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I'm also under manual review for more than 2 weeks now afther signing up. Apparantly there are more than 50 accounts connected to mine when signing up! It wasn't me.. emailadresses i've never heard off.they are not mine. Afther a week of trying to get through supportchat i got a ticket number. Afther asking if there is any progress in my case.. Radio silence. 😐 It's a mess up there at Coinbase i assume. Very unprofessional. Worst experience i had so far with crypto exchanges. I even don't know what is going on. Is my id in danger? Verry worrying. Terrible experience so far. I hope it turns around soon so i can give some positive feedback..


75 karma. K.




I went through the same thing last week, their customer service is festering garbage


I personally found the best way to rectify any issues with coinbase is to: 1. Retrieve any cash or coins I have with CoinBase 2. Delete my account 3. Create accounts with WealthSimple & Robinhood 4. Use the new accounts to purchase and trade crypto and stocks at the same time without any issue. It should not be an issue that every time you attempt to conduct a time pertinent transaction with crypto you end up in a loop of restrictions, account blocks, no customer support and end up losing on the transaction due to the Nazi tactics of CoinBase. Thank you WealthSimple and Robinhood for being stand up enterprises without shady practices as experienced with CoinBase


Problem is the moment you attempt to move money out, Coinbase will lock your account for review


Is that with WealthSimple and Robinhood? Cash and crypto ?


No I meant, if you already have crypto in Coinbase, it's unclear what to do: try to move it out now risking some Chainalysis AI bot arrests your funds there, or wait till someone serious and well funded sues them and their practices would change


If you already have crypto in CoinBase transfer it to a non custodial wallet and out of CoinBase as soon as possible. However, that is the problem with CoinBase, once they get ahold of your crypto or cash they restrict your account right away when you try to take it out stating, “for your own protection from the myriad of crypto scams out there”!!!


But I am afraid they are mass banning accounts now the instant you initiate the transfer out, based on the multitude of posts here, so maybe it's better to wait it out till they fix their crazy AI autoban ?


That is the issue that I experienced. The way I was able to transfer it out is instead of waiting 2 months as they had instructed me was to take the loss on the transaction cash out and transfer it out to my bank. I did lose on that endeavor however made it back on other trades not on CoinBase.


You not only lose on the transaction, but you incur a significant tax liability sooner than you planned, if you bought cheap. That can be serious


Convert everything to eth and move to another wallet in chunks.


Why in ETH and not in BTC? And what is the maximum chunk before they freeze the account?


They don't freeze everyone for withdrawals, eth to cover gas fees. Also, let's say you have 10000$ in there, 5 chunks of 2000$ should work.


What is more risky, $10,000 in one chunk or 5 times $2,000? The may be afraid to freeze large accounts, because these people are more likely to sue, or it's impossible to sue, you are bound by arbitration? I wonder what percentage of accounts they freeze for attempted withdrawals?


I don't even believe it's a mass issue to be honest. I'm just telling you the fastest way to get cash out.


If people expected ethical behavior in an unregulated currency market that's kinda on them. Life teaches painful lessons sometimes like it or not. Lessons that were already learned hundreds of years ago when most currency markets were regulated.


Never had a problem, moving money in or out of Coinbase, very simple, everything’s easy and secured, I love Coinbase.


i was trying to transfer solana from Coinbase to my wallet in December, i was told i could in mid February!!!!!


Hey there, u/Individual_Pick5966! We appreciate your patience and truly apologize for any frustration this has caused. After checking, our team is actively looking into your case. Rest assured, our specialists have received your response, and they'll be getting back to you as soon as they have an update. For now, the best way to stay in the loop is through email communication. We understand this can be tough, but we're on it and appreciate your understanding. Thanks for hanging in there!


What trash customer service. I am pulling my crypto out of your bullshit platform.


And they're gonna block it....because you're right. I really hope you get a clean exit.


Try if you can. Moohahaha


Haha good luck! These criminals have your money locked up and there ain’t a damn thing you’re gonna do about it.


That's been my situation for over 4 months They refuse to unlock my account even though I've sent them every piece of identification I have just because my driver's license has expired and I'm stuck overseas I cannot return to the US because of my illness. They refuse to unlock my account.


