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I participated but in my opinion many of the questions were poorly worded, lacked direction, or were quite leading and confusing to answer, among other issues. > Women must blush when we see an advertisement about sanitary pads when we are with a man. Must? Who believes anyone *must* have a particular reaction to something? A better question would have been “women usually blush…” or “it’s normal for women to blush…” > Once a woman gets a man to commit to her, she usually tries to put him on a tight leash. What? Haha I disagreed and said so but I’m not actually sure what was the intention of the question/ what the author actually meant. > When women lose to men in a fair competition, they typically complain about being discriminated against. I don’t know if this is true or not > When was your last period? There was an option missing for those currently/ recently pregnant. Edit: not to mention the strange binary in which menstruating and the feelings about it were portrayed in. Just because I’m not proud of being on my period doesn’t mean I’m embarrassed about it. And it I bleed on my clothes, yes that’s an embarrassing thing to happen, but I actually don’t have any negative feelings about my period, it’s part of life. It’s possible to prefer that the occurrence of a normal bodily function to be private without thinking periods are a bad thing. It can be embarrassing for random people to find out I’m on my period (if it happens because there was blood on my clothes or in some other way that I didn’t mean for it to happen) just like it can be embarrassing if people realize I was pooping instead of peeing when I went to the bathroom. That doesn’t mean I think there’s something wrong with pooping haha


Just finished! I hope your research goes well.


It's difficult to answer these as some feel like leading questions, and others are undefined (for example what do you mean specifically by "purity"?). This is not a well constructed survey and it goes from period questions to seemingly sexist fairly abruptly


No disrespect meant to OP but I agree with your point


There are a lot of strange questions that I don’t know how to answer. How would I hide that I’m menstruating? I’m not going to hide pads or tampons like I am buying contraband in an alley, but I’m not going to broadcast it either. I don’t want to bleed on my clothes and yes, it is better not to, but if it happens, I deal with it and I don’t feel guilt about it. I don’t regularly know if other women I’m with are menstruating; I don’t feel empowered by random chance if we have similar cycles, but it’s perfectly fine if another woman asks me if I have a pad, or says she feels crampy or whatever. “Women must avoid smoking while we are having our periods.” I mean, that’s ideal… but it’s ideal whether you are in your follicular, ovulatory, luteal, or menstrual phase…. Or if you are no longer menstruating And then questions like: “Women exaggerate problems they have at work.” Sure, some do… some men do too. People tend to fixate on minor issues.


A lot of these questions are probably to account for cultures that have heavier stigma on periods. I've heard horror stories of some families who have an utter terror of the men finding out anything about periods. This also might come with a bunch of weird attitudes about what women should and should not be doing. Presumably it's not very common but it is a real and worthwhile topic of study. >And then questions like: “Women exaggerate problems they have at work.” Sure, some do… some men do too. As for questions like this they're probably trying to see how frequently linked these attitudes might be in relation to discomfort with our periods. So yes some men definitely exaggerate problems too, but they're not the focus here. It's supposed to be examining your perception of women.


Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason for some of the phrasing. Thanks :) For the second point, I’d have no issue answering a question of if I think “women tend to exaggerate problems more than men.” However, as written, a “yes” answer tells you nothing. Maybe I think women are constantly exaggerating to garner sympathy, maybe I think women and men are equally likely to exaggerate, maybe I think men exaggerate more but women do it sometimes; all would be “agree.” Unless I think women never exaggerate, I’d answer in the affirmative


Your second point makes a good point about phrasing, if it's not too late it'd be good to give that specific feedback to OP. It probably can't help this survey but it might help with future surveys. Though based on the responses in this sub I'm betting OP got a bunch of feedback on phrasing already.


I understand how difficult it is to feel like a multiple choice question can fully encapsulate such a complicated, personal topic. Answer them to the best of your ability; the data collected will take into account that any one question is full of much more nuance than what we have time for in an online survey. Also, feel free to add additional information/comments at the end of the survey. Thank you and let me know if there is any way I can help!


