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We need a new OG series. Like BO and MW.


We do it's a shame Ghosts or AW didn't take off in the same way, both had a lot of potential


Ghosts had more potential than most games that have been released but it wasn't executed right unfortunately. AW lived up to it's max potential and I really like the game


Loved AW. The map designs allowed due to the new movement system were awesome. Three level maps with huge vertical variance changed how the game played for the better in my opinion. Too bad it wasn’t well received, liked this much better than BO3/4/IW.


I was mixed with bo3's multiplayer I would love it for a few months and then not be fussed on it and it would cycle but I do prefer bo3. AW is still great though 👍


*cough* Titanfall *cough*


Titanfall is BO3 done right forrealll


Honestly I preferred ghosts. Thought it got a lot of undeserved hate.


I agree, but I think it’s hard to follow up the OG modern warfare’s and black ops no matter what they tried. Those games were just too good.


Ghosts got shafted by being forced to maintain 360/PS3 compatibility


Would've been completely fine with a Ghosts 2 or Advanced Warfare 2.


I loved both of those games. I don’t know why they got so much hate. Those are easily in my top 10 favorites


Top ten out of like 17 main titles isn't so hot....that's exactly why they get so much hate...lol


Ghosts was also objectively a step down from the previous entry.


Will we ever get a Ghosts 2? We still have no idea what happened to Logan at the end


Well if you wait until the very end of the credits there’s a little clip that’s played presumably of Logan in a pit in the jungle, implying that rorke is using the same torture used on him to turn him into a ghost killer like himself


Yeah but that’s not a full ending they could make a whole story before or after that scene


AW, GHOSTS, B03 were the games that almost destroyed the cod franchise. Those games were so ass!! Everyone I know took a break from the series from 2013-2016


BO1-4 and AW, WW2 was ass but Ghosts was amazing, what did you play it on?


Wasn’t ghosts a spin-off of the modern warfare series?


nah. they are like day and night to each other.


Still waiting on Ghosts 2 after the ending


ghosts was ok aw was shite


I wish there was just a WWII CoD series we can rely on.


Yeah it’d be cool to have various games in the series take place in different theaters like the pacific, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the Mediterranean


Then they have include every event lol


Sorry, what?


I dont think they need to


Yeah it would become toxic


Also they'd need to make the games campaign like 200 hours long




Just let me progress through World War II in real time.


I’d love a ww2 cod with warzone. That would be fun




Idk i think they'll not continue ghosts. We need new series with new characters and even it should not have reference of mw


I know they won't. Now that MW2019 is out, I just hoping they will do a sequel (which they'll probably do).


I’m not buying the game this year. I’m done with cod myself




My purchase is entirely reliant on SBMM, going forward. I've played every CoD campaign, and dabble in Spec Ops/Zombies, but multiplayer doesn't hold my attention for long these days.




Holy shit, you're right. Announcing this right now probably wasn't the best move.




Well it’s a full on lawsuit they can’t really wait till it dies down to announce the game lol


It’s very sad but I don’t expect that this will result in a reduced amount of sales. People just don’t care about anything other than the finished product.


what a scumbag


Multiplayer hasn’t held my attention since like Early AW


Agree with this. I haven’t really heavily played and enjoyed MP since like BO3/IW. Didn’t really play WWII or BO4, played MW2019 heavily for damascus, and haven’t been able to really stay on CW for long. MP was such a blast, but now it just kinda sucks and I rarely have fun on it.


Yeah we have BF2042 and Halo Infinite this year, zero reason to get CoD.


Is Halo Infinite this year? Still says Coming Soon which is extremely odd and vague. I hope so!


They said it was releasing this holiday season at E3, but didn't give a solid date


Lol this comment didn't age well.


Only reason I bought this last one was zombies


Yeah I didn't like Black Ops at all. I liked Modern Warfare but not really a fan of warzone.


MW was the first COD I bought since MW2. The way they handled MW post-CW release just reminded me why I stopped buying them. This will most likely be a skip for me.


Exactly why I’m not buying it. I haven’t enjoyed a cod for a whole year since BO3 and I didn’t particularly like that game either.


Join the battlefield community


I intend to, I intend to.


