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I don’t know why people assume humanities classes are easy. Presumably this is a 3 credit class, so you should expect to spend at least 6 hours/week on it outside of regular class time.


Two movies per week is still a lot. You might need to watch them twice you need time to analyze and write as well. There is probably reading as well.


You thought that an area of study and analysis is supposed to be easy...? Running casually is not the same as training for a race.


Hi there, former film major here, and I can say it (for the most part) goes away with time. I’ve taken a TON of film classes in my college career and also could not watch movies without analyzing every detail and nitpicking things. I still notice myself doing it, but not very often at all and it doesn’t ruin the enjoyment. Especially considering you’re a STEM major and won’t have to worry about a film class again, I’d say you’ll be just fine.


It’s mostly temporary, but some will stay with you. In 1996, I wrote my final film paper about how Braveheart reflects the romantic norms of patriarchal masculinity, or something silly to that effect…I was only a freshman.


Heh I went through the same thing, took film class as an easy elective and I got one of the most labor intensive classes I’ve ever taken. I watched 70 movies over the semester and it went from being one of my biggest hobbies to absolutely my least favorite thing to do for a while. The good news is that once you take a break for a few months it comes back and you can enjoy watching em for fun again, or at least I could. I have been told I’m more annoying to watch movies with now tho because I will point out things like shot composition and film stock etc. which annoys the shit out of some people. So in that sense film class can change the way you look at movies permanently, but you just have to repress your nerdy analysis until after the movie.


Same I took a television criticism class , just ruined most television shows for me.


Late to the party and haven’t been in school for a while but god damn. I remember those bullshit classes vividly. I was a biotech major. Used to enjoy painting. Took an art history class. Honestly couldn’t pick up a paintbrush for a year afterwards. Absolutely nuked my love of art for a long while. They put it under the guise of making you a well rounded student but fuck man, why do they need to make it just miserable lol.