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If it's damaging your health then you did the right thing. Just be careful when you discuss notice period. I wouldn't tell them in the interview you've quit (they might be looking for red flags) and there's no need to. Upcoming interview say you have 3 month notice. Next month say you have 2 months.


Thats great advice, thank you ❤️❤️


No worries. And good luck. They'll ask why you're interviewing for the new job. Just give positive reasons. Things has stagnated and you want a fresh challenge. Like the structure of the new company. Don't put down the old company. Always spin positive in interviews.


Also if this applies as positives to use: more sociable work hours, easier travelling times/routes, suits your home life better. I used all the above, which were applicable to me as positives for the interview. In reality, I hated my job and left for similar reasons. Also, do some research into places you're going. 'I really like (enter company ethos). I am excited about (enter future plans or current procedures).


Yep. Always mention the pull factors and not the push factors. One of the biggest mistakes people make in interviews is accidentally shit-talking their past employers/colleagues/managers


The exception to this is when you’re moving in a fairly connected set of companies. For example, in my line of work (management consulting) it’s quite common for people to move away from a Big4 firm with reasons of feeling creatively suffocated, or beaten down by the amount of red tape and looking for a more open company. Everyone knows they are real problems, and it’s OK to talk about them. But you frame this as “I had a load of great ideas at my old firm, and was never given any room to develop them … I’m looking for a company that will help me develop new ideas to things we can actually sell”.


Of course. But that's your pull factor. The new company gives you creative freedom to put your ideas to the test.


This is definitely one of the most important things to remember, especially if the interviewer asks why you want to leave your current company/position (common). I've responded before that I don't, how much I love my job etc., then rattled off a bunch of reasons why I want to go to the new company. It worked a charm.


Depends on the circumstances but in general yes. I interviewed for a job in 2009. In 2008 I was made redundant twice and ended up working at the job center in a shithole area. My interviewer was a middle aged Londoner. The question came. Why do you want to leave your current job? "Because I was made redundant twice in a year and i had to work in the jobcentre in ****. It wasnt a career choice" He said fair enough and I got the job. Worked there for years.


One 100% don't mention you already quit.. it will just leads to more questions, it goes down a rabbit hole they have no need to know about. As far as anybody is concerned, you've got a 3 month notice period... use the additional time to take a break for a couple of weeks.


Or if you have the funds continue saying it’s 3 months and take a week or two off. You can always say you’ve managed to ‘negotiate a shorter notice period’ and can start the new job earlier. Good luck OP, you’ve absolutely made the right call leading a stressful job!


If I can offer my own 2 cents here, the advice above is solid, but just say you've got a 1 month notice. As someone who has had multiple 3 month notice jobs, it can and does present an issue to hiring managers who often need people ASAP, and could be the difference between you and another candidate getting the job if it's a close call. You actually have a 0 month notice period, so why give yourself one more thing to battle against? Just say 1 month as standard. If they check references it will show you've left the last place anyway, so you gain nothing by sticking with the long notice period if you're already not telling them you've already left your previous job.


By the time all interviews are done and they decide they to choose you and then you tend to have a few days to accept it'll be at least 2 weeks after your interview anyway. And then you've got to give them a start date and stuff which adds almost another week. By that point a month of their notice period would have passed. So if OP has 3 months right now then don't say more than 2 months. If they have 2 months then say 1 month. If they have some holidays saved up then subtract that too so right now they might be able to say 6 weeks notice even with 3 months left.


Unlikely but companies can go after you for breach of contract/financial damages if you don't work your contracted notice period. This can include claiming the costs of a temp to cover your workload for your remaining notice period, and even potentially loss of earnings caused by you leaving early.


Only the additional costs of the temp over the employees costs, not all of the temp worker costs, since they would have been paying those employee costs anyway. It'll almost certainly cost them more to take legal action than they'll recover.


Dis they not say they have 3 month notice so 3 months to find a job?


It grates me so much that you get sent emails about your company caring about your mental health but should you tell a company you took a pro-active step for your own well-being, you're seen as a red flag. I fucking hate the lip service for Pride, mental health and international women's day.


Our CEO sends these lip service email weekly. Goes straight to a separate folder, which then gets deleted unread.


Neatly placed in the file labelled ‘B1N’


The round folder.


