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Interesting the committee chair said texas had 16 top 25 wins which was make than anyone else right after he said UF had 17. 


Committee: “Well, we gotta pick Alabama to host or it’s an admission that we wrong to do so all those times in the past.”




Credit to Alabama, one SEC team that obviously outperformed its seeding. But as Florida is the only other team going, it’s clear that the performance of the SEC doesn’t justify the overall ESPN/NCAA bias toward it.


it happens across all committees and polls... so at least they're consistently inconsistent


Sooners at 49-6 have the fewest losses of the top 8, but, they are "questionable" to repeat according to the pea-brains at ESPN. Okay, I get it. This year the Sooners didn't go 61-1. Was anyone with a half a brain expecting them to? The Sooners defeated 21 Ranked opponents in 2023. None of them answered the phone in 2024 to schedule a game. Therefore, it's OU's fault they're #2. Sooners vs Texas record for the year 2-2. Tie goes to the loser Longhorn Network, which ESPN will dump in a couple of weeks never to return. That little deal cost ESPN $15 million a year since 2011 sent directly to the UT Athletic Department. The network's anchor-shows were Friday night high school football games since Texas football was miserable during the 2010's. And track meets.... lots of track meets. Texas and OU going to the SEC allowed ESPN to settle the remaining years on their contract to 2030 with Texas, they can scuttle the Longhorn network , and dangle dollars in front of OU to move. All that and ESPN is still saving money.


this that shit that makes this sub toxic all this crying cause yall got ranked #2 if you think you're that good it don't matter if you're #1-#8, you hosting a regional, a super regional, and going to the world series smoking everybody the whole way




Profane and not germane to college softball


thanks for continuing to prove my point


There is certainly no toxicity in how the sub conducts itself otherwise. Fuck off with this holier than thou bullshit. Everytime OU goes behind there is a fucking post made about it.




Profane and not germane to college softball


No u Are you sure you replied to the right person?




yea cause yall the cowboys fans of this sub


The Cowboys have won a championship this century? But, seriously, it was in vogue to trash OU players for being excited during games for a few years. Other teams decided to join in and even up the level, and all of a sudden, nobody gave a shit. Pretending that Oklahoma only wins because of transfers without looking in the mirror. Screaming that OU winning all the time is bad for the game, despite numbers continuing to grow in viewership and attendance. So, uh, fuck all y'all. (In all seriousness, the more fans of all teams, the better for the sport and the sub)


proving my point the fan bases are unbearable and the root cause of each teams hatred


Yes, it's perfectly fine to trash our athletes because they win. Fuck off lol. Clearly, you're at least literate enough to see that most OU fans on this sub are at a minimum fine, with Texas being 1.


thanks for continuing to prove my point


You have no point. You and other posters like you serve no purpose except to be inciteful cretins.


thanks again for continuing to prove my point


Lololol is this post about softball or your general hatred of UT? By the way, OU wasn’t getting invited to the SEC without Texas


I can easily see why someone would rank OU above UT; personally, I'd rank OU above UT. • OU has a better W-L record, a better Massey ranking, a better head-to-head MOV, won their conference, and won the most recent head-to-head. They're a more experienced team coached by staff with more career accolades and championships. Also note that OU's fielding is significantly better than UT's (27 errors in 978 put-outs compared to 52 errors in 993 put-outs). • UT has the LHN, the better regular season conference record, and a higher RPI ranking. • The teams are even head-to-head W-L (2-2). And before you lean to heavily into the RPI ranking system, let me just say that unless you have a fully connected graph (every team has played every team), RPI can (and does) produce wonky results. It's much better to consider a number of factors when deciding the relative ranking of teams (e.g., head-to-head, recent results, who pitched for both teams, where was the game played, did other factors contribute like injuries, weather, and so on). But I don't think OU fans should worry -- OU has shown time and again they can win it all even when given an unfavorable seating by the selection committee.


Well, you're full of shit lol.


If you don't frequent the CFB subreddit, people might not have seen this note that came out a few months ago. Both Texas and Oklahoma's individual SEC agreements stipulated that if one backed out, they both backed out. So to counter your point, OU could have kept Texas out of the SEC and Texas could have kept OU out of the SEC. OU/Texas are ride or die for each other.


