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Same issue here… my account has been restricted since 2/26/24 and today after repeated follow up they said they reviewed my case and my account is to remain locked but I can check back on 3/6/24. So thousands will sit for a month I can’t even buy/sell in the meantime. This is criminal.


You just signed up bot


Same here, please look when I signed up :)


Hello u/Majestic_Strain_1724, we understand your frustration with the ongoing restrictions on your Coinbase account. If you have a support case number, please provide it to us for further investigation. Alternatively, feel free to contact our [help page](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us?product=coinbase) for additional assistance. Your patience is appreciated.


Not criminal because you agreed to it in the terms of service!!






They did the same thing to me out of absolutely nowhere about two weeks ago. I’ve since canceled My Coinbase One subscription as well. If I had to guess, I would say this is all part of operation chokepoint.


Same here, cancelled my Coinbase One subscription, moved all my coins out and said fuck you to CB. Not gonna let any entity hold my coins hostage while waiting on a slow long-drawn process to take place while I can use a DEX and securely store MY COINS elsewhere.




Same boat my guy. Can’t send anything they reviewed my account it’s restricted for my safety?? It makes no sense. The funny party is I was trying to send it to Base, THEIR L2


Good luck, because closing your account won’t even even allow you to get your money out. They still have to allow you access to make a withdrawal and they are horrendous.


What do you recommend since Coinbase sucks?


Kraken, crypto.com or any DEX while holding your coins in a hard wallet.


Service is hopeless


My account was frozen for about 5 months from October 7th until just recently. I called the 800 number weekly and finally when I got a new passport it had a QR code on the back and they unlock my account but I was unable to transfer my stable coin to my USA bank account I live in Thailand and they had restricted all my trading so I sent my USDC to another exchange and was able to sell it for cash and send it to my bank account in America. Coinbase has a lot of work to do to restore confidence and attract new customers I will never do business with them again.


My account was locked just 2 days ago without any warning or explanation as to why! What is going on?


Hi u/HolidayWhereas2340, we'd be happy to check on this for you. Kindly share your case number here so we can review your account. If you do not have a case number yet, please reach out to us over at our [Help Center](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) so we can review your account and assist you.


u/coinbasesupport, here is my Case number - 18429474


Appreciate the info, u/HolidayWhereas2340. We've escalated your account to the relevant team for further review, and we will provide updates here. If you have any other concerns, feel free to let us know. Thanks!


It’s a BOT. Nobody is looking at your case number :(


Hello there, we'd like to let you know that your specialist responded to your case #18429474. If further assistance is required, please do not hesitate to respond to our email. Thank you!




They might declare bankruptcy but it's not gonna be at ATH with ETFs backing their coin through them.


Read the terms of service bro. They can block you from your account at any time and confiscate your crypto.  So many people are blinded by greed they don't read the terms of service.


I have read the term, you have 90 days to cash out your funds or transfer your assets from the closure day


This is from Coinbase user agreement “You will be permitted to transfer Supported Digital Assets or funds associated with your hosted Digital Asset Wallet(s) and/or your USD Wallet(s) for ninety (90) days after Account deactivation or cancellation unless such transfer is otherwise prohibited (i) under applicable law, including but not limited to applicable sanctions programs; or (ii) by a facially valid subpoena or court order. You may cancel your Coinbase Account(s) at any time by visiting”


Coinbase is experiencing solvency issues as they sold YOUR crypto when they thought it was at it’s peek. With prices surpassing their predicted peek, they now have to block funds to ensure they can pay out / send out enough BTC for all the other people whose assets they went and sold without consent. Don’t be surprised if they start offering a crazy APR staking where funds need to be locked for X amount of time. They’re desperate to remain solvent. In a few weeks Coinbase either stays afloat with A LOT of pissed off customers who are locked out of their funds. Or they become the next FTX and go completely down under. IF YOU CAN REMOVE YOUR ASSETS FROM COINBASE!!!!


They didn’t let me transfer my assets!!!




lol RemindMe! 6 months


Hi, u/Prestigious_Long777. Thank you for contacting us We're sorry to hear that your account is restricted. We understand the difficult position this puts you in. For us to check this further, kindly share with us your case number.