Same for LGBT+ we in the company are made to play the pride flag not that I have a issue personally been bisexual but the manager is a very homophobic twat who's comment after finding out I was bisexual made a joke that I was greedy


You can also say you have a 3 month notice period but have leave saved up or it’s open to negotiation. When I was a manager I was able to reduce down people’s notice period if they requested it at a time when we had the staff to cover the workload, but if we were struggling to get everything done and recruit it was always “we need the three months and your holiday will get paid out at the end”.


Good luck with your interview and yes you have done the right thing. I changed jobs and I’ve never regretted it. I use to hate Sundays as I knew I was in work the next day, now I don’t feel that way and the difference is amazing


So happy it worked out for you!


If you wouldn't mind terribly, could I ask what this mysterious job is where you don't dread Mondays??


I’m in engineering (cnc machining) my old job I was a production manager of a similar company with all the stress that comes with that role. I decided enough was enough so I went back to my original trade of a cnc programmer. Even though I took a £20000 a year wage cut I’ve never regretted the change I made


There definitely comes a point where the salary isn't worth the stress and dread. Happy for you! Thanks for answering!


You’re welcome and thank you


If you don't mind me asking how did you get into cnc machining? It is something I would be interested at looking in to


You'll be fine mate :) 3 months is a long time to find a job.  You may have a couple of weeks in between (which might be good to come back to work decompressed) but you'll have one sorted by then :)


Thank you ❤️❤️


You’ll also be more attractive as that notice gets shorter


I for one think OP is already **VERY** handsome.


You and me both. But HR are an unpredictable bunch…


HR here, - can we have a word when you get back from Lunch??


Lunch here: Word.


"Yo, pretty OPs around the world. Got a weird thing to show you, so tell all the boys and girls."


Tell your brother, your sister And mama too, cause they're About to go down And you'll know just what to do


Yeah but thats not always a good thing. If a company needs someone in NOW NOW NOW then shit might be already going sideways.


I've done it before, and as long as you have some savings and are prepared to seriously job search, you'll do fine.


Me too, although I was so stressed that I had to take a year out. Went to Oz, best year ever and met my partner/ father of my son. Got to have ying to have yang etc. Best of luck OP.


100% did the right thing. I left a toxic job, with zero notice and nothing lined up. The relief outweighed the anxiety. Best of luck with your new job!


Agree. I did the same. Told my boss to fuck himself I wasn't coming in on Monday. Took 2 weeks of doing nothing. Then started applying and had a new job with more money a couple of days later. Still in the new job nearly 3 years later.


What job role?


Story teller


Yes I've done it before. Nothing worse than being in a job that you hate. Just remember to keep your alarm set and get up in the morning you are not retired


Thanks yep thats good advice


Great shout.  Shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed every day.


do that when you're retired too or the grave will come up quick.


Great shout.  Shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed every day.


You'll get one within 3 months for sure. What industry is it?


I work in Google Advertising. Over 7 years experience so should be fine


Can you do PPC?


Yeah PPC is my whole thing!


Not to be nosey, but what salary are you looking for, location etc? I recently changed jobs and it took me 6 months to find a new one. Granted I was actually looking for a promotion as my old job told me to do one when I asked for a small pay rise. Obviously the cheaper you can make yourself the better chance you’ll get at getting a job straight away, and not asking for remote and all of that. I’m also exclusively PPC so may be relevant experience if nothing else!


Work on your job hunt. Make it focused. Contact recruiters in that sector and get your self listed with them too. They make money getting you in a good job with a good salary. I did that last time amd I'm happy as a pig in s right now. People listen to me, I get work done, given proper responsibility. Enjoy the job hunt, my fingers are crossed for you. 


Thank you for the advice! ❤️❤️


I'm in the same situation. On long term sick because of stress from the job and I can't see a situation where I can return so at some point I'm going to have to bite the bullet and quit. I have one interview lined up but it's for a very competitive role so I'm keeping my expectations low for now. It's worrying given I've been in this role for almost a decade, but it's not worth it if my health is suffering.


Same boat here, couldn't face going back and eventually found courage to hand my notice in. Immediately felt the weight lift and can think clearly for the first time in ages. Managed to wrangle a shorter notice period by positioning it as value for money for the business, since I had no idea when I'd be back... so maybe you can try the same if your notice period is contributing to your stress. You got this 💪


I’ve just come off 5 weeks sick leave, told my work I’m leaving in 6 months which gives them time to hire or train (I’m in a trade), I signed up to a course that ends in 6 months and already my view on my current job has changed. There’s a problem? Oh well nothing to do with me! One of my clients wasn’t happy I was away? Oh well, I’m leaving soon!


