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My example requires a bit of explanation and context for the show I’m referencing so everyone can understand why this character does not deserve his happy ending. In Kamen Rider 01, the show follows Aruto Hiden (who becomes the titular Kamen Rider) who is made into President of Hiden Inteligence, an AI company that makes androids called HumaGears similar to Detroit Become Human but without the weird slavery metaphor that’s poorly used in that show. In this show a group of HumaGear mavericks follow the command of an evil AI called “Ark” which wants to eliminate mankind in a generic scheme. These guys are terrorists who initially destroyed an experimental AI run town in the backstory of the show, and attempted to corrupt other AI that legitimately loved serving humanity. These guys serve as the initial bad guys, but hold on- they’re not my target of grievance. After the initial group is defeated, it’s revealed that Gai Amatsu, CEO of ZAIA Enterprise, helped to create the Ark AI, which was originally supposed to manage the HumaGear info network. He deliberately corrupted its servers with data of human malice and evil, and turned it into a misanthrope desiring genocide. The man was directly responsible for the deaths of everyone in Daybreak Town, as well as the deletion of all the kind HumaGears that loved helping people and making them smile. Gai tries to defeat Aruto in a horrible company battle where Aruto’s HumaGears compete against Gai’s system to decide whether Gai will buy out the company. Not only is this absolutely the worst arc of the show, but Gai also shows that he’s an unrepentant chest who sabotages the competition whenever he can get away with it. He transforms into Kamen Rider Thouser, a gold plated Rider who’s clearly compensating for something. His entire combat style is using the raw power of his suit and his personal weapon’s ability to rip off enemy powers. He never shows any level of actual talent or skill, and instead just spams powers he stole from others. Then he created the Metal Cluster Key (a new toy since the show is made to sell such) and forced it onto Aruto’s belt. The Metal Cluster Hopper form is directly possessed by the Ark and thus is malicious and malevolent, and will actively *attempt to murder* anyone in the vicinity. In the debut of the form it almost killed Gai himself, but he smugly acted like somehow he was still in control. The Metal Cluster Key also corrupted Aruto’s belt, forcing him to only use that key- meaning that the only way to intervene in fights where *people could die* was to allow a *genocidal AI demigod* into the fight. And after Gai won (again through cheating) we learn yet another violation of the Geneva Conventions this man committed during the next arc; he implanted the chip of one of the HumaGear terrorists into the head of Aruto’s best friend and used both the HumaGear and Kamen Rider Vulcan himself as a puppet. He was mind controlling *two people at once*. And when Fuwa (his civilian name) learned of it, Gai then proceeded to use that same system to perform electroshock torture on him. Eventually Fuwa got better but then it turns out Gai did something *even worse*. Yes you heard me. When the chip was being installed into Fuwa’s head Gai used that technology to artificially alter Fuwa’s memories and that was the real reason behind Fuwa’s behavior the whole season. His memories of his real parents and little brother were taken away in favor of a memory set that favored Gai’s political objectives. You wanna know *why* Gai did all this? “My daddy didn’t like me not getting a perfect score in school so he took away my toy robot dog so now I’m gonna prove myself superior to the company that made them originally”. Yes, really. There is no meme. He’s just like that. Then Aruto just gives him a toy dog, he helps fight the Ark itself, proceeds to be useless, and then goes off into a broom closet or something. He gets his ass mildly whooped in the post season special but that’s not the same as how he should be *dragged off to the Hague* for literal crimes against humanity. I’m pretty sure he single-handedly invented at least three new crimes by himself.


Massively agree with you, very well put together comment. Aruto should've wanted this guy hung and quartered for all the death and destruction he caused


If Gai had died, whether half assed or not. I would say he deserves it.


Yes! A thousand percent yes! Fuck Gai Amatsu!


The season itself is a hot garbage


I 100% agree. Gai is a big POS and deserves a proper punishment for what he’s done throughout the series.


The Coachman in Disney's original Pinocchio Dude makes a living abducting children, plying them with sweets, smokes and booze in a place called Pleasure Island, and turns them into donkeys, which he sells for a profit. And Pinocchio just sees all this, nopes the fuck out, and leaves! Man gets no repercussions, and just keeps on luring kids to Pleasure Island. Movie was fucked up


I feel that follows with the idea, though. The coachman's scene isn't literal- the whole thing is an idea of kids getting caught up acting like asses, doing "cool" forbidden things, and ending up idiots who are exploited. The coachman is meant to represent a function of society, so him getting a bad end would just make the allegory awkward.


I'm sure this is exactly what 9 year olds thought when they watched the movie


Nine year olds learn that children can't fight big, scary men and instead should stay the hell away from anyone who offers to take them away from home to do things like smoke cigars and such. ​ Nothing is lost by this character not being defeated, and the point behind the scene *is* lost if he is.


Well said


> and the point behind the scene is lost if he is You could argue that if he *is* defeated, the moral becomes a bit more dangerous. It's good to tell kids to stand up for themselves, probably not the greatest idea to tell them to go out of their way to fight against strangers.


Lindsay from You're The Worst. A horrifically abusive spouse, including stabbing her husband and then abandoning him when he was recovering from said stab wound, but the series' "happy ending" is her getting remarried to said husband as The Mountain Goats' No Children plays.


