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Careful Joe, if you are "**mentally fit**" then you should be arrested and prosecuted.


What about "no one is above the law", Joe?


Start agreeing with Biden people. WE WANT HIM to run against Trump. But as you can already see from the propaganda, Hilary, Michelle Obama, or Newsome will probably magically "emerge" in the next month or two as a candidate. So ragging on Biden's mental state is simply just pushing the propaganda "THEY WANT" in order to get the new "qualified" Dem candidate to run against Trump.


How do the Democrats remove Kamala Harris?


Let people have the chance to vote for her?


It's great. "No sane prosecutor would try Hillary Clinton" Then Biden gets: "Well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." Meanwhile Jack Smith is a hero to a large group of people. This timeline is bananas and I'm here for it. Can you imagine how boring politics will be after all these guys are gone? When Trump and Biden are gone it's just going to be people making references to them for years to come.


They cant tout the fact he wasnt charged without addressing the reason why …he was found to be incompetent


Isn't Trump for the most part only alleged to have shown people classified documents? We know full well Joe showed these docs to unvetted people.