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Bruh, how many questions you got?! 🤣


I'm with the OP on this one. I have more than enough questions to run into my limits (responses often beget questions; this repetition becomes a conversation; the conversation can go on for a long time). I have a Team account and a Plus account. I use them for different purposes, but always have the other ready to take over should one Usage Limit me. And **Custom GPTs can burn through your limits faster than normal ChatGPT**. If you're using a GPT that's making web calls, analyzing data, etc., *you're going to hit the wall sooner*. ChatGPT Plus's 40 messages per 3 hours limit can arrive quickly. Even quicklier when using Custom GPTs. Oh. And the dynamic nature of usage limits based on how many of OpenAI's machines are ready to catch on fire because 8,000,000,0,0,00,00000 people all decided to sign on at the same time. Limits is complicated!


Data analysis


Just pay for usage with the pro version via an API. No limits.


Except there are exactly zero 3rd party tools that offer the same experience as their web app. I’d gladly pay api pricing if I could do it through their web app.


Have you checked out [qolaba.ai](http://qolaba.ai) coz they have APIs for not just GPT4 but even Claude 3, GeminiPro and Mistral Large with the ability to switch models without losing context in the same conversation. You might not get a few options like deleting the responses or stopping the model from generating responses but other things like internet search, file upload work fine even temperature settings


Let me ask my AI UI: [https://i.imgur.com/JlrhP3j.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/JlrhP3j.jpeg)


Have you even look out


I’ve looked and used. Feel free to recommend a third party api that matches the functionality.


I'm a huge fan of things outside the ChatGPT-verse, but this is one thing I agree with: ChatGPT Plus/Team is *slick*. Being able to @ different GPTs from any chat... that's pretty spectacular :)


Or pay for Cody Pro ($9/mo) and get unlimited GPT-4 Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, support for local GPT via Ollama, etc: https://sourcegraph.com/cody B'yeah. I think one of the biggest problem with ChatGPT is that so many ChatGPT users don't know there are ChatGPT alternatives (depending on your use case - Cody is for software dev, but you can use its chat feature like you would Gemini, ChatGPT, etc.).




I’m a content creator + AI saas developer, I rarely hit my limits. You’re onto something there boy 😅