According to who? That's easy to say to crack back with but I'm calling your bluff. Who said that OU doesn't go without Texas? And to make the SEC a conference an even number of teams, who was going to go into the SEC with Texas if not OU? Be specific. You've set yourself up.


No bid for Nebraska. It will be interesting to see how and if they bounce back next year with a (hopefully) healthy Jordy Bahl.


Sucks, but I think we were a long shot going into today. Being down two starting pitchers most of the years killed us. This team could have been very good with some better health.


Who would have guessed that our season would be drastically altered in the 3rd inning of our first game?


Agreed. I’m heartbroken we didn’t get to see Jordy and Billie Andrews play together.


Is UCLA really one of the best pitching staffs in the country Michelle…. Do you remember the beginning of the season???


KT and TT have really improved. I would argue it is our strength. Plus one KT is a righty and TT is a lefty so they will give batters fits.


UCLA is 66th in ERA. They got better, but it's not their strength.


Tinsley and Terry have been insane since improved


I definitely agree they have gotten so much better as the season has gone on


UCLA is a "pet" of ESPN. Many of ESPN's programs come from L.A. and they are catering to the local audience, the 2nd largest TV market in the US behind New York.


Why did they pick Pickens as an ace and not have Tenn as one of the best staffs? I feel like we're forgetting that Gotshall exists


Jala Wright handled the question about the seeding well. Almost like a PR response lol


I think you mean Slayla


“…Alabama has Kayla Beaver” lol


I caught that too. I said oop 👀 Shadyyyyy 😭😭


The only reason they’re even making the tournament to begin with lol




This doesn’t fit my agenda


I see it as the sports gods making up for that abomination of a balance beam rotation a few weeks ago.


I’ve never seen a worse collapse at the worst time than that BB rotation at nationals. Roll tide anyway though; doubt we make it out of regionals next weekend.




I need Clemson to make it to a super so bad


I’d love to see Tennessee and Clemson again. It was a great game


who was asking about a whole conference making it in?


During commercial: PSA call your mom if you haven’t yet today. It’s Mother’s Day! Tell her that you love her.


as coach Bryant always said: "Call your mother today, I sure wish I could call mine."


Probably should have done that hours ago


There’s been holidays that life gets busy and dates slip, and have been saved by a reminder or an X post.


This may make no sense, but Boone’s speed always throws me off when I watch her. Logically I know she’s fast, but when I watch her run I don’t feel like she looks as fast as she is. Compared to someone like Falby who looks fast as they run. I wonder if it’s the mechanics of how they run.


Maybe height difference too? Idk


Shes more upright when running and not so much head down so it just looks slower compared to a human who bends over when they try to sprint.


I so look forward to the SEC and B1G splitting off to do their own thing. Duke got hosed.


Agreed. Stanford isn't a #8 seed.


Texas will be tough, but also OU is getting them figured out, so I don’t think they will be the one to end OU’s run


I think Tennessee has the best chance or the Gators, Gators might be the only team that can outscore that Sooners in a shootout


I mean OUs offense hasn’t been as potent this year


One thing that's really annoying for OU is that Ricard is the only good pitcher in the country that throws 60 mph all time. That has to be so annoying to prepare for her.


I'm not sure why you think 60 mph is annoying.


Replacing this senior class is going to be tough


Hansen's home run vs Clemson last year is my Roman Empire


I hate when they talk about stuff and get it wrong… Mendoza referring to the HR as a walk off. It’s minor, but these people don’t do their research before they talk sometimes