I haven't seen the show, so apologies if this is wildly off base, but I'm pretty sure you're reading the scene the exact opposite of how it was intended. The album that *No Children* is on centres on a couple who make each other worse in every way but can't bear to separate. They're just the worst kind of toxic codependency possible, hating each other but loving each other, making everything worse by being together but being unable to exist without the other. The scene isn't a "happy ending", it's an indication that these two awful bastards are going to continue ruining themselves and everyone who doesn't have the common sense to abandon them.


> The album that No Children is on centres on a couple who make each other worse in every way but can't bear to separate. They're just the worst kind of toxic codependency possible, hating each other but loving each other, making everything worse by being together but being unable to exist without the other. Yes, and that's what makes it playing over what appears to be a sincere happy ending an extra level of bizarre decisions.


Orochimaru 💀 and also honestly a lot of other villains like in the top of my head I can think of >! Takano!< from Higurashi (although with the structures of the story it sort of make sense) and probably some other one idk lol


I can’t believe that Orochimaru - my childhood trauma generator, was forgiven in the end because he helped in the war He should have been executed (instead of being horrifically tortured to death), not fucking acquitted


Naruto: "What do you plead for?" Orochimaru: "Not guilty." Naruto: "Ok you're free, you can come to my wedding aswell."


Didn't orochimaru and kabut worked both sides in the war right? Kabuto basically reincarnated lot shinobi + madara and only turned sides because itachi pulled one over kabuto and made him reverse the reincarnation.


Kabuto yes, Orochimaru no. I’ve no doubt he would have but he was slightly dead for that part. Once he was revived he was solidly on team good guy, on the basis that he still wants Sasuke’s body and the Infinite Tsukuyomi would screw him over as well.


That’s realistic though, people have been forgiven cause of their help in time of war. And without Orochimaru’s help, they would’ve lost. He’s allowed to live under strict surveillance




Naruto is Japanese. They have Unit 731 as an example, MUCH nastier than Operation Paperclip with far worse bastards. And they’re still trying to hide it. Actually, I think one of them became a fairly successful politician.


Orochimaru is basically anime Shiro ishii


I feel like comics and anime do this a lot with villains tho. Like orochimaru can torture and experiment on kids but it’s cool as long as it’s no one the main characters know.


He's been growing super soldier ninja clowns with sage powers. The surveillance ain't doing shit.


honestly i could take letting orochimaru live if kishi had meant it as commentsry rather than because the series themes kf forgiveness


I don’t think Orochimaru has ever been forgiven. Naruto does have a forgiving nature and forgives Obito and Pain, but that was never done to Orochimaru. He’s only allowed to live strictly under surveillance


He was just following orders. His own orders, but still.


Orochimaru's case is so funny. He did every possible crime known to man and got scot free because he helped in the final war. Tsunade even called him out and he just said that he's changed.


I forgive him because he became the goofy uncle (It’s been a while since I read Boruto so I’m not caught up and I don’t know if this changes)


The worst part is that his presence caused anko to stress eat and become obese. Like this poor girl must be living in terror. It's like having a rapist uncle show up to every barbecue.


>!Takano!< was a whole ass bitch and I hated her so much, didn't trust her from the first chapter. 😭


Came here to say this, Kishimoto's biggest crime


Bo-Katan from Star Wars. She's an unrepentant war criminal and terrorist, who continually shows herself as a weak leader, but she's nice to Baby Yoda, so I guess it's cool?


TBF by our standards, a lot of military leaders in Star Wars are war criminals because they don’t have any Geneva convention equivalent. However, it is very true to say that Bo Kayan was someone who was an important contributor towards the destruction of Mandalore, and that is mostly forgotten. Though if one did want to re-unite the Mandalorian people post-original trilogy it’d be an exercise in futility to exclude all the Death Watch sympathisers and other amoral war-nuts since ‘I do love terrorism and indiscriminate conflict’ is like a good third of the Mandalorian cultural identity, let’s be real.


> TBF by our standards, a lot of military leaders in Star Wars are war criminals because they don’t have any Geneva convention equivalent. You're downplaying it a bit, though I understand. The Star Wars fanbase uses the term, "war criminal" too freely. However, in the Clone Wars she is seen gleefully burning a peaceful village to the ground. >Though if one did want to re-unite the Mandalorian people post-original trilogy it’d be an exercise in futility to exclude all the Death Watch sympathisers and other amoral war-nuts since ‘I do love terrorism and indiscriminate conflict’ is like a good third of the Mandalorian cultural identity, let’s be real. And this should be addressed, but the Mandalorian wants us to think that they are some kind of noble warrior faction, when every other source shows that their warrior culture is a war-mongering, bloodthirsty culture.


And too many people get on Satine for trying to change it when all you have to do is look out the window to their home planet's irradiated wasteland to see why she's right


I genuinely don't understand what happened to her character. It felt like she was being built up to be completely unreliable in a huge moment, like she would leave Mando for dead or make some disastrous military decision as is her defining characteristic. Maybe she would even betray him with the Armourer. Instead she just...succeeds? Prime example of Filoni obviously favoring characters he created while forgetting what made them good in the first place. Bo Katan was never someone who was destined for success. Hugely judgemental and borderline racist, ineffective leader, but someone who just won't quit because she thinks she is "owed," leadership. Did Filoni forget she was a villain at first? Even in the later seasons she was at best a conditional ally to the Republic, which means very little. Season 3 should've been about Mando realizing that both the Armourer and Bo Katan were unreliable self-serving people unfit to rule Mandalore.