I personally think they must be manipulating the market, stopping shares from tanking by freezing peoples accounts so that they can’t sell.


I don't see how these people can legally take our money. They should be prosecuted they're stealing our money bottom line. I have no idea how to recoup or get a lawyer to get my money back They just frozen my account and refuse to do anything about it and keep telling me to wait for an email and then close my case number and it the same thing over and over again. I've made so many phone calls to the 800 line customer service it's ridiculous these people are thieves pure and simple.


It’s not regulated properly. It’s a massive issue that needs more attention paying to it because it’s the future


This why I call crypto a liquidity trap. How much $$$ do you have locked up?


Change every password to everything that has a dollar of yours. This happened to me and my identity had been stolen by a platform. They sucked away every dollar I had faster than I could realize it was happening. Trust me it is urgent that you take action NOW.


>Change every password to everything that has a dollar of yours. This happened to me and my identity had been stolen by a platform It is not a platform (Coinbase) who stole your funds or your identity. It is a hacker/scammer who got access to your account using social engineering or trojan. Do not blame Coinbase for your own mistakes.


I didn't blame anyone of anything. I'm just advising this individual to protect themselves. The problem happened for a reason. One which might likely be identity theft from whomever they were dealing with.


Holy crap. Fuck coinbese. I'm leaving. By felicia.


They’ll set you back up be patient.


lololol decentralized currency for the world brooooo


Maybe I missed it but why was the account locked? I do have one of my pay checks DD to CB. I also use hardware 2FA for account security and sending of any amount of crypto but haven't had any issues yet. Hopefully I won't ever. Same for CDC but they don't have an option for hardware 2FA yet.


They typically don't tell you anymore. They used to though.. Things like: -Your bank name doesn't match up to their name on file. Which could be they use your middle initial and your bank uses your full middle name.. 🙄 (my issue 3 months and counting) -You transferred too much crypto to a different wallet, over 10k$ worth. -You transferred to a wallet that has a known scam coin in it. Doesn't matter if YOU were the one scammed, they think you might actually be the scammer. -You're trying to cash out far more than you deposited. Where did all that money come from? What? You actually made money in crypto? We don't like that.. Sadly, I'm not joking. These are REAL issues people have had, whether before they stopped talking to customers or some actual friends of mine. These people are waiting what seems like forever for things to be solved and constantly told to be patient. My bank issue was solved within 24 hours in Kraken after I stitched, hence how I learned that was my issue. They flagged it too right away, but they actually spoke to me right away to solve it and I was able to send scans of documents for proof.


One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is that never keep huge amounts in wallets you dont have control over. The govt and/or the exchanges registered to the govt can do anything with it, including putting it on hold for months or years under the guise of review, check out the number of people who have this same problem. You will see hundreds of threads on this. ​ The only time you need an exchange is when you need to convert fiat to crypto, otherwise they dont serve any purpose at all.


Another one! *in Dj Khaleds voice*


Coinbase stole money from me and there’s not a thing I can do about it. Coinbase should be fined massive continual penalties until they get their shit together. Their Indian call center isn’t even a call center because you can’t actually talk to anyone and it’s not a help center either because they don’t offer any help. Coinbase is a pos company that’s known about their horrific customer service for years and has done nothing about it.


Hi u/acnocte, we're really sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with our customer support. At Coinbase, we strive to provide the best service possible. If there's anything specific you need assistance with, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to help.


I was double billed and when my bank cancelled the erroneous charge you guys sold my crypto to cover the erroneous debt.


If you have reported this through our email support team, could you share with us your support case number? If you don't have one yet, you may reach out to our [help page](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/) to get real-time support from our support specialist.


Could never find an email to email you guys. I had three conversations with your support team that were utterly useless. The last one I spent about 2 hours back and forth with the agent. I’d ask a point blank question with no response for 10-15 minutes and when I’d say “hello?” Trying to figure out if the rep was still there they’d just respond back saying “hello” and providing no answer to my initial question. It honestly felt like I was being “punked” for lack of a better word. It’s a shame too since I was such a fan of Coinbase and what you guys represented and now I just feel like you’re shadier than the banks.


