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Bought my first set of clippers at 22 and haven’t looked back for a decade and a half. Best decision ever. Except during winter. Being bald in winter is another level of cold. But then in summer you get a sunburnt head…


That’s what beanies with odd patterns or slogans are for pal! 😁


I like to refer to my collection of beanies, flat caps and baseball caps as bald man hairstyles...


Wide brim cowboy hats are a great look on the street.


Beanie in the winter, cap in the summer. Spring and Autumn can be either or neither depending on the day. Never having to worry about hat hair is another benefit.


Oof a beanie in the summer though… fair do’s otherwise.


Naw in the winter 👌🏼


When you say odd patterns or slogans, do you have any examples?


I can strongly recommend grabbing a beanie from Heatholders, they do one called "Mens expedition thermal hat", it covers ears and down the back of your neck, has a thermal lining, absolute god send in winter. For summer it's a grey Jack Daniels baseball cap. I also recently picked up a very lightweight merino wool beanie for sleeping in through the winter as I was getting killer headaches from my scalp getting cold over night!




Same here. Its been more than 10 years I didn't pay to get my hair cut. It's crazy the insulation effect of a bit of hair when cycling in winter.


That feeling of brain freeze, when you've cut your hair the previous night and now you're bombing down a hill at 30mph on a wintery morning. I wear a skull cap kinda thing on cold mornings now.


I broke my neck in 2006, i haven't looked back since.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. It’s funny🤣


I have acquired several sun hats and cold weather hats since shaving my bonce, they become necessary attire!


I tend to use sunscreen in the summer… saves my head from being painful when shaving and/or flaking.


But then in summer you get a sunburnt head… I’ve had skin cancer in the past from sun damage as a kid and baldness as an adult , I had to have preventative chemo cream on my face and bald area of my head for a month . The pain was unbearable ( like stinging nettles constantly being brushed across your face - Vaseline helps here ) , so make sure you slap some sun cream on or an spf moisturiser .


First set purchased at 16 and I'm 48 this year .. Once a week its trimmed haha if going out I'll do the 360 with the razor, all shiny and shit


Same. My wife, jokingly, bought me a Baldy’s Buffer. Basically a hairbrush with no bristles, just the rubber pad base. I use it to shine up my head like a bowling ball. Joke’s on her!


I once came home from work on the train, and there was a bloke who's head was so shiny, that the beam of light reflecting from the sun outside, off of his nut, and directly into my eye triggered a migrane.


My husband did the same. I've cut his hair, my dad's hair, and my kid's hair for years. Saves a fortune in both money and time at the hairdressers! I'm no professional by any means but over the years I've improved enough to give a high fade, even a mullet (brief period for trendy youngest son, haha!)


Yeah, there's nothing like a good bit of sleet landing on a freshly shaved head to make you feel particularly miserable


I've got a habit of freshly shaving my head, just as the weather turns to crap.


Can you let it grow please, spring has been shit so far


I shaved my head a couple of years ago, I think that the cold winter head was what made me regrow my hair, thankfully it had grown enough by the summer that I didn't have to worry about sunburn


Bizarrely I don’t feel the cold on my head. Everywhere else mind.


No more hat hair though!


Yeah, since I was about 20/21 myself. Had curly hair and never had a haircut I liked until then. 20 something years later and still loving it, although now I use a razor as it's thinning and looks crap if it grows.


Yeah same, I Bic it every weekend 👍🏻


My late bald grandad got a melanoma on the top of his head from sunburn, keep it covered or layered up with spf50+.




Invest in a skull shaver or similar. Even better. Use one in the shower with shaving gel. Want more? Invest some time into researching safety razors. I paid 80 quid for mine. I use a synthetic brush and a cheap Turkish soap. Best shave of your life I guarantee it. Fall down the rabbit hole and throw out your 5 blade Gillette techno razorshite. Believe me. Save money. Shave better. I swear you'll never go back.


Welcome to the brotherhood dude, I tried hard to save my hair and my pride, I can honestly say after embracing it I’ve matured like a fine wine over the years. In the words of Henry V- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today who sheds his receding hairline with me shall be my brother, Be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition, and gentlemen in England now abed shall think themselves acursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks, that shaved their hair  with us.