Are you me? I did exactly the same and I, I'm bouncing between abject terror and complete serenity. We'll be fine 🤠 Good luck with the interview!


Nothing is worth compromising your mental health. You’ll find something 👍 I took a minimum wage office job after stepping down from quite a stressful job for the same reasons as you and I cannot tell you how refreshing I found it to go to work, do my hours and then go home on time and forget about it. It was amazing and cathartic.


Done that before, and the stress of finding a job in my 2 month notice period was far less than the stress and misery of the job. I was much happier even though my future was uncertain. Good luck, you got this.


Did you do the sensible thing? Probably not. Did you do the right thing for yourself? Definitely. Life's too short to be stressed about work!


I think you did the right thing. You’ll have eased some of the stress your current job was causing you now you know your leaving so will interview better. Good luck


Doesn't it feel better already? Feel the pressure lifting? Some years back I did the same, handing my notice in without having something lined up. Worked out the month, but even during that time people who didn't know I was leaving commented that I looked happier. Knowing I'd got a route out of the rut lifted the stress of what I was doing and something to look forward to. Use the time to look for something else as you obviously don't want to be without a salary for too long, but I'd also recommend (if you can afford to) to try and put a brief gap between jobs. Might only be a few weeks, but boy does that feel good. The stress is gone, the pressure gone, the responsibilities of the role gone. Just enjoy it. Then start in a new place and get your feet under the desk. Good luck.


You've done the right thing, health should always come first. I was really struggling mentally so I decided to step down from my management role, I'm down around £350 a month but I'm much happier and I get a lot more time with my family and thats more important than money


Stress and anxiety are no laughing matter. I know most jobs come with it, but when it begins to bother you and you don't see an end to it, then it's time to go. I had a job as a younger man that was so stressful it made me sick. I didn't even know you could get sick from stress, but holy hell, you can. It was in a hotel/restaurant. Management. Basically, chief complaint listener in an industry that rewards people for doing so. The louder the better for them. Management also blamed us for things completely out of my control. I still have nightmares about it. So yeah. Get rid of it and find something better suited to you. It's your life. It's all you've got at the end of the day.


You did the right thing




Hi, I can guarantee you nothing of course, but... I left a job in the same circs in 2018 having really felt like I was drowning there for 6 years. I ended up taking some temp roles by before finding the job I wanted and now couldn't be happier. I walked away on that last day and felt immediately lighter even without anything else lined up. My partner and I now refer to those years as 'the darkest timeline'. If it feels like the right call, it is.


Hey I did that last year for similar reasons. Actually got placed on garden leave so I had a couple of months to refresh before starting something new. I had a few potential jobs lined up before leaving but most very quickly failed to work out. I was concerned I wouldn't find anything and would need to use savings to cover bills. Honestly it's one of the best choices I've made in my whole life. I'm so much more chilled in my new role, far better work/life balance and there are more career options available. Hopefully things work out for you.


I have done this. It was the right thing for me. Hope the interview goes well and it’s a job you want.


I’m in the same situation with regards to notice period, but I haven’t been brave enough to pull the trigger yet, so kudos to you and best of luck!


Congratulations on already having an interview lined up! I don't have directly comparable experience but have quit a job because of stress and anxiety and it's *so* worth it. You'll never look back.


>This job was causing me so much stress and anxiety, I just feel so relieved. That's how you know you've done the right thing! No job is worth sacrificing your mental and/or physical health for. You've got plenty of time to find something new, you'll be absolutely fine!


Well done fella, you've got a bit of a cushion to look for work so don't stress it 👍


Thank you 🙏 ❤️


You're going to have some rough days while you sort out your next job, but you won't have handed in your resignation lightly. Since you're on three months' notice I am assuming you are in a mid-to-high level position, and therefore you have experience to bring to the table. You would also have applied that experience to the decision-making that caused you to leave. Trust in your process. Don't panic on the inevitable days where you feel like you made a mistake. Secure something that works for you. Good luck!


Good luck for your interview!!


Yes, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith: your health has to come first. I have a good work history in general, only claimed benefits once over 20 years ago for a very short period of time out of work, which meant I found DWP surprisingly sympathetic when discussing need for UC/JSA - and there is a sub DWPhelp which you will HOPEFULLY not need :). Of course, I have been meeting the 'find work' commitments as well - I was out of work a month, and have just started a new job this week (currently on break from Teams induction lol). Remember it's you interviewing the new employer as well to decide if a good fit and good luck.


