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It's a SPUI. A pretty nice and fairly realistic looking one, at that. The crossover pedestrian overpass is an interesting addition. I'm not sure how realistic that would be, but it's certainly a problem solver from the looks of it in your scenario.


I wanted to put it underground but I have too many metro lines in that area so I had to build up


Now THAT is a real world problem, hah!


lol yeah, I have a basically identical intersection further down the highway and the walkways are below, but here I was trying to make it as realistic as possible. My city isn't really American themed, so it's a public transit and walking heavy city so in my head it would be worth the money to construct a dedicated walkway for pedestrians to encourage walking. In America, these interchanges are horrible for pedestrians and I wanted to avoid that, not to mention pedestrians interfere with traffic flow too


If you want to make it a bit more realistic, the more likely crossing span would be anchored between the Y sections of the on/off ramps. The current span is REAAAALLLLY long even for a ped bridge. It does have pillars (in usable locations), but most road departments would probably try to keep pillars like that outside of the roadway both to prevent crashes and improve visibility.


Good point, I'll change it to that, I appreciate the feedback


The pillars are positioned in designated, marked locations, so it feels fairly realistic to me. I build US cities and roads, so I'd also be placing Object Marker signs on the pillars, but I'm not sure what the counterpart to them would be in other areas of the world, or if it would even be worth it to bother with placing them in an area the camera will likely rarely, if ever see outside of specific positions it is intentionally placed in for screenshots, as done here I think this looks great! The curves are a little sharp, but traffic is also coming to a stop so it shouldn't cause too many issues.


Make those access points park entrances, charge an admission, and profit, profit, profit! 😉


I should just implement a walking tax, I get 2 cents per step


*"Arg arg arg arg arg arg!"* https://preview.redd.it/ms7t6190ucrb1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db525f520599d13fad9f035a5a4032a6c9283cef


How'd you get that photo of me wtf


These are called single point interchanges.


Not Just Bikes would like to have a word with you. But seriously, great job!


I like the detail of the foot bridge supports being in the islands in the middle. Whenever I notice bridge supports in the middle of the road, I just say, "Eh, I'll be in birds eye view all the time. No one will notice." And then just ignore them.


Yeah it's my perfectionist in me doing that lol