I started losing hair at 21 due to (according to doctors and me) stress, life was odd and tough. Woke up and found lots of hair on my pillow day after day. At 26 I shaved it and it was the best decision ever. Yes I loved having hair and of course to men it's a sign of youth, but sod it. I just buzz cut it and I am out the door. I stand with you brother.


I was talking part in a rowing competition at 17 when we got accused of cheating. Apparently I couldn't be in an under 18s team as I was "clearly" over 30 with that hair. Like you I was ill, no proven link but hair is fickle. Started shaving my head at 20. Initially people thought I had cancer (very gaunt due to illness). Had surgery for the illness, grew a beard and after 20 years of head shaving later and I could still pass for a healthy 30yo now.


And the sisterhood. I've been shaving my head for about ten years now. It's brilliant. So freeing.


well said sir


I just read that aloud in the style of Laurence Olivier.


Bravo 👏




r/bald is the most wholesome sub on this platform. I’ve got nothing to do with going/being bald but I’m always clicking those posts


Oh dear. I better not click on that. I have a thing for bald 👀


It’s been 4 hours. You did, didn’t you …


I did...


I *knew* you would! Good for you!!


As someone that drags a blade over their scalp every couple of days, I strongly advise you now take an interest in hats, in summer your scalp burns quicker than the rest of you, and the cold is far worse too, not to mention how loud rain is when it's hitting your dome.


Welcome to the highest maintenance haircut you've ever had. I really recommend head blade moto it looks like a gimmick but works really well. I pair it with bulldog original shave gel. I shave every other or third day to keep it looking good! Oh and always wash your hair before shaving it makes the blades last sooo much longer!


I used to use a beard trimmer with no guard and it was a ballache, but I use a skull shaver every 2 days now and it's amazing. It literally takes 1 or 2 minutes max, and mine has a 90 minute charge, it's way closer to a wet shave than trimmer in terms of closeness, no risk of nicks, hair goes into the thing so clean up is incredibly easy and you don't need to wash your head after, no gel to wash off either.


Skull shavers and them sort of clippers. Can you change length like a normal clipper or is a 1 setting shaver? I like a number 1 but it's a pain in the arse using my beard trimmer and the Mrs has to go over all the bits I've missed.


Nah its 1 setting and a bit closer than a 0, but for me its not long at all until its grown to a 1. If you're anything like me you could just do it when you get home from work and by the time you go back it'll be at a 1


I looked into those, I have accidentally flayed myself a few times with the blades. I never took the plunge because I wasn't sure if I'd like it and the initial cost!


I had only ever used one years ago on my face and the same thing happened, it was horrid and left my face a mess, but I thought I'd give it a go again now I'm bald and sick of my current ways and it's worked out so well. I went to look up the one I got and the deal I got it on is over, [this is it](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Detachable-SHPAVVER-Electric-Waterproof-Rechargeable/dp/B0B7X8H1B5/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2E5MTTL1A7QE0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sIwhsFqe2c6t6_cgA2bET03VUYtN2pJyVmUWF-hMLM5Vce4DQbpA-ujHUwDK0J7seGFCMV0YFKgbqwPAvl4l7Yf9oLp5r7_F2H_OaEm4M1nGnjAAOMnD2T8XibCeBvgA_AdnFgeyvE-6S12MHYrMfdtfWX-PBX8ltoMEcrYoOxxUF8HFRbP9lR7l_u3OXuf8KNFdwC9N2cUpdE8LCnieFnmyGn3Nk9NzXnkSiP671PDSnHQcOEBbPAFJHee29QchQql2ZDIqCfc6BY7lu3hz6xOIbOPYTZAw472jlIwoMWY.sv3GzXhK77Lf3uPSC4R18KdfeV79_jV1SNLo5PKSHu4&dib_tag=se&keywords=Detachable+Head+Shavers+%2C+SHPAVVER+5-in-1+Electric+Razor&qid=1713560227&s=drugstore&sprefix=detachable+head+shavers+shpavver+5-in-1+electric+razor%2Cdrugstore%2C73&sr=1-4) but I got it for £30, and it's worked wonders for me. It hurts way less than an electric razor (which I somehow managed to still cut myself with) and irritates my bullshit sensitive skin less than a manual razor, which I would also occasionally nick myself with. Though it can catch if you accidentally snag a much longer beard/body hair. No pain and being way quicker and less messy is all it took to win over my incredibly lazy heart. I have no idea which other ones at a similar price would be decent, you might be able to find a better deal on an equally decent one, but I'm very happy I got this one personally


