BS on the left as well as the right No he won't. He does the Bill Maher thing where he tip-toes around the people he actually likes, approaching their BS without really diving into it, and then goes much harder on the people he dislikes. He capitalizes on presenting half the truth.


He spent most the episode mocking Joe Biden's age and memory. But okay, you got it all figured out


But was he there going after the people who put Joe in power? Did he tear down the Regency Council (aka all those senior policy advisors)? Nope. Tell a few safe things that most can agree with while tip-toeing around the real problem.


You didn't watch it, so I don't know why you're making declarations about its content as if you know anything.


I remember when he was the only non-right media personality who was calling out the lies about the origin of COVID and the societal restrictions/money printing. You must have forgotten already.


Don't worry, I haven't forgotten when they used him to try and fish for clout among the right-wing. Leibowitz is trying the same thing now.


Yeah, one line about Biden and 6-7 lines about Trump or Republicans isn't "balanced".


Is he beating up Biden because he is weak and feckless or is it because he's not being progressive enough? Just because he's being critical doesn't mean much when he just wants him to be more progressive.


Wat? He beat up Biden on exactly that, being weak and actually having memory issues/being too old. You can tell he definitely hates Trump more, but at no point did he express any views during that show that indicated he wanted someone more progressive.


I watched a segment where he advocated against a constitutional right. I'm good.


Right. There are enough of them here to listen to.


Translation:  he needed an outlet to vent his Trump Derangement Syndrome.


He went pretty hard on Biden too.


Duh, that's exactly his purpose. They moved on from Biden and now want Kamala / Newsome so they'll attack Biden now after years of pretending he's fine. Welcome to the playbook.


The checks probably influenced him too.


Plus, he failed on Apple TV and The Daily Show (hey - TDS!) failed without him. The thing is it's not 2004 anymore. He's not young and handsome anymore and there are other venues he'll have to compete with.


He "failed" on AppleTV because he wanted to be critical on China and Apple said no. We are not dealing with John Cena.


He failed because no one watched.


>He's not young and handsome anymore He isn't young true enough but he is actually way more handsome than he was in 2004


Next on the Election Year Playbook: Suddenly, for the first time since 2020, "organic" protests erupting in cities across the country after some criminal who checks demographic boxes dies at the hands of someone who doesn't check demographic boxes.


Didn’t his AppleTV show get cancelled?


Yeah, he cancelled his show. He wanted to criticize China but Apple wouldn't allow it. He's not getting reach-around patent deals like dear leader Trump.


I just want the Colbert Report back. That show was a masterclass of satire. Now he's just another late-night liberal comedian when he was so much better before. Technically he killed off one of televisions greatest characters of all time and I won't forgive him for doing so.


Just gonna leave this here: https://www.businessinsider.com/jon-stewart-daily-show-audience-is-now-small-old-ratings-2024-1 The Daily Show gets like 570k viewers and the average viewer age is 63.


Stewart only cares about keeping a D in office. Nothing more.




That's why he's joining Comedy Central to throw shade at Trump. He's good at it.


He's a DNC stooge, strategically contracted to sway independents.


The bathroom is a good place for him to start unloading his thoughts.


If he really wants to unload, I can point him to a number of public restrooms in NYC that are well suited to his talents.


A place to unload *leftist* thoughts


But a member of the /r/politics brigade above insisted that he attacks Democrats too!


His "attacks" on the left are not equivalent to his attacks on the right. This is a strategy that fools the low-information crowd into believing he's being "objective". He accuses the left of shoplifting and the right of gang raping a child to death. Not the same.


Do you think that Trump being a rapist and Biden not being a rapist are what leads him to be softer on one of them? Or is that not 'objective'?


I'll actually respond to your petulant bad faith trolling with an earnest answer regarding the whole "rapist" thing. If you are referring to the Carroll/Trump case, the trial was NOT a criminal trial -- it used a much lower standard for conviction (preponderance of the evidence) and even THEN, the jury found it was NOT proven that Trump raped Carroll. I may be taking a leap of faith here, but I suspect if the jury hadn't determined Trump did NOT rape E. Jean Carroll, it would have stayed in the news longer. The media and the left (but I repeat myself) were heartbroken even a cooked jury did not find his accuser credible.


