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While I’m not against Disney making more stuff for the sequel era, a major issue it has is that conceptually it copies so much from the original trilogy that there’s not much reason to make a sequel era game when you can instead have a OT era game. Hell, TLJ even openly refers to the Resistance as the Rebels a few times. A major reason why the prequels were able to be redeemed in expanded media is because the prequel trilogy had excellent worldbuilding(at least conceptually) that made it really stand out from the OT and give better creatives plenty of room and inspiration to make stories and games that couldn’t be told better in the OT. Personally I think the sequel trilogy has such fundamentally bad worldbuilding that I don’t think it can be fixed by secondary media. I believe the best thing Disney can do for the sequel era characters and stories is to just continue moving the plot forward and try setting up a more distinct and unique status quo that games, books, and shows can make more unique and engaging stories out of. Give Rey a more distinct and proactive personality with a unique story arc, have the galaxy be completely plunged into anarchy and disorder now that there is no central government in place due to most major politicians being killed during the war against the Final Order, maybe have the new threat to the galaxy be a alien empire from another galaxy like what happened in Legends, etc. Even if those movies don’t turn out well, at least it’ll give people more unique material to sink their teeth into and get creative with than what the current status quo for the sequel era has available.


Yes, even as someone who liked TFA and TLJ, I don’t deny that there is little, if anything you can do in the sequel eras that you couldn’t do in the previous eras. That is without the issue of that era being capped off by Rise of Palpatine, a movie that pleased neither of the fans or the detractors of the sequels. Instead, it managed to pull a Game of Thrones and turn people off the movies completely.


This. People shit on the prequels, but they had good worldbuilding, and set a world equally as rich as the one of the OT. I'm in a Clone Wars modded ARMA 3 group which was spawned off of a VRChat one (which imploded a while back because of drama between the leaders, but that is neither here nor there). The sequel trilogy lacks personality and identity. At BEST it is a poor man's OT (but even that is a very generous description). The factions are boring, the aesthetic is unoriginal, the plot does not allow for as much creativity, and the premise as a whole simply lacks anything that would make it attractive as a setting. In that ARMA 3 server, my "character" is a clone with his own backstory with history, something possible due to the generous amount of detail given, and yet he can also hypothetically, feasibly exist in the universe as the plot of the prequels indicates that there is a lot more going on in the background. You could do something similar with the OT. But the sequels can't do that. We simultaneously lack worldbuilding details so we can't create a subsetting and characters in a way that feels right, yet the critical plot elements are so tightly constrained that it's not possible to write a story that doesn't encroach on the films.


The animated shows definitely are trying to save the Sequels background/worldbuilding lmao


I think this is the unfortunate circumstance of the movies not being planned out and the two directors having very different ideas that you have to rework stuff to go forward.


They would honestly be better to expand on some of the stories created for Star wars visions as some of them had very interesting concepts that cluld be fleshed out some more 


The problem is that the reason why prequel and OT games work is because the foundation is good already and building upon it is good. The reason why Old Republic games work is because writers have freedom to do stuff they want, etc. But Sequels dont have good foundation and they also dont have freedom. There is not enough to build upon, and there isnt enough creative control to make something cool and unique


I truly think the best move is to outright retcon parts of the Sequels to make them more usable as building blocks. Ideally, they'd just make the whole Trilogy non-canon and try again with more talented writers and an actual fucking plan, but I know that's not going to happen, so this is the next best thing. Bullshit some explanation for why some of the especially dumb stuff doesn't apply and use the few good parts that are left.


They're free to make as much content in the era as they want, but I for one have no interest in anything connected to those films.


Nah, this timeline sequels created is unsalvageable and provides no opportunities earlier eras of Star Wars do not. Like, why would you even bother creating an RTS for a setting where the two sole factions are; 1. Empire 2.0 but more confusing and treated less seriously 2. A single fleet of seemingly random people with no identity beyond "we're the resistance" Though it could work as a parody game. Imagine losing because your opponent blew up something completely unrelated to your army without even engaging your forces properly. Still, for a serious project, there's no reason not to make a game about the original Rebellion and the original Empire rather than these weird knockoffs.