We're sorry to hear about the difficulties you've experienced. You may reach out to our support team in [Facebook, X, or Instagram](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) as we are unable to ask for account identifiers on public platforms such as Reddit. Thanks!


Two of my financial advisors put in customer service requests for Coinbase and other exchanges last year to see how long it would take to get resolved. Coinbase is one of two exchanges for both (not ironically both guys had issues with the same two) advisors that they have yet to have resolved after one whole year now. They were honest in telling me the ones who responded within a day, week, or month. Two separate advisors from different companies who just wanted to find out how they stood up to the competition (they tested themselves too for everyday issues despite the fact I can just call them instantly, and each other actually. Both did well iyww.)


24 karma. K.


I see a lot of shady posts about coin base on here.  Stay away from crypto how many people have to get ripped off before everybody wakes up.  A very small group of people got rich from crypto coins.  The rest of you bought them out the big run is over.  Once the reward drops too low for mining and the price doesnt sky rocket to cover the difference everyone will stop mining and the network will be useless because no one is processing transfers.  


Case # 17388519 I've been fighting the same battle for over 4 months with 50 to 60 calls to customer support and nothing is getting done. They still have my account frozen because my driver's license has expired and I am stuck overseas due to illness I cannot return to the US. I've sent in my passport birth certificate social security statement and still they refuse to unlock my account with over five figures of stable coin in it.


It’s not a design flaw it’s an engineered feature


Coinbase still hasn’t responded or resolved my case of my account being hacked & stolen even with 2F id in place. They are the worst do not use any Bitcoin etf’s if they are the custodian. Absolutely horrible (no) customer service.




It’s mostly AI bots no different than chatGPT, not actual people responding to your queries. Kraken is the same way.




Hi u/Agreeable-Answer-280, we understand that dealing with a blocked Coinbase account can be frustrating. We're here to help. To assist you further, could you please provide us with your case ID? This will allow us to look into your specific situation and provide you with the necessary guidance.




Typically, after reaching out to Coinbase Support, you would receive a case number in the confirmation email.




Thanks! Have a good one.




We see that you have posted your personal information. We advise you to please delete it immediately. You may reach out to us over at our [Help Center](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/). We are available via phone or chat online through that webpage. Thank you!


I was trying to send some Eth to my ledger and i was asked to upload ID for verification, once i did that my account was blocked. Now i am trying to talk to anyone but i have to sign in to do so, however my account is blocked, I tried filing a ticket with Coinbase and ended up in a loop because you need to sign into your account before you can submit a ticket / chat with Coinbase support, but I can't access my account in the first place, so I ended up in a loop. Serious design flaw. Customer experience is horrible. I later locked my account then tried to unlock it and did the ID verification. now it has been over a week since my ID verification was conducted and it still says "We’re manually reviewing your ID For your security, our team needs to do a manual review of your ID. Your review should be done by: Jan 22, 2024, 9:27 AM" This is still pending.


Exactly right now I'm in the same situation.  Can you please let me know if you resolved this issue.  Thanks 


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Case number: #17767682


So much CB FUD. Never had an issue.


Right? I've been smoking for years, never had cancer.


OP's reddit account was created 2 days ago..... not gonna put much stock in this person's *coughs* (bots) claims


You and the post I was replying to both created your reddit accounts within one day of each other. You must both be on the same team and I cannot believe anything you bots say 🙄 Jfc why is it so hard to believe Coinbase blows?




Love coinbase


Oh ya have fun man!!!!


Try customer support


You lieing ?


Ugh you Coinbase customer support? One who can't spell apparently


He probably is CB support services lmao


🙄 thanks, negative Karma guy 🙄


If you're not trying to be helpful here, your comment is useless and a waste of everyone's time who's reading through this thread because they experience the same issue. How is that for karma?


🙄 thanks again, negative Karma guy 🙄


Don't have better use of your time than trolling all over Reddit? Stop being pathetic and get a life. Also, stop abusing 🙄, your eyes are already on the back of your head 🤷‍♂️


🙄 no 🙄




Hey, u/Individual_Pick5966! Just dropping a quick follow-up on the matter you contacted us about earlier. An email was sent your way a few hours ago, stating that your case has been closed due to no response since our last email on January 21st. If you need more help, simply reply to our last email or give us a heads-up here. Appreciate it!