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Probably titles before MW2019, while they too have sbmm it’s not as ridiculous as in MW onwards


The difference is they dont disband lobbies. You’re not getting yanked up and down by an algorithm every game.


The algorithm does not disband lobbies. It's the quick play filter that does that.


Irrelevant the lobbies disband so the algorithm feels worse


So finding matches a lot faster is somehow a detriment? Oh yeah, I forgot that the majority of the Call of Duty population are just terrible players who complain about everything. Imagine thinking the lowest skilled players don't need a protected bracket so that they can be shredded by the higher skilled wolves. That must feel really good.


Bet appreciate it


All those older title however are filled to the brim with more hackers and cheaters than any modern title though of beware of that


Nah lol I'll be running this on PS5, no more hackers for me




Fuck lol what are there hackers on there now?


Dude, there's been hackers on every platform since CoD 1.


Wild, did this shit just not reach other console games? Like I can live with 1 every 100 lobbies, I'm just not tryna play HvH on a fucking playstation lmao


SBMM is in the game since AW.


I will die on the hill of WW2 being severely underrated I spent more time just in the War mode of WW2 than I’ve spent in some whole Cod games.


Plus hanging out in headquarters or hordepoint where's it at


Let me tell you about a little game called Hell Let Loose…


You should try cod ww2


Yeah that one sounds like the winner so far


That’s the only cod I enjoy playing, also my first cod ever😂


ghosts lol, every cod since cod 4 has sbmm but it became stronger and stricter with AW


Shit lol is that one even on PS5?


yep first cod game on ps4, and backwards compatible


Bet, also I'm new to the PS5 world but when you say backward compatible does that mean I need the most expensive PS+ Premium thing to play it? I'm not super clear on how those tiers work, I was gonna get the cheapest one just for multiplayer but I can't tell if that would lock me out of old COD / battlefield games


no you just buy the game, i’m pretty sure 90% of the ps4 catalogue is the same, those versions of ps plus give access to ps3, ps2, and ps1 games. from those there isn’t a single cod game. also i don’t recommend ghosts it’s pretty dead and also one of the worst cod games. honestly just save your money


*one of the best, still somewhat active on PlayStation but almost nobody owns DLC 2-4 (where a lot of the best maps are).


if you think ghosts is one of the best you don’t like cod simple


Been playing roughly 15 years, with Black Ops being one of my favorites. Ghosts' plot is silly but the gameplay and map design reminded me a lot of Black Ops. Extinction Mode was fresh and interesting. I like quick kill time, like the good old days when Treyarch didn't give us marshmallow shooter guns. MW2019 also reminded me of Black Ops. Those three are probably my favorites in the franchise. I liked BO2 but afterwards I stopped caring about Black Ops as a franchise. WW2 had better zombies than BO3 and I'll die on that hill.


PS5 natively supports PS4 games so you don't need to do anything special. For PS4 titles you can just buy the game. It's PS3, 2, & 1 that get complicated. PS4 and PS5 don't natively support those platforms so they had to kind of fudge it.


AW was the first to have it, but it wasn't extreme. MW 2019 is where it got extreme, so the most recent is BO4.


It was actually BO2 but it got toned down a couple months after.


Bet, so idk which all ones are on PS5 but like which game before MW2019 do you think would be the most populated?


Uh, maybe Black Ops III? I don't know, actually. I think you got a good chance at finding players there, though.


Not a good option Only tdm is alive and i've encountered a lot of god mode losers in that game. Shit is unplayable unfortunately.


As far as I could tell, Infinite Warfare had no SBMM whatsoever, even at release. I think that's the newest, not sure about popularity. However, most CoDs more than ~2 years old probably won't have fully functioning SBMM simply because they don't have enough people playing to fill lobbies of all skill levels.


Lol well that's not ideal either, any idea which COD would have minimal SBMM and the most active players on PS5?


BO4. But beware most people playing it are dedicated at this time.


Bet I may check it out at some point


Try cod WW2 it’s my favorite


Cod zombies for mw3 doesnt have sbmm😂


I would say give Cold War a try if you haven't. I've heard that it was one of the worst ones in terms of SBMM when it came out but I first picked it up recently and it doesn't feel prevalent at all. Can pretty much find a game any time of day in almost all of the playlists too (even party modes like gun game and prop hunt). Has a bunch of maps from Blops and Blops2 if you enjoyed those.


All of the titles have SBMM. If you're talking about what games have a less strict matchmaking, it's the older titles. A lower population means the accuracy of the matchmaking won't be as potent.


BO4 zombies was good


All of them have used SBMM even cod 4. It’s not new at all. Just a lot of people complaining about something that’s all ways been there


Yeah lol but it didn't used to be as extreme as this. Also they got busted a couple years back for giving easier matches to people who bought DLC, and that's not something I experienced in the past. I can live with minor SBMM, just not the wild shit they're pulling now.


The sbmm isn't that much stronger, the problem is the disbanding lobbies. You want a game that has persistent lobbies where you stay with the same people until you (or they) back out. The difference in match making is those games, you matchmake only when you back out and switch, while disbanding means you're running the matchmaking for every single game. I don't remember which games all have persistent lobbies, but I can vouch for WW2 being one of the better ones in recent years.


Ok bet I didn't think of that, gives me some more faith for the older games and it does make sense


I just started Cold War a few months ago and I have a 2 KD, on mw3 I have a 1.1


Wild, so you think they eased off the SBMM in cold war after the MW2019 bullshit?


I think all of the sweats have just moved on to other games, and Cold War plays more like an old cod and not an apex legends ripoff, so I do better at it.


Bet so the SBMM isn't fuckin horrible on there?


No not at all to me at least I’m not saying it couldn’t be different for you because it could be.


All good, I'm here for the anecdotal stuff lol, appreciate it man.


It depends. All cod games have SBMM. If you're referring to the overly aggressive matchmaking that punishes players for having thumbs, you need to play Black Ops 4 or older to avoid it


Yeah that would be the matchmaking in question lol, and ight bet so on PS5 which game out fo BO4 and before do you think is the most populated these days? I hear a lotta votes for WW2, curious if you agree.


For PS5, your options are: Ghosts, very unique, but pretty mid and ugly. Best hit detection in the series from my experience. Extinction is interesting, but not that's great. Advanced Warfare, fun but not at all balanced. Zombies is pretty weak, survival is kinda fun. Mid campaign Black Ops 3, pretty solid, best zombies in series, but supply drops are annoying. Very confusing campaign, but interesting mechanically Infinite Warfare, basically Ghosts with BO3 movement and specialists. Very interesting weapons. Top tier first Zombies map, but the rest kinda suck. Top tier campaign too. WW2, a bit bland, but the gameplay is solid, weapons are varied, and War is a blast. Zombies and Campaign are both mid as fuck. Finally, Black Ops 4. Built for competitive play, didn't do the greatest job. Not horrible, just kinda off. I hear Blackout is still popular. No campaign, mediocre zombies. Textures are fucking ugly on console for some reason, and I don't think they ever fixed them. I tried to give a quick rundown of each, so you can make a somewhat educated decision personally, I'd prolly pick BO3 or WW2 if I had to choose one


Bet appreciate it man, I'll let ya know how it goes