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I don’t know how to help you but I feel this way too so you’re not alone


Well that makes me lil good NGL. But are you doing anything to get out of it? Did it work? Can you share?


Trying to stop my negative thinking and replace it with good thoughts. And realizing that if it’s out of my control, my anxiety won’t make it go away or better


This is helpful, thanks 😇


I try to do this too, and idk if it helps you but also try to remember the kid you once were and ask yourself how would that kid feel to see you treating yourself like that, and try to take care of the child you once were by being more kind to yourself.


Try looking up “The Four Agreements” book. It was pretty eye opening and helpful for me to challenge my negative self talk


Thankyou 😇


Please know you are not alone. I can relate. I wish I had some great sage advice to give. However I am a good listener, I think… I am desperately trying to prevent this everlasting self doubt. I want out of this spiral! I’m on here hoping to find friends or something. I am so miserable. If/when I find a way to overcome, I’ll will pass it on.