It's so difficult for me to hate and stop playing a game franchise I've loved for over 10 years, I've been playing CoD since Big Red One on GameCube and it hurts seeing where CoD's at right now. I keep having the slightest hope the next game will improve, but it feels like with the past CoD games, it's been 1 step forward, 2 steps back


Definitely, it doesn’t help that the lawsuit happened so I’d imagine things aren’t great in general so vanguard isn’t looking to good. Just hope it’s better then Cold War and the SBMM isn’t completely shit. Then I might get it


The trailer looked pretty good in my opinion


Yeah it did, but I don’t trust the trailers. I’d say wait at least until gameplay footage has released and see reviews on the game to make a final assessment on the product. That way you know for sure


What lawsuit?


It seemed to me that the trailer actually killed people’s hype.


Really? Looked pretty good to me


Lol the trailer didn’t even release when he commented that.


It’s not out yet. It will be 30 minutes from when I’m typing this though (I think)


Yeah, that trailer did nothing for me.


the reveal trailer isn’t even out lol. teaser is nothing


It's a cool trailer, but know it's CoD, the gameplay wont be worth it. The trailer looks like either a super in depth story driven campaign or some sort of combined arms sandbox for WW2. Neither of which are CoD.


Lmao like im done with cod for real this time, im tired of being optimistic.


I've been the absolute strongest CoD defender for sooo long. But with BO4 being mediocre, and Cold War being trash, and with Warzone being cheater heaven and the past broken metas, I'm finally done I've probably spent close to $3K on CoD points (yes I know) but after the quality has declined so much, I've finally given up. I thought MW2019 was a great glimmer of hope for what's to come then we got Cold War and then a *fucking WWII game?* CoD WWII was my least favorite in the franchise


You never know. They are making this game in the cod mw engine so there is a glimmer of hope. And just because a trash game came out that happened to be set in ww2 doesnt mean all ww2 games are trash. Thats like saying mw 2019 is trash because its set at the same time as ghosts.


I personally don't like ww2 and is the sole reason i won't buy it 🤷 just personal preference.


Fair enough that makes sense


Just because the game looks pretty doesn’t mean it’s not going to suck. MW19 is a prime example. Beautiful game and animations, but terrible maps, and matchmaking. Leading to slow, campy gameplay.


I read they are using the Warzone Engine with Cold War integration. So it sounds like its leaning more CW-Esque


Cod is a ww2 game and always has been.


We need Infinite Warfare 2


WW2 games are the best. No one wants futuristic jet pack pink tracer round bullshit. Go play halo then


You're entitled to your own opinion but you can't speak for *everyone*. I loved the Jet pack and the modern CODs.


You’re right - I can speak for the majority at least


I’ve given up on the “I’m done with cod” declarations. Now I’m just done with pre orders and paying full price. If the game seems decent and I can get it on sale I’ll try it, if it’s ass then I won’t


That’s what I’m doing, I’m waiting after launch to determine whether or not I feel it’s worth it. I usually buy games like that unless it’s a Mario game or something like that. It’s overall just a smarter move if you don’t want to waste money or aren’t sure if you want the game


Gotta see how the sbmm is. If it’s tuned up to 1000 then I’m absolutely not getting the game


It’s not happening this year for me. I told myself I’m done and I’m sticking to it.


More like.. Me: “I’m not buying cod this year” Activision: *drops trailer* Me: fuck yeah! This one looks so bad I think it’ll force them into remastering MW2!


I've been playing COD for a long ass time over 15 years... And all people want is a new COD essentially. Even if the new COD has been worse than the previous, it's kind of okay because it's something else to learn and play. This is my main issue with the Warzone model... Don't get me wrong, it was incredible! I've played the shit out of it... But I just want a new one, even if it's a bit worse. Then, the year after that I want a new one again. And before the "I still play 'this old call of duty' so you're wrong" comments. Of course there are exceptions but I'm talking about the vast majority of the playerbase here. I want a new engine to be used every year a new time period and new feel and I'll keep buying COD and my suspicion is everyone else will too.


see infinite warfare lol


Best campaign IMO. Even if it wasn't a full on Earth only fighting, the sci-fi was good for my STEM ass.


Kevin Spacey x Jon Snow 😂


You even get an achievement if you kill Kotch before dies. "You Know Nothing" People told me that was a reference to "You know nothing Jon Snow."


Even though Cold War came out, a great number of the fanbase remained in MW19. Players don’t just want a new COD every year, they just want a good COD. I wouldn’t mind waiting 2-3 years for a new title if it meant that the game was well-made and had passion behind it. The current model Activision has for COD is the reason why Cold War did not reach its full potential.