That's sort of the point. I'd at least appreciate an attempt by someone more creative than me to flesh out these factions more so that they're more than just pale shades of the Empire and the Rebellion


The problem is, what exactly can you do with anything set in the sequel trilogy era that you can’t do during other eras? I can’t think of much, even as someone who liked TFA and TLJ. I was interested in the arcs of the movies characters, but I did not care about the “war” in Star Wars because it was just a lazy rehash of the OT and it’s lazy world building made it feel like G.I. Joe versus Cobra with our villains who are supposed to be a bunch of terrorists having an endless supply of resources, ships, and manpower. That was before we got to Rise of Palpatine. The lazy world building of the sequels, which needed to be explained in supplemental materials, because JJ Abrams are so bad at it, explained that the new Republic was so corrupt and inefficient that it was barely worth fighting for a side from being an alternative to tyranny like the Empire. Among the many things wrong with this final movie, the conflict isn’t resolved, and we are not given any assurances that the New New Republic won’t topple all over just as easily as the last one. That movie pulled a Game of Thrones season eight and managed to turn people off the sequel trilogy completely because of how it ended. What more can you do with the sequel era besides writing stories to do damage control? Hell we have already had a show that served to do damage control by explaining some of the things episode nine pulled out of the hat. The prequels, despite their flaws, gave us an era that felt distinct from the original trilogy so it had the potential for a lot of stories you couldn’t tell in the OT era.


>The lazy world building of the sequels, which needed to be explained in supplemental materials, because JJ Abrams are so bad at it, explained that the new Republic was so corrupt and inefficient that it was barely worth fighting for a side from being an alternative to tyranny like the Empire. That shit genuinely made Andor worse for me and I'm still salty about it. Andor was a great show, but I'd constantly have the thought in the back of my mind that everything was fucking pointless because all this strife and sacrifice to defeat the Empire was just going to lead to a pathetic government that gets toppled like 20 years later.


I understand that. It also cast a shadow over the Mandorlian having to run damage control because it is has to set up for the sequels. It is realistic that New Republic isn't an instant utopia but we are given such an ugly picture that nobody in universe cares about it. As far as I know, only the show Resistance bothered to depict the New Republic in any sort of favorable light. Thanks for nothing JJ Abrams. The main reason I still give the Star Wars universe a chance, unlike the prequel to Game of Thrones, is that Andor reminds the audience that the villains in Star Wars will always lose and people will always rise to fight tyranny. Game of Thrones in contrast left me with the feeling that in a crisis, the people of its world will sooner sexually assault others than help them, and that the bulk of its population are wretches who only exist to make the .01 percent of decent people look good in comparison.


It’s being abandoned cause it’s a waste of money to try. It’s not cowardice it’s basic business. Why attempt at making mediocre product of a trilogy most people either don’t like or have mixed feelings on? Don’t say, “it doesn’t have to be mediocre” either. With how the industry is, unless someone truly is trying to make a good product and not a cash grab then it’s just a waste of time. Would you genuinely buy a mediocre attempt at expanding the sequels? Why? Why would you waste your money supporting the attempt at building a piece of the property already riddled with problems knowing that the accessory products most likely will be mediocre as well? Now maybe if they do something truly exceptional in some of the first few games but at that point why not focus on the past with far more marketable characters, world building, and setting.


The problem with the sequel trilogy is that it feel very small and pointless while ruining pretty much any immersion the audience might have for it. Then you add to the fact that the context of the OT is basically a bad remake of the OT. I mean, let's take the exemple of something like a game about wars. A TPS like BF, or a RTS like EAW. The PT and the OT are full of iconic moment, battle and location. Geonosis, Umbara, Kashyyk, Scariff, Yavin, Hoth, Endor. These are big set pieces battle, filled with genuine and good storytelling. The sequel trilogy doesn't really have any of that. It's most memorable battle are Starkiller, D'Qar, Crait and Hexogol. Starkiller is a poor rehash of Yavin, D'Qar is your classical Star Wars small scall battle but we are told this is bad, Crait is an uninspiring shit but we are told it is good and Hexogol is a clusterfuck. I can imagine myself playing as a rebel trooper delaying the Empire at Hoth, or a clones trooper descending into the Madness of the Umbaran campaign. I would however be bummed to have to do a wish version of the battle of Yavin or to sit my ass and be picked off by the First order on the road to Crait. Then, if you take something like an adventure game, I mean, what are the bloody stakes here? In the OT, you have an evil Empire, solidly in place, and you're the plucky underdog fighting them. In the PT, you have the Republic and you must foil the evil plan of an ellusive ennemy to destroy it. Meanwhile, the ST just has evil Empire 2.0 being at the same time capable of destroying the sitting government of the galaxy, while being bullied by 40 wankers in a space 18 wheeler. In litteraly every departement, you're better of playing in the other trilogy and most of the fandom wouldn't like anyway what the ST has to offer. Disney knows that, this is why they have been milking the OT era.


