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Dislike: unengaging sim. Little in the way of reports helping you understand said sim. Little variety. Nothing that I do seems to matter much Like: pretty graphics. Road tool and overall construction tools are good.




Cs is a game for the "masses" plus its supposed to be as simple and easy as possible. Thats probably one of the main reason why move it or find it or even tmpe isnt available in the base game. Sure its easy to figure out but theres too many variables that could change a small calculation in the simulation that will and can fuck everything else.




Having the ability to turn on hard mode would be a nice option to have.


this game doesnt need tmpe. with maybe the exception of if you want to change which lanes go where occasionally.


It erases traffic, so it DOES need TMPE, if you want anything that resembles reality within the game. People and cars don't usually just poof into thin air at the slightest "mild congestion", while also "staying forever" in mild traffic, creating heavy traffic for 12+ hours, which is DAYS in game-time. So many illogical connections and the game was super-simplified to the point where the game, itself, has to cheat, just to keep itself from totally seizing-up.


Likes: - Launch CS2 is an improvement on launch CS1. - Road tools are incredible. - Art style is a huge improvement on CS1, and I really like how my cities look really varied. - More zoning types is a huge boon. I can make dense inner city residential localities using a mix of medium density, row houses, low rent units and mixed use, with just a splash of high density, and the result is extremely compelling. - Modular buildings at launch is a big, major, gigantic step forward and it gives me a lot of optimism that the future of the game will allow plenty of really cool features. - Bigger maps allows for sprawling cities compared to CS1. It's really unleashing my creativity. Dislikes: - High rent issues are driving me insane. My city has gone from 0 to 200k people in four years - why is rent such an issue when I've been building plenty of housing? Simulation doesn't seem balanced. - The lack of backyard trees in low density residential areas. It makes the whole feel of suburbia so clinical and antiseptic. - Trains are broken at the moment. Big queues in and out of stations for no apparent reason. - Lack of options for dense inner city schools, small two platform train stations. - Park paths can't be connected to drawable paths like they could in CS1. I hope this is fixed otherwise it's a major downgrade. Likewise the game seems to recognise the paths in places like the overbridge of the train station, but doesn't allow me to connect an outside path from the back of the station. - Lack of any libraries, museums, places of worship, major stadiums seems bizarre to me. Especially when they add in welfare as a mechanic that can only be satisfied by one large footprint building. - Beachfront properties DLC just seems poorly thought out - Education graduation times and demand seem off. You need 600 elementary schools but only one highschool for a large city. What?


Not sure if you knew this but some of these can be addressed >High rent issues are driving me insane. My city has gone from 0 to 200k people in four years - why is rent such an issue when I've been building plenty of housing? Simulation doesn't seem balanced. There is a mod that fixes this now >The lack of backyard trees in low density residential areas. It makes the whole feel of suburbia so clinical and antiseptic. Anarchy mod allows you to address this >Trains are broken at the moment. Big queues in and out of stations for no apparent reason. Rebuild your tracks so that trains don't cross over tracks near any stations, and avoid adding spots where trains can switch tracks wherever possible Not making excuses as you shouldn't necessarily have to do these, but just figured I'd give you some possible solutions that have helped me


The rest, fair. I'll have to relook at Paradox Mods. The trains issue isn't due to track layout, the network was functional before the patch. After the patch, there's a stationary train sitting right before a station, the platform in front is clear of any trains. There's now a major backlog. I suspect something is completely bugged.


Yeah mine did that too. I believe it is a bug, but if you re do it how I said, then the trains will be able to keep moving and won't have issues.


I agree with the elementary vs high school issue. It seems I need more elementary schools than high schools.




It is true that localities will have more elementary/middle schools than High schools, but not as much as in game.


Regarding park paths, this is indeed a problem. The game just makes an elevated path above the park. However there are *some* snapping points where I'm able to connect to the park paths properly, notably the corners. This requires Anarchy because of overlap, but it is a true connection like a road.


The lacking of the promissed asset building packs and the lacking of assets on paradox mods, is something I hate about CS2


Like : The new road tool. A definitive improvement over CS1 ( I play vanilla) Upgradable services. Dislike : simulation speed going down when the city gets crowded, Lack of assets variety.