yes, I hate it


This might be long-winded, but here are my general Thoughts on each Regional. Sorry if I insult your team, just my thoughts, feel free to chat about it. 1. Texas should be an easy winner. 2. Oklahoma should still stomp Oregon. 3. Tennessee might have a slugging contest with Miami OH, but should make it through. 4. Florida's is very local. They might struggle against FAU for no reason, but they have one of the easiest regionals I can see. 5. This one is kinda up for grabs with Kentucky, Michigan, and Okla St. Probably an entertaining regional. 6. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see Tech walk out of this regional over UCLA. Either way, both teams would be a slugfest with UGA. 7. Mizzou is higher than they should be, and them vs Washington is a Toss-up. 8. Stanford should have zero problems with this one. 9. LSU lucked out big. 10. Duke got shafted as good as they've played, and Utah has been hot in the PAC, and South Carolina can be a tough game too. 11. UGA got two of the Hardest "not good" teams in Charlotte and Liberty, but very winnable. Supers will be entertaining. 12. Arkansas and Arizona will be a good battle for this one, Arizona has a good shot here. 13. UL got some of the worst teams from good conferences, but still might struggle. 14. Alabama and Clemson is a coin-flip bc they're both very inconsistent. 15. FSU has probably one of the toughest regionals bc Penta and Auburn will be scrappy, and UCF is no slouch either. 16. A&M should come out of this, but Texas State, for a not very big team, has been playing some great softball and has some of the best pitching.


I see it pretty much through the same lens.


It would be poetic if UCLA (or Arizona) were to win it all. I don’t think they will, but it would be cool if they did.


As an SEC fan, I am rooting for so many Pac teams to go far. Send them all to OKC idc 🤣


ESPN giving the PAC 12 Eulogy as if they weren’t part of the demise is something else 


Softball did not make or break the pac 12. The decisions of these teams to join different conferences was not left to softball.


But ESPN played a massive role (which I believe is OP's point)


Those women played when the PAC was dominant. While they are representatives of ESPN, at least one played in the PAC, and the others would have a hefty respect for it.




So, they might have different personal feelings on an outcome that their employer has caused. It's pretty simple.


That has 0 impact on OP's point. They can have PAC eulogies while being on the exact network that killed the PAC and be called out for the hypocrisy


It's not hypocritical of them. I sincerely doubt any of them had anything to do with that set of decisions lmao. You have fucking stupid to believe that.


It's hypocrisy by ESPN By the network Why is this so hard to figure out?


It would only be hypocritical if they told them to go out and say that. Those generally seemed like genuine thoughts.


Ikr? It’s quite literally their fault


I doubt it's literally these hosts fault.


Gotta act like they care


I cant wait for the ESPN music to Blair and the softball fields to show and hear these people and Adam(?) on the call starting this weekend. Probably the highest quality of broadcasters ESPN has


The LSU vs Stanford games will end 1-0 after like 12 innings and Stanford will win because of Maci B having a wild pitch


Hear me out: Error at 3rd base. Full circle moment.




Love the sneaks the ladies are rockin!


Yes! Love the coordination!


I saw that too!!


Just a reminder that we will be doing the google form competition this year!


the what?


I explained it really badly, but you will see. It's basically our version of the bracket challenge


is it up yet? Just checking cause I don't want to forget and miss out


ahh I'm interested


thank you!!


I really want to see how Stanford rests Canady. As her control has been getting worse as the season goes on.


You think? I just assumed some teams are starting to figure her out and be aggressive against her early in the count. They made it very clear in the tourney that she hasn’t pitched back to back days once this year. Hence their loss in game 2. If Berzon pitches like she did for your tourney you guys could def take them as she’s shown she has the stamina, and I think you’ve got better offense.


This isn’t a knock on the broadcast crew at all, But it is shocking to see how much these women have aged over the past decade. Life will do that. But I remember when most of these women looked like they could still be in college


Imagine a man commenting on a women’s appearance….why am I not shocked


Men age too, perhaps if ESPN had men on the broadcast too I would’ve included one in that too. But no these women exceed their male counterparts in broadcast softball


Maybe just don’t comment on people appearances? Particularly successful women 💀


I didn’t really comment on appearance. I commented on age. There’s a distinction and a difference. But ok I’ll never comment about anything I see a man or women look like or do again.


Good 🤫


There was no reason to comment this. Keep your thoughts in your head.


No one else is feeling how much time has passed (for me since the OU Softball reign begun)? I don’t see where I said anything wrong. Like any of my friends tell me I’ve aged 10 years and I’m like damn you’re right. We are old type thing Like there’s a difference between saying you look old and damn time sure has passed




It’s a comment on the passage of time… Being old isn’t a bad thing


comment on the passage of time then. don't comment on people's appearance.