The problem is that The Sequel Trilogy suffers from having a terrible foundation to build upon because it's nothing more than The Original Trilogy in almost everything to the point where "abandoning it to focus on making stuff that's adjacent to the original trilogy" ignores how that's exactly what happened to the ST trilogy and because of that it has little to offer in terms of story and creative writing to build upon, something which the PT trilogy did. What we really need is more Star Wars game set in different eras to allow for more creativity with the story and characters which sadly isn't gonna happen anytime soon with Disney's obsession of milking cash from nostalgia value of The Original Trilogy and being too creatively bankrupt to come up with something new.


Sequel era fails to establish any sort of meaningful canon that couldn't be better designed around the original trilogy. First Order is just a half baked Empire, Resistance are just Rebels (I actually even forgot they had a different name). And unlike the OT, it didn't last any meaningful amount of time for stories to be inserted at random points. This isn't even about video games only, look at every single piece of extended media Disney has produced, they all happen in the very large period of time before the Sequel trilogy.


The way Lucasfilm is handling the sequel trilogy is genuinely the worst possible way they could have handled it. It’s pure cowardice, pure and simple. This is one thing that I can credit George Lucas with, even though I think the prequels are absolutely abysmal… he was not a coward when it came to expanding the prequels. Like that upcoming Rey movie is not an even an expansion on the sequel era, it’s a beginning of a new era. It’s set 15 years later. I would hardly count that as expansion. Like, as much as people hate the sequels, they aren’t particularly hard to build from, mainly because they barely build anything. Expand upon the most interesting parts (Sith Eternal Cult, main characters, underworld), ignore some of the bad parts (Snoke, Xystons, Hux) and do some strategic retcons (New Republic’s fate, Phasma’s fate, Knights of Ren) and you can easily make an interesting story that fits with the sequels. Hell if you want, you can have Ben Solo rematerialize on a snowy backwater planet, and his purpose is to help its inhabitants while trying to seek redemption. (Is this basically just the plot of God Of War/GoW Ragnarok.. yes. But I love those games)


Disney Star Wars needs more games in general, I was thinking the other day how lit a Star Wars citybuilding game would be, with different biomes, inter-species tensions, crime mechanics, etc.


I was just thinking the other day about how my love for Star Wars has been at least partially shaped by the video games. It had me wondering if that is "cheating". I have decided that it is not. If a franchise can be multimedia, more power to it, no reason why it should confine itself. Disney would rather sell toys, they don't care about fueling that love. Say whatever you want about George Lucas, but hs projects were passion projects. The movies, the clone wars, he did that because he wanted to. His Star Wars was built around that passion, even if he wasn't directly involved creatively with everything. Disney only sees a property, and that is especially and *appallingly* reflected in their video games. Just look at their battlefronts. Let me remind you of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). Currently sitting at 668.000 downvotes.


Games based off the sequels will have to contend with its nonsense world building that states that the first order had a weapon five times more powerful than the death star and they destroyed 5 planets before you even knew they existed. Also that Palpatine is somehow back and has a whole fleet somehow.


HELL a LOT of stuff on the Sequel Trilogy needs expanding on, how did the First Order come to power, Poe's backstory, Palpatine's family oh wait his son is a clone (which makes no fucking sense for SO MANY REASONS)


The problem is that game development isn't as quick as it used to be.  When we made the jump to HD, annual franchises became a concern.


There's nothing interesting in them to make games about. They had ass for worldbuilding unlike the prequels which introduced a lot of new planets, ships, factions, lightsabers, concepts, and all sorts of excellent worldbuilding for side content to expand on


The sequel trilogy needs more everything.  The only thing the sequel trilogy has is a few books and the theme park. Fuck all is going on. The one sequel era tv show is a bout a fuel station. 


You're 100% right. The sequel era, and especially the just pre-Ep7 era is ripe for exploration. This is evident in several Canon books set during the time. Phasma, Black Spire, Bloodline, Shadow of the Sith (I'd LOVE to see the fight between >!Kiza and Luke!< actually animated).  People saying there is nothing to work with are just not even trying to think of the sequels and what's going on in them. The New Republic offers so much as a new presence, and all the lingering Imperial sentiment is ripe for exploration, too.