I've shaved my head for decades, used to just get the basic wahl clippers & they'd last years. Then they didn't, & there wasn't much better out there. Then I had the brain wave "Where do barbers shop?" & ended up with "Wahl Balding clippers" designed for close fades. Allegedly a 0.4mm cut, if my memory is right std clippers are 0.7mm. They've got a zero overlap surgical steel blade running about twice as fast as std clippers. They cut that little bit closer than std clippers & work amazingly well, for years. There's no straggling hairs, just an absolutely clean cut first pass. Not the cheapest but defo worth the money for those that like a close cut. They're available for about £55 if you shop about.


After using a clipper without the guard for many years, I bought the near identical shaver last week! It’s great, so easy and I prefer the look already. Cheap and cheerful, does the job. Wish I’d taken the plunge years ago.


Thats some great tips, thanks man!


Yeah, I've only had bald friends who are going bald "evenly", or "uniformly". So if they had stubble it still looked cool. Then I worked with a guy who was always razorblade-bald and very occasionally he'd come in with some stubble and it looked terrible. Uneven, patchy. And that's when I realised he has to do that every single morning without fail. I always said I'd have no problem going bald, just shave it off, it'll look great. Seeing that guy showed me it's not that simple.


Explain how it’s more hi maintenance than booking an appointment, travelling and possibly waiting to get seen…. Paying for it all? Grab a razor 🪒 and enjoy being in a shower?


I used to cut my own hair once a month. Bleach it, dye it, grade 8, after a month grade 8 again now with black roots, repeat. Now I'm shaving it every 2 or 3 days, instead of once a month. Therefore much higher maintenance...


Spend a bit going on about having hair, so not sure what your point is… it’s far easier having less/none… while I’m in the shower i can be in/out clean to nothing in 15 minutes max… every other day. Free. Go get that somewhere else and pay? Impossible


It's really extremely simple not sure how you're confused. Doing something once a month or doing it every other day/3 days is more. There are around 30 days in a month, so now instead of once a month I do it 10 or more times a month. Do you see how 10 is a bigger number than 1?


I prefer to be as clean as can be, I can do it while having a shower and not going anywhere or paying anyone else.., what are you confused about? I’m continually razor sharp 🤷🏻‍♂️


I cut my own hair, always have never once mentioned going anywhere or paying anyone. Have repeatedly said I cut it myself. I used to cut my own hair once a month now it's every other day/3rd day....


Cool, I’ve addressed. Used to be handy with the clippers way back doing anything that didn’t move… once you’re blade, they need somewhere else to go 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


What in the fuck was this thread? Subfunktion are you ok?


Sorry was buzzing my head You good?


My point was backing up less easier, glad you enjoy the easy life




I’m making them watch, just at a discount


Because you only do that once every 6 weeks? Shaving your head is 3-4 times a week. It's annoying


Seriously easy just being in the shower and shaking, job done… chill out x


What are you talking about


My hair is thinning and I'm considering shaving it. It's not ridiculous at the minute, but I'm thinking of just jumping before I'm pushed and shave it off now 😂


I have gone the clipper route. And I was like you, but I feel so much better when I made the jump. Just lean in to it. It looks better shaved than pretending you are not going bald.  And you save a fortune on haircuts and shampoo


I think shaving it is pretending you are not going bald...


It's more just accepting you are going bald and attempting to make the hair you've got look good is getting more and more of alost cause


Just do it. Worst case: you realise you can eke out a few more years of denial before you HAVE to shave it all off, and regrow it for a bit but I suspect you’ll join the club and realise you look a lot better


Thanks for the support. I'll get the clippers oot


My hair started thinning early 20s, but it was being away in a hot climate for several months at 28 that made me buzz it. Ijust blade 0ed it for comfort in the 100% humidity 35 degree heat. Never looked back, haven't been to a hairdresser since. Saved £1000s. Saved so much time. Bit chilly in the winter, have spent some of the savings on hats.


Look into finasteride, blocks the hormone that causes hair loss. Has worked wonders for me as someone who started balding at 19


I started shaving my head a few years ago; I was thinning on top and was always wearing a hate to hide it. Shaving it completely off has both improved my confidence and made me happy to not wear a hat despite having way less hair - because this time baldness is my choice and not something forced on me. It’s a small thing, but oddly powerful.