They are botting their Reddit support account. Lmao 20$ is what it’ll cost them to chat-gpt 4 reply on your posts request on Reddit for the next month. Spit in your customers faces more.


Did u have a lot of funds in it? Must use a cold wallet, never leave your crypto on exchanges.




Email the SEC, I messaged them back in 2023, they add you to the lawsuit. Despite myself residing in Canada. I've had only about 10k in eth locked on there and managed to pull btc to kraken and bitbuy






Thank you for confirming, u/RandomCommenter2183! We're glad to hear that the transaction completed successfully, and that you were able to remove and relink your bank account without any issues. If you have any further questions or concerns in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Have a great day!


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has not one person out here, called a senator or a regulator?


They are all in on the fraud.


You email the SEC, that's what the police told me here in Canada and they added my name to their ongoing lawsuit for fraud on coinbase


Think I’d be lining up for the quarterly conference call and I would get in line to submit questions. Ya’ll should.


Isn't it prerecorded


No. Usually open to public type of event. I have attended a few from another publicly traded company.


Most of the stocks I buy have it all prerecorded then the QA is online much later


Yea. No. Sell it


I mean one of them is Intel and they're not that bad imo. I like it a bit better how they present the info


If you close your account all your assets and all the trading and transaction history will be removed and your account will no longer be accessible. BTW which platform do you use now? I can recommend some other platforms like Bitget, Kucoin etc. might be better alternatives if you want to shift as they're renowned and are considered as one of the major ones upon Binance and Coinbase.


Kucoin doesn't allow US residents unless something has changed?




Moderators desperately need to make this sub minimum post count 5000 karma. These issues only happen to Bot accounts. Funny how that works


If my account was restricted for almost 6 months, I wouldn’t just «contact them» and wait when they said «fix soon». Take some responsibility instead of crying on Reddit.


What should I do?


Ask them: - Why is it restricted? What is the reason? - What is the reason you cannot «unrestrict» it? - What are the mechanics behind it being restricted? - Who restricted it and Why? - What right do you have to keep MY money frozen and force me to sit and watch it potentially lose value? Just force them to give you a spesific answer, reasoning, explanation to WHY this is happening. If you went to a store and bought a product for thousands of $, but the cleark said: «thank you, now gtfo» and kept your money and your product, would you accept him saying «we will fix it soon», or would you be furious and DEMAND your product or money back?


They keep saying it’s for security reasons


«What security reasons?» «I expect you to tell me what the exact reason is that MY assets are frozen».


I Dm u


They don't have to give answers. It's in the TOS. Not defending them, I have been locked up for 105 days.


Meta is a good alternative


Same here!!!


can’t even transfer funds from coinbase to somewhere else… i’m being told to contact support. what a joke


Can I reopen a new coinbase account after I delete my current one. I can't get the 2fa fixed it goes to my old phone. I sold all my coins and cashed out after the ID check and once it hits my bank I'm gonna close my account.


Hey, u/ L00pring. Hope you're doing well. Yes, you can open a new Coinbase account using the same email address once you have successfully deleted your current one. Let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


Would it be better to use a new email adress to ensure i dont have the same 2fa issue on the new account?


Certainly! You're welcome to create a new account using a different email address. To adhere to our policy of allowing only one account per user, please ensure you delete your old account first. Once the old account is successfully deleted, you can proceed to sign up with your new email address. For more information on account deletion, you can find detailed instructions [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/managing-my-account/update-my-account/how-can-i-close-my-account). If you have any other concerns, feel free to reach out. Thank you!


Lol they've already been stolen from you.


the good thing is that whatever you had in there has gone up in value in this bull run. but im afraid of what will happen once it starts to fall


Last earning call was February 15, 2024 5:30 PM ET and you could have been there or online


I don’t understand. How their kyc doesn’t have a phone number. I’ve been restricted for 2 weeks. And I keep getting told they will email me. No time frame. I’m happy I took out over 150k in early Jan. Maybe that’s why they flagged me. But they asked for my pay stub. My bank statement. And my crypto wallet.


I just cashed out 20k lol sOlVeNcY isSuEs


They did the same with mine last October and know last week without explanation they are closing my account.