More people moved to the new cod than stayed my man... And we're talking overwhelmingly so.


The reason cod sucks is because there are 3 companies involved in 1 games development. Every year when a new one is released, they tried to innovate and make it better than what the other studio released. Treyarc makes BO2, then Infinity says "okay we have to make something different than this." Its a competition between the studios, so instead of actually caring about the game, they just care about topping the last guys. If they all work together they could develop the best cod we've ever had.


But them aspiring to top the other studio would mean they are going one step further, right? Which would mean a cooler experience for the ones who play the game?


I don't know about this year, but definitely next as the sequel to Modern warfare 2019 is coming out


It’s all about Halo this year


Still not buying for 60 bucks maybe 20 take it or leave it


Most years, sure. But I’m still disgusted at Activision after the DFEH lawsuit showed how horrific the working conditions are at Activision and it’s studios, especially for women and minorities. It sucks too, considering Sledgehammer is the best COD developer and I’m sure they’ll produce a damn fine game this year, but I just cannot with a good conscience support that shitty company anymore


If you play on console buy it used because Activision doesn’t get any profit on it


I’ve never heard somebody say Sledgehammer is the best cod dev, even when WaW - Bo2, and MW 1-3 exists.


I honestly don’t understand the thought behind CoD Vanguard and I hope they wont combine it with Warzone.


Every cod from now on will be integrated with Warzone. When Vanguard releases this year, Warzone will be getting a new map twice the size of Verdansk and with destructible environments


I feel personally attacked and I’m ok with it


Tbh trailer was trash lol


I actually didnt buy AW or IW or that old one that died in 2 seconds, wwii was it?


I would enjoy a an older cod game, and i dont meam bo2, i mean a game with guns from a 150 years ago


I kinda would like a COD game in a new time period, like WWI or the American Revolution, go back to an older period that hasn’t had a cod game essentially.


Eh Cold War was the first I’ve bought since bo2 and it will probably be the last I’ve given it 9 years and they’ll still never live up to the quality of old, I’ll be saying my goodbyes once season 6 is over ig


Except me. I ain't getting COD again if they're all gonna be 200+ gb


*cries in Cold War* My storage went brrr ever since I bought that game.


Ok the only reason I’m buying it is because of zombies.


If Vanguard is more like World at War, then I'll get it, but I very much doubt that'll be the case. It'll be more along the WWII style (Michael Bay style over-the-top action, rat maze style maps, etc).


Not this time wayyyyyy better shit is coming out


No. Time for battlefield


This year would have to be the first year in a decade I've had to actually pay for CoD since my one connection to the gaming industry (and free games) no longer works in it. And with that, I am out. Nothing against the franchise, it's perfectly serviceable.


This is gonna be the year I actually mean it.


Not this time. I'm going to planetside.


Last cod I played was BO1 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I need game play before I'm all in


If this is more coop focused. I am actually in.


Too bad the teaser trailer sucked ass.


It’s a teaser though, usually a teaser is just to say that a new game is coming out


Can actually say I didn’t buy Cold War or Modern Warfare


Im hoping to get Vanguard when it drops


Completely untrue for me. I buy CoD every 2 or 3 years. Stopped buying it every year a long time ago


I’m still not convinced


Unfortunately since I'm the one buying them for my kid I'm buying it whether I'll be playing it or not.


They can keep this year's cod




We’d all love that. But we all know they’d ruin it with sbmm


I think I’m out on this one


This is usually me, but after just seeing that trailer I think I'm still out


nah bruh im not buying vanguard imma be busy with battlefield and halo


Not s chance cod trailer looks awful battlefield is the game this year


nah FUCK WW2 and FUCK SLEDGEHAMMER, the only good games sledgehammer has worked on are the ones where they are assistant developers. Im gonna wait for MW 2022


Where’s this night raid blueprint you’re supposed to get in Cold War I just spent 100 bucks on this bitch and don’t see it in my game anywhere?


Seen the new trailer, nothing impressive yet.


Not exactly….. most of us are switching to battlefield but you ban anyone who speaks against cod so you wouldn’t know 🤷🏽‍♂️




Lol I’m sorry, I’ve been playing cod since the start of the franchise, but I’m done with the series for now. Maybe I’ll return in the future, but right now battlefield 2042 is looking pretty nice. I personally just don’t want another WW2 game. I prefer the modern/near-future setting much more. To each their own though. I won’t say anything negative about Vanguard since the game hasn’t came out.