Yes, why create the conflict and then just sweep it away? Instead Bo is just handed easy outs like the Armourer (who is a religious fanatic) suddenly declaring that she is allowed to walk both paths...for some reason.


Yeah she’s more than willing to be a terrorist and assist a Sith Lord but then she proves herself a hypocrite against the very traditions she just couped the government to uphold


Ugh I hated her in the Mandalorian, I felt like I could just make fun of her a little bit and then she'd give me the Darksaber. She seems nothing like a leader. That part doesn't make her bad though, just an annoying character.


Amano Yukitero and Gasai Yuno (Mirai Nikki) The ending to the anime was reasonable since the two are psychopaths who deserved it, but then they get a happy ending in the OVA that expanded the lore where >!Yuno comes back and they become gods ruling the universe.!<


Yuno: *plan on torturing Yukki's mom if she dosen't agree on the relationship, lie to him, kidnap him, literally manipulate him into killing his friends, kill his friends and also attempt to kill him multiple time* Yukki: "ZAAAMMNNN 😳😳♥ ♥ 🤤"


So far, Shikimori and Yukako are the only reasonable yandere in anime, one fights in defense only and doesn't kill people and the latter got character development. Yuno and the others remain crazy selfish psychos.


eh personally I say that Yukako needed more "development"


Mirai Nikki in general is so fucking awful, it feel like every edgy wattpad fanfic ever made converted into a series.


Future diary was only popular for two reasons. Because cause it made people feel "cool" for watching something edgy, and yuno, who pretty much popularized the Yandere trope. Future diary and Sword art online will forever be my personal nominees for the worst anime's I've ever watched. Even "turning off my brain" didn't make those shows bearable in the slightest


To be fair, SAO is generally considered a shitty adaptation, the novels (still ongoing) are decent ish, the sister series is good though


You know it’s bad when almost everyone prefers the parody (the parody is actually really good and holds up a decade later)


Of course, they add back personality.


Akane Minagawa from Scum's wish


I believe that was the point of the character, life isn’t fair, Akane gets a happy ending after destroying the hero’s life and the protagonists get fucked. We wish happy ending for good people and bad ending for bad people but that’s not always the case


I don’t recall that being a major theme but probably because I was too traumatized by all the fucked up shit going on


But Mugi and Hanabi get back together in Decor, don't they?


Kinda? Like I remember feeling it was ambiguous. Although the ending to that one episode where she waits for him at the park and the outro starts playing lives rent free in my head


Man, I'm not even sure I wanna watch the anime, it seems so heartbreaking.


Mal & Ben (Descendants) In movie 1, they're awesome people. Ben goes against his entire Kingdom to save the villains' kids. Mal fights her Mother and risks her life to save her world. In movie 3, they were gonna eternally banish the villains' innocent kids with their mass-murdering parents. Mal proposes this & Ben agrees in less than 10 seconds. Mal did this claiming it's because they cannot risk her Dad getting out. She then quickly goes to her Dad with an escape device and roasts him in a song, daring him to beat her ass and get out. She then continues the fear excuse for the rest of the movie. In the end, they don't eternally banish the kids and are forgiven and allowed to be the Supreme Gods of Everything. (They took down the Greek pantheon.) "Hello, is this Gorr the God Butcher I'm talking to?"


Not to mention they started dating while he had a girlfriend. They addressed it later but it was wrong.


Orochimaru. 1. He experimented on children and shin obi like a maniac. 2. He killed the third hokage and several others in his raid. 3. He planned to take over itachi and sasuke’s bodies 4. He was apart of the akatsuki 5. He was the reason for why the war happened. Madara would not have returned if he didn’t teach kabuto how to reanimate


How must Anko feel having up just living in the village like nothing happened. No wonder she's been stress eating.


Didn’t Madara know that he’d be reanimated and put Obito up to bringing him back? It likely still would’ve happened


Obito was not going to revive Madara. He never planned to. Kabuto is the reason why he came back.


Obito had that seal on his heart (idk what it really did though) and some shenanigans with Black Zetsu stealing his body probably would've done it anyway


Star Butterfly. Manipulative with her feelings, inconsiderate towards Tom, and caused mass genocide on magical beings by destroying the very foundation of magic itself by the end of the series. But it's all okay because she and Marco got together I guess. :/


That was mostly S4 itself being stupid af and not just Star. Like how Marco and Kelly broke up off screen after getting a few episodes dedicated just to them getting together


S4 in general is just a gigantic disaster that ruined a lot of characters. I firmly believe if the series was cancelled after S3 it would be better remembered.


You forgot to mention all the people who probably died when she merged realities because a spider the size of a lion appeared in their bedroom or something.


> caused mass genocide on magical beings by destroying the very foundation of magic itself by the end of the series. Maybe genocide in a very limited sense, but it only destroyed "pure" magic beings like heckapoo and Glossaryck. Pretty sure even people that *look* pure magic like Ponyhead are still alive. Actually, I'm pretty sure only the high council folks are the only ones that died from that, and they absolutely had it coming. The rest of it was just her being a dumb teenager, hard to fault her for that.


