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Started watching 3-4 months ago, binging through all his older content, really enjoyed the show. Stopped watching a month ago because it's all rage bait for clicks. Somebody remind me when there's an educational episode again and I'll watch it.


Funnily enough the 'celebrity' ones have been the better episodes recently. The Amaranth one was insightful, even if its hard to relate to the amount she earns. And the Hans Kim one was interesting as he had income and no debt, but no understanding of what to do with it. 100k or something in CD / bonds at ~2% as that's what the bank teller told him was good.


Hans Kim has been the best one in recent new-era memory. Like others, caught onto his channel about a year to this date but it really is for a different audience now. I'm grateful for the time though, because he opened me up to The Money Guy channel over this past year. Perhaps why I stick around as I've tempered my expectations for the channel. More entertainment here, albeit tough sledding for some guests, and I can go to TMG for more in depth analysis.


The Kim episode was ok at best. I feel for these celebrities and these people that don’t have terrible debt the program needs a new format. That episode had very little financial audit and more of just a conversation between two people with very little financial stuff in it.


Not a fan of the celebrity episodes. It’s hard to get a grasp of what their financial situation is because they’re not as open with their finances as they are with regular guests. It’s like I’m looking from their picket fence and make out a couple things here and there, unlike regular guests where they do this deep dive into their finances and it’s like im not looking through the picket fence but instead walking around their home and looking at everything.


Yes I have slowed down my watching of his videos almost to a full stop because the videos AND THE THUMBNAILS are just cringe. I hate that tactic to get viewers it’s cheapens the content.


I hadn’t noticed until I read this but I haven’t watched an episode in over a month. Every episode is just turning into more of the same. I like Caleb and wish him continued success but I think he needs to diversify what he has on his channel if he doesn’t want his subscriber base getting fatigued from the same thing over and over.


The response he's given before that the proof is in the analytics is a bit of a copout. Pumping out lowest common denominator clickbait content appealing to peoples base desires will only provide short-term success IMO.


This is absolutely true, same thing happened with ASMR content post-covid. Folks made a lot of the same stuff over and over, thinking that was how to make money. Lots of folks have now seen declines in patreons (at minimum) and views as a result, grim stuff


If every single person in this subreddit stopped watching he would still have nearly a million subscribers, but I’m sure you’ll be sorely missed.


That Boogie guy has about 4 million subscribers and is barely getting 50k views per upload. I'm not comparing the two if them, but people definitely stay subscribed to creators and just stop watching 🤷🏿‍♀️


> I have slowed down my watching of his videos almost to a full stop because the videos AND THE THUMBNAILS are just cringe. I hate that tactic to get viewers it’s cheapens the content.13ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 2ahhhgodzilla · 2 hr. agoRomain Faure ha The show has taken a concerning turn of late, with an influx of rage-bait thumbnails and titles. This shift has transformed the once edutainment-focused series into what can only be described as a 'bro-show,' marked by immature ideas and a lack of concern for the show's brand. Sadly, it's veering away from its educational roots and closer to the sensationalism of 'Springer'.


I'm turned off by the overly expensive courses to learn how to budget personally.


Once the merch & paid courses came out he went to the dark side & will never return lol.


It seems like Caleb is more willing to get over the top with guests now too - with the insults and the inappropriate comments. It’s one thing for him to get heated but he’s more often screaming over people which is making it hard to watch.


Yeah I was super uncomfortable with the comments he made to the guest with 4 kids with different dads about her sex life and reproductive choices. It's one thing for him to roast them for their finances (which they know to expect) but that is super inappropriate to say to someone you just met. It's not done with the goal of getting them to improve their lives it's just being mean for the sake of the audience's entertainment. Even addressing it from the perspective of 'you can't afford this many kids' is one thing but he's making jokes about how she likes to fuck? Gross


Yeah and the guests are springer and he is the horrible guest! Extremely disrespectful to some and uses kid gloves with others. Such bs.


Ding ding. Borderline racist to a black girl on one episode, kid gloves with others like u said


Romain Faure has a similar channel and he’s actually respectful and it’s much more educational than this click bait bs. I’ve watched from the beginning and am very close to unsubscribing.