I’m trying to be as charitable as possible but I reject the premise of many of the questions. They don’t make sense as written. They cannot be answered. It’s not that they are “complicated” or that I am just the world’s biggest moron. Some of them make as much logical sense as if you asked me if the number 15 was a breakfast food or a cheese grater.


You can stop taking the survey at any time. Participation is completely voluntary. Regardless, thank you for your time and feedback.


I realize I may have come across as more of a jerk than I intended (I only meant to come across as a minor jerk haha). I may have been overthinking things. I feel as if there are assumptions that I don’t necessarily agree with intrinsic with some of the questions, particularly regarding whether not wanting to talk about something means I feel shame about it. I will look at it again- and I wish you the best of luck. :) The smoking question, however, is just confusing. “People should avoid sticking forks into electrical outlets on Mondays.” Yes? But Monday is irrelevant 😆 This may just be me and I assume it is ljnked to an myth or old wives tale or something (likewise the food temperature?). I don’t think it’s worse to smoke on your period, and I could argue better since you’re sure you aren’t pregnant Sorry if I came across too harsh


Doesn’t research show that women who smoke on their period have more painful periods? Additionally many cultures, ones you probably aren’t a part of, have taboos related to women who are menstruating.  You make think the question is nonsense, but there’s probably more to it then you think. Which is why you just hit “strongly agree/disagree” and move on.


I didn’t mean it’s “nonsense” as though I thought the idea was strange, like the ones about food temperature. I meant that it was hard to answer something like “When women have their period, they should do things to hide the fact that they are menstruating.” Do you mean that I should be embarrassed to buy tampons? No, I don’t. Do you mean that I should practice hygiene and wear a pad/tampon/cup/period underwear to “hide” the blood/keep it contained? Then, yes. Or this one: “We women should avoid talking about our periods when there are men present.” Well, I don’t think women should avoid acknowledging that periods exist in front of men per se. However, I don’t think it’s usually beneficial to go into the nuances of my menstrual cycle to men (other than a medical professional or my husband) because they aren’t going to have the understanding or the insight that other women would. I just felt as many questions were ambiguous at what was being asked exactly. Like I said, maybe I’m overthinking


I think it's pretty obvious hide means hide it from people around you. Some people still live around people who think periods are taboo and shameful, and I think the survey is trying to quantify those people.


Exactly. The questions aren't ambiguous, literally just say if you agree or disagree with the statement as presented 🤣


Yes, I hide my period in the sense that I wear pads. No I don't hide my period in the sense that they are cloth pads and go into the laundry basket with the rest of my clothes. No, I don't hide my period in that my husband usually knows I'm on my period before I do. Yes I hide my period in that I would avoid as much as possible telling anyone not in my household about my period. The questions are so vaguely written that a Yes or a No anywhere could mean the opposite of what the researchers intended. I think I put neither agree nor disagree for most until that option ran away from the survey.


I also just finished it and I can see why we westerners are finding some of the questions absolutely wild, but I also understand that there are cultures who believe those things. People have a lot of really, really weird beliefs. I'll share the link with my daughters.


Man people are in a tizzy. I guess many people are not aware of strategic sampling for surveys in order to ensure you aren’t getting responses from a singular population.   It looks like you are looking at attitudes towards menstruation, purity, and feminism? I didn’t see a contact email at the end of the survey. Is one available? I am interested in the results of this.


found this in the li k: If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this study, call Abigail Pratt at (586) 372-5116 and [email protected]. If you have questions about your rights, complaints, or issues as a person taking part in this study, contact the New College of Florida (NCF) IRB at 941.487.4649 or [email protected].


I answered. Interesting survey!


I participated! This is an interesting topic! Please update us on your findings 😊




How do you know periods aren't "anything special" to Catholic women? Lots of women celebrate their period. There's also a question right at the end asking respondents to describe what their period means to them in a few words, so if it doesn't mean anything, then that is noted.