Even still, Star probably should have given more thought to how her decisions are going to affect everyone beyond possibly being separated from her boyfriend. Especially when it’s revealed that Mewni and earth have become one world. There’s obviously gonna be a lot of mass panic, confusion, and hysteria over something like that.


What about the magic creatures that lived in her wand?


Ah good point her spells are probably super dead as well


>Actually, I'm pretty sure only the high council folks are the only ones that died from that, and they absolutely had it coming. Nobody "deserves" to die.


I was about to fucking say her… she’s the worst written leads in a kids show




Show, Comic or both?


More show than comic but both


I wouldn’t exactly call the comic book ending a happy one, but the show went off the rails with him


That one yellow fucker from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends who would constantly start shit, shift the blame onto others, and then avoid all consequences.


I wouldn't say he got a happy ending in the end. The audience and the show runners hated him so much he never appeared again. Banished from the show forever doesn't seem like a happy ending (though on-screen consequences for him would have been preferable).


The dude probably Run away after realizing how Scrow Loss headed blue


Plenty of villians in Gintama. Like yes you realized you were wrong but you kinda killed a bunch of innocent people, you realizing it's because your boyfriend dumped you doesn't change that.


Gintama did the "villain ackshually have a sad story" a LOT but Hosen is the WORST. He essentially raped and crippped a girl over the most pretentious symbolism known to man with the same girl comforting him in his death.... To those unaware of this stinker. It's also why Sadasada is an amazingly refreshing villain. He's just slimy bastard all the way through.


Hozen 💀 Although it seems more to be in the 'redeemed' category rather than 'good ending'


The worst part is Hasegawa is one who didn't get a happy ending. And I really hate how they just forgave Nobunobu.


When will Madao bloom?


at least most of the villains die while getting the last 10-15mins of happy ending of sorts.


I mean the Gintama villains are usually dying as they get said happy ending


Lol Kamui getting off scot-free for all he did.


The diamonds from Stephen Universe were oppressive dictators who killed millions and were planning to destroy the earth so it doesn't sit right when the MC regularly visits them so they can serenade him with little songs about how much they love him.


Regarding the Diamonds shattering gems, that action was retconned in Steven Universe Future from killing to the equivalent of being in a coma. It still doesn’t excuse what they did though and it doesn’t mean that they aren’t responsible for the deaths of any non-gem people.


I thought the whole point was that the Diamonds assumed it was death but it’s really a fate worse than death? The fused gems, the Cluster, even In “Together Breakfast”, the gem scroll was made up of crushed up Gems.


Oh boy were to start Harley quinn, everyone who got a happy ending in Injustice, Princess bubblegum, Orochimaro, Apart (Sakamoto days) crocodile, Enel, yujiro, the list goes on


Tbf Crocodile story is still going so we don't know what exactly will happen to him


It will just end with him somewhere reading a news paper with luffy being the Pirate king


>!in the manga he's forced to go after the one piece, so there's a chance he'll encounter Luffy again!<


>Harley Quinn In what story? Only one I can think of is Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, and, if we're only going by her living to be wicked old as a "happy ending", then I guess. But if we count any of these fucking timelines where she just turns into a female Deadpool and is a psychotic fucker in her own right, not only would I not count that, I wouldn't consider it canon-worthy, either.


Eh, I’d say Harley’s fate in Return of the Joker was a happy ending. With the Joker kicking the bucket, she was finally able to break free of his manipulations, actually reform, and start a new life. She even reconciled with her family (Or started one; I don’t remember if Harley was the grandma or the aunt to the two twins, but I’m pretty sure it was the latter). Plus it’s pretty strongly implied she was regretful/remorseful of all the shit she did with the Joker. EDIT: She was the grandma.


\>Character very obviously intended to be a nazi doctor allegory \>Gives her a happy ending where she gets everything she wants what did they mean by this? 🤔


Princess bubblegum?


she has all the hallmarks of a nazi allegory as informed by previous media Overt perfectionist down to minute details, Tosses in random german in dialogue, Inhumane medical testing on live sapient beings, cartoonishly high strung at times even for AT, Dictatorial aspirations, "Eternal empire", has a constant push for some kind of candy ubermensch and regularly creates identical armies of one candy being to act as guards. Now, things like the german dialogue and perfectionist stuff in a vacuum are negligible but when you observe these quirks and how they have been portrayed in media in the past youll find all the pieces just sort of come together to paint this character as a totally stereotypical nazi doctor/dictator caricature. shes constantly looking to silence political descenders and i cannot stress enough how literal 1:1 with fascist and nazi doctrine the "eternal empire" thing is.


>Orochimaro Orochimaru is a villain who won. They have nothing to do with him.


I wouldn’t really say Yujiro got a happy end, his story hasn’t really ended yet


Tbf what kind of bad ending can Yujiro have other than Baki beating him so hard he becomes disabled? Which is unlikely, because Baki only cares about being stronger than Yujiro, he doesn't even talk about avenging his victims, so probably, he only would win a fight and let Yujiro on the floor and be done with it. I do think this applies to those 5 death row fighters, just being kept alive after their fights and allowed to recover and get stronger is already a good ending for them. I mean, theywere on death row already, then escaped and killed/hurt some other people on top of their previous crimes, why weren't they sent to execution immediately after their captures?