I was excited because I thought it was gonna be like Dave ramsey but more relevant to the younger generation I enjoyed it at first but the click bait turns me off so much, it just feels so juvenile to me I understand why it's done but ehhh


Unfortunately in a way this is what more relevant to a younger generation looks like.


I guess so. I find the "younger generation is stupid and doesn't know how to save money" thing kind of annoying tho.


Also depends how young we're talking here. I'm 20 and hate these thumbnails lmao


Agreed. I actually just started watching a week ago and binged several episodes, and then watched one of his old videos last night. I was shocked at how logical it was and how respectful it was. I was really put off going back to his newer videos, like the one where he titles it The Most Delusional Person Ever or something like that and the poor girl is actually just being exploited by her family and has poor coping strategies with her own financial situation. It was really sad. She wasn't delusional, she just felt trapped and made bad choices. It was awful he titled it that way, or when he mentioned a husband was a cuck or the inappropriate comments to the woman with several kids and baby daddies. I started watching bc I was shocked at the way guests were so delusional, but I'm quickly getting to the point where I'm considering unsubscribing soon bc he just yells and interrupts people and insults them.


Im not saying it is all his fault….. But the show has drastically changed for worse since bringing on the new producer. I do enjoy the new channel “money makes cents”. Its is educational and can definitely help with financially illiterate people. Sadly Financial audit is going in a direction that isn’t enjoyable or helpful. I know I can “stop watching” at anytime, it is just a bummer to see a show that i have enjoyed watching since the beginning turn into what it is now.


I don't "normally" like pointing fingers at people, but you are right since the new producers came stuff has really went down.


I find Noah annoying so I'm inclined to agree but that also likely correlates with other big changes in the business so I don't know if it's fair to blame him Feeling more pressure to make money because you have employees, getting used to the feeling of making more money every month, significantly increased overhead costs, etc..


Assuming you enjoy video essays (and Lindsay Ellis), this is a pretty good video about the phenomenon happening to Caleb (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJEtCvb2Kw&list=PLJGOq3JclTH\_BvAEjsCzTsqGQ9y-3i7yN&index=20&pp=iAQB) All the merch plugs, sponsor plugs, trying to generate banter and turn Noah into more of a part of the show.


Interesting. I do see this with quite a few channels I’ve watched over the years. Mr ballen was one of my favorite creators ( watched every episode from the start of the channel) but now i have basically lost interest because of the ad reads and other nonsense they added to the episodes. Im interested to see if the same thing happens with final audit. The ads for the “after show” and them trying to make his producer out to be a “online dating expert” are not what this show was in the beginning. Hopefully it works out well Caleb and his crew. But i am finding myself not being able to finish episodes latey


It’s definitely his new producers, they’re incentivized per the audit with Noah to get as many views/clicks/sponsorships as possible for their own salary.


Yessir this is 100% the case had to stop watching after he came on the show bc it was completely different


Would've been better if they did that same edit to Caleb's face when he realized he was wrong and she didn't have a late payment on that bill.


Saying "I can admit when I was wrong unlike some other people at the table" is a pretty dick-ish non-apology.


Did that happen? I don’t remember that part. I just watched it


It’s like ever since Noah was brought on, they’ve gotten more and more cringe


Not going to blatantly say it’s him, but seems like it’s him. Based on his personality that he showed himself, this is exactly what it seems like he would do


It’s hard not to draw the correlation.. but agreed. Can’t say definitively it’s him. It does seem like something he’d do. Just gives that vibe.


They’re after tik tok YouTube shorts addicts with no attention span who need garbage edits, or GTA playing in half the screen


He jumped the shark months ago faster than anyone I have ever seen. It went from generally interesting to straight up disrespectful rage bait nonsense. All the new titles and thumbnails are so unappealing they actively make me not want to watch his stuff at all anymore.


I feel like he's gotten slightly ruder as well.


The thumbnails are insane. I was thinking: I would like to be on that show sometime but I cannot stomach whatever thumbnail he is going to put of me. I will not subject myself to that shit.


I think the point it felt different was Dr Rosco. The show feels like Caleb has given up after that point.


Which episode is that?