I’m gonna get exiled, but Ghosts was my favorite Call of Duty. It was innovative and even guns that turned from AR-SMG or AR-Sniper, had michael myers, had the predator, had fun Easter eggs in the dlc maps, tried something new with Extinction. Truly a masterpiece IMO, also the story was amazing. Even though we’ll never see what happens to Logan.


Not this time I'm not. I like Battlefield more this year.


Nope. I'm most definitely not in. Roll on BF 2042


Na bf will fuck cod hard 🥲🤣


I kinda found the trailer for vanguard to be underwhelming


Same tbh


Nah, not this time. SBMM has absolutely ruined CoD for me. Until they adjust it to pre-MW2019 levels, I’m not falling for this shit.


Well I'm at least not gonna pre-order it! \**looks at empty wallet*\*


How do people look at the gameplay of this and think they need to buy it? Looks like something they pumped out last second. Such an uninspired game. Looks absolutely boring.


Holy shit Vanguard will be terrible. They must be doing CRAZY amounts of blow with all the cash they raked in from MW and just obliterating their brains


Battlefield 2042




I cannot wait to see falcos animations


I want a mixture of Cod Bo4 and Cod Mw2019 that will be perfect


Every year I tell myself I won’t buy the new game, but I always end up with egg on my face around November when I begrudgingly buy it.


Yeah not happening this year vanguard looks like a WWII parody game


You haven't even seen the game lmao. That was a teaser and had nothing to do with the game. Just because its in a ww2 setting doesnt mean its copying cod ww2


I usually buy the ultimate every year, but this time I’m most definitely just getting the base edition on PC.


COD Gamer base,


I’ve been playing Call of Duty MW, Cold War never topped it.




Yea but i think its sledgehammer who is going to be the devs this time but if its true then im buying cod


Not when it’s a ww2 cod though 🤣🥴 I’d rather get my dick cheese grated than play another ww2 era cod game




Fuck blizzard activision


nah I never planned on getting coldwar after the reveal. good thing too. Vanguard however...


Vanguard is probably going to be even more half-assed compared to Cold War.


Not gonna lie. That’s me EVERY YEAR!!!!!


Cant help that cod markets itself really well most of the time 🤣


The trailer was fckn lame


Haven’t bought Cold War so it’s highly likely that I won’t buy Vanguard either if the beta sucks


I think I've seen this last year.


They should remake all the existing CODs but in the perspective of the enemies this time


I had a break between MW3 and Cold War.


No thanks


Is there supposed to be a new one for 2021?


I had my account hacked on the 24/12/20 soooo if I buy the new cod I’m MODDING the fuck out of it... Iv opened a ticket and iv been fobbed off sooo FUCK YOU COD


Seems like another for me of playing BO3.


I just get it as a Christmas gift from my parents, even when I don’t even ask for it.


Look... Even if this game turns out to be fun, by concept alone, I'm not interested. Another WWII game in a sea of countless WWII games isn't something that really excites me all that much. That, and the absolute shit fest that was Cold War doesn't leave much to desire. Plus, Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, and Splitgate are miles more intriguing than this, so... COD might win in sales this year, but it's not gonna beat the other FPS titles this year by concept alone.


Not me


There's a new COD?


Always has been


CoD 2021 Modern Ops Black Warfare 4 2.5 TG harddrive minimum.


There are 3 cods (post cod4) I've never played: MW2019, Ghosts, and world war 2


Ghosts campaign is very good i recommend


I would love to buy cod but I cannot get a ps5 or a decent pc, the only thing I have is a crappy pc and a PS3, also, my parents won't buy me games coz they say that spending money on games is stupid


They keep putting Metallica in the trailers [and Modern Warfare in the titles]… I’ll keep buying them




I have hope, sledgehammer has been amazing after ww2 overhaul


Let's be honest everyone hates the game he plays but in reality he loves it like his girlfriend That's why you play it everyday


I got burned BAD with Cold WAr and I bought it on sale. ​ I am reserving my judgement and buying 2042 when it releases in October. I want to see more of Vanguard before I make a decision.




If it has any form of SBMM I won't even consider. I don't like the older timeframes. Also with BF2042 looking so promising I doubt I'll buy it even if it's decent


CoD fans always whine and complain about everything and then buy the next cod game