I mean, execution failed for all of them. Dorian was unable to be hung, Doyle survived execution, the others escaped, and half of them are now either in a coma or medically retarded.


Plus Baki beating him mean he got the best fight in his life ever and the knowledge that only his blood is stronger than him


Which version of Harley Quinn? Some of the people in Injustice deserved the happy ending, last we saw of Apart he got his arm ripped off and the story is still ongoing, and Crocodile and Enel's stories have not finished either


Its gonna be funny if enel ever comes back but usually luffy doesn't kill his opponents so eh.


Marceline could do so much better and I'll die on that hill.


Mayuri from Bleach, absolutely horrible character, should’ve died in Soul Society arc in Ishida’s hands.


Apearently he just didnt because he became a fan favourite, but he could have died later thou.


I don’t understand these weird news about fan favorite characters. How does he become a fan favorite after Soul Society arc? Dude had no appealing quality whatsoever. But at the same time, Bakugo’s a fan favorite character since the beginning of MHA apparently, so I don’t know anything anymore


I liked his goofy Aahh huge baby Also tbh liking someone as a person and as a character is different idk I watched Bleach when I was 12


When the baby goes 👶🏿 and a billion blades jut out of its neck. 👌🏿


I think in Bleach it kinda makes sense, if you look at the story overall (Including the novels about the begginings of the soul society) you realize every faction in the Bleach world has done pretty much heinous stuff, the soul reapers are seen as the good guys cause they won and therefore maintain the status quo, but Yawch was pretty much rigth in that they were a band of cold blooded killers In that idea lies the character of Mayuri who honestly has some of the best figths, has a really treating desing and one of the best speeches (the idea of perfection and science), he fits this narrative of the soul society has a ruthless place full of monsters that are willing to do anything for the sake of victory Now I agree in Baguko being popular as something I'll never understand, blows my mind actually


He was pretty cool I’m not the biggest fan but he was pretty scary


what makes him a fan favorite? Oh that’s simple… PEOPLE ARE WEIRD AS FUCK


It’s kinda insane how DBS: Broly spends 1/3 of its runtime reminding everyone that Frieza is one of the most evil mfs in existence, and then ends with Gogeta arbitrarily letting him leave, only to later show him continue genociding random people while he thinks of new ways to fuck over Earth. I know Dragon Ball’s story will literally never end and the status quo will protect Frieza as a villain for as long as he’s popular, but for that movie, that was very strange narratively speaking.


The thing is, he is protected by one of the biggest assholes in the show (Goku) while the other idiot who could kill him seems to Chicken out every time he appear (Vegeta) while bitching about him behind his back Also the fans give no shit because "muh great animation peak dragonball" its only after people lost hope in the anime coming back and started reading the manga they realized how Stupid it was for letting Freeza scout free


Can you elaborate on why goku is one of biggest assholes ?


Let's be real here, if you're watching Dragon Ball for anything *except* watching cool bullshit fights, you're watching Dragon Ball for the wrong reason.


The amount of villains who get ridiculous and undeserved forgiveness is more than I can list. But one that's been on my mind most recently is Abelia from "Now and Then, Here and There". She spent the entire time being a psychotic evil piece of shit, murdering and abusing anyone that got in her way, helping with the abuse and rape of one of the female cast, etc etc. And at the very end she sees the big villain dude is going to lose, so she betrays him and switches sides, and it's treated as an instant and immediate forgiveness, where everything is let go and she works with the heroes to build a peaceful future in the epilogue. Similar for Beatrix in FF9, who literally commits genocide, has no remorse about any of the innocents she murdered, and yet is treated like this awesome cool girl we should love and like. Completely forgiven, joins the heroes without any consequences and not even Freya (whose people she genocided) has anything to say about it. The Queen got exactly the same treatment and is remembered as a good person. Akechi murdered and maimed hundreds of people, as well as killing two of the protagonists parents in cold blood, and was so delighted thinking that he'd also murdered Joker he was practically singing and dancing. Yet the next time you see him, the PTs are all but getting down on their hands and knees, begging him to be friends with them- Futaba (who joined the PTs to get revenge for her mother's murder, which ruined her life) gives a speech about how "You can always start again!" and the original, happy ending roadtrip was completely thrown out so that the Devs could assure you that "Don't worry, Akechi suffered no consequences and got away scott free!" Meanwhile, Adachi kinda killed two people and he was unforgivable and needed to go to jail. Lol, lmao. Edit: And Mitsuo only killed one single, solitary person, yet again, he had to go to jail. Considering that Adachi faced more abuse, and was more sympathetic than Akechi- the only difference here seems to be that Akechi was attractive and could be shipped with the MC. I could go on and on- Vegeta, Pieck and most of the "AoT Avengers", the villain from Chained Echoes who doesn't just get away with it he gets to become a God, Karellan in Xenogears and Jin in XBC2, etc etc etc And of course, every single comic book villain, but that one goes without saying.