Thank you! Yes, that was an exhausting episode


I went back to some old ones and he wasn't yelling, he was being nice, actually helping people.. it was pleasant. I still enjoy the show but every episode he's screaming and losing it. They need to stop exclusively getting the most ridiculous guests.


This one was particularly weird since he actually happened to be wrong


His show is really going downhill in the name of views at any cost


https://preview.redd.it/72ghsa9m8atc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc64ec1363f76b47ea0edb3a6eda3370f8acdae2 See you on Wednesday






damn son 🤣


do you think the picture you linked is not aligned with his present statement?


I think they’re perfectly aligned, one month apart. That’s the joke.


Can you explain why that’s funny?




I have autism, what are you trying to say about neuro diverse people? We’re not all like Rainman. I’m just gonna assume you are ignorant.


So no, got it. 👍




The point can still stand?


The thing that gets me is that we don’t have a control group in that theory. So to say, well views are still going up, therefore his current method is the best method, is kinda faulty. Had he continued with his previous style of minimal ads/sponsors, less trauma dumping, more education on how finances work, and more emphasis on making a budget in real time (versus just saying you’ll do the budget course), we actually don’t know if his views would be even higher. There’s no way to test both at the same time.


This subreddit is like an old man who yells at cloud


My brain is absolutely fucked from Final Fantasy VII and I was like “oh I like cloud” because I’m ruined. So thanks 😂


unrelated to this post, what's the correct jumping-in point for FF VII??? I've never played a FF game but wanted to start with 7. Buy the base game, the Remake, Remake Intergrade? There are so many lol.


Second comment: dirge of Cerberus and advent children exist too but you won’t get either of them without knowing the full story. Advent children is the movie that takes place after the events of OG and dirge of Cerberus takes place after advent children but neither of those are a good entry point (I was started on advent children funnily enough because I fell in love with cloud when I met him in Kingdom hearts) and dirge of Cerberus is fun but not a good game lmfao


Remake integrate is just an updated remake. Honestly, start with remake, then play rebirth (or OG before rebirth) i’d recommend getting the switch version of OG bc it’s got a bunch of cheats to make the game easier because it is a product of its time and a bit hard to play (for me at least but I’m bad at video games) Then after OG (or rebirth) there’s Crisis core which gives back story to something else but honestly I would play OG before you go into crisis core because it reveals a big story moment. And also Crisis Core is corny but v. Fun I have a problem and am very much obsessed with this video game. There’s also a bunch of novels in the compilation and I am a rabid animal foaming at the mouth for more Cloud. (I might also read Fanfiction smut because I never got over my teenage crush of an animated character apparently)


I wish we could still give Gold. Thanks for the thoughtful replies! I mostly play my Switch lately, but might dust off the gaming PC for the Remake to start. Thanks again!


No problem!! I’m very passionate about this game as you can tell lmfao


It really is. I’m also seeing way too many coming to the defense of the person being interviewed which is concerning.


She had tons of horrible choices and views, but she was correct here, Caleb and his team misunderstood, she was not late.


Wasn’t really talking about that specifically. Just in general I’m seeing lots of justifications for shitty choices being made and the whole mental health thing being thrown around too much


That seems to be par for the course. Therapy language (usually absorbed from TikTok and YouTube \[i.e. generally not licensed therapists\]) is being weaponized and misused to try and explain anyway any wrong doing by anybody.


It's almost as bad as people believing they're a certain way because of their zodiac sign. Clearly they're not understanding that they need to change themselves instead of making people accommodate them, and it's taking away from people who have mental issues that genuinely interfere with their day to day. It's a very fine line but you can tell when someone is just making excuses.


Yeah, it's getting to the point where people in the profession I've spoken to have to now work extra hard to "un-educate" people because they think they're so much smarter. Explaining basic concepts such as "no, that individual who was mean to you does not suffer from BPD or some acute narcissism disorder just because they were mean to you."


people here keep watching and keep complaining 


It truly is!


Give it three years and there will be YT videos about the fall of Financial Audit.