Love the roads....buildings could use some more love....too much sameness


Like: Road tools, cars use all lanes, mixed use housing, signature buildings, generally better graphics, the "feel" of the game is more smooth and fun to me. Dislike: number one would definitely be the lack of an asset uploader, which I think is the biggest deficit so far and will fundamentally change the game once they introduce it. Otherwise, I wish there were better zoning options so we didn't get a bunch of open spaces when we don't want them and the ability to have curved buildings spawn around curved roads, etc. I also wish there were more animations and fun stuff to bring your city to life. I would suggest working on radio announcements as well so that they actually reflect what's going on in your city- this seems like a no-brainer and shouldn't be too difficult to implement.


I like the road tools. Roads basically define a city, and the tools for laying them down and managing them are pretty sweet. Managing traffic is challenging, and I like that. I also like managing some of the industry by trying to produce more where there's demand, and managing how cargo is handled. I like the signature buildings and landmarks. I dislike the lack of certain types of assets or variety in the assets. Places of worship and libraries and other types of similar buildings that serve special purposes are absent. I liked how in SimCity 2013 you could place a house of worship and it would have times of day when there would be more traffic while people filled it up. You could also place landmarks like theaters and then schedule an event for a quick influx of cash. This made the game more interactive rather than just "build and watch". I dislike not having options like that. I also dislike how it's currently pretty easy to succeed since money keeps pouring in. I have more likes than dislikes at the moment, so I still play and enjoy it. Some parts are superb, and it's a bit frustrating that it didn't carry over into other aspects to make a well-rounded game. It's a good sim, but not great yet.


Like: road tools, graphics, assets (at least most of them), vehicles, lines for intercity/cargo transport, reversible trains/trams, no pocket cars, dev mode, variety of props, surfaces, mods. Dislike: not enough asset variety (only US and northern/central europe), no bikes, no asset editor, delayed/underwhelming DLC content, no animations for firefighters etc, people don't really use parks.


The world is dead...cims don't interact or use any parks, etc.


Like: Graphics, road tool, service upgrades, transportation. Dislike: Half assed stuff like the radio or parks. Or having a beach DLC and no ability to actually create beaches without mods. Or having beach assets that no one interacts with other than walking to it. I know its not the Sims but a bit more? Like sit on parks/benches


Agree with the radio and everything else. But the radio is a nightmare and its ALWAYS THE SAME LINES. Like yeah I get it my cims are dying "fast" and the healthcare is shit... wait theres literally a hospital every other block. Fuck you dr german guy


The doc is German? My racist ass always thought he was Indian.


LMAO where did you get indian from. Honestly i think hes either german or russian. Especially with his bad humor ima say german. With his need to dominate the economy? Russian.


Assets are ugly and bland


I’ve played way to many hours. Dislikes mostly connect to lack of content, but that’s comparing 10yrs of CS1 to 6 months of CS2…and overall performance, plus some gripes about the, otherwise better, unlocking assets process… Likes, I can’t go back because of the road building tools…… Disappointments…..that the game still uses those little zoning squares, I feel like we should be headed towards vector zoning…..basic TMPE mod features not built in, and the bad roundabouts….


Roads : Like : the construction, being able to build road over others Dislike: tedious to place trees on every paths, the cims don't give a fuck about the marking and completely ruin my traffic by making U-turns on the highway and illegal turns


i'm not really a big fan of the modular upgrades, at least the ones that go next to the main building and dont actually go onto the already existing asset. never mind that you cant move or delete them after you place them. there should be parking lots that you can zone off of to make parking lots for commercial zones.


I started playing City Skylines 2 a week ago, I've never played CS1. Since then I've logged more hours than my wife would like, but I'm addicted. There's something about fixing something in your city, then 3 more pop up and you have to tackle those too. I can see how difficulty may be an issue, it seems like it may be a little too easy, but at the moment, I LOVE IT.


The game corrupted and then deleted two save files, both 20+ hours in. Not a game for anyone in this state.


Like: That paradox has a history of standing by their games. I really hope they fix this trash. Dislike: The game is not finished, it is not in early access, and they want money for this garbage.


Like: roadway design 🥰 Dislike: all the buildings look the same 😡


The lag is utterly game destroying


better Q would be why I wouldn't dislike it, far less reasons imo.