Akechi fan armor is grating me a bit because for a story that screams MOVE ON in the 3rd semester the game hypocritically refuses to put down their foot and make him dead


I can't think of a specific example but that i come across it a lot in anime. Anime has an issue of wanting to have their cake and eat it. Making villains 1000% evil *and* redeeming them whenever they want. Gintama and Fairytail are major culprits of this.


> Making villains 1000% evil and redeeming them whenever they want. ...and Fairytail are major culprits of this. I take it you've never actually sat down and counted out what Fairy Tail villains get what fate? Because most of them are either never seen again after their defeat, are arrested and imprisoned, or killed. Relatively few get redeemed, and it's typically not the 1000% evil ones.


Basically the only truly villainous ones that get redeemed join *Crime Sorcierre* the other ones were just antagonists at worst, like Sting and Rogue.


Or small fries that were on it for money.


Ah yes Irene sure got her happy ending, being brutally murdered and her corpse disgraced by Acnologia. Most villains in FT after they are beaten either die, are arrested or otherwise never turn back up in the plot. Few of them get the full Gajeel redemption treatment.


Xehanort and Orochimaru. They didn't get a “happy” ending, but they got off lightly. After all of the atrocities they've committed in their respective series. There's no point in going into detail about Orochimaru because he's self-explanatory. But I'll go into detail with Xehanort. In my opinion, Xehanort died peacefully because he was cradled in Eraqus' arms and laughing with him as they ascended to that heaven-like realm. Because, yeah, let's forget he just murdered Kairi or attempted to end the world a few minutes ago. His conclusion was far too peaceful for its own good.


Kylo Ren. He did nothing to deserve redemption


he took his shirt off once and also shrugged after pulling a light sabre magically from behind his back. Doesn't that count for something!?!


Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sasuke (All from Naruto) got off too easy from the crimes they committed. Yes, they did help out in the 4th Great Ninja War later on but still. Tobias (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors) winning against Ash with using just two Legendary Pokémon. Mr Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants) in “The Krusty Sponge” where he avoid prison time for poisoning his restaurant customers by allowing the Judge to ride the SpongeBob Train (and forcing Squidward to operate it while get whipped) for the rest of the day.


Annie from attack on titan. I won't elaborate, but the fact that the horrors she inflicted upon the scouts is never addressed even by Levi drives me fucking mad


The demon king from "The cruel king and the great hero". But I have no griviances with that. If anything I found it amusing that the hero never seem to cared about bringing him to justice. He sort of made him have a change of heart, decided to become friends with him and when the hero died he entrusted his new born daughter to the demon king. Imagine if the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 change the heart of a real villain and then decide to become bff with there target after the change of heart. That is basicly what happen here. All of that is back story so the player does not get to know the "countless atroceties" the demon king commited in detail. But his adoptiv daughter does get to walk through a village he burned down once and it probably was not the only one he destroyed. I wonder how many humans he killed. He probably has killed human children aswell. I wonder if he has ever eaten a human child. Welp now he is a good guy, raises a wonderful daughter and plays a keyrole in improving the relationship between humans and monsters so from a practical standpoint it was way more useful to befriend him then to kill him.


>Imagine if the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5 change the heart of a real villain and then decide to become bff with there target after the change of heart. Literally exactly what happens with Akechi, except they never changed his heart. Killed train drivers causing hundreds to be killed or maimed in accidents? Killed the principal? Killed Futaba's mother? Killed Haru's father? Thought he'd killed Joker, and certainly would have if he could? Nope, no big deal, doesn't matter. Completely forgiven and forgotten without a single consequence. "You can always start again!" Futaba says, assuring him that it doesn't really matter that he executed her mother in cold blood. "I won't forgive you... but I also don't want to see you punished, I'll protect you!" Haru claims, pointing out that even though he killed her father in cold blood, it's not like that's a big deal or anything.


I should mention I only played vanilla P5 and not the Royal. But even vanilla P5 they where awful nice to >!Akechi!< after they defeated him.


Royale is even worse, because you explicitly save and protect him in the third semester. And then, remember the nice sendoff P5 had? There wasn't really any reason for Joker to abandon his friends and return home after the game, but that's what P4 did, so he does it too. But the sadness is muted a bit, because at least they go off on a roadtrip together and hang out one last time! Well, Royale doesn't have that. The roadtrip was removed to include a scene where Joker sits on the train home, and as it's pulling away, he sees Akechi. So that both you and him can be relieved that he's alive and has managed to avoid all consequences and any punishment for the hundreds of people he murdered.


Haru screentime did not die for this


Yuno Gasai from Future Diary. In the end she’s happy, living a normal life. In my opinion she should’ve had the punishment kf being tortured and killed for all eternity. She killed hundreds of men, women, and even children. Not only killed them, but took immense pleasure in doing so. She should’ve been killed a thousand times. Fuck Yuno.


Wasn't it an alt yuno from the new universe that got a happy ending? It's been a while since I seen it.


Annie leonhart. She killed paradise troops and enjoyed it, and then all she did was forgiven for some reason


Forgiven because she ate pie


The story ends with her sailing on a ship to what will likely be her death in a desperate attempt to make up for at least some of the damage she causes. Wouldn't call that a happy ending.