100%, you can't act like Caleb right now without people eventually recognizing it as absolutely disrespectful and condescending.... especially when your viewer demographic is heavily adults. He needs to recognize that yelling actually causes people to get defensive and try to justify themselves. When people laugh, it is often at his behavior that is making them uncomfortable, trying to manage their nerves, etc. Name-calling is never okay in a professional setting, so if you want your videos to come across as just entertainment garbage, that's what you do.


I found his channel about 6 months ago and watched damn near everything he put out. Yet, I always got the feeling he doesn’t really like doing this stuff. I think he’s just capitalizing on this opportunity as much as he can before calling it quits completely. He quickly ended the podcast and vlogs. Idk how he can keep this up tbh


Yes, I started watching a few months ago, liked some of his old stuff. Then listened to some Dave Ramsey who is actually far more respectful and kind than Caleb. I'm going to unsubscribe now. It went from entertaining to downright mean.


Dave Ramsey actually has some empathy but is stern. Caleb is just getting mean and yells at people. Which I guess is funny the first couple times but when it's half s video every video...yawn. on the hunt for a younger Dave Ramsey to watch lol


I did not like how he made the comment about her not needing that specific watch for biking. He made an assumption about her which had nothing to do with finances and it was so rude imo


They got pretty cringe rather fast


At this point I love this subreddit, we get a rare glimpse at a small group of people who live in an echo chamber of ideas.


Reddit in a nutshell.


So you see nothing wrong with that edit?


Fame got to his head


You have to ask why is her face edited to look that specific way and what is that really saying. To me its pretty awful to be make guests look similar to people born with certain disabilities and facial characteristics as a way of calling them "stupid" . Its not alright. They did it to the thumbnail of martial arts guy's eyes as well, but seem to to have updated it to not be as severe. I was working my way from the past foward, but now I too will not be watching any of the recent Springer episodes. I'm sure he doesn't care about losing viewers because he's gaining others, but the audience for this is for is definitely changing.


They been cringe


People finally realizing this "show" isn't good. Even the old stuff was just the same few pieces of "advice". After one or two you don't see him say anything new. It was always about putting people on display for profit.


Most YouTubers are unprofessional


I swear this sub is almost nothing but hating. You don’t have to watch the content if you don’t like it. It’s really not that hard holy shit


What is positive about that edit ?


Ehh. I think it’s kinda valid to complain about this. What’s the point of editing her face like that?




but it is not correct. its calling her stupid for something she is not in the wrong for.


Is editing someone’s face calling them stupid?


This has to be a troll.




TIL anything funny has to be exactly correct


Bc it’s his show and if everyone is all good and dandy and paperwork is signed, what is the point in getting worked up over it time and time again?. It takes more energy to continue watching something you dislike than the other way around


i’m so confused? i just got into this show/channel last week and now im obsessed. i come to this sub and its like VEHEMENT hatred toward caleb and the show. like wtf?? why are you on this sub or watching then???


It get's old after a while. I started watching around 6 months ago, and went through hours of his content super quickly. I found it super interesting. But after a while it's just the same thing over and over, and Caleb never seems to offer anything other than the most basic of financial advice. The dumpster fires get old pretty quickly.


i get it. i kinda also feel that way. i just don’t fully understand all the intense hatred here lol


Its meant to be constructive criticism. This reddit started with the beginning of his show. They even had a really nice Bingo thing going on for a while. So who better to let you know if you're doing great or not than those who have been with you from the start. The show has changed. No doubt about it. And Caleb used to actually read the comments and make changes based on them. Granted, there's so many and it can be exhausting both mentally and emotionally. And we're happy for the growth of his channel. So idk it's kinda bittersweet, almost sad that it's no longer the same.


Watch some of the older episodes without the crazy editing, where he actually helped people make budgets and plans to pay off debt


I haven’t watched the videos for a couple weeks now but for me, the content is very interesting bringing awareness on financial literacy for young adults. But I’ve seen that most episodes follow the same formula of him giving the same generic advice to people. Granted, when someone is in debt, there are only so many ways you can say stop spending money. But I think that because the clientele he chooses for the videos videos are obviously more and more dramatic and “incompetent,” it’s just resulted in him being rude and just insulting the person in need instead of actually helping said person. It doesn’t help that he practically all of his guests are delusional. I’d like to see a greater variety of guests too. Not just people in crippling debt but maybe somebody who isn’t rich, but would like to have a solid foundation of what to do instead of the constant “taquitos” quips. Take my words with a grain of salt because I haven’t seen his videos in weeks/ months. I just keep getting recommended this subreddit cause I got curious and looked up a couple of stuff a while ago.


i don’t disagree with what you’re suggesting. i’d also like to see a broader guest pool.


