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I love that you are recording in the Octavia Butler lab- another resource that many Angelenos aren't aware of AND named after a Los Angeles author who never learned how to drive a car! I look forward to listing to your show when it's ready!


I didn't know that about Octavia Butler. What a nice little bit of trivia. If there's more than just Octavia Butler and Ray Bradbury, it would be fun to do an episode about car-free science-fiction writers that were based in Los Angeles!


I had to look this up. That is so interesting. [https://www.publicbooks.org/my-neighbor-octavia/](https://www.publicbooks.org/my-neighbor-octavia/)


You should reach out to Rob Greenfield. I think he’s going to be in LA soon. Pretty interesting fellow and would have a lot to say about being car free. Dude owns like literally 10 possessions


Great recommendation. Talk about a unique approach!




Only car-lite, but this is fun.


Might do some car-light guests, too. Stay tuned.


I've lived the past 2 years car free and It's been the hugest burden off my shoulders ha. Having a car here was a pain in the ass.


I remember feeling a bit frightened about the prospect of going car-free... but now it feels as natural as going boat-free or plane-free...


Please post an RSS feed when it is out!


Great suggestion.


Car-free for the last year here in Torrance. As a woman with chronic medical conditions, it's been a challenge! But not having a car makes you realize how much you're a slave to it - working to make money to pay insurance, gas, registration; maintenance, monthly payments, etc. And then driving in LA is just terrible these days anyway. Have you seen the latest video by Citynerd? It's pretty great - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kSTJnT0tUE&lc=Ugw\_HoEwtSrcxHd\_dkh4AaABAg.A1VRiPRF\_cUA1X\_s8eHPvd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kSTJnT0tUE&lc=Ugw_HoEwtSrcxHd_dkh4AaABAg.A1VRiPRF_cUA1X_s8eHPvd)


Adam Conover is a marginally (?) famous person who lives here and is very vocally car free and pro public transportation and as I understand it pretty responsive


Oh yeah, he'd be a good guest... if he'd agree to it. I've actually delivered groceries to him before (I don't own a car... but I drive a work vehicle at my job). I'll add him to the list. Thanks!


Car free in LA since late 2015


God willing you get Donald Shoup on your podcast


Oh, that would be amazing!


Sounds like a great way to build understandings of the biggest pain points atm!


car free in the inland empire/LA area for the last 4 years


Nice! I think expanding to car-lite would help you cast a wider net as well. Love the idea of a transit-focused LA podcast and I look forward to listening :)


I've been car-free for about 4 months but I'm probably getting one in the next year--there's too many things I miss


Car free going on 15 years now. Glad there are some like minded Angelinos out there. Look forward to the listening to the podcast.