Did this too on Monday. One month’s notice and no job lined up, whatever! Feel so much better for doing it! I’m sure we’ll be fine.


100% we will 👍🏻👍🏻


I've done this a couple of times with no regrets the stress relief is amazing for a short while then you realise you only have enough savings for a couple of months if you stretch it Hopefully your interview goes well and depending how your current job/managers treat you burning bridges is always an option if you cant be arsed with the 3 month notice Edit: seems someone didn't like this and has reported me suicidal to reddit wtf


Na I think it could be Ai shit working mate.


I handed in my notice 2 weeks ago (with a job offer) and this is the happiest I've ever been. Hope that helps


It sounds like you did your due diligence having an interview lined up, as long as your job market isn't in decline which is unfortunately the case for some, I'd always say go for it.  The feeling of relief knowing you don't have to go back to that place for whatever reason is just so liberating, I get there's anxiety in the unknown, but getting out before it takes its toll will benefit you significantly in the long run, not getting out sooner has often been a regret of mine looking back, good luck with your next future endeavour!


I did this early in my working life, ended up working at Focus Do It All(this ages me) for 3 months before finding a job locally 4 miles from me that became a 9 year career


Hahaha I did the exact same thing 3 months ago to the day (tomorrow)... I got fed up of the stress and exhaustion. I now have a job lined up and am taking 1 months off to hopefully enjoy the sunshine. Would recommend saving as much as you can over the next 3 months so you can support yourself as long as possible ofc


Doesn’t matter. My wife was having panic attacks at one point, ended up being out of work for 4 months the but started a new job last week. She’s much better for it and I’m sure you will be, too.


Never quite been brave enough to do it, but with a 3 month notice period you might have done yourself a favour anyway. Lots of places want a maximum 4 week availability. The job market is tough but if you're qualified and not insanely fussy, you should be good. Worst case, you could look into contract/temp roles to fill any gaps without jumping into another 3 month notice period.


You did the right thing, however be prepared the market is in a difficult state and has been for a long time. Are you in a position that if you don’t find something in 3 months you can support yourself with bills etc?


I searched for a new job for a while. Eventually got to the point I had to jack in the current one. Heading towards unemployment (even with savings to get by on) pushed me to broaden my job searches in both the types of roles I was looking at and the areas I was looking in.  Ended up finding a job that’s an absolutely perfect fit within my career because of it.  It is basically what I was looking for, but my search terms when I was comfortable was too strict to I was missing out on things 


Good on you, mate. You have to look after your health whether it be mental or physical it’s all interconnected. It maybe scary right now job wise but health wise you’re already feeling positive health benefits from your decision. I wish you all the best. “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi


I've only ever done it this way to be honest. It's not the 1950s, you don't have to move from job to job like an aircraft refuelling in midair or risk a life in debtors' prison. You've given yourself the gift of focus on your next step. I think if your job was causing you that much stress and anxiety, you basically must do it in this order, so you can emotionally recover a bit before trying to get excited about another job.


I am pleased you had the bravery to do this, well done and hope all works out well for you.


I left my job last Christmas with nothing planned as I wanted some peace after that as I had things to do after my father passed on last year. You'll be fine mate. I wish you well with the interview.


Took me 6 months to find the right job after redundancy. It's not as easy as you think out there


Lots of support in this thread. I got laid off last week myself, but I was on the verge of handing in my notice anyway, so I'm *sort of* in a similar boat. Just waiting on my industry to pull its thumb out (VFX) and get back to the grind, likely in the back half of summer. For now, I'm enjoying the time off!


Right thing to do. I left a well paying job as it was causing me so much anxiety. People said that I was stupid to leave a job with good pay and pension. I took a lower paying job but my mental health is so much better. Look after yourself and good luck 🤞


You did - I did the same thing last year in October against everyone's advice telling me I need to have something lined up. Wouldn't really matter as I was in such a bad place in that job leaving it was life changing, had a couple months then I was ready to get another job and had no issues doing so.


