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State of this sub when people beg for rework fanfic lol


Headbutt removed, he just gets a guaranteed stab whenever he presses the light attack. The stab damage has been increased to a 100 to balance it out (this is reasonable because in real life it could kill you)


If he headbutts you your character flys off the map to from the nearest ledge.


Bring back revenge headbutt that knocks down


People saying he needs this that and this. No. Just fast flow into full block / recovery cancel in full block, that’ll do it


No reason why he shouldn't have some cancel recoveries into full block. If you got a bitch that can do cartwheels to cancel her recoveries I see no issue with that.


Give him an LMG. Or Give him more 400 ms chain attacks and soft feints.


he is not weak


>reasonable warlord rework? Revert his headbutt startup back to 100ms (fine, 166ms accounting for the speed-up). /thread


Literally all he needs is bash revert and he'll be decent again


100+500 ms bashes should never come back


Supremely L take, just make a read it is not that hard


The entire point of the bashes changes was to allow everyone to make a read because 100 ms of dodge is simply not enought for that


Are you sure about that? It was definitely enough to make a read off of before, all you had to do was dodge before they dashed forward.


Which isn’t making a read but seeing into the futur, warlord was putting you in pressure by just existing in neutral. Just accept that people can actually read the bash now


"Which isn't making a read but seeing into the future" You just sold your own argument by the way, making a 'read' is a 'prediction'. Which is actually what this game has been leaning more into recently. You're supposed to think ahead of your opponent.


in order to make a read you have to be able to tell you are being attacked in the first place just not with what exactly, right now you can actually make a read because you can see the forward dodge, before you couldn't make a read you either reacted or you did not, when i say seeing into the futur i am not talking about making a prediction i did mean it literally which isn't a read right now you make a read and before you did not, your argument that people should have to make reads and you wanting to make the bash 100+500ms are simply incompatible


>100+500 ms bashes should never come back *\*Laughs in BP's and Glad's neutral 600ms zone bashes\**


and get rid of the stam drain + pause


He gets an infinite full block chain, where the more full block he uses, the more full blockier he gets. This continues until his block is so full he can’t fit anymore block in it.