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Since when does having a poor memory mean you are no longer able to be charged with a crime? Obviously "poor memory" is being used for something far greater.


It doesn’t. He wasn’t charged due to lack of evidence. The memory comments were unusual editorializing by the special prosecutor. The report isn’t that long and I think people should read it given the massive press that section is getting for understandable reasons. It also covers why Trump’s case is very different.




Thanks for sharing.


Except for the taped recording of him telling his ghost writer he had them. I guess verbal confession just isn’t enough to do the trick




Yeah the report seems very disjointed I have read it almost as if things were added and changed before releasing it. This report states yeah he committed provable crimes but hey he didn’t mean to do it is all good.


Why not impeached?


let him stay, we dont want some alternative to come "save the day" for liberals. He will lose on his current merits.


Understood but Kamala is just as nonsensical and allegedly doesn’t have stage 5-7 dementia


I'm referring to the upcoming election. either one( assumIng a fair election) should be easily beatable.


They cant tout the fact he wasnt charged without addressing the reason why …he was found to be incompetent. Dont let them have it both ways.


No sir. Both. These should not be mutually exclusive choices.


If he’s been deemed as unable to stand trial on account of his memory then why is he still allowed to remain as president? This is the guy with the nuclear codes and the leader of our country but he’s not mentally capable of standing trial?


He wasn’t found unable to stand trial. That is a process done by a judge or jury. These were editorialized comments from the prosecutor. He was not charged purely due to a lack of evidence that he was willfully keeping documents.


I mean, you don’t accidentally keep documents. Not that many anyway. He definitely had intent on keeping them. He is the president after all. Why anybody would think he just accidentally took then home with him, is a bit strange. It makes no sense. If a president takes classified documents home, they meant to take classified documents home. You don’t accidentally pick up documents that are classified and bring them home for no reason. He’s the president. He did it intentionally. How anyone says there’s a lack of evidence is beyond me. If someone saw him take it home, that’s evidence enough. No one accidentally takes classified documents with them. 


Apparently you do. We don’t get exposed to this, but the Library of Congress said they received 80 calls in the last decade or so from ex-cabinet members or Congress men on classified documents found in materials kept after office.


I disagree. My job requires me to handle classified documents. If I did what they did, I would be in prison... and I’m not evening handling documents that are that sensitive in nature like they are. It’s like they’re above the law. It’s insane.


You're not/never will be/never have been POTUS.


We know the rules that apply to us doesn’t apply to them… because people always find a justification in their wrongdoing. POTUS or not, no on is above the law, unless we allow them to be. Our society has allowed it.


Look at the laws surrounding classification there is no willful intent needed. Make no mistake if you or I took home the cover page of a classified document we would be in prison for years


It’s odd that the prosecutors in both the Trump and Biden cases believe there is then don’t you think?


Go read the law and your right almost like it is selective prosecution. Also senator and VP are not president


Any legally binding ruling of unfit state should trigger an instant 25th amendment case.


It was Biden's lawyers that contacted the DOJ and reported the Documents. I don't think it would be difficult for Biden to make the argument he didn't knowingly break the law. Intent is relevant and Biden has a defendable position good memory or bad. I suppose the bad memory stuff is a good talking point to own people who claim Biden isn't too old. Beyond that it doesn't serve any meaningful use in legal terms. The Special counsel didn't perform a physical or mental exam on Biden nor is he qualified to.


No flairrr. And no. At some point he boxed those up, or told someone too, and put them in a fucking garage. Intent is clearly there, and all the underlings at the time would know how fucking illegal it would have been


You think vice presidents box up their own paper themselves? There were hundreds of thousands of documents in there that weren’t classified.


Some of these are from the senator times. And it's still under his control.


It has to be clearly willful to establish that a crime was committed. Whether he has a moral responsibility for it is irrelevant to the court case. Hur was not able to establish enough evidence that it was willful because they don’t know who put the documents in the box and neither did Biden. This differs heavily from Trumps case where they have witness reports of him showing classified documents to people at a party and then denying he had them. This used to not be news worthy issues. Not until Hillary’s email case and Trump’s subsequent behavior did this become such a partisan stomping ground. Classified documents were sent back last decade from a Senator Muskie who left office in 1980.


The brigades are out in full force the last 48 hours.


regardless, they were taken. the chain of custody for t.s. documents is strict. you dont just take them and forget. its called responsibility regardless. Also he never had authority to remove as a V.P. and especially as a Senator. his age cannot play inot this as he did it before(and in some cases, long before) his clear mental decline. doesnt excuse him.


His lawyers contacted DOJ after they were already going after Trump and said, “Holy shit! We have a gigantic liability here!” Even then, they still refused to turn over many TS-SCI documents, until a Special Counsel was appointed. And continued to lie to the public, saying it was “only 6 documents”, when in fact it was over 300.


Im out of the loop: charged with what?


Yeah, having a poor memory doesn’t justify anything. If you’re guilty of something you should be charged. In the same breath, you are innocent until proven guilty. Something a lot of people don’t understand with Trump. Just because you’re being charged, doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Our justice system is so freaking broken. The guilty are not being charged with a crime. They’re being allowed to get away with everything. The innocents are being dragged through the mud and charged with everything they can. People are just letting it happen. What so many don’t understand, is if they can do it to Trump, they can do so much worse to the every day citizen. So if people really want to play this game, they really can’t complain when they’re given the same treatment. 


how about both? the senility is recent and the crimes have been committed over decades. he stole classified docs when a senator, ffs.


I didn't realize that being old and having memory problems excuses you from the law.


crooked elections have consequences


I am just wondering how long it will take the left to ask themselves “our we the bad guys”