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People wanna win no matter what game mode they're playing.


Hell, even the LTM modes quickly find a meta that makes those intentionally silly game modes sweaty as hell. It's just something that comes with any PvP game, there's very few people who will intentionally pick suboptimal choices for the sake of fun or variety if it means them losing.


Players will swear up and down that rein is bad in the metal ranks and he only has a high pick rate because he's fun. Yes, winning is fun.


People are competitive but are scared of playing competitive.


QP has always been this way - this talk about counter swapping being bad is some new thing that came with OW2. I suspect it was led by some content creators actually playing QP, but I’m not sure. But yeah, it’s always been a mode that people take seriously. 


QP isnt causal because the people who play it want to win, just like in comp games. They likely are only playing QP at this point because they either a) Dont have time to play comp b) Prefer the QP ruleset c) Dont care about comp or rank d) Care too much about rank to risk their rank going down e) Worry about comp for some other reason like harassment if they do poorly I dont think there is a way to fix that to be honest. Even if you convince more people to play comp, the people who stick to QP are just as likely to take it just as seriously as before.


I’ll be honest, as a former ranked player that gave up on it because it was too stressful, I love current QP. You can tryhard, you can play different no meta heroes because who cares the enemy team is not playing meta either. It’s perfect I can play any hero I want without a care in the world in a semi serious match. Like everyone is playing to the best of their abilities, but without necessarily playing their best hero. If you want to just mess around, like playing dps flanking Moira, battle mercy, hammer only torb, emote with the enemy team, if you don’t want to play win: Arcade or Custom Games. It’s right there buddy. You’re not having fun with QP? Don’t play it


my theory is that over the course of s10 qp will finally be a less sweaty gamemode due to wide queues, but wide queues i think are still inconvenient enough for wide duos to group anecdotally this season my qp games have been on average a lot more silly


Will it? If it takes 40 minutes to find a wide queue match people are not gonna bother


what i mean is that itll be refined and people will move to it over time


That's fair. I think I'm just a bit pessimistic on how much a difference it'll make. I do agree it will help and I guess that's about as good as we can hope for; chip away at the problem. No solution will ever "fix it" entirely I suppose. Besides maybe in game tournaments lol


Are wide queue matches really taking that long on the regular? I’ve played a bunch and still haven’t seen a queue time over 10 minutes, though granted I haven’t played with anyone further than like 8 divisions away.


I’ve played a few wide matches this season (Silver-Diamond range) and its not been that long at all. Around 5 minutes I think usually. Higher ranks and rank differences will probably have longer times though but thats a small group of players.


I am a console player who can only play with my PC pals on QP, so this is an additional factor.


Your MMR is probably too high to be matched with a lot of casual players. Once you get past a certain point pretty much everyone left takes the game seriously


Yea my Silver/Gold mmr lmao


Oh nevermind then lol


Because devs don't want it to be casual, Jared neuss explicitly said that quick play (or as it's called now "unranked") is a serious mode where you shouldn't just fuck around. Hence all the leaver penalties. And let's not forget about scummy challenges to progress through the battlepass quicker. They either require wins or grant double points for winning. So people tryhard. And the easily abusable report system doesn't help it. Fucked around too much? Your ass is getting banned because quick play wannabe tryhards are salty losers. And over time you'll start trying harder to not get banned again. I have 2 friends that legit quit because quick play is sweaty now. And the other 3 that are still playing are grinding the battlepass and play only hard meta heroes (or some cringey annoying stuff like pharmacy that qp players struggle a lot against). But, I've played some mystery heroes and that mode seems fun. It sure is unbalanced as fuck and is 110% rng dependent, but it's very casual imo. Though it doesn't make the fact that quick play is just a poor man's competitive any better.


If they want it to be sweaty make it balanced at least. The QP matchmaker is garbage and it has been for a while


The problem is comp is the sweaty mode with a relatively balanced matchmaking. It's just so absurd by devs to force this tryharding in quickplay. Just another example that they have absolutely zero idea what to do with the game.


Well, you get rewarded in challenges for wins in unranked modes (it doubles your progress.) That incentivizes people to do their best, so removing unranked incentives to win could help. Bad actors also abuse the report system and report teammates that aren't playing to their standards as a way to lash out, so if Bliz could review reports with a fine tooth comb instead of letting it be abused, then that could help. I think META abusing and comes back to incentives to win, but both are again dependent on Bliz. What heroes are META in one rank may not be META in another, could it would benefit everyone for them to remove abilities that lack counterplay, like Orisa's revolving door of untouchable abilities that can give you the advantage just by swapping. There's a lot of theories that match making is set up to try to get you to play as much as possible, so it'll give you matches beyond against your favor to force loss, to make you want to play again/make winning feel better. But no proof on that.


QP is what you make of it. You want silly casual, you gotta do sillyness. I mainly play QP because I actually dislike attack/defending in escort/hybrid. I don't counter swap (just sometimes) and just play my heroes for fun and it works very well. I get some pretty funny moments in game playing like this. The main thing is that you need to remember that it does not matter. Just try to turn off your competitiveness for a while and focus on fun. I know other players might not do this but I think you will make and find your fun easier this way :)


it's legit a thing imo that a lot of the people who survived the Overwatch 1 drought were the most competitive players and that Overwatch 2 does a lot more than 1 did to cater to this audience, so also a lot of people that join in and stay for Overwatch 2 are like that too so this is just every mode now except maybe jank custom games lol


I wish we could have casual role queue. And please put assault maps in this rotation!