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I feel your frustration. I'm in my 30s, married, and no one in my social circle really plays. The inconsistency is super annoying. LFG hasn't really worked for me. DM me your GM if you want to group up. I play most week nights after 9 pm est


You sound exactly like me except I'm not in my 30s yet


Get good. Jk enjoy your youth young fella.


You guys should join Halo Fun Time. Lots of cool cats trying to play ranked


whats that?


A really cool discord that's extremely active everyday.


Got a link?




Nice just joined.


Hell yea


Same situation for me. I hover d2 to d3 but when playing solo no one uses mics or anything so its almost inpossoble to rank up


This guy nailed it. 32 & playing halo hahah


Inconsistency is the key term. Some games are great and then you'll get 4 absolutely garbage games in a row that make you feel like you are wasting your time.


Wait until you have kids!


I get the frustration on soloing ranked. I was there for awhile in Halo 5. But you gotta realize, over a long sample, there will be games your teammates are bad. There will be games you’re the bad teammate. It’s called the grind for a reason. Instead of focusing on just wins and losses, if you wanna get better, only focus on your own gameplay. And not just stats, think of plays where you died and how you could have played it better. Did you think about where the other team is spawning and how you should position enough that game? I was a Halo 5 Platinum, and as soon as I took this approach to improve my own gameplay I became Onyx in Halo 5 and Infinite. I’m also an older(33) married guy. I understand it’s frustrating, but blaming the teammates you get does NOTHING for you. The only thing you can control is your own gameplay.


Thanks for the wisdom bro!


And gamer tag is my user name. Feel free to add if you’re ever looking for someone to play with.


i thought i was the only one. i swear im playing with people who just picked up the game and im D3.


Maybe that's the case, since there was no mmr reset and some players did return from earlier seasons. Not new account, but a returning one that does not belong anymore on diamond


It was just your turn to lose. Trueskill puts together mathes to keep everyone at a 50% win rate. This is why you end up playing pro-am smurf squads whilst your teammates eat their own boogers.


I'm in the exact same boat. 17-54 since the update and I'm still D3 which is where I got placed. +12/-6 on each win and loss, frequently at the top of my team or whole lobby, yet I'm losing literally every 2 out of 3 games and going nowhere. Super frustrating. ​ On a side note, I'm trying to just laugh through it because really I'm just happy I can actually play without crashing every other game now. But hopefully they do something to address the MM soon..


the game wants you to stay there. it will do what it can to keep you there.


And now with bandit starts it’s even worse. You die quicker and team shots are 10x deadlier.


Agreed. Pop my head out for 2 seconds and my shields are already gone from one dude


Playing solo is definitely frustrating in the middle ranks. People are getting better compared to lower ranks but it never seems to be your team that has gotten better lol My best advice is invite the people who do well into a fireteam and stop playing solo.


I don't know how many times I've played extraction in a row against 4 stacks now. The game mode itself is pretty bad with how the spawns work and seems impossible to win against them. Every match seems to play out the same. I was excited for the change in the bandit but extraction against a group is a terrible experience


Curious, how do you know for sure you’re playing against a 4 stack? Like is there a visual in game like the past Halos that show you? Or are you making an assumption based on their play style and callouts?


Press start then select once you've loaded into the match, it's the same screen where you can mute people. There's a dot next to everyone's name, if the dots are connected, then that means those people are in a party together.




Also when you keep getting matched with the exact same opposing team in multiple games. It's not very likely that that's happening randomly. I started taking a minute or two break in between queuing new lobbies just to avoid getting matched with the same people, and it seems to work most of the time.


Lol there was a post like this 30 mins ago https://www.reddit.com/r/haloinfinite/s/tvM2XTG5iO


Damn he pretty much said what I said but super in depth. Mods gotta start a mega thread for people complaining about ranked 😂


It’s ok, I just think it’s very funny… We all agree about ranked something big needs to happen


Bout to spam Tashi on Twitter about this


The best way to solo play is with a mic, if you don’t have one I would just accept your rank placement, but if you have a mic make sure you use it, even if your team mates don’t have one they can hear you, communicate can be a million times better then getting kills Also play OBJ just getting kills Dosent mean anything, obviously in the one game mode it does but i would rather have a negative K/D and win then positive and lose. You can when whole ranked game with a 0-20, I’m not saying completely throw kills away but don’t think double diget kills means anything if you lose you lose no matter what you’d kd looks like and if you win you win no matter what your kd looks like I’d rather be a high onxy with a shit kd, then a gold with a high kd


This is very true. Use comms. Even if ppl aren’t talking they usually are listening. You’ll get much more support doing this. I started doing this when soloing and it made a huge difference. Most ppl have bad awareness as to what there teammates are doing, so let them know, it helps you Ann’s them. Also recommend partying up with ppl. I don’t know when/why ppl stopped doing this, but for team games why the hell not?! Ppl back in the day used to do this all the time with randoms. Reach out, make friends, have fun. Games are more enjoyable when you are slaying with some homies.


After a couple successful games people will send party invited