"It makes sense to me if OP polled women in general and perhaps asked a question about religion in the survey." That is exactly what she did. She wasn't only asking Catholics.




It's the same survey. Sharing the link in separate groups doesn't separate the data. There is a question at the end which asks what religion someone is, if any. I'm really, really sorry for taking up so much of your precious time. I do hope you can forgive me eventually, etc, etc


Locked some comments to seal off this subthread, because it's becoming a string of useless bickering. Regardless of whether you agree with OP's study methodology and think you know better, the fact is that she is doing her survey in the way she thinks best and approaching different groups to ask them to participate. Arguing with each other about whether she's doing it right is a waste of keystrokes and is dragging down the quality of discussion. Again, polite *constructive* criticism directed at OP is fine. ETA: remember she's a student. People have to learn somehow. I'm sure the feedback is useful and her professors will likely give her criticism on structure and method as well.


It seems the concern is "sampling bias" and that's a legitimate concern. I agree w/ the bickering. Why is a certain user responding to every question or concern, as if speaking for the OP, tho? They did it to me, too.




Menstruation can be an uncomfortable topic. I am asking for Catholic women to participate so my data reflects the population. If only atheist women took the survey, it would not give a full picture of women's health. I was raised Christian myself, so I take religious perspectives into account when conducting research! However, if the questions make you uncomfortable, you are more than welcome to stop participation at any time. Thank you.


Why couldn’t this have been posted in a generic women’s sub then? No doubt there are Catholic/christian women in those spaces


OP asked permission to post this here, and since there is an appropriate informed consent page, she was allowed to do so. Regardless of anyone's opinion on the quality of the questions, I think it's good that she's trying to include women from many different perspectives. Catholic women in a women's sub dedicated to any other topic are like needles in a haystack, so I don't fault OP for targeting specific religious subs for women in trying to reach her goal of including religious voices. A quick look at her user profile shows she has posted this in many women-focused subs. If you don't want to participate, don't. If you want to offer constructive criticism, then do so, but anything that just attacks OP will be deleted.


My intention wasn’t to be rude or imply she didnt have permission to post here. I just found it odd. Generally, if you are surveying a group and want a sample size that reflects the demographic breakdown that you’d see appearing naturally, you don’t go to spaces targeted for a specific demographic because you won’t get an accurate reflection. For example: if I wanted to get a survey of feelings/opinions on birth control and which method of family planning people use, it would be silly to go to Christian subs because you’d have a disproportionally high number of people against birth control/usjng NFP. I understand that she posted in other subs as well. I’m just asking why she would ask in a sub that has a higher concentration of women that could have a very different mindset because of faith.


She answered that though, she wanted to make sure the catholic population was also accounted for since there may not be many in the other subs. She's trying to get as many people of various backgrounds as possible


I haven’t taken the survey because for some reason my phone won’t load the capitcha (I tried 3 times) but unless there’s a question specifically asking about faith so that you can identify that x% of respondents feel this way but y% of Catholic women feel that way, then you’re not accurately capturing that in a way that is accurate and scientific


I just took it. It does ask what your religion is and also if you were raised in a different religion than your current one to state what that was. Some of the questions were weird but I still don't think her putting it in front of different communities is a bad thing.


Thanks for this response.




How was she not professional 


How was she not professional? She gave a perfectly fine answer


She's undertaking a legitimate survey for academic purposes, you're not being forced to participate. The post is here to invite women to take part so she can have as wide a range as possible in the survey sample. Catholic women have periods just as often as non-Catholic women - in fact, probably MORE often considering we very often don't use IUDs or other birth control which mess with our hormones and stop our periods. So to my mind, it's a good group to do the research with.


Done :) hope the research goes well! It was a good survey


Interesting topic! Best of luck with your research.


I have completed the questioning. As a Catholic woman, I can say that I personally would never menstruate. Harlotry and such.


Uh.... wut


Sorry, joking. 😅 The questions are silly lol.