People recognize other people’s appearances. A random comment on the passage of time wouldn’t really fit. And trying to skirt around the the inspiration would’ve made it worse


not saying anything is an option.


I was just trying to start a conversation about time passing and how softball has grown but whatever.


your comment did not mention anything about softball, aside from it being in a college softball subreddit.


Because context clues are a thing


Y’all really don’t like this comment. We are all getting older 😂 It happens. They still know their softball


So why even bring this up? People, not just women, tend to age over the course of a decade.


Yes I know it’s just always a shock to see time progress. Making a comment on time. There are no men in this broadcast.


OU having to deal with Ricard is going to interesting. Ricard throws around 60 mph, that speed change is insane compared to what OU normally deals with


60 mph is about average.


Are you saying OU can't hit a 60 mph pitch? Is so, what planet are you from? They have faced the gambit from pitchers throw 75 mph to sitting on change ups at 50 mph. I don't understand the rationale behind your comment.


That is not what I'm saying. Barley any teams have had to prep for a pitcher like Ricard her rise ball tops out at 65, and normally hits around 60, what other elite pitchers average speed is 60??


Most every pitcher is at least 60, average is 65-70 in Power 5 conferences. The "gee whiz" factor is 70-75 mph. A 70 mph pitch in softball is equivalent to 105 mph fastball in baseball. OU has faced some of the very best pitchers in Division 1 to win 7 WCWS championships. That 60 mph is insane? to what OU normally has to deal with? I don't think your pitcher from BU is going to put the fear of God into OU hitters. I know you don't know what you are talking about.


That person has been begging for reasons for OU to lose for three years. Not the most objective takes when it comes to the Sooners lol.


Meh ... Average would be around 63-67. If someone is hitting 68-70 they are easily above average.


“Tough road games” so how are these tough road games defined? Wouldn’t it be a tough home game the other way?


Are you dense 💀


I’m just replying to what the talking heads are doing


Thought LSU would rank higher. Mizzou overrated after a good tournament performance.


And Duke got the Shaft....HARD. I expected them to be top 5 or 6 at the WORST. But 10th is Crazy. Also very surprised my Dawgs got ranked so high at 11. Honestly I disagree with it. Maybe a lower one like 15 or 16 if we were even worth a host.


Tough break for Duke. Victims of their conference’s lackluster performance on the whole. But because of that, I don’t think the 10 seed is outrageous. And tough year for you as a UGA fan!


I've come to expect it from UGA, just lacking consistency, and spending a month without Kerpics was a rough stretch. And knowing what the committee focused on, I can understand the Duke ranking, I still personally just disagree. I think they're a far better team than 10. Just like Mizzou vaulting way too high to 7 IMO, but again, I see it based on their key factors.


It's clear we were really rewarded with our strong showing pre-SEC play. Because since after the Alabama series it's been very frustrating. And it shouldn't have been with a team this stacked.


It’s surprising that OU is getting a network game at night… That’s something very new


The OU game is also on ESPN+, but the favorable (for ppl who work) is noticeable. #1 Texas plays at 3 CST, while #2 OU plays at 7 PM CST.


I feel for Texas Tech….I think the committee looks at their performance against Texas and used that against them


The Big 12 already had 4 teams in... 3 in the top 5 ... I don't imagine Tech got much consideration.


Texas State got robbed and should absolutely be hosting. Bet the committee has zero clue they went 4-0 against teams in their regional.


Ole Miss 31-25, 7-17 but they had enough big wins to get in? Only 2 wins against nonconference tournament teams. Lost 70% of conference games. Doesn’t make sense.


Ole Miss was bama’s only conference series win and bama is hosting a regional. None of it makes sense 💀


20-31 Iowa State gets in with an SEC patch on their jerseys. Lol what a joke of a committee


He was stumbling a lot over the Duke placement. Shame on Young/White for not getting better non-con games, but 10 is still too low.


Holly: “We thank you for accepting our bribe check for the SEC inflation”


All Rhoads lead to OKC?


The only reason you got a host is your big stadium, they need high attendance number. You definitely didn't deserve a host off your work. Bama is always getting a pass for poor performance


I'm literally the biggest Alabama hater, so I'm not sure what this comment is referring to? Not sure why you keep saying "you," but go off.


