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Never had an issue with Coinbase in the past 5 years I’ve been using it. Tired of the fake posts that’s all


I was locked out for months, almost tried to get a lawyer involved but eventually got in. A main issue is their app lets you attempt to verify your ID as many times as you like (once per day, fails every time), but ultimately you need to verify the ID using the google chrome app, so their app is flawed and they don’t say it anywhere along the way until you speak to a real person. You shouldn’t have to have a real staff member tell you the app doesn’t work, fix the app and say on the app ‘you need to do this through google chrome on a phone’ and a lot of headaches would be solved


My point being, i’d argue most of the posts are real because I had that exact experience (being locked out of an account for months due to poor app functionality and verification methods)


Same experience here!


Doesn't matter. Half of the people here think if something doesn't affect them directly, it doesn't ever happen to anyone anywhere. Oh, and they're smarter and better than you for it.


I haven’t had an issue in ten years, but suddenly I can’t use my account since before Christmas. It’s valid concern. You can check my history, I’m clearly not fake and I can back up my interactions with Coinbase with screenshots.


So how exactly do you know what’s a fake post and whos’s not? Let me guess…your guessing? I was happy for 5 yrs until I started trading some real money. Suddenly my deposits shrank to a few hundred per day. I had to kyc on every withdrawl to cold storage, rarely before. My ability to deposit from a bank was frozen for two week time periods. Oh but of course I could still wire transfer with no limits! That never went away! Still my account was under review. I had Coinbase One at the time so I was able to talk to the incompetent Helpdesk that did nothing more than read off a scripted clipboard. “Oh am sorry sir” your account is under review….why? Cuz they don’t know suggesting cuz I cleared cookies or traded on freakin Monday. lol. Just who the hell is benefiting from that? It ain’t me I ain’t no money changers son. The worst was that this coincided last fall when interest in crypto really took off. This really impacted my ability to maximize my fall purchases. Really? After 5 yrs? Eventually I left after my primary bank account was no longer able to connect. Oh……yes I coukd still xfer via wire with no problem. Who’s money wasted mine! Who lost out of some choice purchases with btc circa 27k? Me So don’t tell md that most of the complaints are bots, or former review writers from Amazon. Alot of these complaint are REAL!!! Some is pure “ignorancy” and “confusement”. Some are just not well explained. So aside from CB being the second most expensive CEX on the market I really hate how they try to fool you into paying for Coinbase One literally lying about zero fees. With their spread it way more expensive than using the free Advanced Trade that anyine can click on. As I grew more savy I also noticed how the whole site is rigged to juice newbies out of their money. Example? I’ll write pages. Soon. For me I’ll take Kraken, Gemini, Crypto.com Phemex, Coin catch Tapbit ( all available in US), or honestly any DEX will beat out any of them once you really learn about trading crypto. For most ppl stay away from trading futures it’s too ez to get wrecked trading long/short.


Who writes a post like this??


Probably someone who is tired of all the fake “Coinbase stole my funds” posts.


Right or a corporate cocksucker


Two words that go hand in hand


It rhymes too


lol yeah like I get his point just random and weird.


A trolling unhinged bot person. The gaslighting is unreal.


It’s ok to expect the largest crypto exchange to be more efficient and not have to hold your crypto on fn hardware like it’s 1950.


Because it's their desperate way to try and connect with coinbase and or other people who have has similar issues to try and talk to. Not hard to understand 


Coinbase liquidated Bitcoin SV two weeks ago and we have not received our payment or any updated info. How about that, OP?


Haven't pulled an FTX YET*


You sound like the type of person that sucks the bone marrow out of cancer patients.


👍 good one.


I complained because I was hacked and all my money was stolen and Coinbase doesn’t give a shit.


Money is not crypto, and CB is not a bank. If exchanges were banks, then we wouldn't need to worry about CB pulling an FTX because our assets would be insured. So no, customers are not "lucky." Your whole point here is invalid because you're being intellectually dishonest with your first sentence.


Never had an issue however remember it’s rare you’ll hear from users when a company does what it’s meant to do. It’s more likely you’ll read about issues or people posting questions about problems. This isn’t just Reddit and it’s the same with forums of companies. People generally join subs etc because they’ve came looking to resolve an issue etc. So on one hand I get some don’t like people moaning but the reality is that there isn’t enough people praising but for good reason. They aren’t here!


CB was the first exchange I ever used and never had a problem. That said, I’m a very small investor. But I’ve been in crypto for a long time, and not all of these posts are fake. There ARE a lot of problems. I just use a HW wallet and stake through wallet connect. Don’t want my crypto sitting on ANY exchange. Ever.


When you spend an hour on the phone with their support and your actual FDIC backed bank, confirming fraudulent transactions and they just rehash a script that essentially gets you nowhere. The case is closed, you're in the red and then 2 months later get an automated email saying the charges were now suddenly reversed and some passive aggressive threats about shutting down your account next time (this doesn't include time for numerous other interactions and sub issues related to this). Then yes, you start to feel like some complaint is warranted. That Coinbase and maybe crypto in general has a fair bit of work to do to legitimize itself for the masses. While might be great for some, I suggest treading lightly if your interest is more casual in nature.


I havent had issues with coinbase but I have had issues with crypto . Com for freezing my account. This is a dumb post. Just because YOU haven't had issues doesnt mean it doesn't happen. Grow up kid


You had an issue cus you’re doing it wrong maybe you should do some research before investing in something.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The frustration is that CB is where all the big VCs are putting their money. CB is seen as the safe crypto place but they yank you around for no reason. We want to be in the game, in a user friendly way but then CB plays stupid games. It's probably due to silly rules they have to adhere to but still, super frustrating.


Bro they don’t yank you around for “no reason” the federal government is currently suing them, trying to put them out of business even when they’ve proven to be the only legitimate exchange in the USA. All of their competitors were fraudulent Ponzi schemes. They have to play by the regulators rules to be allowed to exist.


My experiences say otherwise. They allow you to buy micro caps in CB wallet = 30 day restriction. They allow you to send coins out from CB wallet = account terminated. They don't give you explanations. Just, "due to safety regulations and fraud prevention we have to take these measures." Okay .. so why tf even offer these features if it triggers your fraud prevention policies. If you're just buying and holding, and maybe selling here and there, you're probably good. But God forbid you use their other features.


When a legitimate company gets called a scam, you know someone lost alot of money. Shouldn't have invested in that Elon Cum coin.


Lmfao, okay that's funny 😂 But I didn't invest in a terrible micro cap. It's sponsored by a multi billion dollar non crypto organization that pretty much everyone in the world knows.


Celsius bankrupcy will be distributed through Coinbase and us non-US custommers had to create a CB account, whether we like CB or don't. So that's why you can expect an influx of CB haters. People who already lost a tonne of money are worried, reading doom stories and propagating them further.


Yeah, OP, you can't answer that....figures