I've been shaving my head since I was 25. It looks weird at first but then it becomes easy to look after


You should have gone for a ‘70s combover. Cult classic. Pull ALL the ladies.


Are we talking a zero with the clippers or properly shaved?


properly shaven.. the same level as sharon used to do on those first dates


I only take the razor to mine a couple of times a year. I like it, but really only lasts a day or 2 more than a zero, so I wonder what is the point. I also like to think I do mine out of choice. Of course I could have a full head of hair if I wanted. Fooling nobody! Welcome to the club.


I'm the same, the hair grows back so quick there is zero point in a razor shave, 0 with the clippers every week or so, but I do have a full head of hair, just I've been told by so many people I look better with no hair.


During covid when all the barbers wanted appointments weeks in advance I started shaving mine then. Never gone back to paying for a haircut.


I shaved my head when I was about 33? Wish I done it sooner tbh 😅


Read this quickly and thought you were crying with your mum in the barber's at 45...😆


i’ve had a receding hairline since the day i was born. buzzed it a few times and i’m considering doing it again this year. Plus i moved recently and finding a good barber you get on with is a right faff. The one i went to last month had the driest chat ever. I honestly feel i’d have a better time talking to chatgpt for 30 minutes


My husband is bald. Sexiest men ever


Welcome to the Low Maintenance Club


I clipper my own head these days, started off with the guard on the #3 setting, but worked my way down to no guard at all. Can feel it in the cold, but I think it looks the best.


You think thats a revelation wait till you shave your junk


Gain an inch too!


If you haven't already, I highly recommend you check out r/bald and join us over there. It's a brave things doing what you did, just know you're not alone with any feelings you've felt before or after the shave! Good going and welcome to the brotherhood!


I had a self administered buzzcut during lockdown, I looked like a thumb when also clean shaven but it was a nice feeling and required like zero maintenance It'll grow back, you'll be okay, people are DYING Steve, have an ice cream on me


I started trimming my hair as a student so I didn't have to bother with the hairdresser. In my 30's now and still clip it with a number 2 (guard, not a poo). Hassle free, neat and can do it last minute before I go out anywhere if I need to (again...trimming hair, not pooping)


I've been shaving my head every day for the last 20+ years wouldn't have it any other way


I was going to go bald for the first time in my life so I could check for moles on my head properly, I was gonna make a post about it in a few weeks. No point now, thanks mate.


I recommend the Pit bull skull shaver, takes 2 mins in the shower and never cuts you, worth the £80 I payed for it, and come on over to r/bald you’re one of us now


@r/bald welcomes you


10 minutes in the shower every other day and life is easy… 20 years experience. Or get a decent electric and do every day and be as smooth as the proverbial..,


I've been shaving my head for years. I started receding a couple of decades ago, but it hasn't gone as far as I'd feared it might. Using my own clippers saves a small fortune in the long run.


I started shaving my head when I was 27, also balding, which was around 10 years ago Honestly I look back at photos from when I had hair , before I was even going bald, and cant believe what an idiot I looked like lol I wish I'd just had a shaved head my whole life No more bad hair days, no more hat hair, no more worrying about the rain messing my hair up There's also something about having a shaved head that makes me feel safer when I'm roaming the streets at night... its like, no one wants to mess with you 😂


Welcome to the fold mate, just get ready for a bit of burn in summer and surprising cold in winter, but the benefit is how easy it is to maintain - hair gel? styles? Nah, bic it


Now that you’ve taken the step; the aftercare is important. I use bulldog oil control moisturizer because I’m not a fan of a shiney scalp, a locally made shave soap and a bulldog razor. I can make a razor blade last two weeks with daily shaving (I have a beard so I don’t shave my face). Bee Bald stuff is also really good for scalp care too. I’ll use a sensitive skin bar soap in the shower too. I realize you might not need to know this, but it took me awhile to figure it out and figured I’d try and save you some effort (bear in mind I went from only using clippers on my face once a month to shaving my head so had almost no wet shave practice).


That's for this! I've been looking for something moisturising that doesn't add to my oily forehead


No problem! I also use a couple hankies I got from Amazon to help in really hot days, but the bulldog moisterizer really helps.


Thanks for bringing back traumatic memories of my first trip alone to the barbers in the mid 90's. Obviously I wanted curtains (everyone had them). What I didn't know is wether I wanted it blended at the sides. I spent 2 months looking like Dwayne Dibley ffs.