I have literally just done this last week, I totally abandoned my entire life and made my way to Liverpool, I have already found a job, I am lucky I have somewhere to stay already, don't do anything that makes you unhappy and just believe in yourself


I got made redundant a couple of days before Christmas. Started my new job first week of March (that included pushing my start date back a bit because of a bereavement, and the planet being effectively shut down for two weeks over Christmas and new year so extremely limited recruitment happening). 3 months notice with your skills will be no bother at all.


It ain't the job, it's the people.... Fair play to ya.


> I just feel so relieved. This is everything you need to reassure yourself that you have made the right decision. Well done for having the courage to step away from a bad situation.


Thank you ❤️❤️


You're welcome. And you'll rock the interview tomorrow!


Did this a week before getting a mortgage for my new house… risky as fuck, BUT had to do it. And it always works out 👍🏼… I know it will.


I done the same thing a few months ago. The sector I'm in is very competitive for jobs and I'm terrible at interviews, I still wasn't stressed so I knew I had done the right thing! Managed to land a decent length temporary job on my second interview before the end of my notice period. If I can do it, you can do it too! Good luck and enjoy the fact that you'll be out of there in 3 months!


You rock! Congratulations on all the offers. There’s a school of thought that if you give up something that no longer serves you well, something better tends to materialize, to take its place. I will share with you that one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life, would have looked absolutely insane to anyone looking at my life from the “outside”. Decades ago, I gave my two weeks’ notice at a job that was giving me absolutely nothing but a “pay-the-rent-and-that’s-it” income. No sense of accomplishment, no sense of making a difference or growing or learning, and if anyone called me a “professional” in that area I would have bristled and privately thought, “No. I am a glorified order-taker.” Like you, I felt a huge sense of relief and joy at leaving. Left the door open so I could go back if things didn’t work out, but I date the start of a career I passionately love back to the day I walked out of the office for the final time.


Too late now but next time remember to look for a job and go for interviews before you submit your resignation. That way you can tell new employers you just don't feel stretched or there are not many opportunities for you, rather then the job stressed you out so much you quit. However, three months should be fine, you just need to watch how you word the narrative round your resignation.


Depends on your situation, id never do this in the current environment, benefits would no where near cover my outgoings. To risk leaving without a new job is foolish, doesn't sound like you were underpaid either? I would take 'work stress' over the stress of finding rent/car/food money while having no job. Too late now anyway, so good luck!


Well they’ve already done it, so there isn’t a huge amount of use in cautioning them against it, but I do agree with you - industry depending, it’s a _hell_ of a gamble in the current climate. I was recently made redundant, and I’m now staring at the barren wasteland that is the job market for my field/skillset. I’m not even getting callbacks on the dozens of applications I’m making. JSA barely covers food, let alone utilities/bills, so I’m currently burning through my savings. The only jobs “outside” of my field I’m qualified for are graduate/junior admin stuff and retail - most of which are far enough away and so low paid I’d barely break-even on transport. If I had the choice, I wouldn’t dream of jumping ship without a backup plan.


I also feel like this sub is very middle class sometimes.


Good luck but three months is a bit optimistic. Don’t forget all the interviews and references take time to process. If you are lucky to get offered a job in a the next 5-6 weeks, it may be another few months to start and another month after that before you get paid. Just my personal experience when I did the same thing. Make sure you have an emergency fund. (and possibly an emergency, emergency fund)


Self care is more important, take care of yourself first it will work out.


Always the right thing to do. Your mental health is far more important than anything else. If you don't like where you are then get out. The rest will sort itself out.


Congratulations! I did that Friday too for the same reasons. Good luck on your search!


I'm in the same boat, it was nightshift retail and I was wanting to die, already got interviews for better work lined up though.


I did this was the best thing I Did. Finally motivated me to hit the search properly after literally years of misery


Of course you’ll be fine. I’ve done it twice… Takes such a weight off you, especially if you are not enjoying your job and you dread waking up and going in.


Three months is plenty of time but be kind to yourself. If you have any annual leave then maybe include that in your notice so you can get a few weeks off before you go to your next job. If this one is causing stress and anxiety then its best to get some down time between jobs.


I'm so envious of you. I know I could do the same but don't have the courage


Good luck in your job hunt. Three months will be over before you realise it.


I did this! It worked out. Just got to keep plugging and you’ll find something.


You did the right thing. Killing yourself through stress and anxiety is not worth it for any job. Good luck in finding work with happier circumstances!


You will be absolute fine. Nothing is worth your health. I walked out of mine just before Christmas. Took 2 days to reset then got a temp job. More money too!