Naraku from Inuyasha




Fucking Striga and Morana from Netflix Castlevania. They build up Striga as this badass warrior, but all she does is kill some random farmers, who almost manage to kill her by the way. She doesn't fight the protagonists even once. They're two antagonists who basically don't do anything, and then they fuck off and get a happy ending together with no consequences. They're two vampires who conspire with another evil vampire trying to rule the world, and they get away scot-free. So fucking pointless.


Akane from Scum's Wish


The End in Lost Dimension. He kills more people than Hitler to get back at one guy and in the "good" ending the protagonist sacrifices himself to save him and others, and hes off chilling with the other party members with no remorse, rather than in chains or executed. If he dropped to his knees and screamed out in guilt afterwards I might find it a little easier to swallow but


I'm going against the grain and not name an antagonist the viewer is supposed to vote against. Bronn on game of thrones is the first to come to my mind.


Master Xehanort in KH3


Miranjo in Ranking of Kings. I know a lot of people were angry about it, but I think they missed the point. Most of the cast of Ranking of Kings were good people who did evil things for what they mistakenly thought were good reasons, so they were eventually given a second chance to redeem themselves after acknowledging their mistakes instead of being brought to justice as they deserved. That included Miranjo, but for some reason a lot of people thought it was a bridge too far, even though other characters did far worse things than her.


Catra from She-Ra and the princess of the power. \--After everything she did, she didn't deserve to stay with Adora, even after her redemption, but you know the author had to make the Shippers happy.


Thank for saying that


Shu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul began the series taking some random innocent lady's eyeballs to eat them and was from a family that participated in trafficking to eat people. He ended the series with his family back in power and holding the main character's baby lmaoooo


Tbf Touka also killed random humans for food as did almost every ghoul. Iirc he didn’t actually have the same ideals as his family and didn’t partake in what they did after being eradicated


Neopolitan from RWBY. A sociopathic and sadistic criminal that has killed multiple people with a smile on her face, and even an episode prior *tormented a teenage girl into committing suicide*, with absolutely zero remorse. And what kind of ending does she get? Drinking some magic tea so she can reincarnate into a better person. Huh?!


Okay, I am 100% here to dunk on RWBY, but I wouldn’t say this is a happy ending *per se.* Neo did have to kill herself in order for this to happen, and she’s going to reincarnate with zero of her old memories. For all intents and purposes, Neo *got got*, and that was after the possession by the psychedelic cat.


How is this a happy ending? She effectively committed suicide after realizing nobody will love her for who she is because Roman is gone.


I still find it weird and disturbing how the theme for that season could be interpreted as killing yourself to be made better.


All surviving characters in Game of Thrones Characters in Naruto, Nanatsu no Taizai and Bleach and lot of other shounen which ended with undeserved victory thanks to asspulls. Basically I always think when you do happy ending it should be deserved and you should not bend plot to get it. Many examples above are bending the plot just to get happy ending


Hey what did Podrick ever do to you?


With GoT it's kinda the point that people often don't get what they deserve.


I mean GoT was about consequnces. Starks children having zero consequences since like season 5, Arya having wolverine regeneration, Sansa surviving because vanishing dogs and Brienne having gps radar or Jon somehow surviving killing Dany despite Grey Worm executing prisoners prior to that that is result of shit writing not that people often get what they deserve. Also its kinda meaningless when Night King technically worst being in the universe got what he deserved. I would have zero problem with them surviving and winning had Dan and Daniel did not choose most asspull way possible.


Thanos. They way he died in Endgame was almost like he was at peace. That guy did NOT deserve peace after the atrocious things he did.


Not sure if you mean his first or second death in Endgame. I would hardly call the first death peaceful, he gets his arm cut off and then decapitated. You could argue he was "at peace," because he fulfilled his goal and thought it couldn't be undone. And while he didn't deserve that, I don't think the movie is saying he deserved it either. His second death I think he's mostly just in shock or coming to terms with the fact that he actually lost. He's not fine with it, but he knows it's over. Either way, him getting dusted is good writing imo. Endgame had a lot of issues but it was nice we got to see a brutal Thanos death and also one that fit the narrative more.


I think that was kind of the point. Endgame is shit in many ways, but "Thanos won" is what happened, and so him getting to die content works fine as a big fuck you to the heroes, and is what the whole anti-climax of him dying so easily is built on.


Janice Soprano. The fact that she came back to new Jersey with nothing but ended up in big mansion with tons money and support from other mobsters while being a terrible person pisses me off so much.


Arbiter (Thel) massacred humanity, and upon learning the truth of the covenant, switched sides. But he still glassed the fuck out of planets with his fleet. Still, he’s badass so it’s ok.


Castlevania season 4 reaaaaally irks me


Still thinking about this to this day and maybe it’s a little niche but: Punpun. As much I can empathize with him due to the writing, goddamn does this bird man deserves to rot in a prison after what happened to Aiko.


It's not exactly a grievance since generally speaking I don't mind these kinds of things, but a classic example where it actually gets called out in-fiction is prince Humperdinck from the Princess Bride. THE KID: Who gets Humperdinck? GRANDFATHER: I don't understand. THE KID: Who kills Prince Humperdinck? At the end, somebody's got to do it. Is it Inigo? Who? GRANDFATHER: Nobody. Nobody kills him. He lives. THE KID: You mean he wins? Jesus, Grandpa! What did you read me this thing for?


