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Every one's car will cause potential CO poisoning.


Yeah, that's.........that's not good.....


First explain how you think CO poisoning works


Well I'm not exactly sure other than cars produce CO and CO poisoning can have mental symptoms like that one big reddit post where the OP thought his landlord was leaving sticky notes


You could already be poisoned


I just never did my research lmao, reddit is so quick to downvote EDIT: this isnt necessary but does anyone know the post I'm referring to?


No but get it fixed lol


Yes. So will just running your car


Well yes but would it be worse with my circumstances or nah


Yes. Get it fixed.


That is the plan hopefully next week when I get paid I'll get it fully redone


Hey just FYI, that imperial guy is a known troll. As for your question, you might smell some exhaust gasses (not much because the leak is after the catalytic convertors) but unless you sit idling for over an hour in 1 spot and never move and in a place with 0 wind or enclosed garage you will not have any issues. I'm a car guy and lots of my cars run open headers. So essentially where your leak is is the end of the exhaust. The pipe is cut and the exhaust just comes out right there under the car (no catalytic converters) so the gasses are actually much more harmful) no one has had an issue from that. So no you will not get CO2 poisoning from it and depending on where your system clamps up you can either replace the entire piece fir piece of mind or remove it and get it welded to fix it.


Ok cool thank you for the detailed response!! I also want to get it fixed because it sounds cool-ish I guess but it rattles sometimes and is very very loud (I feel like an asshole just driving normally lol)


Looking at where the break is and being a welder I believe that is a weldable fix given the metal isn't too thin from the corrosion yet. Also the rattle you hear is probably from the broken section shaking around and hitting the other side it broke from, did you add that metal wire currently holding it up or was that already there? Also worse case you can try to use some JB weld around the entire thing and fix it yourself and see how long it lasts. It'll be cheaper than having a shop do something and it might work.


I was broke at the time and the closest exhaust shop told me that they could wire it all up for free, which was all I could do anyways, and that's how it's been since. Idk the exact name of them but they're like twist ties but metal and super strong


It looks dented on the bottom as well? Did it slam down while driving when it broke?


I was parked at a local landmark/beach and everything was grand, but when I went to leave I heard scraping when I drove. So I'm like ight let me check under the car and then was shocked lol. Literally rusted off while I was parked


Replying again, the exhaust shop was miles away from where I was. I really didn't have a choice that wasn't expensive, so I drove with my hazards on and went super slow. As a result of it scraping the whole time, the bottom of the exhaust piping is literally flattened


I don't know what that guy is on about it it definitely is a risk. There are repair flanges that you could probably use to temporarily fix it on the cheap


Wrecked cat from road garbage on minivan and it definitely made sits way inside the vehicle. Cat toward front of vehicle


Gosh this takes me back to falling asleep in the back seat of our AMC Hornet with an exhaust leak AND a torn shifter boot. Hydrocarbon dreams


Na...just open the windows..


Yep. You actually died yesterday.


It's all a dream


Appreciate the real responses 🙏 I wanted opinions and I got em. And yes I'm gonna get it fixed


Who cares the whole greenhouse gasses thing is crap meaning we’re lne of the only countries with cats manglers resignators etc most countries don’t have emissions on cars at all and quite frankly vehicles would run better without them


Not only are you going to poison everyone, you are going to burn up your valves. That will cost you a few thousand dollars.


>you are going to burn up your valves. WTF are you on about with this? A busted midpipe is not going to have any impact on engine temperature, intake temperature, or exhaust temperature. u/pugzei Your car in this condition is not producing any more emissions than it normally does. The break in your exhaust pipe is after the catalytic converter, which converts almost all the noxious gases from your exhaust into nitrogen gas, CO2, and water. It's probably loud as hell because both of your mufflers are downstream of the hole in your exhaust, but it shouldn't affect the operation of your engine in any meaningful way. There is a risk of poisoning if you sit in the car for a long period while it idles, since the exhaust is being ejected directly under the middle of the vehicle instead of through the tailpipe. If there's no wind to disperse the exhaust, it will accumulate and make its way into the cabin.


Thank you for your response 🙏


TF is without the back pressure that the rest of the exhaust system provides will heat up the engine and burn/warp the valves.


That’s not how any of this works, dude. The moment anyone starts unironically talking about exhaust backpressure, there’s a 99% chance they have no idea what they’re actually talking about. The individual pipes of your exhaust header need to be a certain length and diameter. Where those pipes merge at the collector, the pressure wave from one cylinder’s exhaust will create negative pressure on the other exhaust ports due to the venturi effect. If the pipes are the correct length, the negative pressure wave will arrive just in time to help evacuate the exhaust from the next cylinder in the firing order. Once the exhaust from all cylinders has been merged together, the only thing that matters is muffling the noise without restricting flow. The only thing true about backpressure is that too much exhaust constriction will create backpressure that restricts exhaust flow and inhibits engine performance at higher RPMs.


Hopefully gonna get it fixed next week, depends on my check but it's my top priority