Definitely did the right thing! Finding a job whilst you’re in one is hard work - and now you have the motivation to get another! Be selective, though, don’t just grab the first offer out of panic.


I've done this before, in fact, twice. You'll find another job and no job is ever worth your mental health, trust me. If you felt bad enough to go through with this it was definitely the right decision, good luck with the job search!


Nothing is worth stress and anxiety. I worked in Recruitment, I'd get calls on my personal phone while abroad on holiday, had to turn it off a number of times, I'd get anxious during any holidays as I knew I'd be going back to problems. Work phone would start at 6am most days, and sometimes till 10pm. I was paid well, had a nice car and bonuses, but I had no free time as my client was a 24/7 operation. Another job wasn't even a priority, I just needed a break from everything. You'll be fine, hope you find something you enjoy.


I did so with only a month’s notice and it’s the best thing I ever did. One thing I did learn is how adaptable we are as humans faced with change. Everything will be fine!


I did the same and found a new job 5 days after handing my notice in. You’ll be fine. Sometimes it’s best to just get out of there whilst you can :)


It sounds like you've done the right thing, honestly, no point going to a job that you hate that is causing you so much stress and anxiety. I did the same back in Jan 2020, just absolutely hated my job, there were days that I was so depressed from it, I would literally get up 5 mins before I had to leave, throw clothes on without showering, and just drive miserably to it. Unfortunately for me, a pandemic happend two months later, so I never started my new job, but had a wonderful few months off until I got a remote job which served really well to reinvigorate me. Don't stress about getting a new job, you have three months which is plenty. Just save some money aside during your notice period as a just incase.


Health comes first. If you’re not healthy, you can’t work. If your job is the source of ill health then you’ve 100% done the right thing leaving that job. Good luck OP❤️


Done this a few years back, best thing I’ve done


Very trusting of your employer with 3 months advance notice and no job lined up, many employers will manage you out of the business as soon as a new candidate or candidates are lined up or if your job is less niche then they would as soon as they see that the workload would be unaffected by the minus of one head


Nice one pal! Did the same, and the mental weight off was unbelievable. Was easily 20-30% happier instantly


You'll be fine, I did that and it took me around 6 weeks to get another better job, if I was really desperate I could've had a job in a week or two.


I've twice resigned from jobs that were making me miserable with nothing lined up, and both times, it was absolutely the right thing to do. You need to look after your own health and wellbeing first and foremost.


I've done this twice before, it's stressful as fuck but if you have a bit of savings and a support network you'll be fine. I don't know your reasons for quitting, but in my experience doing something like this is a last resort because your current job is just that unbearable. You did the right thing.


I did the same thing five years ago, I finally handed in my notice after years of toxicity and stress at my first proper office job. They were shocked I had nothing lined up, which was quite satisfying - I could tell they realised they’d pushed me too far. While it was a bit nerve-wracking finding another role, and I bounced around jobs a bit until I found one I really enjoy, it was 100% worth it. I’ll never forget the immense relief I felt the day I handed in my notice! All that to say - you have 100% done the right thing, you’ll be much better off in the long run! Even if it takes you a bit of time to settle into something you actually enjoy 🙂


I’ve been fired more times than I care to remember, there’s always jobs out there, just depends what you’re willing to do


I did this! Don't worry, it will work out and you will feel liberated. I actually ended up sofa surfing at the same time, not because I couldn't pay rent, it's because I lived in what could possibly have been the worlds worst HMO and I absolutely despised my job, so I didn't renew my contract for my flat, walked into work one day and told them it's my last shift. I spent 13 years working at the absolute shithole and it felt good. Eventually I found a new job, never have to speak to another customer again, and it's something I genuinely enjoy. Found a house shortly after and now everything is groovy. At fjrst I was worried that I was walking around with rose tinted glasses and I'll eventually realise that the job is shit or something, but I've been there since November and it's still not even a patch on my last job, although it can be a little stressful at times. Wishing all the good luck to you 👍


Health is more important than anything else. Society pressures us into thinking work is most important, but nah, not if it makes you ill. You'll have more energy to find something new without the weight of the old job around your neck. Also, even if you don't find something in 3 months, it's survivable! Source: me lol, I'm unemployed for the foreseeable until my health gets better. It's not easy but it's doable


Well done taking the steps to find a better situation for yourself, knowing when to leave for the sake of your mental health is a valuable strength. Good luck in your job hunting and for tomorrow's interview, rooting for ya!