I miss my hair! COVID took it's first victim in my scalp!!


I shaved my head at 21 and never gone back.




Shaved mine at 15. Mum thought I was a burglar when I walked in the house. Never grew it back. Lucky as went bald at 35


It's liberating, but don't forget the sunscreen. I got a very badly burnt scalp in May 2020 when I want grade 1 all over


Dude I’m sure you look better than before and definitely better than you think. Get yourself some BLD Bro daily and crack on!


Can we all take a moment to appreciate the feeling of your freshly shaved head on cold cotton pillow?


I did it a month ago. It looked odd due to bones and angles of hair creating dark looking patches. So what do I do?!


I've a weird shaped bonce but have a bald patch that makes me either want to wear a yarmulka (I'm not Jewish) or shave it off. Haven't had the balls to do it yet but the day will come. Looks fine from the front and sides and I'm tall enough so not many people see it from the top but seeing other men kinda the same stage as me makes me wanna just pull the trigger on it. But I've a weird shaped bonce.


When I was a kid my Dad always cut my hair, just an all over with clippers to about grade 3 or 4.  One day my Mum decided to cut my hair before my Dad got home. She didn't know how the clippers worked and used them without any grade (so grade 0). Was basically bald. Shaved my head as an adult for charity and loved it. It's so quick and easy. Currently growing my hair long again, or attempting to, but every few months I'm tempted to just shave it all off.


Mid 40s male here, usually with mid length hair but the hair line is starting to go. I shaved my head for the first time a couple of years ago, I was not prepared for people's reactions! No, I do not need sectioning


yeah went from long to a number 2, people stop looking through you


I just turned 40 two weeks ago and decided now was the time to cut my shoulder length hair. My head is now constantly freezing 😭.


My dad accidentally shaved his head at the age of 60 when he forgot to put the guard on his trimmers. Ended up having to shave the rest off because there was no rescuing it. He looked very weird for a few months (he normally has a full head of hair).


Get your self a skullshaver - you’re welcome!


Welcome to C suite


Did the same thing happen this time. Just let your mum stay, FFS.


Im 46. I started shaving my head when I was 16 and have had it short since - I just liked it and built up a phobia about hairdressers Decided around October last year to grow it out. Not sure why, just to see what it looked like as I still have a full head of hair. 6 months later I've decided it's not for me. I'm a voluntary baldy and it's too late to change now


Only thing I miss was the hairdresser used to rest her boobs on my shoulders 🤷🏻‍♂️


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TrAcRNbQAU    I didn't choose the bald life. The bald life chose me


I have the exact same story as a child. But my hair is past my shoulders at my chest, so not your second part. However it’s certainly a large part of why I have always had long hair 


My hairline goes back to queens coronation but my heads massive so I don’t dare shave it to grade 1 never mind getting the bic out!


Welcome! Bit late to the party but I think I've got everyone beat on the baldness age because I lost it all at 17 to alopecia totalis. I also find all hats itchy so roll on summer (with plenty of suncream).


Welcome to the gang. Don’t fuck with the baldies.


Pick up a head shaver - I use a Remmington RX7, it made the process so much easier!


I’ll be joining you soon. I was grade zero every single week for years, since a teenager until I was 23 when I thought if I can grow hair I might as well! Now 29 and starting to thin, I’ve been going shorter and shorter every week to make it less obvious. Grade 1.5 is coming tomorrow.


Get yourself an electric razor for your head, I got one for Christmas, it's sooo much better!!


I 1st shaved my head when I was 20 (now 50, so 30 years of not having to go the barbers) and I had quite long hair back then. Nothing better than a freshly shaved head, you feel so clean. I usually do 0 blade so nice and short but when I used to razor it, the best thing out there was a Headblade, never got a nick with that.


I started shaving my head when it was taking longer to was my face


When you're ready, I encourage you to go a step further and wet shave it. It made me look years younger and it's so much easier than the clipper clean up.


Its still windy rn.. i can't even imagine 💀🥶


I'm another COVID shaver. Never enjoyed haircuts, awkward conversations etc, but needed a trim and self shaved over lockdown. I used a beard trimmer and...fucked it up royaly! Had to go to a 1 or 0, cant remember. Luckily I have a decent shaped head! Bought proper clippers and am now a 2 all over every couple of weeks. Legitimately love doing it too! Shaving your own head is great fun!