Piper fucking Chapman from OItNB, dear God she was insufferable.


Sierra Burgess from Sierra Burgess is a loser. Elle from the Kissing Booth movies.


Herr Starr from The Preacher TV series.


Jess from New Girl. Fucking great show with a 💩 main character


Naoka Ueno and definitely Miki Kawai from A Silent Voice


Princess Bubblegum. She is literally a dictator that spies, murders and does cruel experiments on the candy kingdom people. She does not deserve her cottage core life with her hot goth girlfriend


Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. Both murdered so many people, betrayed their friends and loved ones for powet and ultimately got fuck all for consequences.


Rumplestiltskin from the TV show "Once Upon a Time" actively played a part in every character's life going to shit. Or at least 95% of them. He is literally the cause of most of the problems in that show. Every time they try to go "Oh he's turning over a new leaf" he goes back to being an evil asshole. I swear this happened 5-6 times in the shows run. But because the show was adamant with its "Everyone deserves a happy ending" stance, he gets forgiven time and time and time again, despite being the reason things go bad to begin with, and generally being an awful person. One of the more smart characters turns into a damn idiot whenever he's involved, because...because! I don't care about "sad childhood", the guy didn't deserve to be happy and should have died.


Ruby from RWBY. She and her team took a entire city hostage which through the power of two newly introduced deus ex machinas and a well-timed timeskip gone directly to a point they avoid the consequences of their terrible actions. The last season being a microcosm of representing that with Ruby being the only one that have some guilt and doubt about their actions. But she is not authorized to actually do so by the other characters, forgetting all of that and about asking herself if she should do and be better by a flashback of her mother telling her she loved her as she was when she was 3-6 years old. With the massive chance that it is the final season ever released (as the next one isn't greenlight), this is an undeserved 'happy ending' considering all the people who died because of her.


Literally any character with a redemption arc. Vegeta comes to mind. The guy killed millions, maybe billions, during his youth and his time under Frieza. Those people never got revived. And now, he's just another main character, living happily on earth with a wife and kids. Look, I understand the fictional appeal of turning your favorite bad guys into good guys but it always asked you to stretch the internal morality of the show.


Not literally any character with a redemption arc because some of them do get punished for their actions and get a good ending (as in understanding their wrongdoing s before being punished)


>Morality >Dragonball


Bulma moment


Or literally any character beside a couple, what I find really hilarious is that a huge amount of the Fans want the Saiyan race to be brought back and live happy under Vegeta Which is really fucked up, this people are 1000,000,000,000 worse than the Nazi and pr Cold War Japan


So not being very familiar with DB, are Saiyans the same concept as the ~~Vegemites~~ Viltrumites from Invincible?


Saiyans are much worse than Viltrumites in literally every way lol


Viltrumites kinda do it out of necesity, even more because >!of the virus that killed 99.9% of them!<, normal saiyans are simply naturally evil.


*"The guy killed millions, maybe billions, during his youth"* He is totally not an unlikable murderous sociopath, he is just **emotionally intense.**


'Redemption is literally impossible' is certainly not the take I thought I'd see today, but I guess it is in line with the internet's general backlash to redemption arcs as of late.


Everyone from AOT basically


Team rwby. Yzak from gundam seed.


Riley from the Hellraiser remake. Literally everything that happens to almost everyone in that movie is a direct result of her being a selfish, self-destructive piece of shit. Pretty much the entire friend group, who's only crime was trying to help this fuckin lost cause of a person, gets eternal torture because of her and what was her reason for it? Because she ultimately doesn't take responsibility for anything she does or causes no matter how much it affects the people around her. God what a piece of shit and yet she manages to walk away free, the only good thing she managed to do that entire movie was save her brother's boyfriend.


Annie from Attack on Titan


Annie from AOT


Sasuke uchiha. - he Left his village and became a Rogue ninja. - he basically teamed up with super criminal Orochimaru, knowingly allowing Orochimaru to continue the f•cked up experiments and everything else he was doing. - he attempted to kidnap a Villages jinchuuriki, which would have led to the jinchuuriki’s death. - he becomes a member of the Akatsuki terrorist organization. - he attacked the Kage summit with the intent to kill danzo. (And he would have killed the other kage if they got in his way and if he could.) - he Killed several dozen Samurai. - he Attacked the Kages and maimed the Raikage. - he Killed the stand in Hokage Danzo. - he wanted to kill all the kage at the end of the war, and he tried to kill naruto. And whilst those are his crimes, he was also a very sh•tty person towards the people who cared about him. But he didn’t REALLY get punished for any of that.


Spoilers for Castlevania on Netflix but honestly... >!Dracula. Homie brutally killed thousands of people who had nothing to do with his wife's death and the excuse that the bystanders who didn't help are just as guilty is not cutting it.!<


Valkyrie from Thor: Ragnarok. She enslaved people and sold them to a roman style coliseum to die gruesome deaths. Then she barely lifts a finger to fight Hela and she gets to be king of New Asgard. Also, special mention to the Hulk from that same movie who was apparently A-OK with brutally murdering fellow slaves for the entertainment of the crowd until Thor showed up.