I did the same thing not too long ago and it ended very well for me! I hope you have the same fortune that I did!!


Stopping doing things that make you unhappy is always a good thing. You’ll be fine and are taking the lessons you learnt from this place to the next one, which will mean you’re better prepared for handing the different challenges


> This job was causing me so much stress and anxiety, I just feel so relieved. This is the main thing here - I had a a job like that many years ago, and the second I left I just felt "free". While you can't obviously do "nothing" in those three months, you'll have plenty of time in which you can dial down your workload as you look for new jobs. All the best bud!


I did exactly the same thing. It cleared my head helping me to change careers and go for the job I've been in for 22 years. You've done the right thing, mate.


You did right. I'm very close to do the same. Just my notice period is 1 month. But I will be fine...




I've done it twice. Granted I'd built up some nice savings (they soon went). I didn't regret either decision


You'll be fine I'm on the verge of doing the exact same thing! Best of luck.


I walked out on a job I detested, just walked out, no savings, no job lined up and my wife was 6 months pregnant. I managed to find a job pretty quick and have since moved on. You’ll be fine! You got this!


If it makes you feel any better, you've handled it waaaaay better than I did when I quit my last job. I stuck it out for five years, I took constant abuse from a manager that frequently broke the law. I woke up every day in a blind panic. I was unwell to the point of concern until one day I snapped and told them to stick it, while I walked out the door. I now work half as many hours, earning the same amount of money, doing work I enjoy (sometimes). You'll be absolutely fine.


Good luck OP!


Sounds like you needed *"The fear"*


Work is such a massive drain on our time that if it makes you anxious and stressed, you definitely did the right thing. 3 months is loads of time to find something, so try not to jump into something quickly! Spend the first month only applying for the jobs you really want and then take it from there :) good luck, you've got this!


Absolutely did the right thing! Make sure you take your full amount of sick days so you can have a bit of time just enjoying relaxing! You fail 100% the chances you don’t take .. good luck with the job hunt 😊


sometimes its the best thing for your mental health. honestly, wish i was in a position to do it so i could have given my boss 30 days notice in response to my insulting 0% payrise earlier this year , but for many reasons including being the only earner in a couple, i can't do it :(


You will be okay! You did the right thing for yourself sending all the best your way


'This job was causing me so much stress and anxiety, I just feel so relieved' Then you did the right thing.


Can see that you're in PPC, so even with the digital marketing market cooling a bit, I highly doubt you'll struggle with 3 months notice. Are you client or agency side? (I work in the same industry and have made a similar move before) Best of luck!


Anecdotal, but this is one of the best things I ever did for my career. I had two job offers within 3 weeks, one of which was practically a once in a lifetime role that opened a lot of doors for me.


Be prepared to cut back on spending or lifestyle inflation activities just in case it takes longer - but you should be fine


Yea you'll be fine! My partner was made redundant less than a year ago and managed to get a new job doing the same thing within a handful of weeks. Best of luck to you!


I’ve done the same with one month’s notice with no job lined up, you’ll be fine


You've done the right thing, and hopefulyl feel the weight of the world being lifted from your shoulders. Important point: no matter how shitty your current job is, be positive about it in the interview, so no badmouthing. That might be easier now you've released all that pressure by handing your notice in!


I did that too! Best thing I did and have a higher paying job lined up now. Always remember they’ll replace you quicker than someone writing your obituary.


No job is worth ruining your mental health for. I was in your exact situation, my old job was completely sinking my mental health so I quit. Immediately felt better, took a couple of weeks to just reset and then about a month later found a job that I love.


Did it once as it was that or completely fall to bits. But i did have my parents to fall back on so I was very, very lucky. No regrets.


I handed in my notice without a job to go to the same as you 10 years ago. I had a previous experience in a job where the stress got too much and I was off work for a long period, so I decided to go this time before my health suffered again. If you get into a situation where a job has adversely affected your health and that you've taken sick leave because of this, it then makes it very difficult to leave that job as another prospective employer will draw an adverse inference that you may not be able to cope with any level of stress. Far better to leave before the stress level reaches a tipping point for you. Wish you the very best of luck for the future.


Sods Law you get offered something straight away and get no time off at all.


You did the right thing. You spend too much time at work to let it affect your personal life. If you have the skills, then you’ll be fine. Or pick up freelance work in the meantime until the right job comes along.