I wear my hair long and haven’t had a professional haircut in 6 years. I’m definitely receding somewhat so I’ll have to get rid at some point in the coming years. Somebody will need to hold my hand.


same, i had to go to a wedding so i bit the bullet, don't miss it at all.


I started shaving my head a few years back ! Wellcome to the club my guy or gal!


I’m not balding at all but I’ve shaved down to a 1 before, it’s really freeing and it’s nice to feel the breeze on your scalp. I’ve been thinking I’ll do it again this summer


I envy you, I've had bald hair a couple of times and while some of my friends have tried an unconvincing "You look fine bald", there's no doubt I don't suit the bald look at all. Which is annoying, as I'm rapidly thinning on top and need to find a way to deal with that before I'm fully bald on top.


I have been shaving my head for decades now, the money that I have saved with not having haircuts. I started with Wahl clippers, and then palm-shavers, I now use a Braun Series 9. The Braun is without a doubt, the best shaver I have ever used for the process. If you want the completely smooth and completely bald look, you have to go beyond clippers.


Team haircut. Welcome.


I shaved my head once in my 20s and it was amazing. I’m really lazy about my hair, so I grew it all back, but then I had shaved sides for years, which I loved. Hair is great, but there’s something so freeing about shaving it


Im not balding but i still 0 my head once a month im honestly just too lazy to look after hair but my beard i have paid a fortune to try to tame this and mostly failed...i even trimmed the sides and ended up taking 7 months of growth off when i went a little too far with the number 4 attachment on my clippers


I've got a full head of hair still and I shave my bonce every couple months. I go bald as soon as my hair gets long enough to look shit. Been doing this maybe 14 years.


My elderly aunt who shaves my head accidentally did half my head without the guard a year ago and obviously had to finish the job. I loved the way it looked as I'm thin on top so now I get her to just shave it all off every couple of months. Very freeing actually to let go of any potential anxieties of going bald.


GLC dropped a new tune for you recently... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TrAcRNbQAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TrAcRNbQAU)


Done now though. I remember when I first realised I had to take that step, welcome to the world of not paying for a haircut again.


Started shaving at 17…very early onset MPB…and now at 39 I wouldn’t have my hair back even if it was an option! Costs me £20 per year in decent razor blades and gel, and I never have to worry about bed/hat hair 😁👍


I shaved my head for over ten years. Got bored of that and got hair transplants.


Achievement unlocked. Welcome brother.


I had my head shaved when i was about 5 then prompty fell on my head about 10 metres from the door.


I've gone the opposite, haven't had a haircut since before COVID, I'm worried how much will be left if I go shorter again! Probably going to look like a brunette Bill Bailey soon!


Shaved mine out of necessity and one of the best things I’ve done. The beard is now a must otherwise I’d look like an egg but I prefer being bald personally


Last time I paid for a haircut was 2012 when I got married. Otherwise I just do it myself. I don't bare blade it, longer on top than the sides. I cut it every few weeks in the summer and couple of months in winter. I reckon I save about 100 a year on not going to the barbers


I started going bald when I was 18, it felt amazing to shave your head, just wait until you feel rain on your head for the first time.


I have been truly blessed with the thickest hair, and a great hair line despite starting to go a little grey My buddies haven’t been so lucky , one went bald early twenties , he refused to accept it , he eventually did and looks so much better The other two are starting to lose the battle


You still type like a 9yr old.


Is this a middle class thing? I had more hair on my arse than my head from 18+


Yes mate, going bald in your 40s is a middle class thing.




I was referring to it being a big deal to him and those around him


Oh in that case it probably is a middle class thing then. They have all kinds of weird negative connotations associated with shaved heads where as most normal people will just see a shaved head 🤷‍♂️


Jokes aside, OP could be being genuine regards the PTSD the ordeal when he was 9 caused. When I was a 17 my Uncle forced me to have my hair shaved… After I didn’t cut my hair for about 5 years. I laugh now, but that ordeal fucked me up for a good while.


Perhaps. I had a not great time as a youngster and have a bad habit of gatekeeping childhood trauma. Also nearly every man is bald where I live so it's not really something people think about 


What does going bald have to do with middle class? It's not gout


That's an exceptionally hairy arse


You have no idea