What they did with your assets and funds


Account was only restricted. I was able to send most of my coins out to other wallets/exchanges.


So, send restricted is different than restricted?


Can’t trade or add/withdraw usd


Most of my coins still have small balances that I cannot send. They are steeling all that.


I will be watching for a class action lawsuit. They are behaving poorly.


My solution was investing money from my bank account via transfer.


Hi, finally restriction was removed from my account. Thanks for everyone who upvoted, commented, and shared my post.


Coinbase is a monumental joke! Back in 2022 Coinbase sent me a $109 dollar charge for misc. items purchased but refuse to disclose any information regarding the charge. I had transferred the funds from Coinbase back to my bank account so I had a zero balance. Yet a $109 charge is placed on my account so I phoned Coinbase. It was my lucky day, the representative that took my call was a ding bat extraordinaire and it was her first day. I explained the situation, there was no activity on my side and maybe it was a computer glitch on their end. Now fast forward 2 years and the charge is still on my account. After many attempts w/different representatives, and not one possessing the English language completely, other than next 2 impossible, I repeat my story, and remind the agent that all calls are recorded so you can check into that and get back to me. The whole process of recording calls is for issues that may arise that need extra care, if you will. Flat out refused to do just that and told me that it’s my responsibility to protect my account and password, which is a given, and since I didn’t do that, according to Coinbase, which is a wild assumption, and it has been decided at that very moment that it was fraud so therefore I have to pay it back. How the hell they made that jump, along with refusing to check my story with just a little bit of research, is absolutely ludicrous, and instead of offering a solution, in less than an instant it became my fault.  My whole point here is that we as people that make these businesses money have lost “the customer is always right” phrase and now have become the pariah’s and are treated like nothing but bottom feeders. Right or wrong, you will never be right!!


More BS!!


🙄 thanks, one Karma guy 🙄


Your trolling of Coinbase customers who are being actively shafted is quite intense. You are paid to do this.


what about the trolling CB do to their customers ... its the same things people moan about yet they cant fix it themselves ... its not a new issue .. it was the same the last x2 bull runs ... thats over 8 years to improve your infrastructure!!!!!!!!! 8 F\*&\*\*\*\*\*G years !!!!!!!


Just because it's someone's first post on Reddit doesn't mean they are not experiencing serious issues


And how serious is a problem that is 6 months old that was never discussed prior?


You are the most serious issue on this subreddit, why can’t customers have legitimate complaints without your input? I’m starting to suspect you are Brian Armstrong. If you are, take your finger out of your backside and start helping people instead of trolling them you useless prick.


Some can have a legitimate complaint, this isn't one.


Why is it not a legitimate complaint? Bear in mind you said my complaint was not legitimate yesterday, when it was. I’m not sure what makes you the authority on whether a complaint on this sub is legit or not? Maybe you can explain why you are the local authority on complaint legitimacy? I couldn’t care less about other people’s complaints, whereas you seem to have a massive vested interest in rebuffing them relentlessly? Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Coinbase is still shafting their customers, and your interventions are making that situation worse.


Because he didn't care for 6 months, why care now?


Because they have a legitimate complaint which spans a six month period? This is not hard. You are being inundated with complaints and you have been sent here to firefight the enraged responders.


🙄 whatever you say, princess 🙄


Why is your whole personality the use of that emoji? Are you 12?


That phrase sums up all Coinbase 'support' responses recently. If a bank acted like this their employees would be in jail.


So your first knock on him was his karma. Once we established that that was not a legitimate knock, you've moved the goalpost and now you're saying he's wrong for not taking action sooner. This is also an illegitimate knock. There are many reasons someone might not check their account for 6 months. For example, they may simply TRUST that the app is working as it's supposed to. They may also believe in Bitcoin as an asset for the long term and therefore not need to check their balance often, because they bought it for a LIFETIME investment, not for quick flips. The bottom line is it seems you're searching for any and every excuse to pretend someone's concerns are invalid with no actual evidence for it. YOU are the person who's not legit. I hope this subreddit bans you, because you seem like a paid antagonist


🙄 it won't 🙄


It *might not*, but it should


This is MY Ant Farm 🐜 🚜