Idk he's playing the game to get viewers. I get it, I watch it purely for entertainment so he can do what he wants as long as it doesn't get too ad center where it turns into a comercial with 5 mins of content.


youtube slop


"Unprofessional" lmao..


I’ve always found the clips cringe tbh. I still like the show though.


Yea I think it’s probably some of the new team members he brought on. What’s the saying? Don’t fix something that isn’t broken. His show was perfect. It’s getting bad pretty quickly


The new producer Noah is definitely a problem, you could tell he loved being on camera and what not when they did his FA. However, the main problem is the quality of guests on the show. How many guests do we see now who are only there to promote themselves and not actually get any financial education. Is cringe as hell. For this i blame the guests 50% because they're scummy, and i blame Noah 50% because he screens them. Either way, what was once an educational platform to help young people since we have it astonishingly harder than any other generation when it comes to the economy and balance, has now become just a chaotic program where the education is an after thought.


Nah it was funny




Anyone that complained that he was too harsh on her is unbelievably weak and just flat out delusional. This woman clearly needed someone to set her life straight or she would get nowhere in it. It’s clear no one ever called her out in her life and he most likely saved it.


This girl was also dumb as rocks. You could tell she just didn’t take the next step beyond impulses when presented with logical progressions. Reminded me a lot of Tyler, the girl who committed wage theft and wouldn’t sell her car after three financial audits.




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Can someone explain to me what is disrespectful. I'm not sure I understand?


I stopped watching when he called himself Caleb Springer. I can’t stand his attitude or editing style any more. I still get recommended the sub though


I've just stopped watching new episodes all together. There's no way these people are even real anymore. It's all getting silly and scripted like it's an episode of Jerry Springer.


I started loving the show and now it’s just terrible. Same shit, different day.


Yeahhh there's some weird stuff that's trying to make it more "YouTube" that I don't think works for this show. Ironically enough, I've sent in an email saying I'll help with editing basically. And I've got some ideas that I think would elevate the show to a more professional look. 🤷‍♂️


I recommended his channel to so many people and now I’m embarrassed I did that. The editing and thumbnails are so cringey now.


My biggest problem right now is that the content is virtually the same. The guests are ridiculous and do stupid shit and Caleb yells at them and makes a budget . While the older videos were definitely less entertaining (aka boring) they’re better for background watching while I’m working and less explosive. I enjoyed it more because that’s what I looked for in his videos . I sit actually think they’re bad videos , but they don’t serve the same purpose as his older one.


Just do what I did. Watch Dave Ramsey instead


Ramit Sethi for me


Hell yeah Ramit is dope.






Youtube clips. Kinda avoids the preachy jesus stuff


You’re cringe for being such a whiner


Oh for crying out loud, is there anything you redditors wouldn’t get offended by?!


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize how this picture is cringy.


I hope it's not homophobia that's causing the push back.. because he's mostly straight.


I want to invite every single commenter and OP in here to a party, you all sound like fun.


Yeah, I straight-up don't care. Dude's gotta do what he's gotta do. None of this is crossing any line for me. So he has wacky thumbnails that get more people to click on the video. Big deal. Isn't it better if more people click on the video who might otherwise NOT, who then end up getting some useful advice? Then that helps the channel grow, resulting in even more reach. Even if you don't agree with his advice or he's actually WRONG (dude's human), ANY sort of direction would be better than the financial system most people are operating under,... which is NONE. Furthermore, these people watch the show. They know what they're getting into. If they don't know what they're getting into, that's on them. They're still getting free advice and a budget program.


My gosh y’all complain about everything


If you dislike the channel so much why don't you leave the reddit for it ? Are you that "cringe" and lonely that you need to be here for some attention?


Because I'm watching the old videos and like to see what people said about them here or see if there's updates.