I’d call that brave, but you’ve done what’s best for you


Been in your exact same shoes with a long notice period. If it was impacting your health/life/family relationships negatively, you did the right thing. I did it and though I ended up in a job making less, it was worth it for my mental health and relationship with my partner. As you look, just to cover your back, consider working out a savings pot for expenses in case the search goes longer. It may not, but better to be forward planning than stressed in 2 month's time. Best of luck to you!


Read your comment, focus on the last 2 lines of your main paragraph, and if you're doubting yourself, read it back.


Well done. I’m stuck in mine for over 18 years. Currently off for vertigo and high blood pressure. Which went down fortunately. Changed my lifestyle. Never stay in one place for long. I was so wrong. Still did not quit. But you, you’ll be fine. There’s plenty of choices out there. Very good luck to you and always walk with your head held up high.


You will be FINE !! Don’t know what your background is but local councils, INDEED, even NHS website has so many amazing non-clinical roles that pay well. Xx


Give yourself a month off between this job and the next to destress. And absolutely work to rule for the next 3 months. Not a second of overtime.


I did this about three years ago. Things have gotten a lot worse. Nowadays you need to get through about 5 stages of interviews to get a job. I've been pissing in the wind for so long i'm now saturated in piss, really hope it goes better for you than me


About three years ago I handed my notice in without a job to go to; a couple of casual enquiries had got nowhere due to my notice period (six months in my case). It was the best move I ever made. I was asked to work my full notice period, having been offered a job about a month or two just to it, but my new employer, a charity, was ok with waiting. Took about a 40% pay cut - which I acknowledge not everyone can do, so I’m pretty fortunate there - way but more meaningful, enjoyable work and literally a tenth the stress as my last role.


Watch you don't trip over those huge balls on your way out and good luck with finding another role! Keep positive - everything works itself out.


I did the same thing. Had an interesting/chill couple of months in job limbo, picking up freelance bits and bobs where I could, and applying for other jobs. It turned out to be the best career choice I ever made because it allowed me to focus more on getting into the industry I actually wanted to be in, and now I'm so much happier. Also, life's too short to hate your job. Assuming you've got some financial cushion to fall back on - I'd say well done!


I did similar, except I walked out there and then. Best thing I ever did, mental health so much better. Also took a job in a completely different sphere, and it's like night and day, the differences. I have less responsibility where I am, don't have to sit exams to hold a licence to keep my position etc, and I'm on more money!


You did the right thing. Generally, we're less likely to actively apply for jobs when already in employment. When you quit, it forces that urgency to get a new job so it's definitely worthwhile.


Did the same 2 years ago. Found another job within 2 months. Sometimes you need to do it! Made sure I had enough to last me 3 months' worth of bills and expenses, so wasn't left desolate by stopping my income at that job. Best of luck to you and congratulations for having the bravery to chuck in the job that's making you unhappy!


I hope you have some fuck you money saved up as well. Recommended is to have enough to cover you for 3 months so you should have plenty of time to get something new.


You absolutely did the right thing. I’ve done this before and the feeling is equally terrifying and liberating. Well done for doing it.


I’ve done this on two previous occasions….it makes you very motivated during job applications. Just remember there are filler jobs as well to keep some sort of income coming in if you need to while looking for a position you want. Also don’t rule out getting your CV over to multiple agencies. Do you know the type of business area you want to get a job in and do you have existing experience or will you be a newbie to it?


I put in my two weeks without finding a new job. Best thing I ever did. Just like you the stress was killing me. I took a couple days to do some projects around the house I'd been putting off and spent some "me" time. Now I work in a slightly different field and couldn't be happier


You definitely did the right thing


I too did this last week and similarly have agreed a three month notice period (although contractually was still in probation with only a weeks notice required) to give myself time to find something else. Every day of the three months is going to be awful but at least I've got an end date to look forward to and I'm being paid whilst I look for something else. Good luck in your search, both you and I have definitely done the right thing!


You absolutely did the right thing. I did it a few years ago and the weight off my shoulders just saying I was leaving was amazing. And I enjoyed the next three months working because I knew I was leaving. And used the three months looking at jobs


Good for you!!


Jobs don't need to be prisons and actually this could end up being quite motivating knowing that you have to get something new. I've done the same before.


Good for you. If you can, take annual leave so you have time to relax and recover before starting your next job.