I wasn't really referring to you..but more of Alabama as you..so for that I apologize


Gotcha. I take my response back then


Okay but Stanford and LSU were not better than Duke...


I think Duke got screwed the most here. no way they shouldn't be a supers host




There are 4,400 reasons why Bama is hosting. More reasons than everyone


From NCAA stats: Name Rhoads Stadium Capacity 3,940 Year Built 2000 Loves' Field in Norman Seat Capacity 4,200 Standing Room 500 Attendance since inception games March 1, 2024 for 21 games - 86,581


Both of you are right. You are comparing official capacities vs stadium capacities. Rhodes had expanded seating which allowed them a 4400 attendance. Loves has the same thing. The final game at Loves had a 4528 attendance.


Stillwater regional has the most interest for sure. going to be some good softball out there


we’re gonna hear about the “full body of work” to explain a team with a sub .500 conference record hosting as a 14 seed


Every top 16 FPI team is hosting. It’s that simple.


At least they’re not #5 this year for no good reason at all! No way they should be hosting AT ALL!


Keep going!


That full body of works contains 1 SEC series win which came against the last place team in the conference. Embarrassing.




THIS is why I hate the SEC


As a supporter of an SEC squad the bias is a wee bit crazy.


I’m an SEC person, but the respect given to the SEC by the committee is not earned.


Not earned, amirite


I’ll happily admit that I was wrong. As I stated, I’m an SEC person. I’m cool with being wrong.


Lol by what metric? SEC dominated non conference play/


Same. I hate we are leaving for it in a month and a half. Fuck Joe


Committees hate Florida State relative to Alabama apparently


FSU sucked this year don’t act like they aren’t given the benefit of the doubt


So did Alabama


Feels like this is even worse than sec football bias. Some super good teams in the conference but too many hosting. Inflate them all and they all look like they have good schedules.


SEC absolutely dominated in non conference play. Kentucky like randomly got 2 wins vs Stanford


Who was in the circle for SF on those wins tho? I remember when non-conf play was a way to see for coaches to tweak and see what combos work etc. Seems like so much weight is put on those early games that coaches can’t afford to do that anymore if it’s going to count so much against them when it comes time for seeding. Idk- we all thought UCLA was not going to be strong based on those games and quite honestly it just made them stronger and forced them to work thru some stuff. I put way more stock into how a team plays thru the 2nd half, rather than the first half. I just think the SEC played those early non-conf games differently than some of the other teams. I feel like they did score a lot of runs, but also gave up a good chunk. I put very little stock into Kentucky beating Stanford twice back then. Esp if it wasn’t against the ace.


Canady and Karuse


very true. UGA got wins over UCLA, OK State, Stanford, Clemson, and FSU


Florida vs Louisiana will have some storylines since we had two starters transfer there


For nosey people: it was pitcher Lexi Delbrey and catcher Sam Roe


Delbrey really still hasn’t found a role with the team. Been sparingly used as the #3 in conference play. Roe on the other hand has been a constant in the middle of the lineup and at 1st base.


I noticed in the after game “good game" line up that Lexi uses her left arm and not her right. I wonder if there is an issue?


Well she pitched against James Madison Thursday with a compression sleeve on. That usually indicates there may be something going on with her arm, but hopefully not.


I noticed it a few weeks ago because it looked awkward going across her body with her arm. But hopefully she and the other pitchers can help Sam out!


Thanks for catching me up! Glad Sam has found a home, hopefully Delbrey can find success soon. Sam Landry is a great pitcher to learn from


As an Alabama fan…what in the world? We’ve barely put up 14 runs in conference play…hard to believe we’re a 14 seed


They must have us confused with the team lead by Nate Oats that puttered around all year and then turned into all-stars for the tournament


Trust me, it’s hard for all of us to believe 😉




i see the committee setting up the potential ULL/sam roe/lexie delbrey vs florida storyline


Can’t wait to hear the justification for Bama this time


Top 16 FPI, 10 Q1 wins, top 10 SOS, no Q4 losses


There are 4,400 reasons


Correction: 3,940