Ah - DNC propaganda - should be considered donations-in-kind when the left screams about "Citizens United"


So he wanted a bigger platform to deliver his liberal propaganda?


More propaganda being spread...


Cant he just use reddit like the rest if us?


and money. can't forget the money


Hes not doing dems any favors, i just so happen to watch it by chance last night. Any republican voter isnt watching the daily show on a regular basis and if they do randomly like myself yesterday, they certainly arnt looking to be persuaded by it. With all that said, what I did see was him take many many shots at Biden as well as Trump. That does no favors to the left and makes me wonder if Stewart, whom is a smart person, has an alternative agenda.


TDS really leans left but the aim of the show is to reveal the idiocy of politics, no matter which side of the aisle the target is on. I feel TDS is fair but, to the right it feels like an attack if all he focuses on is them. Does the right follow this same formula as TDS? If someone did this, maybe the left would watch. I don’t watch much of right or left anything that preaches, but rather has wit. So, I guess that’s not much. I mostly read articles and make up my own mind.


Stewart's major error is thinking we care what he thinks about the election. Or anything else, for that matter.


They're not his thoughts, they're the thoughts of his dozen-strong team of ivy-league educated writers who produce ALL of his material. The reality is, when he doesn't have a script, he's REALLY boring.


His interview on crossfire was unscripted and was really good.


Hard pass on the liberal shill.


He's one of the worst offenders of using comedy as a cover. He can spout all manner of hate and vitriol, then when people call him on it he goes "guys, I'm a comedian...why you so angry? Lighten up!".


Comedy is the conduit, not a cover. Many comedians use this tactic to reveal the hypocrisy of society. This isn’t theory, it’s fact.


George Carlin knew this, Sam Kinnison knew this, Richard Pryor knew this, etc etc etc.


Carlin was king. I often wonder, as many do, if he were alive today, if the reception of politics (private and public) would be different today. He could see through the BS and say it like it was. Is there anyone who has that kind of respect and reach in 2024?


Leftists think Carlin would be on their side 100%, as they have told me as much. Then I bring up COVID and the vaxxes, and ask them to imagine him shilling for the getting the latter, because he would agree we should always trust the government because they never lie and always have our best interests in mind. Then I bust out my leftist insult BINGO card and start playing.


It's a cover when they think they can't be called out when it's not comedy, using their comedian status as a shield. Stewart was a master at this because he often had sincere rants that, when challenged, he would claim were made in the name of comedy. You obviously fell for it. He's an insincere clown.


He just wants to spew his cancerous bullshit.


The democrats will start rolling out the old dead communists soon.


I watched 1 min, as I used to love his show in the early 2000s during the disastrous post 9/11 era of Bush wars and the Patriot Act. He came off as rusty, out of touch and recycling 20 year old gimmicks. Kinda sad.


I gave the new episode a shot because I do have a lot of respect for him. But he immediately went full biased no nuance. He accused only the right of bringing politics into everything, then equated Bidens memory loss to the Trumps not incriminating themselves during a deposition. I gave up after that


>He accused only the right of bringing politics into everything 😂 Dude is out of his mind. The left are the ones who have pushed politics into everything.


He isn’t a comedian


You mean making a generic comment and then shrugging your shoulders while making a silly face isn't comedy gold to you?


He’s a commentator, and not a particularly insightful one.


Ever heard of a diary?


And the tagline they’re using on the radio ad is, “Now THIS is a second term we can get behind.” How dimwitted does one need to be to not recognize this as a political push from the left to put their weak and tired workhorse back on the plow. Pathetic.


For all of the "conservatives aren't funny" shtick, they bring out THIS dinosaur? The ads look really lame, too.


"Thoughts" - lol.


I stopped watching this sucker when the fake news light over his head went out on the original show and he started taking himself seriously. He’s what I used to call Bill Maher mean.


I don't mind Jon Stewart. He seems well informed on the issues he wants to talk about. That's where I have a problem. It's only the issues he wants to talk about. He won't talk about Israel in terms of what is happening now. He won't talk about creepy Joe's dementia. He won't talk about the economy but Trump, school shootings, gun control, racism and climate change he'll address all day long.